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Wendy Buckley Mar 2020
Some day I'm sure this will all make sense to me.
someday I'll understand why things went wrong
There will be a *** of gold, you'll see
You'll know I was right all along.
You must have the dark in order
To appreciate the light
So now it's the battle
Tomorrow I'll win the fight.
But forgive me for saying this out of turn
Because it's taken me forever to learn.
But this feels like a big clusterfuck,
Or Just some one with a shot load of bad luck.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2020
When you see me...
You better not say "Hi".
And don't you dare smile.
Don't stop, just walk on by.
Don't let your eyes grow wide
As if you're happy to see me.
I'm not on your side,
You don't even know me.

Don't think that time has healed any of your trauma.
Just pretend you never saw me,
I won't participate in your sick little drama.
Wendy Buckley Feb 2020
I'll would love you, broke or wealthy...
My love for you is unconditional.
I loved you when you were a sick man or healthy.
Unconditional is my love.
I promised you Id stand by you and I wouldn't just run away.
But you know you can't treat me this way .
You know hurting me will never be OK.
My love for you was always unconditional.
But You Had To Know that There were always conditions to make me stay.
Wendy Buckley Feb 2020
You aren't supposed to keep
   secrets, I know.
But its so much safer if you don't let them show.
   Because if they don't know
   what really matters, you
They don't pay any attention to me.
   If they don't know how to
   make you cry....
Then they usually just pass you by and don't even try.
Wendy Buckley Feb 2020
One upon a time there
     was just me.
A head filled with dreams
     of the things I'd do and see.
     We all dream of big things we want to do.
     If you're lucky, some come true.
     But no matter what they may say....
     Life can get in the way.
     But that's OK
     Because of all the adventures I thought I'd go through....
     The most fun I've ever had has been being a mom you.
Wendy Buckley Jan 2020
I indulge in the colorful and outrageous.
    I let lose every once in a blue moon.  
Because Laughter is so contagious.
    I love how quickly it fills a room.
I've always had a tooth so sweet
    Sugar can cause wild behavior.
Like jumping up on a table to sing.
    You gotta choose anything but vanilla flavor.
     Because I know you want to sweeten everything.
Wendy Buckley Nov 2019
It's the rage,
  I didn't expect.
    All because...
      You couldn't accept.
        That you didn't affect,
          My ability to be happy
            And do what's right.
               Not because of you,
                  But in spite.
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