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502 · Feb 2012
Brandon Feb 2012
My wife says that I have grey hairs in my beard
And a few growing out of my head

She says that I must be getting old
And that I should dye my hair

I say to her that I am not old
That I am just tired

She says that I'm tired
Because I am old

I don't think that I am old
I don't feel that old anyway

Some people say that with age comes wisdom
And I am wise enough to agree with my wife

So I must be old
If she says so

I am old
Because she says so
502 · Mar 2015
Tangled In The Sheets
Brandon Mar 2015
The toughest part of my day
Is leaving her in bed
Every morning
To punch the clock
For a long day of work
501 · Sep 2011
Blank Page
Brandon Sep 2011
I just want to write

I try to listen to music for inspiration
Nothing, it’s silent here

I stumble across photos for inspiration
Some photo I can’t put to words

I open a book and read others words for inspiration
A melody of vocabulary that’s lost on me

I scratch the recesses of my mind
Trying to find some worthy words to scribble down

The only thing that I can see
Is a long line of ‘Z’s’

In front of me
501 · Feb 2012
I'd Like To Keep You Hidden
Brandon Feb 2012
I’d like to bury you in my pocket
Never let you see the light of day
Keep you safe from the outside world
And all the humanity that will prey on you
I’d like to keep you way down deep
Locked away from everything
I’d only let you out at night
When no one was around
And only in the dark
I wouldn’t let anything happen to you
No I couldn’t let anything happen to you
this is lame and awful. i don't even remember writing it. just found it in my notebook and decided to post it anyway.
499 · Jul 2014
Boom. Bang. Fizzle.
Brandon Jul 2014
Fireworks go off.
Boom. Bang.  Fizzle.

I'm inside reading a book.
Some drunk writer rambling about work.
I hear the oohs and the ahhs of civility outside these four walls
and I look at the bottle of scotch nearest me and grab it.
It goes down and warms my stomach.
I stand up,
walk to the window,
move the curtains out of the way,
and watch outside.
I see people
and their families
standing on front porches,
chaired up in their driveways,
some ***** standing in the streets.
All have their gazes pointed to the sky.
I look.
I wait.



Blasts of color and noise
then the dark grey smoke
staining the night sky.
I take another drink from the bottle.
I sit down.
Close my eyes.
I see fireworks
exploding in the sky.
Brandon Aug 2013
Our nights end the same

My dog and I

I stretch out on the couch and read a few chapters in whatever book I'm reading
Probably something by Hemingway or Paulsen

She's laying on the floor grinding down the knuckle on a bone that she picked clean days ago

There's a cold bottle of beer or a gin drink or a glass of ice and water sitting next to me on the table and they never seem to last long enough
So I always put my book down and grab another, make another, drink another

I look away from my book and watch her chew the bone and she looks at me and I see the corners of her mouth  curl up into a smile and she slowly stands up and does the stretching thing that she does and wanders to the back door
Moves the curtains aside and lays down by the glass and looks out into the darkness

I finish the chapter and stand up, walk to the back door and open it, letting her run out wild in the yard

I smile as she leaps like a horse over her small swimming pool and bounces like a rabbit thru the yard

I close the door and go back to the couch and drink my drink and continue reading
Or maybe I watch a little tv
Even tho I'm not paying much attention and there is seldom anything on
Maybe I stand up to adjust the antennae to get the channel in
But maybe I just shut the tv back off and read instead

My dog scratches at the door and I know she wants to come back in and it is near time to go to bed anyway so I let her in and say let's go to sleep
She grabs her bone and runs upstairs, lays the bone down at the top of the steps, and lays in front of the door to the master bedroom, never entering without me beside her

I brush my teeth and grab my work clothes and go upstairs where she is still at the door waiting

I walk into the bedroom and she follows

I shut off the lights and climb into bed in the dark and she jumps up on the bed and lays down beside me

Waiting for me to pet her head or rub her belly before she gets back up and moves down towards the bottom of the bed and curls up at my feet

We fall asleep until the alarm goes off and it's time to get back up for another day.
489 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
The melody plays
Haunting and slow
Getting our blood
Coursing thru

I react to your touch
Soft and careful
Like you're scared
I'm fragile

It's true
I could break
Beneath you

But I'd piece
Myself back
To shatter
Your touch
And delicate
Like a flower

I move closer
Feeling the heat
Aching from
Your skin
Like its never
Been touched
And has long
Wanted to be
And begging
To be
My touch

The softest moans
Become the hardest
When skin
And the melody plays
To the tangle
Of our
Lonesome ache
489 · Feb 2014
Right Back Where I Started
Brandon Feb 2014
I don't like being jaded
But the passion has left me
I can't fathom feeling
Too cynical to be so hopeless
Romantic nights seem like fiction
I wait for you but I know I wait in vain

Cause I'm right back where I started
And the world is moving
But I swear I'm standing still watching it all go by

Can't believe it never meant anything to you
But I should've known better
The way you ignored all my handwritten love letters
Yeah I should've known better
Than to let you trick me with your smile

Cause I'm right back where I started
And the world is moving
But I swear I'm standing still watching it all go by

I can't fathom feeling
Too cynical to be this hopeless
Romantic moments
Too hard to imagine
I can't fathom

Cause I'm right back where I started
And the world is moving
But I swear I'm standing still watching it all go by

This jaded passion
I can't imagine it passing
I hold onto where you used to sleep
There's a different body
Lying next to me
So why does this bed feel so empty?

I'm right back where I started
And the world is moving
But I swear I'm standing still watching it all go by

Right back where I started
(But I'm still standing)
Right back where I started
(But I'm still standing)
488 · Jun 2014
For Sale (To Set Sail)
Brandon Jun 2014
Selling my life for cheap
Gonna buy a boat & sail the seven seas
You can have all my responsibilities,
This life is no longer for me
487 · Apr 2011
Writing In Invisible Ink
Brandon Apr 2011
The gestation period is over
It all ends right ******* here in a parade of bullets
It’s **** to waste my time any longer on you
It’s pointless anyway
485 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
Untangle my insides
Blessed to touch the skies
I think I'll break you
I'm told
If its in the clear
I fold myself into you

Don't taste
The rapture
You're too sweet
To understand

Lets take back
What we've conquered
Never to set foot
In heaven
Let's take back
And bless the heathens

Don't taste
The rapture
You're too sweet
To understand

How it wraps around you
Envelopes you
How it wraps around you
Envies you

Unweave my nerves
I'm a thousand miles
Of desert
I sell for a price
If you bid high
Lets take back
And touch the skies

Don't take to
The rapture
You're too sweet
To understand
485 · Jul 2011
Dear Hello Poetry.
Brandon Jul 2011

Much As
Love writing
And sharing my poems
            And enjoying others
as Well
I Am Not
     Paying To Upload My Work
On Top Of All The Other
That I Already

MY                    LAST

It's A Shame That it's not a good one either.
484 · Mar 2014
Brandon Mar 2014
Let's wake up early
Dressed in each others arms
Beneath the covers all wrinkled
From a night spent less than sleeping
Let's bookmark our bedside books
And head down to the cafe
Sit in the morning air
And drink our coffees
And smoke our cigarettes
Until we feel life in our veins come alive
Let's talk about books, writings, romance
Lets talk about anything that sounds beautiful from your lips
Let's plan out our whole day
With site seeing and adventures
Then ignore them as we retreat
Back to our hotel room to end our day
As it began
Dressed in each others arms
Wrapped beneath wrinkled covers
And not sleeping
481 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
My beard needs trimmed

I savor the beer
Lingering on the blonde and black hairs of my mustache

If I trimmed it
I might be sober

My whiskey breath
Gets trapped by all the hair
I inhale
Drunk on the smell and memories

If I trimmed it
I might be sober
479 · Jul 2014
I Don't Care
Brandon Jul 2014
I took a week off of writing. I told myself it was because I was pulling odd hours at work and only sleeping for three hours here and there whenever I was free to do so. I told myself this. All week long I told myself this, knowing that every time the thought crossed my mind that it was a lie. I repeated this lie over and over to the point that I almost was lucky enough to believe it.

But at the end, I couldn't maintain the lie. I was stuck. I did not run out of words and I did not run out of ideas. They were scrambled up in my head begging to be plucked and put in order. I ignored their pleas. I ignored everything. It's a special talent of mine.

The truth that I came to realize was that I had ran out of the ability to care. I didn't care to write. I didn't care about the swarm of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other elementary school english crap buzzing about in my head; thru my veins. I didn't care if they ever came out or faded into some obscene death. I didn't care any longer if my words continued to be ignored. I didn't care if the couple of people that read them missed them. I didn't care if it showed five days, ten weeks, fifteen years between the last thing I wrote to the most recent.

I didn't care.

I still don't care.

But try to keep a writer from writing and his heart will no longer care to keep beating.

I'm not sure if I even care about that.

*But I'm writing.
478 · Aug 2013
Brandon Aug 2013
Can't focus

Mind obliterated

Sitting on rooftops
Paved over with tar

We're highways
Never reaching the sun
Always reaching for the stars

Tasting the taste
Of better promised days

Stitch our shadows to our feet
In the right light
We can stand taller

At dark we all cower
In cardboard boxes
We've made forts out of
Broken sidewalk chalk
And cracked pavement

We've slept in clouds
And woke when we hit the ground

Machines hum all day long
Singing electronic songs
And we sing along

478 · Feb 2012
Where Did Winter Go?
Brandon Feb 2012
The first day of winter
Has come and gone
But no snow fell from the sky
And no snow has collected on the ground
This change in season
From scorching summer heat
Of June, July, and August
Gave way to a somber September
And a warm October
November barely happened
And a rain drenched December
Cannot claim to be winter
Brandon Apr 2012
I want to read a
that I have not heard of
But they don't exist

I want to read a
that piques my interest
But I can’t find one

I want to read a
that hasn't been written
But that's hard to do

I want to read my
Favorite book
but it's gone
And I can't find it

I want to read your
Favorite book
but you live
Way too far away

I want to read a
but I'm writing instead
Of **reading a book
476 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
When I write
I think I am more influenced
by the the depths of the ocean,
the gradual crawl of clouds,
the impression your body leaves
when it's wrapped into mine;
than I am by any other concept
or external force.
475 · Mar 2012
Dr Phil's Inner Voice
Brandon Mar 2012
The ears
             and minds
of impressionable thousands,
                  listen to me
        when I talk.
It's a special feeling
                          that makes me smile
I can control
                           what people do
or think.
              I am serious:
You Do Not Want To **** With Me
475 · Nov 2012
To All The Words And Verses
Brandon Nov 2012
To all the words and verses I've lost over the years;

Accidentally deleted word documents,

Crumbled up and tossed away scribblings,

Forgotten lyrics whispered away into the wind,

Conversations too long and rambled to remember,

Poetry filled restaurant napkins left as tips;

I'm sorry.

I should've been more responsible.
473 · Mar 2012
Island Waiting
Brandon Mar 2012
We are an island
Adrift in the vast sea of space

Waiting to collide with another island
Waiting for our next great escape
Brandon Sep 2014
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

All the words you write
All the words you say
All the meanings you intend
All the thoughts you can't comprehend

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Congratulations on fooling the masses once again

Yadda yadda yadda
Radda Radda Radda

You've bored me thru and thru
With every thing you do

Yadda yadda yadda
Radda Radda Radda

Oh just *******
Won't you
Brandon Apr 2011
I cannot be held responsible
For the things that I say
When I am held between the realms
Of reality and dreams
471 · Feb 2012
Without You
Brandon Feb 2012
I drown in this ocean without you

With waves crashing over me

Burying my head in the tide

With each vacillation of waves

My breath quickly draws nearer to my last

I drown in this ocean

Without you to help keep me afloat
470 · Jul 2016
Brandon Jul 2016
Sleep wanders without consent
Vilified of contemptuous regret
Placated thru abyssed depravity
Unbeknownst by virtues deplored
The external, eternal mystification
Of burning eyes wide burdened
Brandon Sep 2015
I've never known the days
To tick away so slowly
As they have of late
Waiting for my age
To reach retirement
When my body feels
As if it's already there
Brandon May 2012
There is nothing I
love more than the way you greet
me when I'm off work
461 · Sep 2011
Appeal To Ego
Brandon Sep 2011
You’re so ******* great
You’re good at everything you do
You can do anything you want
You’re perfect in every way
I wish that everyone was just like you
I wish that I was just like you
lyrics to an old noise track i recorded a long time ago...
461 · Apr 2017
My Work Is Done
Brandon Apr 2017
My forging hammer

Lies reclined

My bellows, too

Have lost their wind

My fires extinct

My forge decayed

And in the dust

My vices layed 

My coal is spent

My iron is gone

My anvil is broke
My work is done

My work is done

My work is done

My work is done

*My chisels
Lie dull

My saws, too
Have lost their edge

My trees are felled
My lumber decayed

And in the sawdust
My clamps layed

My angles are bent
My jigs are gone
My tools are rusted
My work is done

My work is done
My work is done
My work is done
Italicized from the song "My Work Is Done" by Steve Von Till (lyricist unknown) the bold is an added in addition in the spirit of woodworking by myself.
Brandon Mar 2012
Not gonna be around for a little bit
Gonna be without the Internet
455 · Mar 2015
Her Voice
Brandon Mar 2015
The best part about having the radio on
Driving down an out in the middle of nowhere road
Is my girl singing the lyrics to every song that comes on
In the seat next to me
With a smile in her eyes
That shines brighter than the moonlight
449 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
i don't feel like writing. the words lie still in the pit of my belly.
the tornado has settled. the damages of my past lay in the wreckage.
i don't feel like writing. the words lay broken and eroding in the aftermath.
444 · Sep 2013
New Basis
Brandon Sep 2013
I want to write you a novel
   About the story of us.
      Have it sell over a billion copies
         And become a world wide best seller.
            It would become the new basis
               On which romance and love is judged.

         But the words will never be good enough;
           The world will never be strong enough.

                      And if it is a true romance,
There will be at least one broken heart by the end...
444 · Sep 2014
Bear Skin Rug
Brandon Sep 2014
Forests of snow covered evergreens and chimney smoke
From wooden cabins; we wake to ice on our windows
Crisp fog in our hearts;
Curl up next to me
Light the fire and let it burn bright
You can stay the night if you wish
I'll be here in the morning, I swear I won't go if you say to stay
There's pancakes on the stove
And hot coffee percolating, just waiting to be kissed by your lips
Can you feel the chill in the empty rooms?
Maybe we should keep them company
Even if for a moment longer
Even if it means nothing at all..
Let's not waste this hunger
Learn to celebrate
Learn to hold hands so close
Share our breath as the cold moves in...
We've got places to be, people to meet
But we can pretend
Play songs with our imagination
There's another life far from here
We can avoid, we're not meant to keep taking up space
When the cold moves in
I know what you're thinking
I wish I were thinking it too
Does your body shiver next to mine
I'll hold you tight in my arms
Please hold me back and don't let me stray
I'm a wanderer but my feet are weary and my bones creak with age
Hold me tight all night
And I swear I'll stay if you ask me to
Winter's closing in, the leaves have fallen and littered the ground
Hibernation is the key for these dead months
We'll never leave the bed
Cocoon ourselves instead
The sun will rise, the sun will fall
I'll have you; you'll have me
Thru it all
Wrapped up in
A bear skin rug
442 · Feb 2017
Brandon Feb 2017
Watching thru the open window
There's a figure dancing
Or is she convulsing
Waiting for the right moment
She bite the nails on her fingertips
Eagerly awaiting

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

The steps creek beneath my feet
Careful as I am
To place them without sound
I wonder does she hear me
As I close the distance
Between her desires and

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

Watching her silhouette
Sway back and forth
Beneath the crack
Of her bedroom door
She's lit by candlelight
Just a slab of wood away from

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

Hopelessly I tremble
My hand reaches for uncertainty
The **** turns with a silent click
There's a pulse burning in my veins
Aching to be let loose
And then darkness surrounds

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

She dances
For a death that never comes
440 · Jun 2012
Brandon Jun 2012
I bleed these words for you from my fingertips 
Poetry spilling on paper for you
To read and crumble and toss over your shoulder 
but I'm never far behind 
Tho its true that I lag sometime 
but that's just because the view
 is so good And craves to be admired 
from where I'm standing
I can trace the outline of the way your hips shake 
in the summer dress you wear when it's winter 
and the goosebumps on your arm 
let me know that it's cold outside 
and you need a fire to stay warm 
so I build you a fire with flashbacks of our lives 
igniting the wood from the house we built 
and we hold each other in the warmth of the life 
we built burning brightly in the clear night sky
I'm not entirely sure if I'm done with this or not. So I may end up taking it down but for now thoughts opinions?
437 · Jul 2013
Ruin Me
Brandon Jul 2013
I am an echo
I pull out your shadow
I roll it between my fingertips
Like God does with clouds
I taste the darkness
Of your feminine touch
Im found in your solstice
And waking in the clench of your thighs
The bite of your lips
Sends shivers down my spine
I trace your teeth
With the ache of my flesh
Your mouth opens wide
To carve my name inside

Devour me
Haunt me
Break me
Go on and *ruin me
437 · Jul 2014
The Kill
Brandon Jul 2014
Marcus wiped the sweat from the long strands of greying hair on his brows, laid down on the ground behind a thin covering of overgrown bush, and leveled the Winchester's stock against the potmarked cheek of his face and firmly planted the **** of the rifle into his shoulder. He squinted his left eye closed and focused his right thru the mounted telescope until the crosshairs and his target became clear. He eased the index finger on his right hand against the trigger and carefully began to squeeze until he heard the satisfying bang of the rifle and felt the kick in his shoulder. He watched in slow motion as the bullet left the barrel of his Winchester, spinning in its rotation, burrow into the thick left chest muscle of the animal he had been tracking for the past four days and rip out with a geyser of blood on the right shoulder. The animal staggered in a stupefied daze for a few feet before collapsing where it stood and resigning itself to its inevitable death.

Marcus stood up and dusted the dirt off of his tweed hunters jacket and cotton canvas pants and slung his Winchester over his shoulder and began to descend the slight hill that he had shot from. He felt a breeze pick up from the west and knew that a storm was on its way and that he had only a short time left to collect his trophy. Marcus began a slow jog towards the downed animal when the terrain leveled out and noted how quickly the breeze had picked up in its coolness when it touched the exposed skin of his face. It was going to be a heavy storm. He ran a little faster, his riffle swinging and bumping across his back as he quickened with every step until he started to feel a burn in his side. He slowed down enough to a comfortable cadence and continued on towards the beast.

Rain started to fall from the low ominous looking clouds. Slowly at first so that Marcus could barely feel any trickle of wetness hit him until it suddenly became a downpour and he had to seek refuge beneath the low hanging branches of a pine tree. He dried his face off with a handkerchief and watched the rain berate the ground from between the pine needles.

He kept watch on his prey and the weather and after thirty minutes of continuing rain decided that he could and should make his way to the wounded animal and left the safety of the tree just as a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and stuck the top of the pine, lighting it aflame and sending a loud crack thru the air around Marcus. For a few moments he forgot to breathe until his basic instincts kicked in and his brain screamed at his lungs to inhale.

Marcus stalked carefully towards the animal, following a blood trail that had been left when he had shot the animal in the leg a few moments before his wounding shop. He came upon the animal attempting to hide in patches of overgrown grass and, removing his riffle from his shoulder, parted the grass with the barrel of his gun until he was looking into the scared blue eyes of his ****. His blonde hair was matted with drying blood and his body smeared with dirt and fresh blood. Marcus looked at him and let a derisive laugh escape his mouth as he watched the mans lips twitch and heard the gurgles in his throat as he attempted speech.

"P-p-plea-se don---'t k-illlllll m-eh," the blonde man finally managed to spit out between splurts of blood and death rattles.

Marcus unsheathed his Bowie knife and knelt down beside the man and cradled his head in his arms.

"Hush. Hush. It will all be over soon. You've been a good hunt. You've evaded me longer than anyone else ever has. I commend you for that. I appreciate your sacrifice. But it was inevitable that I should **** you. You know this don't you? There was no escaping. Surely you knew this?" He looked at the mans face and saw a resigned hatred in his blue eyes. Marcus was taken aback for a moment but quickly gathered himself back together. "Now, now. Don't be like that. You gave it your best. You really did. It's just...that I'm better."

Marcus took his knife and put it against his ****'s throat and quickly plunged and slid the blade across his neck. He listened closely and relished the sounds of the mans life leaving his body.

Marcus sat there smiling, holding his trophy closely; as the rain continued to fall.
This is part of a thirty day writing challenge issued by a friend.
432 · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
A lonesome day out on the lake
The sun rises and it sets
The moon does the same
In their little dance
The crickets sing me a melody
A thousand songs that all play that lonesome tune
The fish are nibbling and I'd sure like a bite
But underwater they don't hear my screams
The wind rocks the waves and the boat rocks between the two
And I'm untouched
431 · Sep 2011
Visions Through Glass
Brandon Sep 2011
I had a dream the other day
I dreamed I was an angel
Falling from the heavens

I learned to eat the apple
Tempted by temptation

The angel did a swan dive
Onto the cracked concrete
I laughed at the mess it left

Waking up in a world of glass
It shatters to sparkling pieces
430 · Sep 2011
Poet Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
You can write in rhymes
Or write in obscurity
You are a poet
i am not
429 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
Shed your skin
You've got another
Lie you've been caught
Living in

Breathe deep
And hold your

Choke on the words
Still lingering
In your throat

From the tremors
Quivering in your

Piece together
The whispers
We utter with
Solemn virtues

{I've waited too long
For this
I've waited too long
For this}

Breathe deep
And hold your

Choke on the words
Still lingering
In your throat

{A riot
A sacrifice
A crooked life}

Breathe deep
And hold your

*Choke on the words
Still lingering
On your lips
426 · Jul 2014
Night Club
Brandon Jul 2014
The music is loud
Booming bass and throbbing drops
Dance beats for the college kids
I feel like an old man standing here against the wall
Watching the young men dance fools of themselves
And their plastic women who all move as if they are void of individualness
The beer in my hand is frosty and ice cold due to its aluminum bottling
But it is not improving the distance that I feel between me and everyone at this night club
The party I'm with escapes the dance floor to the roof's terrace
Bouncers that look like your typical fresh faced jocks complete with acne scars
Inform us that it's plastic cups only up top
We pour our beers into plastic cups
They instantly begin to warm
The view is pretty
If you like looking at a city
Unworthy of its history
The air is cool and clean
Blowing across my skin
As my hearing struggles to ignore
The dance music blaring
And my eyes are assaulted by more frat-boy tribal dancing
I can't tell if the fresh air is improving my buzz
Or making me feel worse
My beer is empty
Everyone else still has full cups
I don't understand the mathematics
I go down to the bar
And buy another one
I don't open a tab
I've found those can be dangerous when I'm in this mood
Or any mood
I sneak the aluminum bottle upstairs with me
Enjoy the frosty coldness of my beer for the 5 minutes it takes me to drink it
Everyone is still on their first cup
But there's a beer run coming
It's quitting time
Mothers need to get home
Workers need to get sleep
I need quiet
There's beer left that no one wants to drink
I'm the garbage disposal
We say our good byes
Exchanging hellos and farewells in single conversation
We leave our separate ways
Wishing everyone a safe drive home
It's silent now
What I wouldn't do to hear some booming bass and throbbing drops
To drown out this silence
425 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
Go **** a dead animal on fire.
Brandon Oct 2018
I’m barely holding
the strings of reality together
I close my eyes
and I still see the silence enclosing
My blood burns and boils
without the option of an eruption
Keep the skin taught
like fragile emotions
God has a plan Be ******
Tethering to an anchor
cast into an abyss
It may barely be perceptible
When you trace lexicons
Like ****** ticks
But I’ve had enough of this
421 · Mar 2012
I Can Pretend
Brandon Mar 2012
I can pretend

To have a heart

To really truly care

About everything and anything

That matters in this world

I can pretend

But why bother?
you don't.
419 · Apr 2012
In My Own Way
Brandon Apr 2012
Every second of everyday
I feel like I’m standing in my own way
Holding a stop sign to my progress
419 · Nov 2014
A Kiss Sweetly Planted
Brandon Nov 2014
A kiss sweetly planted on the cheek
Moving slowly down the neck
The subtle tinge of hair follicles rising
From the soft brush of a lover's hand across the skin
An elicit moan escapes from a mouth
Hungrily waiting with anticipation
For lips to seal passionately against their own
The silk fabric of bed sheets bound endlessly entangled
As bodies sway to rhythmic dances as ancient as the world itself
416 · Jul 2014
I Soak The World In
Brandon Jul 2014
Birds tweet summer songs to each other
Wind carries these songs along the waves of the world
Humans interrupt nature with unnatural sounds
Somewhere bears are pawing at berries and scooping them into their mouth
They're also catching salmon riding upriver to spawn
These are dangerous areas to fish but excellent fishing grounds
The wind howls
I listen to hear if it howls for Mary
Maybe it whistles a cat-call for her instead
The sun shines down
I hoard every ray in every pore of my skin
I soak the world in
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