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Jan 30 · 29
Bump That!
Ty Jan 30
Was a month after Christmas and all thru the house,
not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
Bump that house and the mouse cause I'm ready for the heat,
summertime weather and I'm headed to the beach.

It's cold outside not a skier bump the slopes,
don't mind if you do but for me its a nope.
Time to get a ticket, need to make my way down south,
heard they got snow, what the bump, shut your mouth.

Not going to many places when its cold outside,
hit the gym, watch the tube, down to get a ride.
Bump this bump that, I just really hate the cold,
summer can't come quick enough, this winter freeze is old!
Jan 15 · 29
Don't Trust CLOWNs
Ty Jan 15
Got a new vision for the future and I'm serious,
shared it with my friends they say I'm delirious.
No matter how they see this its me that takes the risk,
blocked out all that noise and I'm ready for this.

Putting myself on the line for that hit or miss,
army of one no where to hide no time for tricks.
Who better than me to deal with conflicts,
mind set of a winner and I'm destined for hits,

If I let them hold me back how will I ever get ahead,
just because you froze don't mean we in the same bed.
My destination is defined by my path to choose,
only one life to live that I choose not to abuse.

Let them say what the want my future is not defined,
the choices I make or don't, are special and they're mine.
Its ok to seek advice life is full of ups and downs,
be careful who you trust, watch out for the clowns.
Oct 2024 · 48
Pissed Off!!
Ty Oct 2024
F you blickity Blick, kiss my *** you  make me sick!
Thought you were my friend, but you really truly ****,
took a minute to find out, you don't EVEN give a PLUCK.
Now that I know, we can never go back,
silly *** me, I thought we were a pack.

Introduced you to my family, that was one big Calamity!
Looked that up for the rhyme, you dumb *** *****,
life without you is fine, you make me wanna sn!tch.
All that ****t you use to do, I hid it from the crew,
cause at the end of the day, I thought it wasn't True!

You question who am I, I question out loud why.
- why did I let you in, you can't even spell "Friend".
- why I ever called you brother, F you and your mother.
- why it took so long to find out, what you really all about.

But now that I know, you was all for show,
like garbage to the can, you gots to GO!
You aint ****T, you make me S!CK,
Silly Rabbit Tricks are for Kids!
Sep 2024 · 59
Ty Sep 2024
A teardrop for the Love I lost,
but life doesn't stop, not even a pause.
Felt like my heart would stop beating,
long days long nights that I had not eaten.
Where did we go wrong, we had a plan,
against all odds we would stand.
left turn when we should have turned right,
long moments of silence, no rest, long nights.

Been a awhile now but I saw her the other day,
our eyes they met, then we turned away.
Could it be that we both miss each others spark,
or am I still blinded and lost in the dark.
How did our love stop, replaced with a teardrop.

Its been a year now and I'm still on my own,
to turn back time I would change my tone.
My mind slips back to us almost everyday,
but like the sands of time, that all went away.
For the love we had, a teardrop I shed,
for the teardrop I shed, I miss what we had!
Ty Jul 2024
Week has begun, its already started,
Woke up this morning laid in bed and I ……
Got out of bed and I stretched to get loose,
Headed on down, eggs and bacon glass of .....

Popped the garage doors, jumped in the ride,
Lunch coffee keys all by my ....
Traffic real heavy, good and thick,
Move out the way you stupid little .....

Gonna be a long day once again I’m late for work
Boss already seen me, I hate that little ....
Lots of work to do and its all piled up,
I’m in one of my moods I don’t really give a ....

Lunch time finally here and I’m ready to eat,
Salad fruit and meat but nothing really .....
The day is really dragging, what the hell,
Looking at the clock cause I’m ready to ....

Spoke to the new office person they was acting real cold,
Is it me, my breathe or they just an .......
Work day almost over and I got a new flow,
Looked at my watch and it finally time to ..

Work way behind me and I’m headed to the bar,
My lady waiting for me so I’m glad its not too …
Jun 2024 · 100
Feeling Isolated
Ty Jun 2024
I'd like to hang out every now and then.
have a few drinks make some new friends.
I feel so withdrawn am I making this too hard,
is it just in my mind, where should I start .

But I'm rough and I'm tough and I keep my guards up,
its hard to please myself a me, much less a us.
What if I let you in and you become my friend,
just to find out I got to start all over again.

Maybe I really should get out more, there's lots to do and explore,
new people to meet, new adventures to enjoy.
If I could get outside my head, a world with no pressures,
I would be like everyone else, am I the only one that measures!
May 2024 · 91
Friends with Benefits
Ty May 2024
Met a year ago, feelings on the low, heart strings didn't show.
And so it began, lovers and friends, lines blurred, feelings stirred.
Bottom to the top and back again, more than lovers we are friends.
In and out of relationships, but our secrets never slipped.

Heart beat on lockdown, starting to feel like a clown,
heart beat skips a beat whenever she's around.
I'm not sayin that I'm falling in love, but she to fits like a glove.
Could it be I underestimated fate or just a feeling that I'm too late.

As she walks down the aisle I feel it was all too much,
to have ignored my feelings I was way out of touch.
For my friend and my lover I wish her much luck.
Vows spoken my heart begins to sink,
eyes meeting she gives me a Wink.
Apr 2024 · 70
Ty Apr 2024
Well here I sit at my desk another week before me.
Fake smile on my face, like I like this place,
just in case they want to fill my space.

That endless cycle of work to the weekend.
Got to love Friday, that's when we get that pay,
take a break time to play or just to lounge all day.

Monday thru Friday it just seems to drag , then the weekend does
a drive by... fast as hell.
I'm not mad at my job, I like what I do, got a friend or two,
that  helps me get through.

Work! No silver spoon to give me a pass, no hate... Maybe.
So here I sit at my desk like I'm on trial,
lets get this party started gonna be here for awhile.
Friday rolls up, then I start to smile.
Sunday night creeps in and then it's off to work again!
Feb 2024 · 112
SMELLY (Friends)
Ty Feb 2024
Who needs friends when I got people like You,
you talk behind my back and in my face Too!
Its not that I think I'm this and or I'm That,
good people draw good people and that is a Fact.
When it's just us you act like we cool, But...
when others are around you dog me what the F ck!
Who puts someone Down, when others are Around,
making jokes at their Expense, now its starting to get Intense.
**** I know that I smell it's h-a-t-E
Lets get this party started if this is how its gonna Be,
Took the high road with you and called you on the Telly,
talk about my feelings but you was smelling real Smelly.
You hung up on me, I guess this is really a Split,
text me a little later said you got no time for my ****T...
So at the end of the day "friends how many of us have Them",
thought it was us, but the chances looking pretty Slim!!!!
Jan 2024 · 132
Do Do
Ty Jan 2024
I look at stuff and I read stuff, giving most of the stuff no pass,
most of the stuff, the stuff I see, the stuff I read no class.
So who am I to share my view, a random who like me like you,
but there is a view from me and you, put it in the mix for all to chew.
So here's a clue from me to you, put it out there and we will share,
what we think before you blink, a point of view our Smelly Do Do.
The good and bad throw it in the mix, just to see what sticks,
He said she said now count the clicks, rabbit in my hat lots of tricks.
Observations made so what's your conclusion, what's your solution,
don't make it confusing, with the delusion of anything but intrusion.
Here we go again will it never end, the who and what they do,
my stink your stank, who do we thank, get a clue its just your view
cause in the end, its all Do Do!
Jan 2024 · 110
Ty Jan 2024
Start of a new year got snow on the ground,
been a minute since I felt it, its really coming down.
Kids out sleighing, love to see them playing,
looking out the window, not going out just saying.
Coffee cup in my hand, looking out so refreshing,
everything all covered, but upon further inspection.
Twinkle left my eye, I got work to do,
and if it's not me then please tell me who?

Looking out the window and all I see is white,
dreaming about Miami and its not even night.
Picked up the phone got to get a reservation,
all the planes on the ground, ended that conversation.
Walking back forth pushing that shovel in my hand,
made up my mind and I got a new plan.

Called up the store, you got them blowers in stock,
laughed in my ear I wanna hit him with a rock.
So back and forth I walk, then I saw them looking out.
Wife and kids smiling as I do my walk about.
Nov 2023 · 132
Ty Nov 2023
Rolling down the street and this car cut me off,
looked the other way and gave the guy a Pass.
Bopping to the tunes when I looked up in my mirror,
there he was again riding all up on my ***.

Reached up in my mind had I cut this guy off,
tapped the brakes lightly I hope that he can See.
Caught him back there slipping and he slammed on his brakes,
now he really ****** so he chasing after Me.

Yeah he really ****** but is it me or my car.
from what I can see we live in different zip Codes.
I worked hard to get here nothing was giving to me,
knowing where I come from its time to change Modes.

So I slipped to my right and I let him pass by,
dipped in behind and rode him real Tight.
Saw him hit his brakes check one check two,
nothing new for me so I rode him just for Spite.

Now he on the run but he don't got the juice,
should have let it go but i can't at this Stage.
Don't know what he was thinking my click got him scared,
flashed it to his mirror and I'm ready to Engage.

Worked real hard to get here not really worth it,
caught a glimpse of my future living in a cage.
Backed off the gas this life not for me,
but for that one minute I was lost, Road Rage!
Oct 2023 · 125
Roses 4 Poses
Ty Oct 2023
Welcome to the world that poses for roses,
looking for flowers, roses 4 poses.
Talk about it write it down be sure it flows,
as long as they all see and everyone knows.

Look around take a peep know what I mean
living in a world built by ones in a dream.
Mirror just a reflection of a false confession
stimulated by the ******* of a upward direction.

Hidden within the made up atttributes
I close my eyes, my mind accepts no substitutes.
I live on Social Media and i do all there is to do
in my world of make believe, coming straight at you!
Aug 2023 · 203
Humpty Dumpty
Ty Aug 2023
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great... holdup wait,
Egg out the crate, we all know his fate.
He made a big slip and took a short trip,
like the rain drops they drip, that *** got whipped.
Who you gonna call, ghost busters on the way,
oops what a fall, cracked shell on display.
Yolk over here, shell over there,
I think he pooped his underwear.
Scrambled egg for dinner, sounds like a winner.
Add salt and pepper, make it taste much better.

Eggs get busted up, People don't give a F*ck
Sad to say but that's whats up, is it Karma or is it luck

Walking tall never crawl
or you will take a fall
You think that you cleaver
we eat you up for the pleasure!
Jul 2023 · 145
Doo Bop Dee
Ty Jul 2023
Doo Bop Dee witty boom boom let it bloom
  me pop this zitty make it hit real soon…
We stopped for Kitty let it purr make it zoom
  i made this ditty made it up with a boom....
I rock the room smoke a splitty cut the fake
  we smile no gloom  hit'em up eat the cake...
Read this eyes open then you know what to take
  close your eyes tight and there'll be no escape...
Hold up no waiting crisscross hit the brake
  slide in my lane and it will be too late.....
Doo Bop Dee witty load'em up hit the city
  me pop this bitty blow'em real pretty....

front to the back to the front make'em jump
back to the front to the back just a bump!
Jun 2023 · 140
B&W Colors
Ty Jun 2023
Walking out of step, main stream took our pep
Spitting out venom, snakes hit him then they bit them
Life full of tourist, pedestrians lost in the mist!
Harassed for being different, when we all God sent

No help from the crowds, eyes up to the clouds
Will we ever be the same, passing thoughts up in flames
Judged from the start, we all play our different parts
Categorized by society, and that’s a crime on you and me!

Click bait New World advertised, old news stop telling lies!
No new thriller, harsher not a chiller, hating on the dealer
Back of the line, it’s all not fine, when will WE take the time  
Growing up thru the pain, tear drops forever stains

Red Yellow Blue, if only the primaries where true
Black and White, the only true point of view
Far left to far right, like day and night
No solution offered, I just Know it’s not RIGHT!
May 2023 · 169
Somebody Looking 4 Me
Ty May 2023
Somebody looking for me and I'm looking for them,
don't know who will it be, that got the eyes for me.
Dressed for the role and I'm ready to meet them,
real life movie lust, the perfect part for us.

We all looking for it, sometimes its hard to find,
that real special person, that one of a kind.
Keep myself together eyes always on the prize,
find that special one make my temperature rise.

So where you at, we both been to the well,
dipped the bucket in pulled up a piece of hell.
Said we gone this and we didn't do that,
broke the others heart and we can't go back.

Life lessons learned but I'm always on call,
find that special one and I'm standing real tall.
I'm looking for them, I hope they looking for me,
Garden of Love, plant a seed and grow a tree.
Apr 2023 · 136
This my house... Get out!
Ty Apr 2023
Round and round we go but this time I'm through,
tired of your this and that, you now my ex baby boo.
Always about you and never about us,
lies and deceit and nothing about trust.
No more where you going and when you coming home,
from this point forward I'm all alone.
I was all alone any way, a empty glass on a shelf,
even when we together I was by my self.
You not my mother, I wish you could see,
you was just my lover, not the boss of me.
Now who you gonna call when you need a shoulder,
it wont be me my mind is older.
Old enough to realize that I have wasted too much time,
young enough to know I can still find a dime.
This point forward we not Lovers and you not my Boss,
this heart belongs to me and so does this house!
Jan 2023 · 151
Gone But Not Forgotten
Ty Jan 2023
I lost a friend the other day, he passed and went away,
words can not express my feelings, I dont know what to Say...
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
the words and meaning, all take away my Breath...
I will fear no evil, for thou art with me,
a prayer, A psalm, words to comfort Thee...

I lost a friend the other day, I will never be the same,
my mind full of my emotions, the love and the Pain...
A feeling within that touches on my mortality,
the knowledge that this is my Reality...
A path we all shall walk, the memories lost and sorrows,
from birth to death, all of our Tomorrows...

A space left in my heart, for all that depart,
to meet again I pray, I Lost a friend the other DaY...
Gone but not forgotten.
Jan 2023 · 146
My Mind
Ty Jan 2023
My mind was playing tricks on me, I thought you felt the same.
looking back on us, now i know it was a game.
My mind was playing tricks on me, what happened to us?
thought that you were on my side, not just here, for the ride.
Eyes were shut, but that was then and now I can see.
Had me caught up in my feelings, did you even love me?

spaces in between the lines in my Mind
had me feeling all was Fine
but now i know it was just a Dream
cause life aint always what it Seems
through the darkness and the Haze
next time around I'll look both Ways
Nov 2022 · 119
Who We Are
Ty Nov 2022
Its Friday lets get naked and have some fun,
Pull off all our clothes and layout in the sun!
Cold outside so lets go in,
heat turned on just me and my friend!
Keep your hands to yourself and I’ll do the same
But if we get freaky no ones to blame!
Top to the bottom and start all over,
You can be my moon and I’ll be your Rover!
Stop wait a minute this is going too far,
Never gonna happen cause we are who we ARE!

Nov 2022 · 165
No Judgement
Ty Nov 2022
Strange bird that once heard the word. Whispers in her ear that brought her fear.
Thoughts of future dreams a life not what it seems. But in the end she found the blend.
The perfect fit for her that makes her body Purr. Lust, greed and temptation bringing new sensation!
A life of new adventures void of all sensors. Eyes wide open freedom the new token.

If only it could be a life of what you see. Free from all judgement free from all contempt.
Sep 2022 · 152
Ty Sep 2022
Thoughts enter my mind like an invasion
telling me what to do forced persuasion
Fighting back the thoughts cause me agitation
trapped in this cycle of dos and don't constipation
Free thoughts of the mind a future I'm craving
trapped in a never ending loop no reality no vacation
Awaken from the dream back to reality no invitation
reality forced upon me, future behind me a Invasion
Jul 2022 · 136
Ty Jul 2022
This is jus a Sample.... A Sample….
   of the way I Feel
An example, of the Life I Live

Dug deep by the layers of Time
   spread thru the Hours-
Of the days by Design

A Rhyme set forth within my mind
   of the smiles passed by in time
Here I stand present and accounted for

One day at a time, God's Design
   a fluid motion of a magic potion
Like the flames of the Fire,
life takes me higher..... by DESIGN
Jun 2022 · 529
Ty Jun 2022
We live in a world of violence
no way for us to deny this.
Every day include the things you might miss
no promises of tomorrow, not even that last kiss.

A world filled with revolving pains
dreams dissolved replaced with tear stains.
Lives shattered are guns the blame
tears hidden with walks in the rain.

No more tomorrows, heartfelt sorrows
world full of horror, no love to borrow.
No hiding place, no where to escape
nowhere is safe, we have lost our faith.

With pain and sorrows we make a wish
that one day we all get past this.
Children dying before their parents
no heart, no soul, this thing VIOLENCE!
Apr 2022 · 138
Ty Apr 2022
Walking through the store I heard people getting loud,
the louder they got the wilder they got,  soon they drew a crowd.
Everyone has an opinion, that doesn't make it a fact,
will we ever climb the hill together like Jill and that guy Jack.

A society of people split up, divided by different wages,
from poverty to wealth all on different pages.
Karen propped up riding too high in society,
only aligned with her own priority.

Race barriers only crossed by the depth of ones pockets,
institutionalized views on every ones dockets.
A persons stature dependent on their wealth,
the collective of their being hidden within so stealth.

Welcome to America home of the free,
bank account low so that don't include me.
When I get my coins up imma reach for the top,
got to get pass what they tell me, They telling me to STOP!
Mar 2022 · 149
Hello Pretty Lady
Ty Mar 2022
Hello there pretty lady, can I talk to you?
have a conversation and share a point of view.
I saw you standing there, can I to get to know you?
let me in your world and I'll open my doors too.

Looking at the outside, I like what I see.
if the inside looks as good, you're the one for me.
I hope I fit your dreams and you like my style.
i want to get to know you, I want to make you smile.

My eyes are wide open and I'm ready for this journey.
meet me half way, new adventures for us to see.
A love story to be written, starring you and me.
let me in your life, let's see what we can be.

Hello pretty lady can I talk to you?
i find you very interesting, I hope you feel me too!
Feb 2022 · 126
Ty Feb 2022
Between the spaces hidden in my mind
lies the place I hide my heart, that no one can find.
Walls built around too high to climb
all my private feelings held over time.
Selection process run again and again.
If I let you in, I will call you my friend.

Choices made of who I choose to let through.
Only the chosen ones, only the special few.
A friend of yours doesn't make a friend of mine
the real test of that comes after time.

The people I know, they come and go
only the chosen few in my heart will grow.
I got your back for life never open for debate.
My friends for life, my friends I celebrate!
Jan 2022 · 129
How Do I Approach You
Ty Jan 2022
I think you want to get me with me
I want to get with you too
The only real question is what I'm gonna do
How do I approach you, to let you know how I feel
The talking part is easy, I want you to know I'm real

We been friends for forever and that I don't ever want to lose
but if I only have one choice please don't make me choose
You're my best friend and I want you in my life
I have other friends but I want you for my wife

So how do I let you know that a choice must be made
Don't want you to get the feeling that you being played
I want to be more than friends I want to be with you
I hope you feel the same I pray that you do

The talking part is hard, I don't want to be a ghost
How do I approach you, It's us I want the most
Dec 2021 · 93
You Down with Me
Ty Dec 2021
What kind of way would it be, if you said you down with me
Long walks in the park, hold me close after dark
Would you whisper in my ear, let me know what you fear
Hold me close never part, keep me deep in your heart

Could it always be like that, without all the rat-a-tat-tat
or would time change us, then we fight and we fuss
Two hearts that come together, can we make it thru the weather
or will time take its toll and we wither in the cold

A love that's meant to last, can't be held by the past
Our future ahead one lane, there will be no one to blame
One book on the same page, front and center same stage
This is how it could be, if you say you down with me
Nov 2021 · 122
Ty Nov 2021
You on me, me on You, lets see what we Do
The way you looked me up and down was my first Clue
It didn't take Long, until we had our on Song
Laying next to me let me help you out that Thong

Me for you, you for Me, lets do what we See
Always and forever that's the way it's gonna Be
Speeding thru my Mind, green light no stop Sign
Got no need for clocks cause we never out of Time

With us by our side we will always be together
You got me I got you, lose our sight Never
Pen to the paper, paper to the pen
Wrote it all down, still the same spin
- that's you and me like the Weather, always and Forever
Nov 2021 · 124
Ty Nov 2021
We get it from all sides, the lines of different divide
mocked for being together, looks they can not hide.
Who are they to say, what makes us feel a way
judgements placed upon us, even in this day.

Found love with my heart, my eyes could not see
brought me to this place, of you and me.
Families broke apart, images blurred and scarred
made our bond stronger, even though its hard.

Love would be missing, if never we were together
for all I see is you and me, for now and forever
Who says we gotta love, who they say
they don't control my heart, in any way

So let them stare and let them glare
together with you, forever I do
Oct 2021 · 230
On Trial
Ty Oct 2021
She whispered in my ear softly
- wonder what that will cost me.
Said we been together  for 3 good years
- i poured us a drink, toast it up cheers.
Asked my opinion on that walk down the aisle
- it felt like a interrogation, am I on trial.

Looked me in my eyes said we together forever
- words heard clearly, delivery not so cleaver  
Told me she need a ring or we are over
- i hesitated but grabbed the keys to the Rover.
Grabbed my hand and held me tight
- opened my eyes, I know she right

Both said I do and we walked down the aisle...
- looks like I won, I was.... On Trial
Oct 2021 · 260
Ty Oct 2021
I wake up in the morning and I think of you
running through my minds the things we use to Do.
Last time we were together it didn't work for you
I took us for granted like you wasn't my Boo.
I've had a few relationships they can't compare to you
regrets for the moments that I didn't have a Clue.
It's been a long time since I talked to you
maybe we can get together and have a drink or two.

One more chance One last dance, Let me in Please be my friend.
That's all I Ask I know that we will Last....

From the bottom of my heart I tell you this is true.
I will never let us go, I Love YOU!
Jul 2021 · 110
Money Morals
Ty Jul 2021
If I was Rich I'd be a real *****,
Anything I wanted, I'd scratch that Itch.
Traveling around the World looking for a Pearl
Every chance I get, riding every Curl.
In and out of Trouble blame it on my Double,
Can't catch me, even with a Hubble.

The epitome of elegance so sick you see,
The dichotomy, of the you and Me.
For if you say you Wouldn't or that you Shouldn't
Maybe on the real, you just Couldn't.

So what do you do if you hit that Money Ball,
Keep it for yourself, or share the Honey with All.
You never gonna Know until you got money to Blow,
Where you morals stand then, or was it just for Show.
Jun 2021 · 114
We Racing
Ty Jun 2021
Let's get together and play a little game...
put your hand right here and i'll do the same.
We racing to the flag so stay in your lane...
hold on tight it's gonna be insane.

If I get there first pump me up get me back...
feel the hips kiss the lips let me play with the rack.
If you beat me to the line keep you pedal to the floor...
feel my line keep the grind grab the stick gimme me more.

Curvy road ahead we in the red hit the juice...
lights flashing in the back shoot them up the deuce.
Shift the stick slam the pedal take the flag all in stride..
we hit the max popped the bottle oh my gawd what a ride.

Check the oil gas me up feel the tires grab the key....
hit the track yeah we back round two maybe Three.
May 2021 · 114
Never the SAME
Ty May 2021
Step into the world from a oyster came a pearl
hand in hand walking me and my girl
New day new task all you have do is ask
looked forward to this day and we out with no mask
We looking for a trip so we can take a dip
thoughts still in my mind hoping the world don't slip
Got to look ahead no time I'm out of bed
we headed to tomorrow green light not red

But if by chance we slip and fall back
turn back the clock just like that
I aint holding back got my cola and my Jack
the future is now and that is a fact
Back to the future from whence we came
full speed ahead this aint no game
All things played out there is no shame
one thing for sure we will never be the SAME
Apr 2021 · 88
Ty Apr 2021
Our eyes met I felt her fire, when she spoke she took me higher
Bodies intertwined lined with fur, meant to be, I and her
Fast forward no hesitation, the picture drawn, no erasing
Our love front page face to face, love her smell, love her taste

Who's to say what the future may hold, today we shine, never to fold
If tomorrow I knew today, I'd put my heart, on full display
Never holding back giving 100, answering all questions she ever wondered
Threw my feelings over the ceiling, her love I'm feeling, very thrilling

From the beginning to the end, I'm all in
No bad feelings and its not a sin
This where we start, my only real friend
From the end to our beginning and back again
Mar 2021 · 113
And Then I Found OUT
Ty Mar 2021
What's that you saying, me and you be playing
You was the one that I walked to, the one that I talked to
In between their word, you are the one I heard
Above it all we had truth, now I know, gone, ****

Ran to you when you was running to me
Through the lies now I see
My eyes wide open walking in the rain
Tears in the water feel my pain

Thought we was this, it was just a wish
Now I know, you never felt my flow
My broken heart ruled, I was so fooled
I don't know you, not even a clue

Friendship and love we look to form
Good times and bad weather the storm
I thought we was this, I use to scream and shout
Bumped my head... And Then I Found Out
Mar 2021 · 121
New Demarcation
Ty Mar 2021
The demarcation of a hater full of temptation
   void of limitations
Waiting in line to steal your sensation
   in front of you is their destination
Past your walls like condensation
   climbing the ladder real infiltration
Up in your space on every occasion
   needless to say no relaxation
Pointless to hide low expectation
   tension growing no recreation
Push them back new manifestation  
   a love for them the void I'm erasing
In your ear they cause aggravation
   which only leads to confrontation
Alleviating the constipation
   caused by unfair adjudication
No more haters bold declaration
   anticipation with new stipulations
Communication full participation
   protects one from an unjust nation
A life  to look forward to no renovation
   one life one love new demarcation
Mar 2021 · 89
Lost Friends
Ty Mar 2021
I lost a friend the other day, he passed and went away
words can not express my feelings, I don't know what to say...
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
The words and meaning, take away my Breath
I will fear no evil; for thou art with me
A prayer, A psalm, words to comfort Thee...

I lost a friend the other day, I will never be the same
a cup full of my emotions, the love and the pain
A feeling within that touches on my mortality
the knowledge that this is my reality
A path we all shall walk, a memory lost the sorrows
from birth to death, all of our tomorrows

A space left in my heart, for all that depart
to meet again we pray, I Lost a Friend the other DaY
Feb 2021 · 90
Ty Feb 2021
Should i leave or should i stay
cold days ahead either Way
Got this noise in my ear, i can hardly breath
must be this space i'm in, makes me Deceive
Told her this but i really meant that
don't want to be here, the only true Fact
Who ever said love hurts hit it on the head
brighter days hidden, waking the wrong Bed
Day one i knew she was the one, but that feeling faded
cant put the blame all on her, that would be too Shaded
Man in the mirror pointing at me, is this my fault?
always needing someone else to blame, that's what we Taught
But here's a new angle, new food for thought
mirror shining on me and now i'm Caught
Do the right thing, that sound familiar
life don't have to be another Thriller
At the end of the day i lost, defeat
she moved on i miss her she pressed, Delete
Feb 2021 · 122
I Want It All
Ty Feb 2021
I want it all, the better things in life
the money the fame and a bad wife

I wouldn't say i'm superficial but i'm not existential  
even though its not essential, i got it in my mental

Playbacks running thru my mind but life aint that kind
stuck in this lane, got no one to blame

But i want it all, what i got to do
reality is so brutal all my green lights blue

The fame the fortune not meant for me
blinded by the television but now i see

No spoons in my mouth, don't even got a house
future not that bright and i can't find the light

Pressed fast forward but all i do is crawl
Life passing me by but I WANT IT ALL
Jan 2021 · 195
Ty Jan 2021
She came to me one day, she was a maniac
dug deep in my heart, a real pain I liked
Soul real dark, red stained at that
eyes wide open, I feel the pain a fact
Back in the day, I use to be a Mac
girls hanging on, was I a coat rack
Hit her with my tone, got her on my back
Until she broke me down, that little maniac.....

I got her in the sack, she want to play Iraq
my little maniac, she like that rat-tat-tat
She say that she the boss and i aint feeling that
acting like a fool, where's my head at

She put me in my place and she aint coming back
Thinking back on us,  was i the Maniac
Jan 2021 · 122
Fat Cat (exile)
Ty Jan 2021
Fat cat like dat but he silly wack
Playing on a big track, watch out watch your back
Big itch he need to scratch, played his folks just like that
Where you going, where you at, beat us down, baseball bat

Hard to watch, what we learn, no water here watch them burn
Held the power held it firm, we the people watch the worm
Don't got your back, not another term, made us squirm

Split us up for his cause, played on us like we dolls
Hold up wait, hit the pause, all he wants is applause  

As a people we will stand, no forever you are not the MAN!

(can't end like this, just one wish and with a smile, please exile)
Nov 2020 · 96
Another Day
Ty Nov 2020
Woke up this morning, they still trying to Tase Me
Peeping out the window, looking kinda Haze Z
Coffee watch the news, they still trying to Play see
Got my own vision, wont let them Phase me

Heading off to work, feeling kinda Lay Z
Best foot forward, I need to get Paid see
Friction all around, the world real Cray Z
Color versus color, wont let them Play me

The clock ticked the clock, meeting up with Bay B
Dinner drinks, real talk, hope she never Trade me
Day fades to night, trying to get that Gray V
TV watching us, our love always Amaze me

Woke up this morning, they still trying to Tase me
Peeping out the window, looking kinda Haze Z
Oct 2020 · 87
The Weekend
Ty Oct 2020
Time to relax, gots to  love the weekend
Hangout with my friends, fun is what we seeking
Worked all week had some where to be
Friday nights here now its all about me

Clothes piled up guess i'll throw them in the wash
Grass so tall that my dog got lost
The bathrooms looking ***** and my carpet looks sad
Cant have my friends over cause my place looks bad
My fridge is on empty and my cabinets are bare
My car is ***** and i need to do my hair
I got a list of things to do that i put off last week
No time for me to hang in the street

Time to relax, where did the weekend go
Didn't see my friends, didn't make the show
Where did the time go, hating that its Sunday
Looking towards Friday but its only Monday

Sep 2020 · 85
Wake Me Up Before You Go
Ty Sep 2020
Wake me up before you go
Take a picture with my mind
Carry you with me all day
Pull you out and think of you

Wake me up before you go
So I can feel your flow
Let you know how I feel
Let you know my love is real

Wake me up before you go
Wrap my body around your body
Feel your warmth next to me
And listen to our heart beats

Wake me up before you go
So I can let you know
That my love for you is real
That this is how I feel
Sep 2020 · 82
Baby and Me
Ty Sep 2020
She do, so we do, me too, on a Seadoo
My boo, I love you, here's a clue, that is true
Baby and Me we rolls, together...
Twinkle in her eye and very cleaver!
Wonder why, I try, she's the one, in my eye
We on high, very fly, keep my head, to the sky
Baby and Me we rolls, forever
Twinkle in my eye let her go, never
Her and me, meant to be, opened my eyes and now i see
Not one to flee, no question see, that's the way it's gonna be
Baby and Me we on a different fling
Twinkle in my eye cause she do that thing
Aug 2020 · 71
Are Roses Red
Ty Aug 2020
If roses are red and violets are blue...
- does this mean that other colors are not true
Got a lion in my heart and he ready to roar...
- don't block the way, let me thru the door

In this life we have choices, watch out i'm coming thru
i hear all the voices, yet i know what to Do
Get out of my way, my time is due
got no time to play, i'll run over You

Give me a chance, to see what i can be
like the perfect romance, it will set my soul Free
My future is so bright, take a look and you will see
tried to turn off my light, but that don't work for Me

Watch me if you must, but let me pass by
i don't want the crust, i want the whole **** Pie
Come follow me, i got a vision in my eye                                
Can't help if you don't see, just let me Fly

If roses are red and violets are blue...
- come on follow me and i'll show you what i do
Got a lion in my heart and he ready to roar...
- visions in my eyes and the ready to soar

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