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Nov 2018 · 59
Serendipity Nov 2018
My mother keeps flowers in shot glasses,
feeding off the *****.

Drunkenly, they sway in the breeze that passes by.
Blushing petals encompass good times.
Nov 2018 · 895
Serendipity Nov 2018
Yelling at the seed,
won't make it a flower.
Yelling at the stem,
won't make it grow faster.
Yelling at the thorns,
won't make it tower.


Praising the rose,
won't make it any prouder.
Nov 2018 · 115
Serendipity Nov 2018
Change is a game,
and those afraid to play,
will never win.
Nov 2018 · 82
Serendipity Nov 2018
I love like honey,
and thick.
Nov 2018 · 437
Serendipity Nov 2018
Beauty is pain,
and acceptance is the painkiller.
Nov 2018 · 89
Forrest of My Imagination
Serendipity Nov 2018
Sunlight streams from my dreams,
the forest of my imagination.
Near dawn, up all night long,
adventures, I have stories to tell.

Of danger, of fun, of tranquilitiy,
all because I live life on the run.
The trees arch over me,
protecting me.

God bless the streams of water, cold, refreshing.
I let the cold streams replace veins, giving my hot blood a rest.

The bushes are filled with metaphors!
The leaves, brush up against me.
The flowers sway like the faint,
and show their inner beauty.

The wind whispers song of old in my ears.
Forbidden tunes that words cannot describe.
The shade makes for a wonderful blanket, sheltering me from the heat.

Inner peace flowing and floating in the water next to me.
Seeming just out of reach,

until I get here.

The forest of my imagination.
Nov 2018 · 98
Serendipity Nov 2018
I live in these moments,
in the space between the lines,
in the space between the picture frames,
in the walls between these lies.

Within the pause of a comma,

Within the hope we must oblige,
I live perfectly and in harmony,
in this space,
in this moment
between the lines.
Nov 2018 · 88
Serendipity Nov 2018
She wore ****** like a look.

Intent engraved in future gravestones.

Dirt colored eyes of determination.

Future souls echoed cries of anguish
with the sound of gunshots.

Piercing bullets named words.
Serendipity Nov 2018
Money clips the angels wings,
dollar bills used as gags,
Her intelligence a winged creature,
that in this economy, was only meant to crash.

The coins rattle like the chains
she wore around her neck.
Education was a heaven she longed to gain,
But she was only met with hells debt.

The price of freedom all too high,
the money gets you respect.
Her intelligence wilts like a flower under the sky,
in her grave, wasted, now it sits.

Lessons learned from life alone,
for her,was never enough.
She yearned for something more, a skill or craft to hone,
But "Hey kid, life's tough."

So the money now in bags,
buried in places she would never see,
a secret and more hidden rich wrath
that was all just a product of greed.
Nov 2018 · 130
Serendipity Nov 2018
You will never be able to buy satisfaction with words.
Nov 2018 · 251
Serendipity Nov 2018
Do not mistake my kindness for my weakness,
for those who have only braved a stormy sea before,
can approach a second one with a smile.
Nov 2018 · 94
Serendipity Nov 2018
She said "I'm so OCD."

And I searched her hands for the color of raw meat worn ****** pink,

and I searched her soul for the gripping anxiety,

and I searched her body for symmetrical bruises,

and I breathed a sigh of relief,

when I realize it was just a joke

for her.
Nov 2018 · 540
Serendipity Nov 2018
It's all about putting food on the table when you're older.

But what about the food for my soul?

What will I do when my heart is hungry?

Money comes from jobs, where does soul food come from?

Momma's kitchen bakes no breaded lies, food on the table will always be more important than the food for my soul.
Nov 2018 · 202
Serendipity Nov 2018
I knew a girl that bled bouquets,

her tears perfumated with the sweet scent of sorrow,

and I fell in love with the way she wore her pain.
"bled bouquets" are words I got from a spoken word poem named smile.
Nov 2018 · 161
All is fair
Serendipity Nov 2018
All is fair in love and war,
so do not be surprised when the roses of my love wilt into stems,
sickled with thorns.
Nov 2018 · 83
Some days
Serendipity Nov 2018
Some days there will be nobody.
Nobody to love,
nobody to care,
but it is in the black hole of nothingness,
in which we pull our strength from most.
Nov 2018 · 110
Serendipity Nov 2018
Innocence is held most dearly, by those who no longer have it.

— The End —