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I could never love thee more ,
for if I had ever loved her less
then What hope is there. of my bequest ?
And all those things that charmed her most ,
was God the Son and the Holy Ghost.

So beit then the birds that scattered and flapped their wings ,
just as she was about to sing .
When the weevles forgot they had no voice ,
As all the insects and animals drew ever near .
Just for what they were about to hear .

And so the birds had flown to the four corners of the earth
to pick the rarest flowers and weeds .
And so the birds with all their enchanting ways ,

returned with their flowers and weeds ,
and placed them in a basket one by one .
In front of a forever ripening sun .

And so she thanked the finch ,
The blackbird and the

thrush .

But the magpie swooped down and stole her  heart ,
The most beautiful thing that set us apart
Just when I had set out our table for two .
She screamed as that  bird flew
And left that gold trinket in it’s nest of love .
For days it stayed perched above ,
Singing it’s sweet songs of innocence and  love .

And then one day she  flew away ,
and fell in love
With the most enchanting song you ever heard .
The black of the devil ,
The White ,
of God
And now demons and black angels ,
Can be heard flapping madly at my door at what they had heard .
but that voice that once tought my heart to sing
was never heard of again ,
and of that ,
Is the one thing
sure .
Is that no , no more .
I would ever hear her voice no more
I waited for the wretched seas one day to return to me .
Who gave  my love  her resting place .
And so I believed the wretched sea would some day
do the same for me

But whenst it came it came in with a whine ,
and asked me not to waste my time .
And so she left ,
and returned again ,
For she said
“ you’re love is dead ,
  now leave me be ,
  or even you might
  one day
  belong to me ?”             


that raging beast that took her life ,
when we were serenading by the banks of the Clyde

A mighty wave took her away ,
for that I am for sure .

And now she asks me ,
Lapping like a dog at her masters feet
When all I wanted  her to do was to  spit and howl .with rage at me .

O cursed sea won’t you please return my love to me

But now You come to me with open arms
For alone I see now,  her footsteps , and her charms ,
dissapearing  into an open grave .
Where not even a shivrless man that was so brave ,
would venture more than his toe to save.
And to wrestle that great beast upon the shore
the likes of which I would see no more .

But out there is where my beloved lies ,
below tranquil seas and dark blue skies
And if I am to see her again ,
Then i must sumon up the gates of hell .
And hense be noted before the brave ,
That in these once troubled waters ,
I did once lend my hand to save .

Then one morning
with a chirping of the birds ,
a body of a young girl once bound to the sea ,
was Surrendered and given back to me .

But I For one was never found ,
Thou in the winds and rains my voice
Can still be found .
And there it goes again sweet words into gate 52 fly fly away zzzzz
This will be saved 😫
There goes another poem to a bad gateway wonder if it will save this one
blue flies and butterflies all dance unttill  they sing .
They  dance
around flowers and corpses ,                                                                ­   flies and kings.
One feeds in palaces gorges on beef deer and game ,
the other on corpses from great victories all in the kings name .

Yet the butterflies see all these things ,
the dead and the dying ,
the gold and silver of kings .
And think nothing of either flying and fluttering on beautiful wings .

The man who has nothing left to beg for food in the street ,
the philosopher at a coffee shop who eats and eats and eats .

Yet the butterfly and the blue flies both feast on each one ,
What ever man has left over ,
Is what man has become .

For all his wealth and power ,
his riches and his fame .
His ever constant struggle
to feed his starving children
don’t go hungry in their shame .

And still the blue flies and butterflies feed off what we leave
Behind ,
Oblivious to our struggles ,
Oblivious to our wealth
they wear pin stripe suits ,
and-ball room gowns .
To every ball that’s swinging in town .
Under. blood red skies and battle grounds ,
too feed off all the rotting flesh ,
that man cut down

For As life goes on ,
we bleed ,
die .
and so
the insects
begin to dance
and sing ,
And fly .
The once green leaves that are no longer brown ,
hath stolen nature’s golden crown ,
Thrown in a grave ,
bound for hell ,
these are  my dreams I remember. So well .
O repentant soul ,
dragged and bound ,
Prepare for winter ,
Steal thy body ,and thy crown .
So take care in all you say and do ,
for no one will remember you.

For My soul is in ******* to my body now .

With heavy chains draped all around
It weeps and wails and keeps me awake ,
Thou Day was once by angels wings ,
In the days when we could laugh and sing .

And darkness like an army marches in
With snarls and teeth ,
that grind and grin
Which stalks and prowls ,
I feel it’s presance and it’s stare .
yet see it not
But  fear it just as it had lived ,
so beit thus.

For in darkness I shall lay ,
Untill the sea carry’s my bones away .
for I shall at least not see decay .
for I am glad of some small mercies .

swept away by youre handsome prince for
You shall not remember this
for love has its own destiny
and can never again be apart of me .
so when you lay befor3 the night ,
befor you even say “ good night ,
dream of waves washed up upon th3 shore
and you won’t think or dream of me
no more .
The once green leaves  are turning brown ,
as Autumn dons her golden crown .
In leafy meadows that Menander still ,
a  shrivel of leaves ,
down leafy hills .
For could you ever feel my pain ?
did  you and I ever feel the same ?
A cold granit stone is our reminder of where we used to lay
in tall green grass and fields of hay .

Yet  if this is where our love must end  
for at least a rotting corpse just has one friend .
She brings it flowers at weekends ,
to  mourn the loss of her once best friend .

But I don’t even have that of you ,
for all  I get is to walk and talk and think of you .

For what else am I supposed to do ?
For if love was ever meant to be it wouldn’t be for the likes of
you and me .

hanging rainbows from every cloud ,
ducking showers ,
getting wet ,
kissing just when it’s about to rain .
Yet her3 is where our grave yard lies
beneath thick black clouds and stormy skies
And this is where our rainbow ends
sat all alone on my sofa without a friend
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