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573 · Feb 2017
Brandon Feb 2017
There's a cross upon the wall
The burden on me it falls
To reach inside and tear apart
The wretches of a wretched heart


Every day converges with night
My memories die in dying light
I've constructed death as my art
Purify my flesh and soul to depart


I've constructed death as my art
To reach inside and tear apart
Purify my flesh and soul to depart
The wretches of a wretched heart


Stone atop stone
I build a wall
Higher and higher
I'll keep a sentinel
Watch it all
Come collapsing down

573 · Sep 2011
Sale Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
Yard sales won't sale yard
Garage sales won't sale garage
This disappoints me
573 · Apr 2011
The Last Delivery
Brandon Apr 2011
The cold wind chill
Biting at exposed frostbitten skin
The threat of polar sleep
Begging heavily on weary eyes
Breath freezes in midair and drops to the icy ground
Seconds after escaping from shivering lips
The world is white beyond imagination
Sky and land blend into one giant cloud of ice
Frozen underneath frozen feet
Individual wails from the pack
Hungrily in pursuit
The sledge tracks carving
A new path, a new line
Past the snow topped mountains
And over the iced lake
Where seals and fish swim about
Onward thru the night
Onward thru the onslaught of frost
The break of dawn
Just over the horizon
And our destination
Just short of the wolves giving up on their pursuit
569 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
Catherine stood over the bar counter and pored herself a glass of absinthe. She placed the special spoon over the top of the glass and put a sugar cube over it and proceeded to pore slowly the water over the the sugar and into the glass of real Pernod. She watched as the drink turned its green tinted color and she could feel her insides hunger for the wormwood drink.

She loved the preparation of such a cocktail and if she were truthful it is one of the reasons that it was her go to drink. Another equally important reason it was her drink was because it awakened the creativity in her and inspired her work. Catherine was working on her fifth novel and had come to an impasse and could not write her way around nor through her dilemma and she sought hell from the Green Fairy for a little inspiration.

She took the drink to her lips and savored the anise flavored liquor as it rolled across her tongue. She closed her eyes and held on to the affects of it, seeing the edges of her vision go an opaquely luminescent green. She walked over to her desk and dipped her quill into the jar of squid ink and began to write on the parchment, letting the absinthe take her writing on the journey it needed to finish the story.
567 · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
I try to fight it.
So disgraceful.
I try to hide it.
So distasteful.
It's all so ****** up anyway.
A thousand places.
My mind erases.
Each of them.
Couldn't be better than the last.

I've haven't been able to write these words.
A figment of my former life.
I will peel this skin away.
I want an escape.

I'm feeling low.
Such a hunger.
I can't satisfy.
Can't do it better.
If its all the same.
But I'll try it anyway.

This ****** up taste is.
So disgusting.
I savor these moments.
So disturbing.
You're so ****** up anyway.
A thousand faces.
My mind erases.
Each of them.
Couldn't be uglier than the last.

I've haven't been able to write these words.
A figment of my former life.
I will peel this skin away.
I want an escape.

But you.
Keep me caged.
566 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
I'll never overcome these scars
Riddling my body like prizefighters
I've watched the sky fall at midnight
And clouds race to the horizon
Felt the sting of a scorpion
Licked the venom from a snake
******* too many
Cautious too much
Wasted the chances
Ruined it all
Tasted defeat
Only to savor the taste

I've missed those I shouldn't have missed
And left the ones that stitched to my side
Kissed you moments too late
Laid dead flowers on your pretty grave
Left myself hanging from the swinging noose
******* too many
Cautious too much
Wasted the chances
Ruined it all
Tasted defeat
Only to savor the taste

Overstayed my welcome
I'm always leaving too soon
******** too many
Cautious too much
Wasted the chances
Ruined it all
Tasted defeat
Only to savor the taste
562 · Apr 2011
Return To The Ground
Brandon Apr 2011
Down I lie
Calm and still
In a forest of fallen trees
Dead leaves
And the ***** ground
With the worms and insects
I lay free
Bound by no laws
But those of which nature nurtures
The sun escapes the sky
Breeching the breaks between thick canopy
Shine down
Sun shine down and burn
Set my spirit free
To soar high and above the sky
And burrow deep within the earth
Set my spirit free
And let me rest in peace
Let my ashes spread with the wind
And let me rest
And let me rest in peace
Brandon Sep 2017

My wife is sleeping.
My dogs are sleeping.
My cats are sleeping.

I'm awake.

Eating beef jerky.
Drinking lime La Croix.
Putting sights on a rifle.
Flipping channels on the TV.

Wanting to sleep.

But still awake.

560 · May 2012
Love Haiku
Brandon May 2012
Love is always lea---
ving the other person wan---
ting a little more.
560 · Jul 2017
I Forgot What To Title This
Brandon Jul 2017
I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Strangling my fingers on strings
Pounding my fists on keys
And my voice shouted hoarse

I remember
Ink flowing across a page
And the click clack of QWERTY
As words became sentences became stories

I remember
Sawdust on the floor
The hum of power tools
My hands building what my mind saw

I remember
The frustrations etched into my soul
When my soul was not at peace
And Death layed inside my being

I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Wishing for my memory
To remove
Everything that I could remember
Brandon Mar 2012
She said she was an artist
******* on the barrel of a gun
Deep throated in her mouth
Maintaining that certain lack of gag reflex
That her boyfriends always loved
She let a sly smile escape her lush lips
As she lovingly caressed the trigger closed
Splattering brains, blood,
And other fragments of her mortality
On the canvas behind her crumpled body
This is her final work of art
Her final masterpiece
This is her goodbye
i don't know if i'm done with this one or not but i felt like posting anyway.
557 · Oct 2015
There Was A Witness
Brandon Oct 2015
Tonight's bourbon just fuels the anger
and you're all ******* *******
squatting in dilapidated houses
looking for your next score of *****,
drugs, ******, and freedom.

I support bluegrass music
Slit your wrist with a banjo string
Play me that beautiful country twang
557 · Apr 2011
Friday Night Programming
Brandon Apr 2011
We all stop to stare at the car crashes as if they were the movies
Gaping opened mouthed
Waiting hungrily to see the mangled bodies
Anticipating the photos on the 11:00 news
Dying in this day and age is approval for ratings
556 · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
You're my favorite distraction

Always on my mind

Your body is entangled in my arms
Even when we are miles apart

Our fingers are laced like perfectly scripted cursive

And your hands I long to hold
And to never let go

Whenever I am near you
The outside world disappears

All I can think about
Is how much I want you near

Right here

Next to me
With no space between
556 · Apr 2014
Brandon Apr 2014
Ooom-chta ooom-chta ooom-chta boom boom boom-chta ooom-chta tck tck tck tck tck tck chtachtachta chhhhhhhs ooom-chta ooom-chta BOOM

Back that *** up into some more block rockin' beats.
I had this written in an old notebook. I have no idea.
553 · Sep 2012
All These Days
Brandon Sep 2012
There's a hole in my soul
I left it there for you
You filled it with wine
And we watched it pour blood

Now I'm stuck inside these fleeting memories
Photos you took on our anniversary
Of the day we never met
But I smashed the camera
When we gave our hearts to the sea

It's been a memorable summer
But in truth I'd rather forget

All these days 
they seem to run together
All these days 
we seem to run apart
All these days 
they seem to become one
All these days 
we seem to split in two

There's a tearing in my chest
I left it there for you
Remind me what's best again
And I'll lose myself in it

Now I'm stuck inside these unwakeable dreams
I knew what the secrets were
That you hid away in your head
But I lost the key 
When we gave our hearts to the sea

It's been a memorable summer
But in truth I'd rather forget

All these days 
they seem to run together
All these days 
we seem to run apart
All these days 
they seem to become one
All these days 
we seem to split in two

All these days 
they seem to run together
All these days 
we seem to run apart
All these days 
they seem to become one
All these days 
we seem to split in two

It's been a memorable summer
But in truth I'd rather forget
551 · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
For prosperity reasons we will ask that you ignore the treason of the seasons

*For prosperity purposes we will ask the seasons to ignore our treason of reason
Brandon Jun 2012
She  was feeling a
bit morbid, stuck her child
in a microwave.
549 · Feb 2012
Siren's Song
Brandon Feb 2012
She’s got a heart for the beach
Wants to drown sorrows and misery in the sea
Feeling the ocean calling her name
With each ebb and flow of tidal wave
She’ll bury her feet knee deep in the sand
And wait for the tides to come washing in

She wears seashells for a top
Covering her beautiful *******
With golden tan lines
She’s a sight to be seen
When she hangs around the docks
Singing Siren songs to all the boats
And their many captains and crew
Her black hair tangling down
Like entwined seaweed
Entices all with common sense to adore her

She can’t stay on land for long
Claiming her home is in the sea
She’ll disappear once again
When the tide rolls in
Taking the hearts of sailors along with her
Brandon Apr 2011
This is where we call an end to our moments of satisfaction
Starry sky in starless nights
Held on the cusp of Eternity
I swear I won't be there when your true face is shown
We know better than that the truth is reason to hide
No more moments of splendid indifference
Only the hollowing of an ancient heartache
Consumed in retrospection
Terms of disillusioned endearment
Scraped and pierced the sound of silence
Crashing hard
The ocean swells
Bringing this ship down
This ocean swells
Drowning in this sinking ship
Brandon Jul 2012
Ashen nights sweep across the sky with coal black raven wings 
moon glistens in some far off distant world 
like a memory that no one remembers. 
we're here left sitting on bones of our ancestors 
thinking that we once could or would remember all and at the same time forget. 
The land is dead deserted thought better of and never realized. 
the possibilities of endlessness ends. 
Our eyes lose all signs of life 
and we hang our heads in the collapsing darkness of the sun 
burning out its last solar flair before erupting into an abysmal black hole 
hungrily devouring our desolate war ravaged earth. 
Tongues slither for some deeper meaning in all of this drudgery. 
Our questions are answered with cross word puzzle rhythms and scrabble cheats. Our truths have been diluted to lies 
Mixed with alcohol breath and manufactured meat by-products. 
Sold for public consumption
Sold for public herding 
Cattle biting the hand that feeds
we spent our time trusting in the wrong vices and advices.
Two crap poems put together to create one ****** poem. **** it.
547 · Apr 2011
Never Where We Are
Brandon Apr 2011
I’m trapped in her virtual reality
Reciting poems of love
And dancing to strange tunes
Of swinging simple beats
Played on the ancient jukebox
While stars rain in the bleak black sky
And the tide washes in on white sandy beaches
Because there is little better to do
Than enjoy the presence of her company
Crooning like a shadow in the bonfire
Nothing can bring me back to her
Now that she’s gone
545 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
Her mouth radiated sunfire
When the corners of her lips
Curled into a smile

And her tongue licked
Lustfully across her teeth...
"nothing hurts like your mouth"
Brandon Oct 2011
***** me just like the last time in my life  
when my eyes went blind and my words  
suffered like the end to a long story.

wash me away with love
and send me on my way  
but be sure to tell me good day
even tho it's night  
and i'm *
the title says it all...i wrote this in like three minutes so it's utter crap, but whatever...
544 · Sep 2011
Pet Humor
Brandon Sep 2011
My dog will sit and stare at a spot on the wall until I look
When I look, nothing is there
I look back at her and she smiles, looking at me
She is playing tricks on me
Brandon Oct 2011
Where upon I staked my throne
This old man wears his lonesomeness
Like sleek stygian veils of mourning distress
Nights considered black and eternal sorrow
Sunshine’s fading memory eclipsed
No terror greater than the ignorant sin
Where feelings laid to rest upon the mantle of my chest
A heart no longer pulsates with regularity of days
Satisfaction of disillusionment and melancholy laments
The cool night air fairs warmly against pale flesh
Remnants of smoldering corpse’s smoke
As fires rage burning in communal silence
Bleeding the bled for perspective
Ripened wisdom sinuous ancient veins
The slight grey of death’s breath collected
The slumber of days has wrecked our lives
But the night still echoes our call and thrill
For the midnight hunt and ****
538 · Sep 2011
Quest For An Existence
Brandon Sep 2011
You’ve gone away
You’ve drove away
I wish you away
It’s just another day
We’re left to think
Who we are
And where we are
Alone we are
It’s all the same
We are
And the song from your lips
Sings along
To the roaming of the car
Of who we are
And if this night it comes
It comes to me
Crashing violently
Crashing viciously
But here we are
And there you were
Waiting for me
As I waited for you
In patience obscene
To the end we drove
To the end we rode
It’s okay
It’ll be fine
Some say
It’s just a matter of time
It’s who we are
It’s where you were
It’s where we’ll be
It’s where we’re from
And from it’s the end
And from me I return
And lost in it all
And lost in your all
It’s something said
Something I know
Something believed
Something never known
It’s where we are
It’s who you were
In the end it’s known
In the beginning
It’s unknown
It crashes to me
I plead for your loss
And weep for your lost
And we’re crashing
And we’re crashing
And we’re crashing
And we’re crashing
It’s who we were
It’s where we’re not
And it’s all forgot
Brandon Apr 2012
Out on the open road
Walking down history’s damaged pavement
Animals roaming free and abundant
Over the inevitable failure of civilization,
An old memory of social society lingers
Like a long forgotten hatred that has ran it’s course
Fossilized hard-edged footprints
Wandering shapelessly thru the growth
Of once under controlled weeds and trees
The ruins of steel and concrete crumble
Giving way to fresh Earth and rebirth
537 · May 2014
Thursday Night Fun
Brandon May 2014
David Lynch sings from the stereo
I sing along to the drone of the living room fan
Ice cold gin and soda in my hand
My dog looks at me like I'm the weird one...
Thursday night fun.
536 · Mar 2012
Love Quest
Brandon Mar 2012
The quest for love is tired and spent
The endless anguish for one that you hope to find
Along this extensive desolately disenchanted road
Where faces come and go in and out of aged shadows
No body is sweetly thought about for longer than an affair
Grown uninterested and somnolent of the same tedious routine
It’s all just a squandered course of existence
536 · Jul 2014
The Brink
Brandon Jul 2014
I stood on the brink of the cliff.
                          And by brink I mean the complete edge.
I could go forward
                         or I could go back.

If I stood here long enough
              maybe the edge would crack.
I'd plummet.
                Or I'd quickly grasp
                 and grab anything
around me to keep from plummeting.

I was on the brink
                                and my mind could not be made up.
                    It made me uncomfortable to think about it.

Do I jump forward?
                                   End it all.
                                   Have a nice fall.
Watch my life like a movie
before I go splat.

Do I step back?
                    Go back to my menial life.
                    A job I can't stand.
                    A wife who gets more
***** than I do.
                    Children who call me
by my first name
                             instead of dad
                             or daddy
                             or father
or any other devotional nonsensical name.

Do I step forward
                               or do I step back?

A large part of me
              keeps imagining and praying
for the edge to crack.

I've always been obsessively indecisive,
I'd always rather leave my life
            up to some mystical force of fate
than make a decision.

Forward or backward?
                                       The brink.
                      The end either way.

It's time you made an actual decision
                   for the first time in your life

                                 I thought to myself.

I placed my foot
                             past the brink.
533 · Jul 2012
Walk Of Shame
Brandon Jul 2012
Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the walk of shame
when I leave my house in the morning
dressed in last nights clothes and breath.

Out into the sunshine of the world
while you're still upstairs
outstretched on the bed
hogging the sheets
and darkness in your head.
533 · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
I write tragedies
Because I haven't found
My happy ending
530 · Sep 2014
The Note
Brandon Sep 2014
Another cigarette slowly withers to ashes grasped between the bruised knuckles of my index and ******* just as another burning yellow sun begins to cascade down into the deep blue and pink horizon on another day built solely to bring everyone closer to death.

I take a long drag off the cigarette before taking an equally long sip from a tumbler of whiskey. When I pick up the glass there's a ring of sweat left on the table that reminds me of an eclipse I once saw in my younger years. This was a pointless memory that was soon replaced by the burn from the bright amber spirit.

I savor the taste in my mouth, how it mixes with the blend 27 smoke. I swirl it around and feel the way that it lingers on the tip of my tongue and the way it coats my gums with its warmth. It does nothing to dull the pain that has been building inside but I continue to drink, pouring more in the tumbler until the bottle is empty; never feeling any effects.

I've become numb to the world.

I take another cigarette out of the golden brown and white box, bring it to my lips and light it with a rusted zippo that I found lying on the side of some no-name road a few years back when I was hauling illegal chemicals across state lines. I inhale, letting the acrid smoke fill my mouth before settling deep in my lungs, and exhale the excess. A thick veil of smoke clouds up in front of me and for a moment I cannot see the letter I've nailed into the wall and for that smallest of moments I forget about my troubles, my growing pain, and feel the overwhelming joy of contentment. It is fleeting. The smoke parts, fading into the corners of the room; leaving me staring once again at the note.

My eyes scan the letter and settle on the words " month to live." The postmark on the envelope read September 25th. It was now almost Halloween. My chest ached and I felt it cave in under the news that I had read over a dozen times already. Each time felt like a new time, that it couldn't actually be happening. But it was.

It is happening I remind myself.

The pain in my head shot to a burning brightness and I squinted my eyes as if to shield myself from some external force though I knew it to be a useless gesture. The tumor had appeared quickly and spread even faster.

About two months ago I was rewiring outlets for a building that the previous contractor had butchered. It was a simple job and I did it mindlessly, going about the work as usual until there was a searing pain shooting thru my head and I collapsed. When I awoke I was in a hospital with nurses and a doctor standing over me. They were blurry outlines of human forms and their voices were muffled. I slipped back into sleep.

When I woke up again there was only one doctor and he was staring down at a medical chart. My medical chart. He noticed my eyes open and asked questions. I did my best to answer. He told me about the tumor that had spread across my brain, that it was inoperable and the outlook was not good. He said this with all the years of professionalism a doctor can utter. A few hours later I was released.

I stared at the empty bottle of whiskey. I stared at the empty pack of cigarettes. I stared at the letter nailed on the wall. I stared at nothing.

When I stood up a wave of nausea coursed its way thru my body and I caught myself on the kitchen banister before collapsing. I slowly regained my balance and walked over to one of the kitchen drawers. I slid it out and rummaged thru it until I found the smith and Wesson .45 and took it out. I sorted thru another drawer until I found the bullets for it and took them out. I went back to the chair I was sitting in and loaded the gun methodically. I took the barrel of the gun and rested it on the right temple of my head.

I stared at the empty bottle of whiskey. I stared at the empty pack of cigarettes. I stared at the letter nailed on the wall. I stared at nothing.

And then I pulled the trigger.
525 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
Remember when we used to have arms
To hold one another into the cold late morning
Now we have knives to pierce each others heart
Remember when we used to have eyes
To stare longingly into each others soul
Now we are blind and our past is a memory
Remember when we used to have legs
To walk hand and hand along the sandy beach
Now we have wings to fly away from one another
523 · Sep 2013
Goodnight To A Good Night
Brandon Sep 2013
That one time that I called you
Late at night, later than usual
When you were in the hotel room
Laying next to somebody that wasn't me
I just wanted to tell someone
That I had a good night;
Sorry I chose you.
Brandon Sep 2011
Never to be without the wind

Free, flowing, and blowing

Like a calm hazard

Before the ambush of storm

The natural sway of nature

To beg for and to be

Part of these gentle moments

Where the sun shines just right

And the waking chirp of birds

Singing good morning in bird song

We are everything possible

With potential still to be realized
517 · Mar 2015
Double Edged Sword
Brandon Mar 2015
I don't
I'm happy

(Strange words to use)
517 · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
Sitting with my dog
Out on the patio porch
Watching birds fly and sing
Beneath a warm July sun
and a chilling April breeze
Nursing hot green tea
Heart shaped pears
Just my dog and me
516 · May 2014
And Sever Heaven
Brandon May 2014
Break to sacrifice
Peel back the sight
I've always thought
In glitch and grind

Lay salt on my tomb
And bleed me open wounds

Serpent tongues
Solicit the verbs
Of ****** euphoria

Cut open my ribs
And cradle inside
I hold you tight
When the sun turns

I'll build you a home
Inside fractured hearts
If you split apart
And sever heaven

Lay salt on my wounds
And call me to your tomb

I'll divide you a house
Inside fractured hearts
If you spit on
And sever heaven
515 · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
I want to take the words out of your mouth
Knot them around my tongue and pull them away
From the lick of your ****** lips
String them out word by word
For you to see all the pages of poetry
That slithers up your throat and into my ears
My eyes are a lust for you and the things you say
Aching and craving for every syllable muttered
Every word you write with moaned breath
Baiting me into lyrical euphoria
Your lexicon stitching up the vastness of space
Suturing wounds with your vocabulary
I want to take the words out of your mouth
And put them on Hollywood billboards
For everyone to read
Brandon Aug 2012
Darling I miss you
The way your lips wrapped around mine
In sin
In lust
In passion
We trust darling
Can't we
For one moment longer please touch
Our lips together
I need to
Feel you 
One more time I know it's right
The way our bodies
The way our bodies
Weld like fireflies
On an autumn night
Oh the touch of your
Supple flesh I can only
Dream to caress
With my hands
With my lips
With my
Oh darling can't we
Be together 
in this moment
In this moment
We can be together
Just give me your hand
Your lips and your
I'll soothe them away
And we can be
Oh darling
We can be together
In  this moment
With our lips
And our fingers
And our kisses
We can be together
If only we were
In this moment
Sorta has a La Dispute vibe to it.
512 · Jun 2012
Overstayed Welcome haiku
Brandon Jun 2012
The best part of my
Day is when I hear your voice

Telling me good bye
509 · Nov 2013
Thanksgiving haiku
Brandon Nov 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Stuff the turkey and pass the
Gravy, I'm starving
Brandon Mar 2014
you're hotter than 98 degrees,
if we were N*Sync and got 2ge+her,
I'd be your Backstreet Boy
and take you to O-Town.
If anyone uses this as a pickup line let me know if it works haha
507 · Dec 2015
Brandon Dec 2015
Amber embers cascade
Free falling towards hard pine
Burning sangria of love failed
Sipped sullenly thru disbelievers lips
This is the last time spent beneath ashen skies
Brandon Apr 2011
Innocence dripped from her satin tongue
Old conversations that took place
All night long until the silent cry of dawn
She spoke to me like she’s never spoken
My ears listened until they were deaf
And I could no longer hear
The beauty spewing from her mangled mouth
I ran my fingers through her hair
Caressing every tangled knot
Undying love in its perfection
Is reasoning for the world to exist
In all its shattered enlightenment
503 · Aug 2012
Brandon Aug 2012
.............He caught up with her somewhere outside the state of California. 
Just a few hours before she reached her destination of the Hollywood Hills.
His car pulled up behind hers on a deserted mountain road. 
He watched the shock in her eyes at seeing him quickly fade into an unspeakable horror
as he unsheathed his thirteen inch hunting knife and met her screams
with a cadaver grin across his lips.
She was coming back East with him. 
Piece by piece.
New Pig Destroyer album coming out in October.
Has me thinking these awful ****** grinds haha
503 · Jun 2015
In A Place I Call Home
Brandon Jun 2015
It's in these moments
seldom and few
as they've become
where I feel an infallible loss
ricocheting against my ribcage
when I need you
to quiet the world around me
until I can find serenity
entangled in the lock of your lips
and the warmth of your heartbeat
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