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victoria Jan 2018
For my love  

If someone asked me where I lived, I’d reply that I lived within you
If they asked me for a location, I’d say wherever your heart resides

If they asked me where I was born, I’d tell them that I was born from a part of you
If they asked what part, I’d reply both your heart and your soul

If they asked me where I’d like to live out my days
I’d sing to them that my days were only to be close by your side
And when they asked where I like to die, I’d simply reply within your warm loving arms.
victoria Jan 2018
Passing by
one by one
in opposite directions
never touching
barely looking

Then there are the ones that
none pass by
They might stop
Upset the rhythm
Hoping for a glance
A smile

Some go in the same direction
Side by side
Sometimes different speeds
But always within sight
Until their destination
Changes path
Written whilst watching cars below me on a duel carriage way.
Thinking how their journeys can be like the journeys of people, and there souls destination.
Telling myself not to jump.
victoria Jan 2018
Dripping from fingertips
Laid out bare
Heartbroken stare

A beauty witnessed
by all but you
Pushed back
Inside out view

Dawn is waking
As they carry you away
Empty where you lay
Suicide, written about death by slitting wrists
victoria Jan 2018
When I was eleven....

Early spring rings
as violet and blue
in my path lie
Yellow heads
long necks of strength
Portraits pirouette towards
the young amber sky

It is here you dawn
upon my fledgling heart
It is here
where you loom
And steel my mind
Where you stretch me between the fields of cotton rich blue

Tightly cropped bales
statue beneath the sun
I am as young as the early morning due
I call out through eyes of poppy red
Heart fading from crimson
You’ve grown too far from view
Loss of father
victoria Jan 2018
Even when the last star ceases to shine
And the moon is hidden in the dull of the night
I will still love you

Even when the moon demands the ocean waves cease to roll
And Neptune cries into the darkness
I will still love you

Even when Mother Earth sends her anger up to the surface
And all in her path burns to the ground
I will still love you

Because my love for you is beyond harm
It is stronger than the ocean, tougher than the moon, too clever for nature’s anger and
unlike this broken world, my love is eternal
victoria Jan 2018
A poor girl and a curse

From ponytails to cigarettes
From dolls to *******
From teddy bears to teenage ***
From sweetness to insane

At age sixteen
her body worn out
She couldn’t see the damage
The years of what she
thought was fun
A living hell so savage

“Too many men”
Bellowed the nurse
“Too many drugs”
A poor girl and a curse
Too much pain
Upon her soul
Forever young
Never to grow old
victoria Jan 2018
So it’s been just one day since the death of Dolores.
Bitter sweet memories
I didn’t post anything at the time
Because I couldn’t
I was broken
The cranberries where the reason I sang (badly) and the reason I took up the drums (also badly)
I never sang into my hairbrush more with any other band, than I did with them.
I’m not big on mourning celebrities, I think it’s a bit weird but she wasn’t a celebrity, she was my hero and my childhood, my teenage years and my forever dreams.
I’ll never forget those mixed up, ****** up teenage years...

Pushing boundaries
Losing myself, my body and my mind
Good night my sweet Dolores
I understand ❤️
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