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 Jan 2014 Michelle Clarkson
I  hope you                          regret breaking
my tiny fragile heart          into a million and one
splintered shards of bitter/sweet, broken memories
just as much as I regret fall\ing for you and that ever-
present sparemint scent/that seems impossible
to shake off of my mi\nd as much as I try
and off of my/ lips, which
are noth\ing but

                                                                            - g.d.
me lost in Does
why is i me?

change comes
at eternity's end

anxiety eats Does
i sits stagnant

change, i, me
Does me becomes

Now becomes infinity's demise
i dare look into eyes,
into even those of glass.
i fear my soul whimpers
in the glimpse of a second.
iris: beauty taken
in from the soul;
it's full of suspended wonder.
i can't resist the pull
in those floral colors
ivy green, sky blue, dirt brown, midnight black.
i see every word,
in the white,
innumerable thought
in the black.
is reality captured in those sullen globes?
i may never know.
One of the saddest things to me
Is how my generation
Has been deceived to believe
That there are rules
To poetry

That thought is absurd and profane
I’d even take another step
And call it inhumane

Poetry is an expression of being
A way to be free

I finished writing this poem
When I realized something
This doesn’t just apply to poetry
But to all writing

Essays and poems and stories
If we all wrote the same way
We would be so boring

Write different
Write about what you want
Not what they say
Do the complete opposite
Of their way

But it’s not just about writing different
It’s how your pencil
Or other writing utensil
Moves across the paper
It’s about the breath you take
Right before you pour
Your heart on the white sheet
It’s about the way you see

So don’t just write things differently
Write in your own way
Create a new style
And then you’ll know
You’ve gone the extra mile

I finished this poem again
Thought now would be a great time to end
And then I realized something more
This isn’t just about writing
This is life
Break those rules
Don’t conform

It’s not just about breaking rules
Or being some kind of lawless hipster
It’s about being yourself

It’s not always about where you go
No, sometimes it’s about how you flow

There’s something special
Buried deep inside
It’s chained down
Release it
And it will give you life

I guess you can follow
The rules and regulations
If you enjoy being assimilated
Into a system
That was better
Before it existed

You have two options
Pretend you never saw this
And stay hopeless
Or stand up
And become righteous
I highly suggest the second
But of course
I’m biased
Because I hate the idea
Of being hopeless

You have the ability
To be something
Wonderfully crazy
Something that no one else can be
Because you are you
Different than me
So be your own
Not some societal clone
Be you and you alone

I urge you
Stand against conformity
Don’t be he or she or me
Be something completely unique
Fingertips dance through fog,
Particles alight in treetops,
Waves ripple upon his face,
Cities below, nature engulfs us,
On the mountain top, winds blow:
I turn not from society, yet find essence far from man,
He is all that I have been, and will be,
I reach out to touch a single sundrop, and feel,
Duality in an instant, yet still I am me.
After a hike with my son.
I used to belong in this hell.

I was the last puzzle piece to the fire.

But there was a shift in the currents

(those that guide love towards shore)

and I drowned

and I'm not sure where I am now.

I know that this isn't heaven.

The daylight would make sense of all these things;

the birds would always have a sky(without having to wonder where to fly)

and I would always have the perfect words.

The search for meaning has stopped.

I have seen what these waters can do;

The missing pieces have gone back to the moon.
 Dec 2013 Michelle Clarkson
rest little soldier, lay down your sword
let me show you just how much you're adored
come now sweet warrior, put down the knife
maybe in the morning, you won't want to end your life
take a seat my dark-eyed rebel, it's time to give up the fight
i know it's dark now, but soon will come the morning light
take a sit my dear champion, let me hold you close
what you need is a hug, not an overdose
so lean on me my hero, i'll be here to guide you
just focus on getting stronger, and let me help you through
between the sheets
i held you                                
and you held my heart

please don't drop it
i don't think i can take it if it        
shatters once again
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
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