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3.8k · May 2014
Nomad May 2014
There are winners, then there are the ones hoping to win,
I'm not talkin bout a race,
I'm talkin bout our fight on sin.

Sure I'm talking religiously
I feel the need to talk rather
So let me hit you with a couple of lines,
and see the word "Humanity" and how the people defines

Humanity is a collective, a race altogether,
how are we together,
we we hurt one another?
We've got children dying in the streets,
tired, hungry and poor,
they don't even need to be in streets,
but behind closed

Where's our humanity,
when we need it the most,
or is it just imagination,
a figment of a

Humanity is defined as the actions that we do,
like the golden rule, treat me,
how I treat
Well I can treat you all sorts of nasty,
does that mean you have to get me back,
when I turn around, are you on the attack?

Humanity is both, and neither these things,
it's the person here, and alive, with a different song to sing.
Each person, is conscious of thought
and is freely able to defend themselves, with everything they got.

But here's the kicker,
when humanity steps in,
we're all confronted with
our own little sin.

How do we defeat an enemy so plain and clear,
when the only enemy
is ourselves
ourselves that we fear?

We go to seminars,
we read books for inspiration and relief,
trying to mask the pain
replacing pain and sorrow,
with mask of joy for a moment so brief.

We'll hope someone else,
is there to pull our weight,
when we really need to do is first
step right through the gate.

Yes we can, and should rely on others,
but don't expect our new found friends, to treat us better than our mothers.
The burden of this world, is shared upon us all,
but should we relax and not do our solemn duties to each other,
then together we shall fall.

So upward humanity!
Rise and face the coming day!
We've got too many problems,
let us go and not delay!
We can't fight them all,
but one by one we'll make them fall,
give me time, I'll show you reason,
I'll fight every day of every season.

Humanity have faith! In God and His Son!
Have faith in our Savior, and the War is already won!
Humanity, lean! Together shoulder to shoulder we stand!
We don't want world peace,
but some peace is all we demand!

Where the world is struck by war, disease and famine too,
it almost seems like there,
is very little we can do.

But fear not, my dear Humanity,
worry for us no more,
we've got so much fight left in us,
give us time enough to show that devil his way
our the door.

Humanity, don't give up, on us we do ask,
to fight the good fight, to help us complete our task.

I'm bound to humanity, for the simple sake of love,
Because I've been so commanded,
by my God up Above.

Humanity, hold on,
the Calvary is on its way,
so hold your ground Humanity,
I say hold your ground this day.
2.9k · Mar 2014
Mascots of My Life
Nomad Mar 2014
A Challenger, Challenging everything,
because everything was a challenge.
A goal was set, I continue to try to reach, do what I must to get there,
to over look one small thing.
And blow it all up.
The plans, they’re building, higher and higher,
higher they climb.
The higher they climb the harder they fall.
Fall, fall, falling they came down.
Nothing left.
Spartan was I, an old Spartan I am,
My shield is still on,
but my head is painted upon it.
For I hold, I hold my ground until the very end.
The very end I shall hold with my dying breath,
I shall not waver, in strength, courage, spirit, truth, loyalty…
What is loyalty? This question is asked when one can no longer trust his fellow
I was a Spartan, my head upon my shield, and my shield up, as the rain of arrows and the trumpets of death may sound, I will not yield.
A Bulldog, an ugly creature, short, stocky,
yet ferocious in their fights, they show no emotion,
and their loyalty, unquestioning.
Their bite speaks louder than their bark.
Now I’m here, I hear,
Throw me a bone,
put me in the ring,
put up the lights,
watch me fight.
You see,
I am.
A Challenger, reaching for the stars
A Spartan, who held his ground.
A Bulldog, waiting for his next order.
These Are
the Mascots of my life.
2.9k · May 2014
A Piece of Peace
Nomad May 2014
Give me a piece
a peace to your heart,
give me a place
so that our love
can start.
Give me a piece
a piece of your mind,
give me your peace
and leave your worries behind.

Give me your hand,
and I'll show you the world,
up from above, and below the sand,
give me your feet
and I'll not lead you astray,
give me you,
so we can go on our way.

Give me a piece
of the peace you hold dear,
give me something,
let's start a friendship right here.

And so our friendship
will bloom like flowers
in the spring,
it'll come like the weather,
with all the sun and rain,
and the wind that sings.

Give me a piece of your peace
my love,
and I'll show you what heaven
is really made of.

It's not made out of gold,
or silvery things,
it's not even worth,
its worth in diamond

It's made out of love,
and pieces of peace,
it's the whispers of the wind
that plays in the trees.

It's the sweet ringing laughter
when you laugh in my ear,
it's when I hear you,
your sweet voice my dear.

A piece of peace,
is all that I need,
because that's all it takes,
is one little seed.

So give me a piece of your peace
my friend,
and I'll stand by it
never to

A Piece
2.1k · May 2014
Run Runner Run
Nomad May 2014
Run Runner run,
run not because it's fun,
because you're scared of something
that you know is true,
I know you're running,
running from you.

Run runner run,
you're going so fast,
you think you're the only one.
This isn't a race,
with a prize in the end,
you're running for your life,
instead of standing to defend.

So run runner Run.
Let's all see you try,
to beat the beating sun.
You'll be tormented and tried,
all alone on the way,
if you keep on running,
running this way.

So where are you going,
oh friend of mine?
When all you do is just run
to the place with no finish line?

Or what will you do,
even if there was one,
would you still keep running,
even when it was all done?

Run Runner Run,
for that's all you ever knew,
a runner's run, is all they ever know how to do.

Or does it have to always be this way,
on this torturous path they stay.
Or can they stop, to take a breath once and a while,
to notice that they've been running no where,
when they have to crawl the mile.

But if you stopped and waited,
for us to reach you,
we'll give you a hand,
that's what we'll do.
Heck, we'll do one better,
we'll give you our lives,
cause we're all in this together,
all with different drives.

So runner quit runnin,
you ain't goin' no-where,
when you're just runnin in place,
we just stop to stare.
2.1k · May 2014
Nomad May 2014
Can you hear it?
The big echoing boom?
Can you hear it, as it thunders right through the room?

Ah yes the thunder,
there before, during, and after the rain,
it's the sound of anger masking the pain.

The thunder it roars, and echos deep,
it's there when we don't want it, and there when we do,
it's an ever longing sound, that's meant just for you.

The thunder, hear it roll across,
the thunder, the thunder, listen as it claps.

The thunder is mighty,
for such a late reply,
but once it booms, and shakes the earth, that means you missed the sky.

For the thunder only comes,
following the flash,
like the clean slate on a rainbow, after the settling of the ash.

The thunder is here,
and yet it beckons near,
it's the sound we dislike,
but a song we hold dear.

Our own thunder.
2.1k · Apr 2014
Burning Bridges
Nomad Apr 2014
Burning Bridges you say?
Just want to end it all? Something of a get away?

Well that's a solid plan,
best of luck to you my friend.
Or how about this.
Fix the bridge, just don't cross it again,
because it's such a harsh demand.
The toll is high,
on the other side.
But don't worry,
just fix the bridge
and Leave it there.
Let the troll under the bridge, continue to blow hot air.

Burnt bridges tend to leave scars,
and we all ask why after the ashes all settle down,
and we're still screaming their name all across town.
Burning bridges, playing with fire,
it's a wonder when we'll stop, when we ever tire?

It's true, sometimes, if not always, we're making mistakes,
it's true, some of us just can't learn, some of us don't want to,
but burning bridges isn't something we shouldn't do!
Let's learn from the bridges that we once crossed before,
let's continue to build bridges, we need to build more.

Because this is our time,
to learn and not forget,
to make mistakes, get messy, and learn,
because in life, it's only memories and experience that we earn.
So quit burning bridges, just get over it,
then don't hold the rail of grudges, and help rebuild it.

If this makes sense, then you know what I mean,
you can be a child, you can be 109 or just a teen.
But burning bridges isn't something we should do,
I wouldn't want to burn my little island with fire, would you?
2.1k · Apr 2014
Black and White
Nomad Apr 2014
Black and white
Two simple colors
black and white
to take in or reflect, all the others.
That's what it is, scientifically.
But nothing really ever is,
as so definitely.

But black and white.
So simple and clean.
You know what happens,
you know what they mean!

Wrong and right,
ying, yang,
the left, the other left,
and the mute that sang.

Black and white,
simple to me, and maybe for you.
But give me gray...
well, I'm not exactly sure what to do.

Give me 50 shades,
and see what comes next.
A puzzled face followed by horror and shock,
don't mind me, that's just reflex.

Grey area,
they say to me,
and that's got me shaking,
shaking in my knees.

Just give me black and white.
Something I see clear.
Simplicity in all its complex rhyme and rhythm,
a clean simple answer, that's all I hold dear.
1.8k · Mar 2014
A Fool's Fool
Nomad Mar 2014
A fool's fool, yes indeed I am!
A fool's fool, much bitter-sweeter than pickled, honey ham!
So call upon me, by my name thrice,
So call upon me, just be quieter than mice!
Let me announce, your vainglorious announcement,
Let me announce, of your one true commitment!
I'll entertain the guests
and you can play hostess!
A princess in the castle, Queen and her kingdom,
and the fool of a fool, known for his star-dumb.
Yes you wait for your shining armor,
yet tested mettle, so brand spanking new,
And there you stand waiting, for your feet to be swept from under you!
So let me pull, the rug from there,
soon you'll see your feet in the air!
Allow me, my sweet hostess,
allow me, to show you a mirror, and show you the mess.
Ah yes, you've been busy else where, your mind was forgetful,
you've failed to account to keep your guests' bellies all full.
Now here they come, they come charging at the door,
but wait oh wait! What's this? What **?
You small little jester, has yet one more show!
A trick up his sleeve perhaps? An ace in the hole?
No my dear lady, I'm afraid you've just lost sight of the goal.
But never fear! Away from here!
We'll try again,
and try again.
To raise ourselves back to the top,
and try not to turn out,
to turn out such a flop?
A jester as always jesting as always,
just a jester, nothing more, and a smile because, I get to see you at all my plays.

So a fool's fool indeed I am,
Not so innocent you and I, aren't we lamb?
Nomad Dec 2014
Let's play a game,
a silly, witty, pity
kind of game.

I spy.
Aye, I do indeed,
I spy with my little eyes,
a chip, upon your shoulder it lies.

There it is,
in all it's glorious splendor.
How it got there, is all that I wonder?
1.6k · Apr 2014
Decisions Decisions
Nomad Apr 2014
Decisions Decisions,
it all takes precision.
To do this or that,
teeter here, maybe totter-tat!
Decisions Decisions,
how many we must make,
decisions decisions, we give back what we take.

Take a step, leave your print,
take up the sun, leave your shadows.
Give a smile, leave an impression,
all these little things, to learn a  big lesson.

Decision's Decisions,
we're always given choices,
two choices, maybe more,
I'd rather have my freedom of choice, rather than standing at a locked door.
Decision's Decisions,
You know when one door closes, another one opens?
For me, I prefer the windows,
the smaller but clearer choice is for me.

We're given choices,
do one or the other,
so think about this,
a small food for thought
who do you make your choices for, who makes your decisions
or have you already forgot?
1.4k · Jun 2017
My Precious Child
Nomad Jun 2017
One day you'll know
As your head, heart, and body grow
That I love you the most
More than any father ever could.
Father loves you very much,
As any father very well should.

I work tirelessly
Just to see you happy.
But I know that there will come day
That I come home and you will not be.

Whatever the reason
For no matter how long,
I am your father
Invincible and strong.

I will be your strength
for every time that you cry
I will be your comfort
To wipe the tears from your eye.

I miss you everyday
From the playground we used to play
I miss your smile, your laughter, your joy in life through it all.
I miss the way you say
"One day daddy, I'll be just as tall!”

It brings a slight mist to my eye
Thinking back at those days
How carefree you were
In all of your ways.
My child, you never knew
But inside you already grew,
To be the tallest giant I could see
Aye, indeed, taller than even me.

I saw your heart from when it first did beat,
To pump the blood from your head to your little feet.

And I saw that heart grow,
Faster than any other child I've seen!
And I pray it continues to do so,
Cause I swear you could not be mean.

There aren't enough words to say
How much I love you so.
I just thought that I would try,
Try to let you know.
So who ever you may meet,
And where ever you may go,
Just remember always child,
Father loves you so.
If you ever needed to hear this from a you are then.
Nomad May 2014
When in the stir of the battle,
there comes a time
where the hero falls,
to the slaughter of his cattle.

How a hero falls
down to his knees,
to tired to fight,
no amount of will to bring him from his

How a hero falls,
with a great big thud,
and how pitiful the sound,
as they are buried under mud.

They cry in anguish,
the people once so proud,
as the hero has fallen,
and sees the coming shroud.

Let it be,
this hero of old,
that even as they fall,
a magnificent story was told.

But let it not be,
for when an angel is to weep,
that down from heaven comes,
the tears for us to keep.

The angels cry,
and embrace one another,
as they see the loss,
of a valiant noble brother.

Angels weep at the cruelty of it all,
angels weep at the bloodshed,
they weep when a hero falls.

A hero is no more
than a man like you or me,
a here is no less,
than anyone who wants to be.

A hero is made out of the strands of humility,
and are tested through tribulation,
and speaks with sincerity.

A hero is,
and forever will be,
those who put others before themselves,
those who are willing
to bend their knee.

An angel will weep
in joy that day,
when they find another hero
whose life has  little longer to stay.

The angels will sing
of unsung victories,
and sometimes they'll fall,
and lend a hand,
any time they so well please.

But God forbid,
we raise the dead,
for they've earn their rest
for they've done their best,
isn't it time we allow them this bed?

Under the ground
buried nice and deep,
under the ground,
their bones to keep.

For the heroes of old,
were just flesh and bones,
they lived, fought, and died like us,
their grave are marked,
if they're lucky,
at least by stone.

So a cheer for the living,
and a drink to the dead,
we sing with the angels,
with hopes to be with them

Aye, even heroes fall
down to their knees,
and the angels shall weep
to fill the seas.
Yeah I'm losing my touch...that or my mind. Ha!
1.2k · May 2014
Miles and Miles To Go
Nomad May 2014
Miles and Miles to go,
that's how far I must treck
through rain, hail, sun, and snow
still yet I have
Miles and Miles to go.

Miles and Miles to go,
where I will stop,
when will I end,
it's not like anybody will know,
when I've yet to travel
Miles and Miles,
Miles to go.

Down this beaten path,
or broken road,
over the hill-tops and mountains,
through yon valleys so deep,
it's the precious little memories of each
of all the people and places
I keep.
Yet I know I'll have more,
with life keeping the better parts in store,
but there's only one way to know for sure,
when I've yet to simply endure,
Miles and Miles To Go.

Trek along, the weary way,
with no place of my own,
not a warm place to stay,
I endure the hardships of the weather,
hoping one day
it'll all be better,
but better land is so far away,
and I've got me mind still sharp and together,
and come the troubles, and come as they may,
I know I'm never alone,
when I travel the road by day.

Miles and Miles to go,
my feet has toughened
harder than boots,
I'm finally going,
the land of my roots.
There's no more place that I'd rather go,
than to the place,
the place I call my home.

To finally feel the warm ground beneath my feet,
to finally feel the comfort,
of the sun's blanketing heat.
To feel the wind as it washes through my hair,
to feel the raindrops on my skin,
like I didn't care.
To smell the dew, in the early morn,
to finally taste, some of that home grown corn.

And yet...
I've a long way to go,
before I finally head home,
still I must travel,
I must roam.
For the work is not done,
nor will it ever be,
there's a race to be run,
and I'm not the only one,
with Miles
And Miles
To Go.

Miles And Miles To Go.
1.2k · May 2014
Fresh Smell of Napalm
Nomad May 2014
"We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,
We do our best to maim,
Because the kills all count the same,
****** sticks to kids.
Chorus: ****** sticks to kids,
****** sticks to kids.
Flying low across the trees,
Pilots doing what they please,
Dropping frags on refugees,
****** sticks to kids.
Goods in the open, making hay,
But I can hear the gunships say,
"There'll be no Chieu Hoi today,"
****** sticks to kids.
See those farmers over there,
Watch me get them with a pair,
Blood and guts just everywhere,
****** sticks to kids.
I've only seen it happen twice,
But both times it was mighty nice,
Shooting peasants planting rice,
****** sticks to kids.
******, son, is lots of fun,
Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,
It gets the ***** when on the run,
****** sticks to kids."
NOT Mine but I thought it was interesting.
1.2k · May 2017
Nomad May 2017
Chipped, clipped
A spider web of endless cracks in between
a faded memory, never again to be seen.

I long to see the sun
and feel the warmth of it's rays
I wish to feel whole
for the rest of my days.
I'm not, but feel so sometimes
1.2k · Aug 2014
Testimony of Why You're Here
Nomad Aug 2014
Here you are
here you are,
yes you are
yes you are
you are here
you are here
and here

Aye indeed
in the flesh you do appear,
yes my friend you are indeed,
certainly here.

Don't judge a book
by it's cover,
but what's inside is what matters,
I leave that to philosophers and their stones,
I say they're all just as mad as hatters!

Here you are,
where ever you may be,
there you are,
for everyone to see.
Reading from some screen,
because this won't make the front news,
on the technology we all love,
to make and use.

There you are,
showing off your prowess,
all the while you're thinking,
"Boy, i'm a mess!"

be it as it may,
not that I'm one to say!

You are a testimony of only you,
and a testimony
that only you can do.

How you sit,
approach another,
or flee,
no matter how you walk,
or sound,
you're still apparent to me.

You are a testimony,
of God's Grace,
or perhaps you are,
a testimony of truth and hypocrisy,
of the human race.

How you live,
is none of my concern,
it matters not to me,
what you make,
or what you earn

You are who you are,
oh how true this really is,
from the ol' boy from the hicks,
to the golly gee biz kids.

So today, be a testimony,
for all the people to see,
that when they look to you,
it's you they want to be.

Because you can do good,
or better than that,
with only a start of a smile,
and a tip of the hat.

You are a testimony,
of you got here,
so take off the shades,
enjoy the sun,
it's time to make your life clear.

Be strong, and virtuous,
diligent and mindful,
be passionate, and courageous,
but most of all be faithful!

I wish you well,
in the coming years that does run,
I wish you the best of luck and health,
and some better days under the sun!

So testify yourself,
in all things you do,
because in the words of Dr. Seuss,
"No one can be you-er than you!"
1.2k · Oct 2014
Forever Home
Nomad Oct 2014
Forever home, this is where they shall stay,
for they have earned it, every little bit of rest,
from now until the Rapture's Day.

Sixteen years, they have waited, to find their purpose,
a higher calling, than themselves
a goal worth proving, to succeed or else.

They were not brainwashed,
they were not manipulated by government, nor subtle hints,
nor were they under the influence,
of any kind of notorious and idiotic advisement.

They chose this route,
the route tougher than nails,
and hotter than Hell itself.

The way of the warrior.

To fight and defend,
to see victory as another day to live,
to assure freedom, shall never bend.

They who fought, with each breath,
hot and heavy bead of sweat,
gritted and ground teeth,
every broken and discolored nail.
They stood ready.
They stood.
They held their ground.
Securing our flanks, so that our enemy could not surround.

Now they rest,
as they well should,
if only they were treated the utmost respect,
as all man could.

Westburro Baptist Church, one of several protestors
against our dead, could you not leave us alone,
to our own morning instead?

You're arrogance has become your undoing,
it will be your end that the end of days shall be cluing!

Rest easy, warrior, as your brothers stand united,
rolling thunder, coming through,
rest easy, in the cool soft earth, dug out...just for you.

Rest easy, warrior, heart of the brave.
You have won the battle, and into an early grave.

You who gave all, we salute you once more,
we'll hear you laughing, as you toss the devils in Hell,
but we all know, you're just keeping safe,
our Heaven's door.

Now rest easy, At Ease, Marine, Poolie, Army, Navy, Airforce, and All.
You have given your answer to a crying call.

Rest easy, oh friend of mine, as I let the rainfall this sunny day,
rest easy, rest, as you may.

For you are now, forever home,
forever care-free, of being rich or poor,
forever resting,
forever more.

A major Salute to those who serve, and continue to serve in any branch of the military. There's never a day NOT to thank them of their service. From the lowliest poolie to the highest of generals.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Liar Liar
Nomad Apr 2014
Liar Liar,
you're pants are on fire.
Something something something, hanging on a telephone wire.

Liar liar,
the only thing that rhymes,
it's a shame we take such pride in things, that waste our precious times.
Let's hear the truth, spoken from our lips,
in fact lets say it form our soul,
let it emanate from our head and even past our hips.

The Truth is,
Jesus is the way, the truth, the light,
you want to disagree? I"m not going to fight.
I'll give you my love, and blessings upon you,
may peace and forgiveness follow, and be with whatever you do.
Just let me keep my Faith, and allow me to pass it to you.
I won't force it, know that's recipe to take a fall,
I just wanted to plant a small little seed, one little seed, that's all.

So forgive me if I came out brash,
I just rather prefer word-of mouth, than than the tag-of hash.
G'night my friends, my brothers and sisters,
all of you from all the other mothers and misters.

Liar Liar
pants on fire,
burns up slow, but heats up fast,
soon it's nothing more, than memory in the past.

The truth stays forever,
forever and always, like love,
so rightfully naive.
Because Love and us, we have the right to believe.
1.1k · Jul 2014
The Grass is Greener
Nomad Jul 2014
The Grass is Greener,
when you see the world
just a little bit clearer.

There it is, sitting out the window,
past the barbed wires,
and picket fences,
penny for your thoughts,
or even six pences?

The grass is green,
while it lives in the garden or out of bed,
out there and in here,
in the lawn or in your head.

Aye indeed,
The Grass is Greener
they say, on the other side instead.

Aye the Grass is so much Greener
while it blankets the dead.
1.0k · Sep 2014
Pinky Promise
Nomad Sep 2014
Pinky promise
to take you
one day,

Away from here,
away from there,
I just want to
make you happy
like I said I would.

Remember the time
way back when?
We were young,
foolish, and rash,
we were just children then.

Pinky promises.
I laugh now,
but back then they were legit.
Now that I remember,
I'm feeling nostalgic.

I smiled,
braces and all,
and you just kept looking
at the leaves as they fall.

You are wonderful,
and every bit angelic
as I know you are.

That pinky promise was the closest I've ever got,
to holding you close,
so close
by far.

Pinky promise,
I promised to you,
just you wait for me,
and watch
as I pull through.

Our dreams will be reality,
my words are my bond,
because my sweet,
my heart, my joy,
my only one,
for my heart is fond.

Pinky promises,
now that's legit.
I've made it then,
so I could keep it.

Pinky. Promise.
1.0k · May 2014
The Hills Are Alive!
Nomad May 2014
The Hills Are Alive!
Alive I say indeed!
They aren't biased, or judgmental,
or are they filled with greed!

The hills are alive, enjoying each day as they come,
they don't mind the feet that tread on them,
it doesn't make it worrisome!

The hills are alive,
can you hear their sweet melody?
Well, sad thing is, I bet you can't,
if you're only stuck on the Telly.

Zut alors, what sad bunch we've become,
when we need someone to tell us,
(us!) that we don't have to be dumb.

Of course we don't,
none of us do,
but what do they say then,
when they happen on something new?

Gone are the days,
where vigor and work was required,
now we're only used to,
being beckoned or be sired!

The hills are alive,
and they weep,
weep I say!

As they watch the playful children that once were,
now inside they stay.
It's a shame,
a shame,
when the hills must really cry,
when all they're good for now,
is a peaceful place to die.

Let it be no more,
it's time to change,
and venture out through (indeed!) the door!

The Hills are alive!
Can you not hear their call!?
Or are you tuned out to the music,
the sweet music of it all?

Let it not be so,
my dear, dear friends of mine,
go out, breath in and out!
Enjoy the blessed sunshine.

For the Hills are still alive,
well and waiting patiently,
for the one day,
or more,
to gather children playfully.

The Hills are alive,
so why aren't you?
1.0k · Aug 2018
A Beautiful Distraction
Nomad Aug 2018
Another love letter
with poem and verse
every single syllable
was surely not rehearsed!

So get on with it now,
the rolling of the eyes
the quirky little smirk
the exhausted scoff
or that fond small sigh.

She is beautiful.

Waking up next to her and smelling her body next to mine
knowing that I had her then
sends me to a frenzy again.

The way she let me hold her tight
even though I just make her sweat some more
and all the times she could read me like a book
the quality time that I couldn't ignore.

The playful jabs and jives
that made her giggle, laugh and smile
the powerful feeling
that would make me run the mile.

The way she made me feel
powerless to her affection
the way she lead me every which way
into any which direction.

The patch of gray hair
that she hides in plain sight
but when I brush back her hair
it brings me such delight.

My speckled grays
just salted about this old head
gives me the idea
that we could grow old together instead.

But here we are now
the farthest apart we've ever been.
All because I wasn't strong enough
to fight away temptation
to fight away our sin.
I gave in.

We were both broken people
in need of comfort and attention
but we both avoided the real problem
and we gave it too little a mention.

We both had trust issues
and we just made it worst
and now that our time has ended
my bubble has just burst.

I couldn't give to her
what I didn't rightfully own
it's hard to give your heart to someone
when all you have is stone.

I built up walls for her own protection
and this is the cost
when I tear them down on my own election.

Now I spend every waking moment
knowing what I've done was wrong
to walk back down this lonely path
to whisper this horrid song.

I still think of her often
and fondly as I do
this is my therapy
this is why I am telling you.

She was
my beautiful distraction
she couldn't complete me in anyway
but I would be a liar to not mention any attraction.

The nights I laid there
knowing it would end
and that I just couldn't stay
I just wish
I truly wish
It hadn't happened, and ended this way.

Now she's gone
just like everyone else I ever cared for in life
my beautiful distraction
I'm so sorry, I've failed you
and I continue to live in strife.
She meant more to me than I'll ever admit to her.
983 · Aug 2014
Washing the Dishes
Nomad Aug 2014
I've never really thought,
about when I do the dishes,
I see the crumbs and specks,
here and there,
is when I come up with wishes.

That old dryer machine,
is making a little noise again,
the cabinet needs a fixin',
and the fridge is breaking down and then,
the car needs a tune up,
but that can wait a little while,
I'm worried about the kids,
as they pick up the Hollywood style.

Washing the dishes,
as the water goes down the drain,
I'm thinking of the flowers in the backyard,
how they bloom after it rains.

Roses are read,
violets are blue,
these dishes need washing,
and there are other things to do.

The water, it pours,
it sploshes, and drips,
the dog is running on the hard-wood floor,
and is having trouble getting grips.

Washing the dishes,
I think about the times,
when life was good,
and somewhat easy,
now this poem is...
getting rather cheesy.

It's kinda funny,
about what you're thinkin while you wash,
you start to take your time
and then the dishes are done.
Nomad Aug 2014
How sad is it,
that their is so much that needs clarity,
but it's all prevented by the very thing that gives us disparity,
it is [but of course!] the very essence, the very source,
of our own vanity.

See how the birds fly,
yes how pretty the birds are as they go on by.
But think how simple it is, that they don't care how each other looks,
and they don't need to worry about what they're being told,
by biased and characterizing books.

They prune their feathers,
and ready themselves
for any weather,
then they sing.

What do they sing?
Why do they sing?
Why is it pleasing,
soothing, comforting,
amazing and simple,
just for our ears,
why do we always worry,
about the coming years?

The mockingbird,
there's a bird, that has no care in the world,
as it sounds like whatever it hears,
it does it daringly,
and best of it all, it does it without fears.

No fear of judgement,
no care for purpose or otherwise,
it's the truest mirror of a voice,
just as it is, a truth in itself, devoid of any lies.

Mockingbird, mocking the bird,
tweeting, is what we do,
when it just gets harder to talk,
to simply me and you.

Why can't we be like mocking birds,
not mocking the birds, that fly on by,
or is this really,
the only thing that we can do?

Mocking bird, mocking bird,
sing us a song,
sing us a song,
of the things we know,
of what's right and wrong.

Won't you sing too?
919 · Apr 2014
Sad Little King
Nomad Apr 2014
Sad. Little. King,
       sitting on his sad little hill,
all the toy soldiers,
practice their silent battle drill.
So he tells me, just a poor little boy,
such as myself,
"Enjoy your life, don't wish for power or wealth,
no young lad, not even for yourself."
I remained silent, hoping for more,
only to be shown, the empty open door.
He walks on the grassy hill,
that is his own.
But the sad little king, looked around,
and saw...
he's still alone.
898 · Aug 2014
Cookie Crumbs
Nomad Aug 2014
Follow the trail
that leads to success,
it's hard and narrow,
but it's for the best.

Beware the crumbs,
that fall from the great big cookie.
For it tastes so precious and sweet,
but once it's done,
you know you've been beat.

Beware the cookie,
the friendly hand outs in life,
because no one will just out there,
hand to you a wife.

No house,
no land,
not even a speck of sand,
no sir, no ma'am
nothing in the world of supply and demand.

So mind the beat path,
full of promises and sweets,
because one of these days,
it'll just land you back out on the streets.
Make a road,
of your own,
make it of cobble,
bricks, and maybe even stone.

A road less traveled,
is certainly the way to go,
because that's the only other path,
and you're the only person,
that will ever know.

Be bold,
and daring,
in the face of danger and responsibility,
be full of defiance and understanding,
when you find yourself so weary.

Allow me
to tell you,
that the cookie does indeed crumble,
but beware the cookie now,
for when it's gone you might stumble.
854 · May 2014
Little Dreams
Nomad May 2014
Little dreams,
is all we have to hold,
little dreams now,
even through the cold.

Living through,
what might as well be Hell,
it's our dreams that we hold,
and we'll never sell.

Little Dreams,
in hope for brighter days,
little dreams of peace,
even if for a moment, and hopes that it stays.

Little dreams,
start small,
then with nurture and affection,
grow large and tall, and strong,
when we offer it protection.

When we feed our dreams,
they get bigger and better,
and we all wish for things,
to go according to the letter!

The script that we write,
our pen in our hand,
we ask more from reality,
and then ask turns to demand!

We all act like we're special,
and we deserve better,
that we're expected to be hand-held and fed,
then reality hits
and my it's a real upsetter!

Little dreams
grew tall,
only to have, like humpty-dumpt,
a mighty great fall.

So with our dreams,
now shattered into pieces,
we look to the world
to find the worldly releases.

Aye, indeed, drugs, ***, *****, or money,
It's all a shame now,
and we think no-shame is still funny.
We have slogans now,
saying "You Only Live Once!"
So why throw your life away
you gorram dunce!

You too, once, were just a small child,
surely you must remember,
where you were taught to be mild!
Be polite and courteous,
and a few basic rules!
Being respectful and humble,
doesn't mean you're a tool!

Listen to yourself,
where have you gone now?
You blame the world for your ignorance,
and yet I must ask how?!

You've shut away your eyes,
and turned away your face,
it's hard to face the mirror,
when all you see is disgrace!


But I'm here to tell something,
something brand new,
as only a friend can only do,
that's my love for you.

Friendships go deep,
even the first look from a stranger,
from a child to adult,
from civilian to Airborne Ranger,
Let me tell you something,
and it's okay that you're shocked,
I understand if I came out strong,
and you feel kind of rocked.

You're not as bad,
or even half as you think you are,
you're still a good person,
a great person by far.
You haven't been perfect,
we know this so true,
but neither have I,
yeah, me too!

We're all on this Earth,
gathering our broken dreams,
when we put them back together,
it makes only a mirror it seems.
Each piece a reflection,
of who we used to be,
and when we find all the pieces
we realize,
"My dream was to"

Yes. Little dreams do come true,
every now and then,
for me,
and you.

But please don't give up,
keep picking up the pieces,
you'll get scraped and bruised a few times,
but you'll feel better than those worldly releases.
Take your time,
be thorough in your search,
maybe take a moment to listen,
to the annoying bird, that sits out on the perch.

Little dreams are made,
from the bits inside of you,
just know every piece you collect,
reflects what you say, think and do.

I've given you a rant,
a warning,
and a tip,
now be on your way to freedom,
and have a safe trip.

As you find your way
to find...
those little dreams.

As A friend, don't give up. Be safe, and God Bless.
Nomad Dec 2015
A bothersome burden that only bothers some,
why yo ** me hearties! Do pass the ***.
For tonight I salute to you all
as with the passing of the hats,
for more agile and quick witted cats.

Stay ever nimble
and thoughtful on your feet,
beware the seas
that has been known to take mercilessly
countless fleets.

For now I bid you all
adieu, farewell, and bon soir!
A bothersome burden,
this is, no more!

For I leave you with this,
the faint echo of your soon to be distant past,
the game is afoot.
The die.

Oh what a bothersome burden,
this game we all play,
but how bothersome is this burden that bothers some,
if we are still here today?

Best of wishes,
to your hunt and quests and all!
May you find what your heart desires,
as it beckons towards that eerie call.
808 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
The ones they give,
to each other,
the ones they have,
to say, they love one another.

The ones with passing, with such a playful spirit,
it's the one with stars in their eyes,
and the heart on their sleeves, they proudly wear it.

Ah how they ask for kisses,
with nary a word,
how the song of love whistles,
much sweeter than any bird.

Be in sunshine, or rain,
in whispers or...rather profane.
They come on back to give each other,
a look.

That look of endearment,
ah such joy have they together,
how they know and believe,
that they'll survive no matter the weather.

How I long for a partner,
to give such a look,
however I find,
find them in only story books.

So lovers will be,
star crossed by the sea,
enkindled and intertwined,
when they look at each other,
they look to rewind.

For one more day, to stare at each other,
to have one more day, with their one,
their lover.

All from looks.
801 · Apr 2014
My Fight
Nomad Apr 2014
This. Is my fight.
But oh boy is it rough.
I expect I'll bleed, i'll get scarred, but you know what? Tough.
Now time to explain what this fight's all about,
I'll take anyway, I'll take any route.
See I'm a mercenary, I'm up for hire,
I can fight all day and never tire.

Your fight is mine,
so you'll never be alone.
I'll give it all I got, give me two sticks and one stone.
I'll share it, so steady your aim,
cause when we fight, remember, after this, nothing's the same.
I'll fight with, but never for,
try to change that, I'll show you the door.

My fight.
Isn't against you personally.
But get in my way, or hurt the others, you'll have to answer,
answer to me.
I won't judge you,
that's not my business,
I just set the meeting between you, and the guy Up Stairs.

My Fight.
Will be for the wronged,
the tortured and forgotten.
I fight where I'm needed most,
as often as I can.
But I know I can't save them all,
for I'm only just one man.
But i'll do my best, the best of what I can do,
I'll fight a good fight, that's me.
How about you?

My fight,
is yours, and yours will be mine.
I'm ready to go, when ever you say,
so join the ranks, get in the line.

is OUR fight now.
795 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
but oh well.
I never saw her again.
After she had moved out.
790 · May 2014
How did you know?
Nomad May 2014
Just how?
Did you know,
past my smiles and reassurance,
through my antics and all,
that underneath, behind my eyes, that I was in pain,
I was taking a fall.

How did you know?

You saw right through me,
like no one else could,
you sent me words of reassurance,
like no one else would.

So how did you know?

I hid it so well, no one else could catch on,
yet there you were,
to catch me,
before I was long and gone.

How did you know?

It's unnatural,
nearing impossible!
How you do what you do,
but I'm glad you did,
I'm really, really glad, that you knew.

But did you know?

You're my secret confessor,
though neither of us know it yet.
Because now with you,
I know my heart is set.

I can show you the things,
that only I hide below,
because it seems I just can't hide it,
because you always seem to know.

I Love... You.

But you'll never know.
To her, who always seems to see me right through.
To her, that always makes me feel unsure, of what...exactly to do.
789 · Sep 2015
But at What Cost?
Nomad Sep 2015
I woke up breathless, wordless,
I touched my chest and felt it still,
that stone left there by the one who cared.
For the powers that be knew,
they needed one like me,
to fight the ****** fight.
I am the one who fights with the light,
but mistake me not for being of them,
mistake me not, friend, for being one of them.
I assure you, I am not.

I touch my chest, and feel the stone still safely sitting there,
I run my fingers, through my salt and peppered hair.
I count the days which I have survived, and count
the minutes in which I still have to breath.
I slack my jaw and force them to move,
using my tongue to count my teeth.

Count your lucky stars and blessings too,
that when I fight,
that it's all for you.

Though I fight, ****** drenched head and soul,
I have but one goal.
I shall protect the one I love,
as commanded by the Powers that Be,
from up above.

So though I am but one man
on this lonely road,
I shall not be denied the prey,
whose fangs and claws they have showed.

I may not win every battle,
but I know we'll win this war,
I'll break every window of opportunity,
and breach through every closed door.
If only to get closer, to winning this war.

But at what a cost,
aye what a cost this has done to me,
'tis all the more a shame, that such a fighter,
lose their humanity.
Nomad May 2014
Step up,
and stand your ground,
here comes the trials and tribulation,
hark, the enemy has us, as they all surround!

Step up, and stand your ground,
we're bleeding, dying,
and all the young ones,
the true victims,
are all,

Step up, and join the fight,
it's time that we,
as humans,
set things right.

We can't do it alone,
no matter how many for the cause,
we need a power greater than ourselves,
something to make the enemy

Step up, and stand your ground,
today, and every day hence forth,
you shall make a triumphant sound!

Glory be, to the Lord on high!
For with Him, all things are possible,
it is written, that Death,
yes, even Death, shall die.

So step up, and Stand Your Ground!
You have a purpose for fighting,
if you just look around!

The person,
to your left,
and your right,
they're all in this war,
they're all standing up to fight!

He is your brother,
she, your sister,
and together we stand, united and strong,
and with God as our witness and Father,
we shall fight and right the wicked wrong!

So Step Up,
for this is as much as your fight too,
stand in rank and file,
Stand your ground, and you'll know what to do.

Step up, and Stand Your Ground,
this is my peace,
a piece I've found.
758 · Apr 2014
Hair Down, Chin up!
Nomad Apr 2014
Hair down, chin up!
That's what I ask, that you don't give up!
To the girl crying inside the stall,
or the one that's overcompensating, shopping spree at the mall.
Hair down, chin up, for your sake not mine,
I want you to walk, in a great straight line.
Take no more deviations, off the path,
fill your world with love, and do not participate in it's reveling wrath!
I say to you, mother of 1, 2, 3, 5 or more,
do not ever, close your door.
Lock the front, guard the back, but listen mother, to your children today,
for you do not know, how much longer you or they, may stay.

To the lonely wife, and with a husband now gone for so long.
Hold on tight to his memories, and pray to make much more,
and to him and only him, should ever open the door.
Times will test you, trials will be hard,
and never ever ever, throw down the give-up card.
Because he'll need you more than ever, and I hope that you do know this,
that for ever day he's gone, he longs for 10 fold, for a kiss.

To the young girls around the age, of aging immaturity,
I plead to you to think it over, know when you are ready.
Perhaps you love him, with all your heart and soul,
but do not lose sight, of an average person's goal.
Love grows fonder when practiced with care,
you are young yet, and troubles have yet to begun, will either of you still stand there?

Perhaps this is a rambling of a senile old man,
or do I speak at least a modest truth, as simple as I can?
I'll let you decide as to where the story leads,
these are little food for thought, the thought that I feed.

Now look up, and around, soon as this song is done,
open your eyes anew, your story has just begun.
Where ever you go, whomever you're in the company of,
Hair Down, Chin up, and never ever, give up on love.
745 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
It ain't all that bad,
it ain't as bad as it seems,
it ain't as bad as they make it to be,
it ain't as bad as the dreams.

It ain't too bad,
the way the world spins,
It ain't too bad,
that we all live in our sins.

It ain't bad,
what we all do here,
It ain't bad
that we promise change,
sometime next year.

It's bad enough,
we've got other worries to care,
it's bad enough,
that we have to be careful, lest they stare.

It's bad.
When we say it ain't too bad,
cause when is it finally going to hit you,
that bad just went to worse?

Bad, boy.
Bad Girl.
Bad enough, to send your dreams in a twirl.
Ain't that too bad?
734 · May 2014
That Ol' Man
Nomad May 2014
Up that hill,
is an old man,
and that cranky old man,
lives there still.

Lord knows, he's as old as dust,
but his ticker's still tickin,
thank God it don't rust.

Well that ol' man,
was my ol' man,
as old a man can be.
That old man was my old man,
he's my old man to me.

That ol' man,
taught me more than my ol' man could,
but then again, he was never there,
even when he should.
He was gone with the wind,
never to be heard again,
he left ma and me, and the house,
before I ever turned sev-en.

So that ol' man, up on that hill,
treated me better, than any other father will.
Straight off the bat,
he offered me a job,
I worked hard and long,
to earn just a corn on the cob.

But then I came back for more,
hoping for better pay,
but the next thing I knew,
I was fixing his door.

Again I tried,
and with more work
he had already supplied.
Because I was getting paid,
with the knowledge that he readily provide.

He taught me
how to fix up a house,
he taught me how
to bait and trap the pesky little mouse.
Taught me the meanin' of words,
he taught me to not ignore
the small songs of the birds.
That the wind blew this way,
meant for a storm within the day,
that if the sun rose up red,
he taught me something sailors said.

He taught me skills
I that I used around at home,
it kept me out of trouble,
his land big enough to roam.

He was grouchy a lot,
liked to curse and spit too,
but not once did he raise his voice,
and my liking to this man, always grew.

My kid siblings and I
would visit ever chance we got,
it helped us so much,
for a moment, our pains...we forgot.
He tried to keep the grouch on,
every night and day,
but when he saw us kids run up the street,
I saw the grouch in his eyes, all gone.

Sure he didn't like to show it,
his feelings on his sleeve,
but for some strange reason,
I just bet that when he saw us,
all he could be is relieved.

That sweet ol' man,
living up that dusty ol' hill,
gave us hope for our future,
better than any story book father ever will.

He raised us right,
right from the start,
he might've been a Devil's Dog at some point,
lots of bark, but an even better heart.

God Bless that ol' man,
as he lies on his death bed,
I always remember those clear commanding words,
the first words I remember he said.

"Don't Sir me, bullsh!t! I ain't gonna give you a dime's worth o' work! I'm gonna teach ya how to work so you can do it right! *******."

Thanks ol' man, for all the memories,
you promised me that house one day,
I'll turn that dusty hill, to an orchard full of trees!
And I swear to you ol' man,
I'll fix her right back up
make her nice and pretty,
make it as it once was, in its former glory.

For you ol' man,
I'd do anything you if you only ask,
cause you taught me a lotta things,
from livin, lovin, learnin, and all,
and especially 'bout the people, and the people behind the mask.

Thanks Ol' man.
Up on that hill,
the greatest man to live,
and forever
733 · Mar 2014
Nomad Mar 2014
Let's fight!
Together as one
or we fall back to none!
Let's fight together
let's stand side-by-side!
Nothing shall stop us!
No one will break us!
Let's fight together,
One for all and all for one!
Yield to nothing and no one!


For your mothers, your fathers,
sisters and brothers!
Exact the toll so great upon our foe,
let out a scream a mighty battle cry that only a true warrior would know!
Take no peace in your solitude,
and fortify your fortitude,
it's time to fight, we'll wait no more!
It's time we took it to our old foe's door!
The ones that oppress us, the ones that would deny us,
deny us no more for here come charging mightily,
for we will fight with the absolution of the Light brigade,
but never to falter,
no not ever slightly.

We'll take a beating, this holds true,
but we're never alone, in our ranks and files, we'll always have,
our sisters and brothers!
Link arms, bear arms take courage and gather what little pride we've left,
This fight's for you, me, and all the the others!

Fight and let your voice be heard,
for our rebellions shall start,
at the shout of a single word.

The small little spark,
our one little light,
So take up arms,
And Fight!
Inspire yourself to greatness.
694 · Apr 2014
This one's for the Fighters
Nomad Apr 2014
Fight on, fight on,
carry on the weight.
The world maybe
upon you shoulders,
but you've a place to be so don't be late.

Fighters fight,
for a reason
that is their own,
but the misconception here is
they think that they're alone.

Fighters fight on!
Let nothing stand,
stand in your way,
let nothing stand,
so stand this day!

Fight for whatever reason that maybe,
take up arms! Join the ranks, stand together, you and me!
Join your brothers and sisters,
as they fight the good fight.
Many are alone, scared, in the dark,
it's our job now,
to turn on a light.

To the fighters out there,
Fight on, fight hard,
even when it seems all is lost,
remember the your ace in the hole,
the joker card.

It's a word that is (or very well should be)
known by all,
when it is spoken, shared, and used,
evil takes a fall.
I hope you know the word,
I'm speaking of.

That's right my friend.
The power.
Of love.

So fight on.
Nomad Jul 2014
There are people out there,
that are undoubtedly,
not the best, that they could be,
there are people out there,
that one would rather, really not see.

But that's because you know they're there,
and you are here,
so long as you keep your distance,
you've nothing to fear.


Now that same people,
not to condemn them all,
are the same kind of people,
who from their high horse they sit,
standing one or two feet tall.

Oh how high and mighty they are,
looking down upon us with their haughty eyes,
how it's everything about us they hate,
the way we live, that they despise.

But it's not us or them that we need to worry,
it's the innocent caught in between,
where they say, "The Lines get blurry."

Like Hell.

They say Autism is just a child that hasn't been taught to behave,
they say Asburger's an exucuse,
so they make the system their slave.
They say ADD and ADHD,
are nothing more then children not growing up,
"Unlike you and me."

They say the homeless are stupid,
that's why they're there,
they say they volunteer, to feed them,
but when they pass them by,
they can only stop and stare.

They say violence is needed,
to keep the children in line,
I agree some punishment is needed,
but abuse is never the answer,
and was never mine.

They all say they didn't know,
when the numbers out weigh their yelling match,
so then they eat their words,
Down the hatch!!

Feigning ignorance for stupidity,
is like lighting a match,
it burns, nice, bright and hot,
but once it's turned to ashes,
ashes is all you got.

You've wasted your temper,
your moment to shine,
for even the 15 minutes of fame,
claiming it saying, "ALL MINE."

I do not wish to hate them,
those who commit such atrocities,
but would it be fair of me,
to call their actions,
those of monstrosities?
Nomad Feb 2016
Pain and suffering,
Of them both I am well aware.
It is the the bread and butter of this life,
Formed in misery, surrounded by strife.

I drank the cup, in hopes of redemption
But found none there.
Instead now I live in the life of atonement
For the burdens I am to bear.

Blood flows as time flies
I carry my sins heavily, for all the pain
All the lies.
When I was younger I wished to understand,
I now am older,
And wearily travel through the land.

What have I done,
I shout in the wind,
Why am I not forgiven
For all of my sins?

Perhaps I shall,
Take on too,
The burdens of yours,yours and mine too.

That cup from where I had my first sip,
I shall keep it with me now,
That none other may feel the stingless whip.

This is my burden, my price to pay.
Leave and leave me be, continue friend,
And be on your way.
689 · Aug 2014
Scared and Alone
Nomad Aug 2014
Scared and alone
you huddle by yourself,

Scared and alone,
you're left with nothing but the thoughts
of your own head.
A hollow voice
that remains.

A voice that is strangely familiar,
despairingly soothing,
and yet comfortably distressing.

and alone,
you're left with the problems of your past.
Come back to raise the dead.

A ravenous beast inside,
that has yet to be fed.

Yet in the deepest corners,
of the wondrous mind you have,
you find some peace.
A way to find comfort in the deafening silence,
to quell the noise,
to drown the monster.

To stay the fight. For even just a moment longer.

And for once, even a moment. You're not scared.

But you're still alone.

So stay. Alone with your thoughts. And find comfort in some sleep.
For tonight we revel in the time together.
What little time we've left to keep.
Nomad Jul 2014
You're rather a private little creeper,
now don't get me wrong,
there's nothing better than a heavy sleeper,
but there's some thing rather right,
when you finally know you get to keep her.

The ring that spins,
all the way round her thin little finger,
and the looks she gives you when she becomes your favorite singer!
That blush she gives every time you make her laugh,
how you like the weirdest part about her,
from her nose and ears, to even maybe,
uhh....her calf?

Well my friend,
I must say again,
you're rather the private creeper,
since you know just about everything there is to know
about her!

But that's alright,
if it's legitimate,
because love should really be,
really be quite intimate.
675 · Apr 2014
Small Talk
Nomad Apr 2014
You smile, I smile
I say hey, you say the same,
we pick on each other,
we call each other by name,
but we only have minutes if not seconds,
we talk the small talk,
and I cry,
when we both walk.
662 · Jan 2015
My Island
Nomad Jan 2015
And on my island, shall be more than just a speck of sand,
in which I can call my own,
and on my island, I shall have more people than myself,
so I won't ever have to be alone.

And on this Island, there will also be you, and I,
we shall walk the shores of the beach,
where our cares of tomorrow, will always wait until then,
and there's no one to ask us about why.

And on this Island, we shall have all the pretty birds,
flowers, and animals, of the land, sky and sea,
and on this Island, I will keep all my promises, a sacred guarantee.

My island, surrounded by shallows
nothing but calm waters, fluffy clouds,
whatever ideal weather that God allows.

My island, shared with you,
we'll be surrounded by nothing but what we want,
much more than petty things like money,
because without that, we have no worry.

We'll be surrounded by loved ones,
our friends and family,
here on our Island,
surrounded by calm waters,
on the sea.

Here on our island,
we'll have children,
who'll build to our small little island,
yes to our island,
our home by the sea.

Our home that we'll build,
just for you, we'll have that Island,
one day you'll see.
653 · Sep 2014
Sticky Situation
Nomad Sep 2014
A sticky situation,
a predicament,
a problem,

Trouble, trouble,
find them now,
find them in double.

Let it come,
let it go,
it'll be over
before you know.

It's hard right now
this situation we find ourselves in,
we often begin to wonder,
how on earth we are going to win!

But stay the course,
let the show go on,
even after the dark,
there always come the dawn.

So this situation,
though sticky as it maybe,
is like bubble gum,
scrape it off
and be free.
638 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
You are part,
of a generation
one that is great, mighty, powerful, strong.
Near the top, the apex, but not yet there,
we've poisoned ourselves, from the ground we stand,
to the much needed air., when, we survive our first few years,
just think, it really was worth the first  months of tears.

Now think of the times, we've fallen,
so that we could just stand,
do you remember, the effort it took,
the damning demand?

Now think of the times you've bumped, fallen,
scraped your ****** knee,
how bout that times ran your bike through the yard, up the street,
and forgot to watch where you ran, into that stupid tree.

The times you thought you were invincible,
powerful and mighty,
you knew you were right, though your moods were rather,

And now your here, the ranks have become a little thinner,
everyone's competing for something
to be an ultimate winner.
They want to stand on top, just as you have once,
they don't want to die,
because their a dunce.
They think they're smart, or strong, or whatever,
to think it mattered once, only that it never.

You're a survivor,
you have to fight to live,
barbed wires, to picket fences,
you've put up walls, behind more defenses.
So let me tell you something my friend.
As you crawl your way up to the top,
watch where you leap,
or you'll just end up a flop.

You're a survivor,
a light unto the rest,
you're living proof my friend,
that you're able to pass the test.

Show them your mettle,
your battle scars,
show them what your made of,
that there's no limit, not even the stars.
Show them the dents in your tested armor and shields,
show them the power of love and understanding, both of which you wield.

Show them what it's like,
what it's like to fall and fly,
help your comrades up,
tell them.
It's do. Or die.

Because you're a survivor.
633 · Jun 2017
Afraid? So Am I...
Nomad Jun 2017
I'm afraid...
Not of the Monsters, skeletons, and demons all.
Have we have them? Why yes, we have them all.
But it isn't them that we're afraid of, not by name at the very least.
It's what they remind us of, that we recognize the true beast.

It hungers and rustles
just waiting inside
of the seven deadly sins, mine are of anger and pride.

They show constantly. No matter how hard I try.
And every night I wonder, what will be tomorrow's next lie?
I can not focus, breathing is hard to do...

But with you?
With you it's different.
You. Are. Different.
Besides my flaws, and my terrible sense of self-image
you see through it and see what's left of me.
And with you I can be calm.
I can breath. And be free.

And you care.
So I'm afraid. That if I let you care further, I'll hurt you.
I don't want to see you ever hurt, by anyone.
But especially, by me.
I want to change. I have to change. Before I ask you to stay.
Because the last thing that would hurt the most,
is you running away.

Because if you're afraid of me.
Than so should I be.
I"m afraid.
628 · Jul 2014
Nomad Jul 2014
It took countless generations,
of hit and miss,
**** and be killed,
to see of those of us who are skilled,
those of us who are
rather strong willed.

But now here we stand,
divided and confused,
feeling that we are privy to such want in life,
as we conquer through demand.

Yet we supply so little,
yes it's...rather quite a shame,
how our young boys and girls now grow to be
following the ones of fame,
and idolatry.

Girls will love boys,
with muscles and the hair,
boys will love girls,
for the curves and...elsewhere.

Far and few, are the days of chivalry,
no more products of our older generation,
where we strove for civility.

The children whip out their I phones
and I toys.
All about the I and not about the other.
They've even gone as far as to go insult their mothers!

Where has the time gone,
our generations of our past,
where the wars were fought,
so that our generations could last.

Now we fight them,
by picking senseless battles,
and we send our young dear children,
to feed our worn out dreams of yesterday,
as easy as slaughtering the cattle.

Gone are the days where the world stood still,
now we know it spins round and round,
where death and taxes are the toll,
and after that, comes the bill.
616 · May 2014
Even 6 Feet Under
Nomad May 2014
Even so
when they lay here in this plot,
these are my brothers
and they're all I've got.

They fought and fought,
they gave their all,
to pay the price of freedom,
freedom they sought.
For us.

They keep us free,
ever single night
they do it while we sleep,
as they do not,
and are placed on standby
ready to fight.

But now they may sleep
the sleep of the dead,
forever at rest,
under the earthy bed.

Ah my brothers,
how I miss you so,
it was a shame to see
the way you had to go.


How you used to laugh at everything you saw,
how you volunteered for every job,
and how you thought you were such a great cowboy,
and even added the sweet yee-haw!

It's been too long,
you held the squad together,
so I'm told
as you made it through the valley of hell,
without you, there'd been no team,
I hope you're doing alright,
you frickin leather neck.

How I hoped to have been you one day,
it's so sad now for all of us,
you couldn't stay.
You had two years left.
Life's a ***** sometimes,
and so is Death.
But that's what happens,
when you start placing bets.

Ah the heart of gold,
and your soul to God,
you're such the geek,
and still a trooper,
great job,
you ner vod.

And so many others,
that I've known
and lost.
All for the sake
of paying the cost.
Of Freedom.

So sleep well my fellow Americans,
and look well upon
our fellow veterans.
Thank a vet for all that they do,
because of them,
you can be

We owe them at least that much
a thank you,
if not more,
that we don't have anyone worse
showing up at our door.

Thank also the police,
for the lack of anarchy,
and think again
the next time you loose
your precious car key.

A minor inconvenience
compared to,
all of those
who serve
the same
God Blessed,
Red. White. And Blue.

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