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  Jan 25 Vesper
i don't like myself
at all
i hate my body

i hate the was my stomach sticks out
when i sit
i hate the way my feminine structure looks
while wearing normal ****
i hate the way the skin
on my thighs sag
i hate the way i cover my body
with everything
anything i can find
because i'm not okay
i hate my body
Vesper Jan 25
I don't know the path to take
I don't know the people to trust
For they all seem amazing
But under all that ****
They're all just Ghosts

They leave me when I most need it
I should have seen right through them
I don't know how I didn't see
The Ghosts

Even when I t'was younger
I never could have been more fonder
Of the Ghosts

Growing up I should have seen
The Ghosts
singing poems ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Vesper Jan 25
I have no words
For the fallen

I have no feelings
For the broken

For the fallen made others fall

And the broken made others broke

So when their crescent shine
Comes to a stop
The past fallen and broken on top
I was singing as i wrote this lol
Vesper Jan 23
Wishing less
Wanting more
I can't hide myself anymore
The sweatshirts too small
My body too big

Wishing the hurtful words would stop
Not just from you but me
I feel as if I'm going to pop

Skipping meals
Drinking soda
Eating salad
Having dessert

I tell myself that they don't notice
But I think they do
Vesper Jan 23
I cannot stop myself from giving in
To chocolates, to candies
And I just get bigger and bigger
"One more piece"
I tell myself
Vesper Jan 21
I have always wondered where we all came from.
Where we all were, before the big bang.
Such a slim chance, that we're all here today.
So here I think
I don't believe in god-
I believe in something
Vesper Jan 21
I can't write poetry.
I want to write powerful things-
-But I cant.
I want people to see my poems-
-But they don't
I want to be okay without the affirmation of other people-
-But I'm not
And I can't understand
Why the last lines never come to me
Why I can't think of a powerful ending
I just can't
ik this aint gettin nothing either- 🥲
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