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155 · Feb 2019
Anna Lee Lake
un poco loco Feb 2019
It was 12 pm.
She left her house
in the shadow
of the overcast.
The sun was still shining
though now
it hid behind a cloud.
Arriving at Ms. O'Malley's
she wavered around
a little bit
as she waited for
Anna Lee.
She had to pick up
Tommy's present
from her.
She hoped
to herself
she wasn't laying around
with some man.
It was sisters
before misters; they promised this to each other
long ago
when their parents were still dating.

But Anna
was a loyal friend
in a fake world.
She considered herself
to have met her-
that fateful night
when the both of them
caught their parents intertwined
in an unassuming position.
Anna had finished packing the cakes,
and she had finished her shift
at O'Malley's.
An innocent night
turned scandalous
at the turn of a doorknob.
But also began
the beginning of a lifelong friendship
that would last
till death
do them part.

She thought to herself she would die
if her father were to catch her
in an unassuming position
with Tommy or Arthur or Jermaine or Jack-
though that were not to happen for a while yet,
and when it did,
she would be far away
from Washington.

And the clock struck 12:05
and there was Anna
and her voluptuous shape
walking down Catterwahls street
towards the restaurant
And her face light up as soon as she saw her
though she assumed a mischievous
look on her face
as she began to tease her
for being late.
"Why, why, Anna Lee! Were you sleeping around?
I thought we agreed
on 12."
Anna's sapphire
eyes were full of sympathy
"Forgive me, Jayne,
my mother was very
this morning.
If I hadn't known any better,
I'd say she knew
we were meeting up."

She paid no mind
to the last part.
"You know
I can't stay mad at you long!"
These words came out
She stood on her toes
and gave her friend
a flirtatious kiss
on the cheek-
though this was just for jokes.
She'd say she'd marry Anna if she could
and vice versa
but all this
was said in jest.
who would
want to be in an relationship
with their
best friend?
151 · Apr 2018
12 o' clock
un poco loco Apr 2018
The clock strikes 12 on another day
The white flag with streaking Blood red lines
And miniature stars
Waves obliviously in the background
Ambulances take refuge under the flag-
dragging out endless corpses of those we sought to protect
Their blood leaving little red streaks
On the vast school yard

Inside there is useless chaos
Of children
Scarred from the rain of bullets
That struck the room
At 12 that day

The world is silent- or so it appears.
It feigns horror. It relishes in the fairy tale
of the scared children, and the big bad wolf.
Sealing their fate. Ignoring their screams.
The world knows best. When the clock struck 12, it was nothing special.
Freezing- for just a moment- under the glare of an almighty God
They go their own way.

The gun nuts and patriots
silently send support
to the beautiful AR-15
that took the lives
of those school kids
the white flag with the Blood red lines

Though not in public-
that would be quite weird
instead, in their secret shrine
can they pray to the god of war
and only hope for a similar future
to anoint
the good ol’
U S of A

The world is silent- or so it appears
It feigns horror. It relishes in the fairytale
of bereaved mothers-
of grieving fathers-
of crying sisters-
of dying brothers

For in this fairytale, there is a schoolyard
with school kids scattering about
with waiting ambulances,
skin marked by the brand
of the gun
that paid them a visit

Their identities lost
And up above
in the brilliant blue sky
waves that ominous flag
sending its guidance down below
to the people
by its Blood red lines.
un poco loco Apr 2018
I have never been to the moon,
Or touched the far off galaxies,
with the drop of a hat.
I have never talked to those who are dying soon;
Their dreams are their memories
Bones bare, devoid of fat.
I have never descended the sacred *****-
voice loud, full of hope-
arms wide and welcoming
to the joyous souls i have liberated to safety-
by myself.
I have never talked
to those lost in an world their own;
lost to me, lost to them
to help them cope with a mind unknown.
Nope, i’ve never done that

I’ve never swam, waded,
through the murky waters of time
traveling millions of miles
to give someone a dime.
I’ve never committed a crime
that kept me awake, while
endless tears fill my eyes,
giving me new determination
to find a bigger mountain to climb.
I’ve never breathed fresh air to a hopeless child
breaking them out of their cycle-
giving them a reason to stick a while
on an unforgiving earth.
No, i have never done that

I have never,
climbed the sacred *****- singing hymns
to those who had less than nothing,
who breathed their last breath,
who smiled their last smile,
who saw their parents die,
who wished their child still alive,
who saw the tales of old
with their own blind eyes-
back when they could see.
Nope, that’s not who i am

I am a nobody, a freeloader, no good,
child that could never do
the impossible;
and as they sit me down,
in the secret room,
their eyes scanning me
and down;
they question me
and i lower my head,
eyes filled with guilt,
and tell them,
“No, I have never been to the moon.”
143 · Apr 2018
un poco loco Apr 2018
I love her.
There she is! Walking with her friends
Look! Over there! Beyond the horizon;
Do you not see the silhouette of the great Messiah,
the very one who will save the world
from all their sins?
Look! There she goes! Back inside her house.
How fortunate she is to have a house made of gold
with brass stairwells,
fireplace made out of fire
and brick;
358 roses exact-
in her garden.

Look! There is her mother- 2 generations out of New York-
they say her daddy owns the concrete jungle!
Look! There is her father!
King of the savannah-
lord of all,
he really knows how to sell a house! Blessed be!
There is Mary Jane and Betty Sue! Looking
up to their older sister- as usual. Is there
really any other way?

Look at her go! Up the stairs! To her room;
Such luxuries she has
look at her mirror- made out of sapphires,
they say her comb itself is made out of diamonds-
how lovely!
Look at how many letters she has-
sitting inside the device on her desk-
they say its the latest model-
357 to be exact.

They are from everyone in the school-
that she cares about- except me;
for I hold an infinite shyness- and
would never make a move like that, though
i’m sure she would lend me an ear, if I wanted her to.
How grateful am I to have such a
smart, loving classmate?

Wow! Look at her desk! Filled with thousands and thousands
of unclaimed monies. How fortunate is she!?
Blessed be her!
Did you know she can balance a pencil
on the tip of her tongue? She can hold
a car on her chin! She can calm the jersey devil;
with a flick of her wrist. Hallelujah!
She holds the whole world in
her hands.
She is the queen.
Blessed be!
And such a deserving queen as well.

Perhaps that is why the black whole
is filling inside me.
Perhaps she will teach me how to be a queen like her
one fateful day!
I love her dearly-
I simply cannot imagine the world without her-
she is healing the world with her magic;

However, one day,
I hope,
she can create a spell;
that would make her less
of a hindrance
to the one
who loves her.

— The End —