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Whit Howland May 30
When every day's
a struggle

to keep your head
above water

may solace be found
in words so preciously

by a printing press

with sprinkles
and milky images
Whit Howland May 28
Silhouetted trees
against a dusky sky

and it's only been a week
but already

too long

but hey
what can I say

we got a little hot
and things got a little weird

but no it's not
at least

I don't think
it's too late

that is
Whit Howland May 27
The Red White
and Blue


of the flag
hangs on the wall

in my den
and I have a whale of a time

keeping it straight

is messy
and not everyone enjoys it

but I won't give up
on that painting

nor you
and I hope you

won't give up
on me
A word painting with a straight forward message
Whit Howland May 27
like wind
a creaking door

three messages
in three hours
and nothing

but cicadas
which are even worse
then crickets
Whit Howland May 21
Not a pigeon
mind you

just a middle-aged man
whose shoulders burn

while trying

to ***** back in the cover
on the ceiling light
Whit Howland May 18
Blows notes
and simple chords

little gold

to be exact

jump in

the water's nice

the water's cold

Cold or nice
you take your pick
Some more Jazz poetry
Whit Howland May 17
Gas powered

to my ears

row after row
of tangled grass


and gray branches

and hauled away
one dump truck

at a time
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