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Twinkle Rawat Oct 2018
Just read my favorite Novel,
To a buffalo.
She seemed to listen
With those weary eyes, meeting mine
Every now and then.
Her ears wide open,
To foil the efforts of distractors.

And in between she responded with a sigh,
While casually,
Yet elegantly masticating her lush green lunch.
And at times, she flashed her whites,
Those natural pearl whites, that acquired their sheen out of nowhere!

Then I watch her turn away from me,
Oh! Lightening flash! Before my eyes,
A whip! Across my face!
Her snake-like rear!
What a clear indicator of her fondness for my Novel!

And finally she flopped down into her space,
Rested like never before.
I've never seen a creature more exhausted.

An enlightenment I felt, after that whip,
A realization of the zero net effect
On the poor creature,
Compelling me to recollect,
Those beautiful Novels, I've tried reading to other such buffaloes,
Sheer repentance,
Yet a lesson in disguise.

And as I walk back with my Novel,
I meet another such buffalo,
All excited to listen to my Novel,
With those weary eyes.
But this time I crossed her,
In search of a **** sapien sapien,
And the search goes on and on...
Oct 2018 · 359
Twinkle Rawat Oct 2018
As free as a a cage
She trapped herself,
Into that flamboyant frame,
Trying to veil
Those dewy eyes.

She trapped herself,
Within that tailored smile
she was accustomed to
Her milieu was accustomed to,
Trying to conceal that usual heartache.

She trapped herself,
Inside that veil of sophistication,
Smothering that naiveness,
That unconsciously shoved her lips to expand into that charming curve,
Even at trivial affairs.

She trapped herself,
Defeated by that burden of expectations,
And unwillingly
Blocked that flame that always ignited her.

She trapped herself,
Deserted her reason for living...
Not just existing,
And existed, lost.


Even that mere existence refused to welcome that defeat.

Her individuality dissuaded her from that suffocation,
And promptly removed that veil.

She was a fighter,
A militia fighting her demons
Annihilating those fears,
Those self doubts
That hindered her conquests
To establish her purely sovereign empire.

She accepted gracefully
Her naiveness.
She embraced elegantly
Her gawkiness.

The lill flame ignited,
Metamorphosed into inferno.
She wore that invisible Crown,
All by herself.
She vehemently chased those dreams,
Those dreams, which once got her trembling,
Were now waiting,
To be seized by the Queen.

She emancipated that bird, from her lill cage,
And allowed her to measure the sky,
Unleasheing her rage.
Unleash that rage...
Measure the sky, emancipate yourself from your own cage.

— The End —