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love Mar 2020
You have your hands around my mouth,
That's ok because I don't need to shout.
I have patience in me,
That transcends with tranquillity.
What you are trying to breach,
Isn't woven in my sleep.
You can't devour,
The wrath of my silence.
This fight you give,
Stand alone,
With swords of your violence.
Shielded so tight,
A loner in the battlefield.
A gun- you coward,
Words are what I weave.
Solitarily I stand,
On the brink of my ruins.
A pariah mould,
Knows not to fix what's not broken.
love Jul 2020
A dream was seen on a night of roses,
The moon came down,
To give a kiss on the forehead.
The stars tamed the heart,
Freeing it of its burden.
The brain cried to the eyes ,
Adieu to the the thoughts that propelled.
Finally everything was quite,
No one lost, no one came out victorious,
Everyone rejoiced.
Opening champagne to honour the night,
Alsas! they all woke up,
But  they may dream again tonight.
love Mar 2020
I watched the clouds.
A soft mumble the heaven echos for my lips.
Though I was pleased to hear its beckoning call,
But tonight I leave my baby for the sea.

Oh, my dearest,
I placed you so close for so long.
Afraid to let go,
I was hurting to move on.

But its time,
Oh yes, its time.
I sheltered within you,
With no roof on top of mine.

I will pave my  way,
Like you did with yours.
Walking through,
The garden of unknown.

I will try,
I will always try.
To cross this  river,
So I can reach the sea in time.

Through every morning,
And the dawning sunset.
I will remember,
Remember the strength.

The strength,
Beaming through those eyes.
Baby, that's how I survive.

With time,
Abates at each phase,
But tonight I put my baby to rest.
love Mar 2020
I asked for something,
To your soul-less eyes.
You wanted me,
I wanted your time.

Your validation,
Could never dictate my future,
But tell that to my heart,
All it wanted was approval
love Mar 2020
I want to write you,
Like you draw me.

You pick up the pencil,
I will pick up my pen.

Fill me with colours,
I will fill you with words.

Two artist combined,
Perfectly deserved.
love Nov 2020
I wounder what would happen if I were to fly away from you,
Would I shine like the star, or perish into the blue
love Jan 2020
Your beauty is a disaster,
Bitter-sweet anguish it craved on my heart.
Layer by layer, though it peels out perfectly,
It could never reveal what you are.
Your beauty got tainted,
What more were you hiding underneath it?
Succumbed to its insanity.
A prisoner to its entice.
Even with that fading beauty,
You insist on rolling the dice.
love Feb 2020
The murmur of the dried leaves,
Floating in this infinite abyss.
Frosted white beads,
Settling on your lashes,
Like theirs to keep.

Cigarette and perfume,
Amalgam and intertwine.
Our breath-collateral.
Breeding heart's desire.

A dreaded silence,
Thoughts rippling emotions,
An innocent gesture,
Flustering and suffocation.

Glare at your face,
The dusk; the setting sun.
Should I speak or wait,
To settle this commotion.
love Mar 2020
Little bird chippers,
In the warmth of your sanctuary.
Feathers, blue and purple,
Her home your sanctuary.

The bulb on your desk,
Her, sun and the moon.
Hill, she would love to conquer,
The bed in your room.

Your house,
The galaxy.
The streets,
Her universe.
Little bird chippers,
For the food and the shelter.

The rails, her window,
Cold steel,
The warm bed.
A field of beetles,
you forgot to fill today.

Little bird chippers,
In the warmth of your sanctuary,
Feathers, black and grey.
Her heaven your sanctuary.
love Feb 2020
My casket's empty,
Open wide.
Laid by its side,
Black and White,
Black and White.

Pitchforks and torches,
Mourning night,
Your dead eyes,
Black and White
Black and White.

No burden on your mind,
Innocence criticize,
Stomping on my chest,
"Black and white!"
"Black and white!"

My voice poisoned,
Unnatural and undesired.
I am drowning in red,
Black and White,
Black and White.
Why is it always necessary to fit inside their box.
love Feb 2020
Tallgrass arises in every path I choose to walk,
The sky and earth merge to watch me fall apart.

I am breaking at the seam; your tears justifying what you want.
And you frantically try to sew me with every thread of your heart.

Your stubbornness keeps me grounded,
But let me breach past this sky.
Let me tear out of this body,
Leaving my skin and bone behind.

Let me be blessed with your gratitude,
Let me carry your humble soul's wit.

How do you expect me to be untethered?
If you don't let me surrender on my knees.
love Mar 2020
Squeez me,
Empty out everything.
My body is tired,
I need a little resting.

A flourishing  grassland,
With blooming little dandelion,
Place me on its lap,
So I can rest tonight.

I can't breathe,
With my heavy- empty lungs,
I can't breathe,
I try to trace every bit of oxygen.

My eyes are dry,
Burning from inside.
I can't stop aching,
Filled with pain,
And tired eyes.

You see colours in me,
All I see is black and blue.
I don't need anybody,
But sometimes I want you.

Don't want to move a muscle,
How long should I hide?
Smile and lies,
Rotting from inside.

I want to go back,
Revert back to time.
The days when I was young,
I would cry to my mother's eyes.
love May 2020
(If veins were to rupture, could they scream out the agony?)

Written with the ink of solace, binding thousand poems into letters.
If only strength was held more than between these fingers,
I would distribute them, refreshing the velvet clouds.

Lurid to the gazer, its perplexity intertwined to their eyes.
They would stream down, drenching the orb with its tide.
On the lap of the inhabits, who would breakdown like the romantics.
Like a child with unutterable words trying to decipher its meaning.

But saying that would be enough, would be treason- a lie.
Because nothing could dwindle the ruffle precipitating through the burden of this mind.
love Aug 2020
Call me when the angels fall on earth,
When the volcano ceases to erupt.
When the lotus gets revived from mud,
And the nightingales sing songs of love.
love Feb 2020
I build myself a castle, a paradise -home of my dreams.
But brick by brick I had to tear it down to shelter everyone within.
They slept on my bed, they feast on my meal, they shattered my mirror -
My hopes and my dreams.
So I left them my bag,
My castle they could keep.
Carried my words in my pocket,
And left with my bare feet.
love Mar 2020
And use me like a chalk.
Slowly and Slowly,
Turn me into dust
love Jun 2020
Rainbow discolored,
Burning the ludicrous dream.
Set on the stone,
The story that repeated reality.

Regret was never gone,
She sat beside bearing a child.
Indecisive and fragmented,
An orphan, whose mother died.

The child was trouble,
******* the mother's breast.
Drained her into misery,
Deciding the final fate.

The mother died every night,
Child during the day.
Two head of a compass,
Two-point that never met.
love Mar 2020
If every word I scribbled,
Made you a little close to me.
I would be writing on your lap,
Not far across the seven seas.

Not with a vision,
That's getting blurred,
In the peak of every night.

Not with an ink,
That's drying,
Trickling through time.

To finish what I started,
And walk into sth new.

But destined,
To crippled down in pieces,
Before I could write ,"you".
love Jan 2020
Love once forever will be a story to be told.
When your empty heart touches through my empty soul.
More than you baby, these memories last much more.
I saw it from the start, this tasteless desire.
Why do we cry when we find the one we love?
Why do we deny that the nights are getting cold?
love Feb 2020
When I was red,
You were blue.
Then I turned to green just for you.

What you wanted was violet,
But all I could be was indigo.

Orange was your favourite colour,
I wrote you a song in yellow.

For  your acclamation,
I mixed all those colours.

Frantically tried to undo it,
When all of them discoloured.

I sat there reflecting on what was left of me.

I finally became the colour that I wanted to be.
love Jun 2020
Creature of the unknown forest,
Where it fogs as it rains.
What do you see in the deserted,
While there stood fairest of the fairest.
I sweep old chimneys,
And I don't have a heart of gold.
One glory of the Sunday morning,
I watched two cuckoo birds turn cold.
There was once a prince,
Who invited me into the garden of rose.
I didn't slip a slipper or fall asleep.
So he disappeared like the mist you know.

Creature of the unknown forest,
Tell me what do you see in me.
Do you see me or the eyes of you?
Twisted branch and poisoned leaf.
Just like you, I was rejected and untouched.
I wasn't born there but I grew up in a mud.
And just like you, I wished to be seen.
Now that you see, am I complete?
A barrel filled with open baggage,
I have yet to take, yet to give.
Carry it past the mourning hill,
Where the villagers don't reach.
So take me there,
Be my friend or my foe.
Now that you see me I want to be unknown.
love Jan 2021
To settle down somewhere,
Beneath the glow of the crescent moon,
Where nothing but darkness prevails.
Where I and my solitary are hinged together,
The echos of ground wouldn't perforate my thoughts,
The lurid character, only visible to me-
Preserved for me.
The crooked branches wouldn't point towards me,
Their menace evaporating before reaching us.
Only in-ear, they would sometimes buzz,
Restating their vile self.

But, I dream far beyond the horizon- and I see,
A pristine place left for me.
love Mar 2020
How many more words,
Should I submit in your name?
When the ink dries,
They all go in vain.

Lucky I was,
With that feeling of loving you,
Lucky I was,
When all of it disappeared as hue.

I cry a tear,
let it run down my chin.
Little orb of glass,
I wonder how you been.

Through the agony,
Bestowed down my heart,
I think about you,
The one that moved on.
love Feb 2020
I savour you bit by bit
Every drop,
Making me want a little sip.
In the verge of destruction,
Foul voice of victory.
You were the best taste,
life could give me.

My teeths are rotting,
Chewing the shards of your delight,
Sweet and sour,
Twisting my tongue,
But it's alright.

Bleeding to stay,
A night in your arms.
Bleeding to say,
Lift me up to the dark.

Your lips ,
Your touch ,
could just slice me in two,
But your love is what gets me going,
Even in dead I still desire you.
love Feb 2020
If I could  fall with grace and enter into insanity,
I would be making my way into the vast sea.

I would swim away until my limbs are sore.
My heavy chest would be dwelling on the bottom floor.

My decomposed carcass floating with the plankton.
While the seaweed that covered my body,
Would be sewing me a new gown.

With its graceful touch, it would extend its limbs,
To honour what is gone and what is left.

After the death of my body,
My soul would resemble those unhindered pearls,
Forever it would sparkle after the quench of its only thirst.
love Jan 2020
Something about the dewdrop reminds me of us.
Clear and fragile; holding onto one touch.
The soft kiss of the wind,
Enough to distort what bound us.
No faith and no courage,
To return and form the dewdrop.
love Jan 2021
Anywhere the compass may point,
It leads to a single place.
There my  hands tremble,
As thoughts accumulate into words,
Afraid it will not be enough, every time.
My guts, tighten and my heart sink deep,
Though the eyes want to tell the story,
They are afraid of someone reading it
I know it will perish- me and my poetry.
The black crow sitting on my porch,
Explains how it's vexing him.

I understand and for him, I drop the pen,
Staring at the clouds I hope for rain.
love Mar 2020
The one that logged beneath me,
Leaching to my ethereal body.
A voyage,
Steered by an eclipse.
My thoughts that clogged her spirit.

I put my baby to sleep,
Feeding her a spoonful of hope,
Dormant her little screech.
I put my baby to sleep.

Hush baby,
A mother knows what she knows best.
A dragon that breathes fire,
Lying under my breast.

Hoarding the treasure,
With pride, she naps.
Memories of distance love,
Rejuvenating what she had.

My baby is sleeping,
So I try to keep it quite.
I stand with poise.
So my baby can sleep tonight.

I can hear a crumble,
Of the new that is awaking.
I am getting old and frail,
And she is showing her teeth.
love Dec 2020
Forever trap me in my dreams,
Where uncertainty and reality,
Blends to form a nightmare.
love Apr 2020
The remnant of the luminance,
After the body disbands into the sky.
Gloomy heart forever wounders,
How far you have reached this time?
Creating a fissure
You crumble through space and time.
In the loom of  treasured moments,
Beaded a sinful goodbye.

How far can this lone man reach?
Standing at the edge of the line.
It's a disease that shreds you from inside.
Periodic memories stern you back,
To the beginning of a finish line.
Here you are contemplating the deceived heart.
But these eyes would never be subjected to tears,
If it could depict the true meaning of being apart.
love Feb 2020
Sinking under your comfort.
Broken heart,
Colliding with the head.

Blessed with your tender love,
Seeking for forgiveness.

Controlling my intelligence.

My Sentiment;  My spirit.

Rose from my ashes,
Failed to transform into a phoenix.
Keep me alive until the dark,
I will find my way from the beginning.
love Jan 2020
Beware of the falling leaves,
Because they change so quickly.
One distracted blink of the eye,
Left me staring at the branches that are empty.

Beware of the falling leaves,
Noone's sorrow they wish to keep.
You can sit here counting trees,
But for the glory of the eyes, the soul might be deceived.

Beware of the falling leaves.
love Feb 2020
Hesitation in your eyes,
Answer to all my question.

Your burning inner conflict,
Testing my limitation.

Fell for your lies,
Like I feel for your eyes.

No arch for your return,
A fool-
Still waiting for the last time.
Its good to know when to let go.
love Feb 2020


You .    



love Jan 2020
Sweeping through the rain in summer,
Heartfelt emotions they all come undone,
Your touch left my skin now they run through my bones.

Your voice echos around,
Speaks to my mind,
I wonder how is your soul.

You keep lingering in the shadows of our love.
It looks so beautiful now that it is gone.

Are you afraid of the cold?
Now that I am not there to keep you warm.

Just a tear away from breaking,
Just a word to fall apart.
Hold me tight, do you wanna watch me leaving?
Save my soul or are you just quitting?

It's so hard to break too late to mend.
Force myself to sleep,
I dream awake of you.
Kiss me now, I am afraid to move.
Wrap me around your arms,

You say good day, goodnight and you're gone.
love Apr 2020
From heaven- From earth.
Beloved's ashes in air.
Tears dry-drown poem.
love Feb 2022
Withering hearts look up at the sky,
Searching for what?
The colors of hope to make them realize,
Wings that spans across the seven seas,
A hand that reaches the soul that's lonely,
Not to die in  the cold,
The nakedness of vulnerability,
But to dance with the thread of gold,
Angelic summer's prosperity,
Drench in the rain, cry with the wind,
That is all that heart wants,
To show and to be seen.
love Nov 2022
I promised that it would be the last time I cried,
But here I am, my words, I write for you.
You are the peace that got stolen from me one summer afternoon.

It's ok, I said, I will be fine.
But here I am, struggling to breathe myself back into life.
I bring out the tissues to wipe away my tears,
But what will wipe these memories out?
What will remove the stain in my heart?
And untangled the thread that has me bound.

I can see it in my eyes, you are newer than before,
Wiser than I have ever been, and stronger than my bones.
And here I am scattered like a plate dropped on the floor.
And distorted like a shadow turning into a ghost.  

While you flourish with the second I wither at every turn,
While you kiss your new lovers I am engulfed by the thought of us.
love Apr 2020
Hold and pause-
Let your luminance be captured by these weary eyes.
This moment might drive down the hill.
But I will keep them safe above the finish line.

Can I hold and pause?
Let me linger on your shoulder for a little while
These hands might grow cold one day.
But I will keep them warm above the finish line.

When you turn away,
Just let me know.
So that I can hold and pause.
Like two paper planes while will drift away,
Into this dire void tasting the salt at the bay.

I will hold and pause,
I will keep us afloat,
Until we reach the finish line -I'll hold and hold.
love Mar 2020
Why are you so near?
Standing so close to me.
I don't have anything prepared,
I am an overspend prophecy.

Why do you want to touch?
A  river-
That will scotch you on the surface.
Don't bring the courage to dive,
Who is going to carry your remains?

You desire to fill the plate.
With the treasured moments,
That your inner heart weaves.
But why should I give you my hand?
Am I that incomplete?

Venturing, you are,
With the best interest.
To restore and bring back,
Accommodating every step.

I lean but I don't ignite.
I see what you strive.
You are asking for more than,
What you are willing to fight.
love Mar 2020
I have been sleeping for so long,
But my eyes are still weary,
Collecting dust and the ruins.

Flutter with their reminisce.
The sweet taste,
Butter in my dried days.

I am sleeping,
But I am tired ever since.
It's not the day you left,
The day I forgot my existence.

Holding on to a spoonful of hope,
Sip and sip,
It's empty and no more.
love Feb 2020
The way I feel,
I put it in words.
Promised to set me free,
They were just hunting demons.
I weep in my sleep,
Even when I am walking free.
I weep in your presence.
But you say,
"I love your smile" instead.
Not baffled by your judgments,
I cry no tears with my eyes.
If you could peek inside my soul,
Wholeheartedly you would drench inside.
love Sep 2020
How nice would it be,  
To dance beneath the stars.
Wails of current couldn't wash me,
Neither could it keep us apart.

The crescent moon,
On edge of the horizon.
Later introducing,
It's impartial luminescence.

How nice would it be,
To sit with you for the last time.
Turning mournings and sadness,
To confetti in the sky.
love Mar 2021
I need to forgive myself,
Then only I can forgive you.
I need to love myself,
Then only I can love you.

If I could,
I would take myself far.
Far from me,
And close to you.

If I could,
I would erase myself,
And become you,
All of you.

But for now,
The need for I is greater than the need for than us,
The need for skin greater than the need for love.

If you could, would you wait?
I wish I could tell you when.

If I knew my body,
You would know mine.
If I knew my mind,
You would know mine.

The wrath of seen,
Greater than fear of the unseen.  
What's keep hidden,
More certain than what comes out of it.
love Mar 2020
Imagine an Image like that,
Above the translucent free-flowing water.
Beneath the colour of horizon.
It's you and your tinted green eyes,
Like an unhindered pearl, they would gleam tonight.
Agitated by this mixture of emotions,
I would take a pause and close my eyes.
A walk to touch your hand,
But would reach the soul that's inside.

Imagine an Image like that,
The air that fondled with my body,
Throwing itself deep into your lungs.
The chirping of the bluebirds,
Coherent to the flute playing our song.
A place with your favourite sunflower,
In the grassland filled with dandelion.
The story we could never tell,
Unfolding in this imperishable moment.

A journey that didn't end in the sky.
With our hearts pinned down to the earth,
Can you imagine an Image this time?
love Mar 2021
I wish I could write,
The way the poets do,
Then my words could make you cry,
But for now, I will cry alone.

I wish I could love,
The way the lovers do,
Then my eyes would follow yours,
But for now, they will linger alone.
love May 2021
I wish I could love you,
Like you were something new.
Not like a piece of this hollow soul,
That I  am now stumbling into.
You feel like a new bud,
Still like the old dawn.
You feel like something that I loved,
Before I even knew how to love.
love Nov 2022
Here I am, a kid again,
Jealous as a kid has ever been,
Jealous of the love that you have,
A love that I will never feel.
Here I am, gawking at you,
Like you stole my little today.
But all you did was live your life.
And I am just a jealous boy.
How hard must it be for you?
I wouldn't know, as I am just a kid,
Who looks at you with eyes of envy,
Wondering what I could have been.
love Mar 2020
Simmering sunrise,
And your wide-open eyes,
Bittersweet agony,
Left by my side.

Screeching my heart is-
Scraping my lungs.
My tongue,
tight and twisted,
My words are numb.

Not bewildered,
By that decision.
Not constraining,
The wheel.

If there was a silver lining,
This is where it would end.
love Dec 2021
It is a familiar ache that just can’t break your heart,
While the world moves forever,
All you seem to do is fall apart.
People change, people move,
Fall in love, make new friends,
But time has frozen for you since you were thirteen.
And that was the last time, your bones felt alive,
It was the last time, you felt bigger than life.
Now, everything’s erased and only questions stain your mind,
Why did you make me, is it because you love to see me cry?
And if you wanted the trouble, you could have been patient with that time.
Your recklessness only turned into my burden,
But if my tears changed your, heart, I wouldn’t be searching for someone.

Every night plays itself, a reminder that it matters less,
To exist isn’t pleasure, only pleasure is the feeling of existence.
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