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Master of Tongue Feb 2018
That sumptuous loneliness..
is just mine..
and I greet myself everyday..
with that bitter wine.
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
I was, that one exception
which she hated to ignore,
but one fine day
she changed her mind.
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
तुम आस पास ही रहती हो
कभी किताब में कभी ख़याल में
कभी नींद में कभी दिलो दिमाग़ में.
तुम्हारी कमी भी बस यही कहती है
तुम आस पास ही रहती हो
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
She pulls me
with the fiber of her voice
and knots me
to her heart for life
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
Her scent makes me close my eyes
her thoughts makes me wake from sleep
each and every way she is perfect
flawless skin, magical touch, soothing soul
her eyes do Deep.
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
My sleep did that trick
she felt her man
so desperate for her.
One of those morning accidents
when her arm bumped
on to her fav toy.
Master of Tongue Feb 2018
She desired to rise high
and drop like a kite
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