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1.9k · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
The hippos are boiled alive when the curious circus caught aflame.
Who is to blame? The drunkard clowns or the tightrope walkers and their ineffable fear of heights?
Maybe the ringmaster and all his lion taunting, crowd cheering, crowd antagonizing ways,
maybe he's to blame for releasing the bearded lady in a room full of kerosene and unseen wicker flames...
Or...just maybe, it was an accident and could not be prevented under the extraordinary circumstances
which took place on that fateful day where hippos became a poached soup of meat, teeth, and lard.
1.9k · Apr 2012
Prostitution / Monsanto
Brandon Apr 2012
Both should never be tasted (let alone ate)
Both carry diseases that you can die from
Both are very popular with politicians
Both hide records from the public eye
Both secretly run the government
Both will ******* for money

One is illegal
The other is not

**But should be
1.9k · Mar 2012
Nirvana Summer
Brandon Mar 2012
We drove bleached
Dumb and out of school
Heavily medicated
On high doses of lithium
And teenage spirit

Feeding and breeding
Our love buzz
On sticks of pennyroyal tea

We were negative creeps in bloom
Going to the muddy banks
Of the Wishkah River

You sat in the driver seat
Chewing on pen caps
Trying for an aneurysm

I sat in the passenger seat
Sifting through tourettes
And picking at paper cuts

That endless, nameless summer
We both reached for nirvana
To place in our heart shaped box
About a girl
(my wife)
1.9k · Aug 2012
Brandon Aug 2012
There's an energy in me dying to get out

Stretching aching
Pulling and prodding 
my skin in all different directions

Scratching clawing
Ripping and tearing 
it's way out 

Trying to find a balance to ease itself

My fingers twitch and roll
My shoulder blades shudder in ache
My head knocks 
My knees tremble 
My feet stomp
My face contorts

Curling my lips into a grimace
Rolling my eyes into darkness
Nose twitches like a **** addict

Trying to find a balance to ease itself

My voice gets hung up
Caught up on words I can't say
Or words I've just heard

Rolling around on the tip of my tongue
Like glass cutting its words into the back of my teeth

There's an energy in me dying to get out
Brandon Apr 2011
One time salvation
Breakout of the contaminated
Destination of taxation without representation
Conspirator to predetermination
Bastardized paradox within a mind flux
Mentality of antagonizing accusations
A nine-cent flag now costing nine dollars
Fronting of the war effort while at home on a family vacation
1.8k · May 2012
Wake And Bake Haiku
Brandon May 2012
Wake and bake is how
to start a long day off right
in my opinion
I'm talking about making cookies, what are you talking about?
1.8k · Nov 2013
Not Beaten
Brandon Nov 2013
Maggie threw a weak left jab at the upper torso of Jacob to throw him off balance and swung hard with her right arm towards his exposed left cheek, connecting her small fists on his flesh with such impact that it immediately began to swell up. He retaliated with a well placed right hook to the side of Maggie's arm that sent her moving sideways before she regained her footing and answered back with a succession of jabs to his midsection.

Sweat poured down both of their faces mixing with the blood from cuts and bruises that both had received in one of the earlier bouts. They were now in the sixth round and neither showed any determination in losing.

Jacob brought his right leg up for a straight kick towards Maggie's stomach but she caught his leg and rotated it clockwise knocking him off balance and falling chest first to the mat. Maggie attempted to a heel lock but could not gain enough leverage to lock it in and Jacob slipped out of her grip and got back to his feet and shook it off. Maggie snarled thru her mouth guard and spun around with a roundhouse, catching her foot just short of hard enough on his left calf, sending numbness up and down his leg. She went in for a double leg takedown but was caught off guard when Jacob raised his right knee and connected it with the left temple on her head. Her vision began to go hazy and she swung wildly with a left and then a right before she was able to shake the cobwebs clear and see him throwing a straight, hard, and fast right squarely at her face.

She ducked less than an inch before his fist would've met the bridge of her nose and she came up with her fists balled tightly in an uppercut and landed on the bottom of his jaw sending him reeling backwards and losing his balance he fell on the ground. Maggie rushed over and got on top of him in guard position and began raining down lefts and rights to his face which he was blocking. She threw a few shots at his side causing him to arch into a kidney shape and bring his arms away from his face. Maggie grabbed his left arm and went for a Fuji armbar and locked it in tightly, feeling the joint of his elbow bending sharply on her pelvic bone. She arched her back harder, tightened her thighs around his arm and twisted the upper portion of his wrist to the left until she felt the familiar feeling of a tap out on her legs. She released the grip and stood up, ******, bruised, sweaty, but not beaten.
Quick prose I wrote during a lunch break to cheer a friend up. Unedited. Unpolished.
1.8k · Nov 2011
Brandon Nov 2011
My poetry is ****

From mouth
From pen
From fingers typing

My words stink up

The air
The page
The computer screen

My poetry is ****

Not worth saying
Not worth writing
Not worth typing
Sorry to have wasted your time on this ****** (pun intended) poem.
1.8k · Apr 2011
This Road
Brandon Apr 2011
This road leads to nowhere
This road I’ve already been upon
This road leads me back to where it all started from
This road I have never laid my eyes on
This road is full of good memories
And this road is one of bad memories
This road is longer than the rest
This road is more of a sidewalk
This road is made of water
This road doesn’t exist…yet
This road is a product of man
This road has yet to be paved
And this road is the road that I have chosen
1.7k · Aug 2013
Words I Write For You
Brandon Aug 2013
These words I write for you
They fail to come true
They crumble to letters
Then phonetic sounds
And soon they'll be gone
And I'll still be around
But you won't be found

My pen will run out of ink
My pencil lead will break
My voice will go hoarse

Ill still have these words
All pent up inside
With no way to get out
No way to reach you
No way for you to hear
All these words
I write for you
1.7k · Feb 2012
Sleeping In The Woods
Brandon Feb 2012
Underneath the starry sky of a forest clearing
I try to sleep by shutting my eyes tightly
But in the deep dark my heart beats
With terrified thoughts of

Snarling grizzlies

Gnawing beavers

Enraged deer

Buzzing insects

My restless night
Can’t end soon enough
1.7k · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
Teeth, rib cages
Hearts, hipbones
Broken thrones
The enigmatic victory of horsefly contempt
Condemned fireflies in midnight sky
Social butterfly and awkward moments
Forced to live with baited breath
Exhale, inhale
Suffocate withering strands of hope
Embellished livestock
Wall street cattle
Compulsory impulse
Genetic malfunctioning solitude
The zenith is reached
Downfall is all that’s left
Watching with wonderment and sealed hearts
written entirely too early in the morning when i was still very much asleep...
Brandon Apr 2011
Suffocate the broken fingers wrapped around umbilical chords
Engorged in egotistical monstrosity of deliverance
Wisdom of deformation in ribcage abortion
Captivity shackled to ***** out the nocturnal twilight of distinguished dawn
Scraped nails across the back of ****** proficiency
Scraped nails found in the brickwork
Fracture the amputated for authentication
Trust no one but the deceased
1.7k · Apr 2011
Easter Haiku
Brandon Apr 2011
Easter bunny hops
Peeps and eggs in a basket
Chocolate breakfast
1.7k · Mar 2012
I Can Feel You Far From Here
Brandon Mar 2012
I can feel you far from here
Blowing smoke from the ice in your lungs
Catching rays of summer sun with the palms of your hands
Opened, stretching outwards towards the touch of oblivion
The flickering of your eyelids to some bashful beat of beauty
Serene whispers of music only you and I can hear
Your lips caressing the air with a mix of sweet sultry words and ocean salt
The tenderness of acacias with the touch of thorns persisting perseverance

I can feel you far from here
Laughing at the conversation between ocean and seashells
Laughing your silver laugh thru pearl white teeth
Clenching nervously on your lower lip
And tugging at strands of auburn hair
Rolling your Mediterranean eyes
As your lungs fill with the slithering wisps of beach bonfire smoke
The blossoming of stars and the blooming of the misunderstood lotus
1.7k · Apr 2012
Everyone's A Rock Star
Brandon Apr 2012
Silent* [s]laughter

Blacklight                   jam                       session


Twirling higher

Everyone’s a rock star

Swimmin­g to the drop-off

Red                  devil                        ­  eyes
Cereal killer

Everyone’s a rock star

B(eco)me S(eco)ndhand
Neologism transition
Agrestic retraction reaction

Everyone’s a *rock star
Brandon Apr 2012
A Mean machine        in       obscene     gang    green
The Candlelight    flicker     in busted   T   V    screen
Scream queen          Ilene   in   paralyzed          dream
Dean Irene                      exploded               her spleen
It seems  when                  she ate            some  beans
Kathleen drank         from a canteen        of benzene
Said sardines soaked in saline make the best cuisine
Eugene came          between    Kristine     and Janine
When they went             to the ravine         in Racine
Teens hopped up on           caffeine               convene
With Thirteen marines                         on Halloween
On routine to      clean    and preen   the       latrines

I’m keen    to notice the things      that you’ve   seen

?    ?
?   ?   ?
?    ?
?    ?
?   ?   ?
?    ?
?    ?
?   ?   ?
?    ?

What if you could         unseen        what you've *seen
i spent way too much time on the design of this hence the co-title 'poem pop art'
1.6k · Sep 2013
Divorce haiku
Brandon Sep 2013
I don't believe in
Divorce. But sometimes it's the
Only option left.
1.6k · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
Drained* in stereo
Eyes toward vacated heavens
Deadlight escaping death

To sit and wait upon the edge of the great nothing
Arms wrapped and fingers entwined
Watching the sun dive down
Dimming into obsidian

Mountains erode to sand
And water overtakes
Stormy oceans of desolation

"We are a glimpse in the eye of cosmic decay
the future words of voices unspoken"

...I've wished the world away
Too many times to count...

I've watched the last days
And the tides change their ways
And the skies cease to be

I've seen the world die
But once in my life

And once was *just
1.6k · Nov 2016
Rebel Injection
Brandon Nov 2016
Inject rebellion in your veins
Rebel against the grain
Bloodied knuckle change
We are what tomorrow brings
1.6k · Jun 2011
Fuck Having A Title
Brandon Jun 2011
**** the Religious Right
        **** Those That Condemn Others
                **** The Republicans
                        **** The Democrats
                                **** The Government Having Too Much Say In Our Lives
                                  **** Paying Taxes
                                    **** The Gas Company
                                             **** The Water Company
                                                     **** The Electric Company
                                                         ­     **** Cars
                                                            ­          **** Car Payments
                                                        ­                      **** Being Late On Payments
                                                        ­                              **** Bills All Together
                                                        ­                                      **** Not Getting Benefits For Being Early On Payments
                                                        ­                                              **** My Need To Capitalize Every Word
                                                            ­                                                  **** PETA
                                                            ­                                                          **** People That Mistreat Animals
                                                         ­                                                                 ­    **** Vegetarians
                                                     ­                                                                **** Carnivores
                                                      ­                                                        **** Omnivores, What You Can't Choose A Side?!?!?
                                                       ­                                             **** Going To College Just To Work At McDonalds
                                                       ­                                     **** White Collar Getting Paid More Than Blue Collar
                                                          ­                          **** Having A Collar
                                                          ­                  **** The People That Reproduce Too **** Much
                                                            ­         **** Those That Think There's No Future In Children
                                                        ­      **** Commercialism
                                                  ­     **** Never Running Out Of Things To ****
                                               **** People That Say They Have No Friends But They're Always Too Busy To Do Anything Cuz They're Already Hanging Out With Someone Else
                                       **** Anyone Who Likes This Poem
                               **** Anyone Who Doesn’t Like This Poem
                      **** 6,000 Channels On TV And Nothing Is Ever On
              **** The Summer Sun
      **** Global Warming
**** Flat Pop
        **** Hot Coffee That Gets Cold
                **** Pets Dying
                         **** Death
                                 **** Wasting Life
                                         **** People That Talk To Much
                                                 **** People That Cuss
                                                          Fu­ck People That Have A Problem With Cussing
                                                         ­          **** Fox News
                                                            ­               **** Anyone That Lives Their Life Strictly By A Book (especially you Harold And The Purple Crayon people out there)
                                                          ­                          **** Laugh Tracks Telling Me When To Laugh
                                                           ­                                 **** Everything That You Stand For
                                                             ­                                       **** Everything That You Are
                                                             ­                                                **** Everything That You're Not
                                                             ­                                                         **** Finishing This Poem, I'm Gonna Go Eat
                               **** Anything That I Forgot To **** In This POEM
i really have no idea why this appears to be my most popular poem.`
1.6k · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
The slithering of her silver dialect
Wraps around my limbs
Tasting and devouring hungrily
On my tattered skin

Black bedroom eyes
Rated ***
Dissect me bit by bit
And piece by piece
A Picasso jigsaw puzzle
Scattered on the coffee table

I hear the screaming of spring
Executing the closing space between us
Our thoughtless embrace
Breaking in the aftermath of blood drenched butchering
1.6k · Jul 2014
The World's Too Full Of Them
Brandon Jul 2014
Waste-of-skin misogynists
Eagerly-angry feminists
Trust-fund kids
Disposable friends
Reusable partners
Confused 20-something's
Mid-life crisis lifers
Got-it-all-figured-out liars
Early comers and late arrivals*
The world's too full of them
1.6k · Feb 2014
Russian Roulette
Brandon Feb 2014
You won't see me anymore
I've lost faith in what I was living for
Could tell you the moment it happened
But you wouldn't listen
And I hate wasting my breath

I count the scars you left on me
Not all of them I can see
But I know they're there
Because they ache so deeply

I dress to the nines
Like I'm going to a funeral
Gonna have fun with a gun
You'll see what I mean
When the whiskey's gone

All this silence is getting harder to kick
Lets play a game of Russian roulette
Ill load the barrel and take the first hit
There's one empty chamber
And I'm liking my odds

There's no room in my life
With all of this empty space
It's funny how late at night
I can remember your taste
But I won't recall the details
Or the smile on your face

All this silence is getting harder to kick
Lets play a game of Russian roulette
Ill load the barrel and take the first hit
There's one empty chamber
And I'm liking my odds

Pull the trigger (Don't worry about the mess)
Pull the trigger (If there's one left behind)
Pull the trigger (It's only a wedding dress)
Pull the trigger (You can have it dry cleaned)
Pull the trigger (After we make it a crime scene)

You won't see me anymore
I've lost faith in what I was living for
Could tell you the moment it happened
But you wouldn't listen
And I hate wasting my breath

I count the scars you left on me
Not all of them I can see
But I know they're there
Because they ache so deeply

Pull the trigger (Don't worry about the mess)
Pull the trigger (If there's one left behind)
Pull the trigger (It's only a wedding dress)
Pull the trigger (You can have it dry cleaned)
Pull the trigger (After we make it a crime scene)

Lets play a game of Russian roulette
Ill load the barrel and take the first hit
There's one empty chamber
And I'm liking my odds
1.6k · Sep 2011
Tidal Waves
Brandon Sep 2011
We’re lost in translations
Swallowed by tidal waves
The seashore is dried out
No sense in paying retribution
When the ocean recedes
An avalanche of waterfalls fall
Off this desert land
Forced and digested
With diamond hearts
And sapphire eyes
We’re spent to the limit
With such exuberance
It’s calming to sway with the sands
Of a dried out tide
Collecting seashells
And making necklaces
Out of foreclosures for you
Reaching for the stars
Or Saturn’s rings
You leave me scrambling
For something that never existed
In the establishment of our existence
Expectations and dramatizations
Here we sleep on driftwood
Casting ourselves out
To the mercy of the sea
With just a bottle and a message
To get us by
We’re obscured in your sorrow
But ingesting in the dread of tomorrow
And dreaming of obedience denied
1.5k · Jan 2014
Drinking Problem haiku
Brandon Jan 2014
I do not have a
drinking problem. My drinking
problem has me. Burp.
Brandon Sep 2011
           yeah, mom's sleeping still and i have to go out. i keep throwing my bone at the cage and she keeps telling me to lay down and go to sleep, but mom, I HAVE TO ***!!!

          ok, moms up now and she took me out. i peed three whole times and sniffed a few other dogs' trails. i wish those other dogs would stay out of my yard. don't their parents know this is my yard? maybe you should tell them

          Woooooooooooooooooooo, Yip Yip Yip! it's time to eat! nom nom nom nom!

         mom is annoyed with me so she gave me a new bone to chew on. she calls it a bonut because it's shaped like a donut. i'd rather have a real donut.

         i must've been good because mom gave me a treat. i'm so good when i sleep. <----Hey dad, look, i'm a poet just like you!

        how am i texting you? i have no thumbs...or no phone for that matter

Yip Yip Yip! you just pulled up! you're home! be prepared, i'm gonna attack you once you open the door and slobber all over your face!!!
1.5k · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
This ship has set sail
With a crew of fifty good men
And twenty heavily coated dogs
Over half the crew will be dead
By the time we reach our destination
On this secret government expedition
Journey to the bottom of the world
To find the Southern Pole
The wind blows us where no life lives
But the bitter cold

From North America
Past the southern tip of Argentina
Harbored at the Falkland Islands
For our last taste of civilization

Six months
Or maybe it was a year or more at sea
To the icy shores of another planet
Encased in endless days of darkness

The ship became marooned
In frozen oceanic tundra
For many winter nights
We the crew chiseled, shoveled
And pick-axed our way to break free
Of our prison made from solid crystal air

Finally unyielding land ahead
An unmovable iceberg
We dock and unload
Steady our sea legs to skis and sleds
The dogs take off across this untraveled land
Pulling us in tow
Faster against the frigid wind
Than our own frostbitten limbs would allow

Ninety degrees south latitude lies somewhere ahead
Blanketed in fresh snowfall and ice storms
Supplies and moral run low as this weary travel continues on

Shaded in zero visibility we set camp for the night
Harbored against the soulless chill
In a frozen crevice of ice mountain
Our health deteriorated and the dogs drained

Polar sleep sets in
The arctic wind chills us to the bone
And my cold eyes close
Brandon Apr 2011
The mind has gone AWOL
Armageddon in the blood crimson gargantuan sky
Black stars from the depth of vacant eyes
Oil rains down in sightless desert heat
The last cigarette inhaled before the bomb detonates
Fortunate sons in the era of friendly fire
Rivals hunt metropolis streets to acquire a living
Anonymous crypts get lost in the politics
Seen convicted through bludgeoned eyes
Honored my name with a plaque on a wall
Documentation of civil declaration
Conformity inspired figurehead of a homeland
Bricks leading up to the footsteps of the Whitehouse
1.5k · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
Another day and its falling apart
I try to fight it but it never changes
I try to rearrange but it stays the same
Can't explain away these words
Or how I can't complain
But there's these memories
They just won't let me go
(Let me go)

So I drain myself of you
Feel you letting go
Tear me all down
And throw it all away
I drain myself of you

I've bled for too many miles
And these lungs are too full of sin
It's crashing down around
All the mistakes I have made
And all the words I could never say
(Could never say)

So I drain myself of you
Feel you letting go
Tear me all down
And throw it all away
I drain myself of you

It's crashing down around
All the mistakes I have made
And all the words I could never say
(All the words I could never say)

Another day and its fallen apart
I tried to fight it but it never changed
I tried to rearrange but it always stayed the same
Can't explain away these words
Or how I can't complain
But there's these moments
They just won't let me go
(Let me go)

I drain myself of you
I drain these lies of you
I drain myself of you
I drain these lies of you
I drain..
1.5k · Jun 2011
Supernatural Dine-In
Brandon Jun 2011
Why are all the starships dead
                 The devil’s eve is a dessert waitress
Making phoenix ash pie
                 Devour the oasis
And burn to dust
Brandon May 2012
My sleeping mind cannot contain
                                                       {the horrid images of waking life}

All that my waking mind soaks up
                                                        {spon­ging filth from gutted city streets}

Dreams turning into lucid experiences
                                                     ­         {the hypnotic effect of being drawn closer to a blade}

All colors, sensations too intense to categorize
                                                      ­                    {molded into a colony of unthinking, unearthing drones}

Wind down inside of me
                                        {boiling tornadoes raging from the depths}

Concentrated awareness of my subconscious obliviousness
                                                                ­                                {the benefits of obsidian isolation}

I wish that I could weave them all together
                                                        ­             {the stitches at the seams are wearing thin}

Like tall grasses woven into baskets
                                                         ­ {like scythed grasses cut down by rampant Monsanto}

Strong, unbreakable, able to withstand the heavy weight
                                                                ­                             {pressure baring down on fracturing ribs and shoulders}

                                                  ­                                 Of my spirit
                                                          ­                        {i feel alone}

Instead I leak through the seams, tear through edges
                                                           ­                            {leaving me tattered in a massacred pattern}

Five am cannot keep me
                                       {six am will never know me}

My thoughts scatter
                                 {my mind dances with madness}

                                               ­                             Drifting in and out

                                                            ­              {drifting in and out}
1.5k · Apr 2011
Glitter Like A Morgue
Brandon Apr 2011
We wear dead remains on our expression
It’s all in relation to the cohesive statement
Fashion is a coyote at six in the morning
A mortician’s incision at an open casket fashion show
A funeral waits at the end of the runway
1.5k · Jul 2013
Sun Basking
Brandon Jul 2013
The wind blows.
The sun shines.
The grass dances.
The ocean calls from too far away.

The windchimes sing.
The cats meow.
The dogs bark.
The city is silenced.
The country alive.

Books get read.
Drinks get drunk.

Stories get written.

Lives get dreamt.

Love is forgotten.
Love is remembered.
Love is forgotten.

Clouds cover sun.

But never for long.

The rays illuminate.
A life once gone.
1.5k · Apr 2011
Wet Dream Telethon
Brandon Apr 2011
Crippled youth decadent edification
Parental units fornicate prior to infantile animation
***** and left at the scene
Premature aged tragedy
Perceptive to the lessons of life
Based on adolescent obsessive observations
Thighs binding in the district of oral cavities
Physique constricted to paroxysms
Epileptic ear-piercing *******
Quivering leg hypothesis
Scream my name
Mechanical erotica
Spasm surrounding bionic limbs
Shrouded desires and ***** hallucination
High-quality with your skull banging into the headboard
Schoolgirl fantasy finished in chrome
Silver stream lined destruction
Nitro *** drive
Touch me
**** me
Use me
I hate myself for this
1.4k · Jul 2013
Brandon Jul 2013
Conflated the scriven entangled
Stygian Ink burns moonlight scribes
Death casket nymphotic neurotoxin
Flesh bites tender spots bruised
Inhale emerald fire shotgun lungs
Blacklight succubus consume
1.4k · Feb 2014
Weapon Of Self Destruction
Brandon Feb 2014
I remember
Can't seem to forget
All those nights we spent together
They keep on coming back
I try to drink them all away
Pour a double shot of whiskey
But like a bad time
They always seem to stay

Oh whoa woe whoa
Can't get you off my mind
You're like a ba-ad time
And these memories
They're my weapon of self destruction
Oh whoa woe whoa
Can't you get out of my mind?

Well it's been a long time
But I can't seem to shelve
All these recollections
Like your record collection
And the way you looked
Reading your favorite book

I know it's time to move on
But you're still in these melodies
Just humming along
To awkward love songs
And it goes:

Oh whoa woe whoa
Can't get you off my mind
You're like a ba-ad time
And these memories
They're my weapon of self destruction
Oh whoa woe whoa
Can't you get out of my mind?

I know it's time to move on
But you're still in these melodies
Just humming along
While I strum this guitar
To awkward love songs

Oh oh oh
Whoa woe whoa
Oh oh oh
Whoa woe whoa

Can't get you off my mind
You're like a ba-ad time
And these memories
They're my weapon of self destruction
Oh whoa woe whoa
Can't you get out of my mind?
Brandon Mar 2012
Put down that pen
Relax your hand
Please quit writing
Smash your keyboard
With a sledgehammer
Please quit typing

I’ve had enough with the compliments
On your half assed verses of antiquated love
On your verses of woe is my childhood babbling *******
On your verses of epiphanous enlightenment
I can’t believe that you’re what passes for good poetry
All that praise must be going to your head making you loco
Thinking that you can get away with writing that utter crap
I can’t believe you have so many admirers, so many followers
Hanging on to your every unsurprising word
Mad-Lib poetry, paint by numbers
It’s nice to see that that thesaurus and rhyming dictionary
Are working wonders for your writing
Like you’re some ******* messiah
Writing the perfect words for how they feel deep down
Like you're some ******* prophet
That speaks the word of the masses

Listen to the masses speaking from my tongue:

Put down that pen
Relax your hand
Please quit writing
Smash your keyboard
With a sledgehammer
Please quit typing
1.4k · Nov 2014
Without Borders
Brandon Nov 2014
I ache to trace the scars you've hid so well beneath your skin
   To feast on the nightmares that plague your sleep
Let my hunger satiate deprivation
       So that you may get an honest nights rest
   and tell me all about the good dreams you had

I want to know all the curves to your body
         and what makes them come alive
So that on days you're feeling dead
       I can help bring you back to life

Let me entwine my fingers into the curled strands of your hair
       And tangle them there for as long as you let me

Oh please let me do it for a long time

      I want to know you without borders

     over coffee and books we have read
         Books we want to read
     Books that weren't worth reading
            Books the other should read

And more coffee

Always more coffee so we can stay awake
For every moment that we share without borders

I want to sit with you in silence,

                 .             .             .

Look over and see you smiling with the pout of your lips
                   Like your dangerous
        And I'm asking for it
I'll always be asking for it

Without borders I would lean across the world
Just to hear your laughter
           And hold your hand in mine
              If only to feel your touch
                            Just once

      *Watch the sun saunter off into the horizon
      And the stars begin to shine
      As the moon lights up the sky
      In a world without borders
      I could be yours
      And you could be mine
1.4k · Sep 2011
Bee Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
***blebee* buzzing
From flower to my shoulder
Don’t pollinate *me
1.4k · Sep 2013
Myself For Company
Brandon Sep 2013
Just another day
In these endless days
Watching the clock tick time away
Alone with myself for company

All the voices have gone silent
Leaving me here with no one
But myself for company

Can't cancel my subscription
To these prescriptions
I need them to deal
I'm not good enough to do it alone
And myself for company
Just isn't good enough
To make it thru these days

Another time
In a different place
The situation stays the same
It's never ending and unchanging
The only sound is my heartbeat

Alone in these four walls
I'm blind to the outside
Ignored on the in
When will it all end
I'm slipping

Can't cancel my subscription
To these prescriptions
I need them to deal
I'm not good enough to do it alone
And myself for company
Just isn't good enough
To make it thru these days

I'm not good enough to do it alone
And myself for company
Just isn't good enough
To make it thru these days

And myself for company
Isn't good enough
To make it thru
1.4k · Sep 2013
I Don't Know You Anymore
Brandon Sep 2013
There was a time
Not too long ago
We were close
Hold me near
On winters touch
It became too much

I don't
Know you anymore

Blinded sight
You were right
Who was I
Just a fading light

I don't
Know you anymore

When we fell
It was never far
When we grew
It was further apart

I don't
Know you anymore

There was a life
We both bled
Never thought
These bodies run dry
With summers kiss
We'd lose our bliss

I don't
Know you anymore
Brandon May 2014
Sweet Italian lips and her coffee kiss
Crawl back to me beneath the sheets
Lace my arms thru her skin
Savor her lingering caress
I taste her sin, I take her in
Tracing the desire of her curves
Feeding the ache in her moans
Until the morning star shines
Pulled away from midnight
And our moonlit embrace
1.4k · Nov 2012
Tearing Down These Walls
Brandon Nov 2012
If there are wrecking ***** inside us all
then I'm gonna use it to tear down these walls
we've built up to shelter ourselves
keeping us away from the grace of each others company
there's words here haphazardly spilled
and its time to clean up this mess of a life we've accustomed ourselves
to and pick up the pieces we've carefully laid out
side of our hearts waiting to be appreciated
but swept away into the gutter with every insult and chance
oh I know this precious moment can't last forever
cuz nothing lasts forever
but let's never end
these memories that we share
these moments where we dare
to just close our eyes and love instead of hate
oh let these walls crumble down
and let's embrace
all of us
the whole human race in one single place
I know and you know and we know
this time it'll never end
because we've only just began
and if you reach out with your hand
then ill reach out with mine
and ill pull you in
and ill pull you up
when these times get too tough
oh I know it's unbearable
but there are truths to these words:
we're in this together and we can make it thru
oh we can pull on thru to our own enlightenment of heaven
cuz there's only one chance we have to live this life correctly
so we tie our arms around each other
consoling our lonesome hearts with words we only speak for truth
and we watch these brick and mortar walls crumble
and enjoy this life we live together.
The first line is borrowed from the band Listener. Hope they won't mind.

Oh and this was written in about ten minutes and unedited so forgive any typos or what have you...or feel free to hold it against me. I don't really care.
1.4k · Jul 2013
I'm Coming Home
Brandon Jul 2013
"Sometimes I think to myself that if I owned a gun I’d blow my brains out the back of my head. But since I don’t own a gun, these bottles of whiskey will have to do," Richmond told the Arab man behind the counter of Bob’s All American Convenience store. The Arab man nodded politely and counted the money Richmond laid down on the counter before putting it in the register.

Richmond leaned against the counter staring past the clerk and past the cartons of cigarettes and boxes of condoms and blunt shell wrappers that fooled no one of their intended use. Richmond stared past the convenience store walls and passed the ****** blowing a John in the back alley by the dumpster and past the man beating his wife in front of their children and past the 13 year old girl that just found out she was going to be a mother and past the block that only worsened every day and past the city that was crumbling beneath corrupt politicians and the debt they incurred and past the country that hid the truth from its citizens.

Richmond stared past it all and felt his eyes begin to water as tears started to fall down his face, tracing his age lines, tracing the scars that scared away children, tracing the laugh lines he no longer used until he could taste his tears, salty and wet, first on his lips and then his tongue. Richmond cried for the first time in a long time and began laughing at the thought of himself crying. He did not know what brought it on and when he tried to pinpoint the thought or feeling or emotion that triggered the tears he was met with a migraine.

The Arab man behind the register looked at Richmond with suspicion and reached beneath the counter top and pulled out a baseball bat that had nails protruding from the top half and told Richmond that he needed to leave, that this was a place for business and not weirdos. Richmond wiped away the tears with the ragged sleeve of a flannel that he had found in the dumpster earlier that morning. He feigned a smile the best he could to show no hard feelings and grabbed the brown bag containing three small bottles of whiskey and left the store.

The air hit Richmond’s tear stained face and instantly cooled him and he felt the bitterness of winter coming even as he heard the air conditioners running and the taxis honking and the birds over in the park a block over chirping. Richmond walked along the sidewalk, ignored intentionally by everyone he passed, and found an alley way unoccupied except for the rats digging thru refuse and slid his aching body down against one of the buildings brick walls and took out a bottle of whiskey and uncapped it and brought it to his lips and felt its amber courage wash over his tongue and down into his belly creating a warmth that he hasn’t felt since the doctors told him that his wife and daughter had died in the car accident that had only left him scarred badly upon his face and chest.

Richmond thought about their deaths and felt the pain as if it had just happened and not seventeen years ago and drank the first bottle of whiskey gone until the numbness overtook the ache and he watched the rats scurrying thru the garbage before a cat crept down the alley and coughs one of the rats off guard and began toying with it as cats do. The other rats took off down various holes and behind whatever coverage they could find so that they could live another day.

“Smart rats" Richmond found himself saying allowed. He opened the second bottle and drank it as he watched the cat tear open the flesh of the rat with its sharp claws on its paw and tear chunks of insides out with its feline teeth. He drank the bottle as he watched the cats white face become red with blood from its **** and he drank as he watched the cat lick and clean itself until it was a white cat again and it left the alley. Richmond stood up slowly using the wall he was leaning against for support and he stumbled his way out of the alley with his one whiskey bottle left hidden beneath the left side of his flannel. He cradled it like an endangered animal and continued his sluggish, stumbling walk towards the park where he found a bench and laid down and closed his eyes.

When he awoke he saw a cop coming towards him. Wanting nothing to do with the law Richmond quickly snapped to and started walking in the opposite direction of the cop. He looked over his shoulder once or twice or three times after a good while of walking and did not see the cop anymore. He sighed. And laughed quietly.

Richmond walked some more with no path or intention in mind until he sobered up and realized he had walked to the graves of his wife and daughter. Richmond dropped to his knees and began sobbing and scratching at the dirt that covered their caskets some six feet below. He howled for god and asked angrily why them and not him. He laid his head down on the ground and cried and the dirt mixed with his tears so that he looked blackface in some spots. He wiped away the mud and tears and took his last bottle out and before putting it to his mouth told his wife and daughter that he would be with them soon and he pulled the trigger by drinking the bottle empty and laying down next to his wife’s grave and holding the ground where she lay dead.

The next morning the care taker was doing his first daily walk thru and came upon Richmond lying with the tombstones, dead, and with a smile on his face.
1.4k · Oct 2011
Promiscuity Of Heaven
Brandon Oct 2011
First I was born
                                                          Th­en I began to die
                                                             ­ (there's no way out)
                                                           ­       (and there never was)
Nursing wounds                              
Gangrene and obscene                                        
Promiscuous and unwanted                                                
                                                             I favor the blessing of the Black Mass
                                                                           Shrouded in the catastrophe of disillusionment
For the first time in my life                                            
I’m disappointed in your crucifixion                                                          
And all the reasons you said you did it for                                                                    
                                                                              Antagonistic misanthropy in Maplethorpe grays
                                                              Humanity cultivated arctic aspirations
                                      First I was born                                                                                           ­  
                                Then I found a way out                                                              ­                                      
                               First I was born                                                             ­                         
                                (Then I found a way)                                                            ­                                      
(Away from you)
Brandon Aug 2012
Amber shaded sugar cane 
Crashing on caribbean rock

Spices slither seductively 
Empty bottle requiem 

A pirates life for me
Swirled in draining glass

Emptying across my tongue
And down my throat

Good things never last
Brandon Jul 2012
We played blackjack taco until the early mourning sun singed the obsidian sky into submission 

singling the onslaught of dawn rising like ravishing wildfire over a horizon of jagged glacier crafted mountains peaked with diamonds coal and gold

We flipped stacks and stacked flips
Pushed coins and collected IOUs
Spilled ink and broke pens

Too many hours in the Night Jazzing about youth and the repercussions of aging in a time when aging was an agonizing sin we cured with creams and needles

The table was deliberately a mess with scattered tea leaves half smoked sticky icky sticks full of inspired inspirations, drained drank empty wine bottles and other alcoholic deviances, and incoherent ramblings cauterizing the senses 

uncompleted poems full of scribbled and scratched out words poke out from anyplace not covered  by crumpled  origami cash resting like a weird paper green zoo of swans frogs and paper airplanes.

The suns rays manage to find that one area in between the window shades and curtains to shine brilliantly into our darkly kept stygian tomb

Illuminating a night of lexicon ******, broken handed betting, and passion only poets and writers aspire to conquer

We rubbed out our sleepless crusted eyes and gathered our ink stains and haunted dreams and left into the morning that we found in some skeletol low rent motel room on the side of this deserted desert highway...
Brandon Oct 2011
The demons are bleeding from the walls
  Pouring thick like screeching molasses
   Grabbing me by my eye sockets
    With twelve inch ripping talons
     Pulling and tearing my flesh taut
      Like some morose antagonism of obesity
       Dragging me thru the hardwood floorboards
        Thru a river flowing with moaning, groaning souls
         Cast into a stygian darkness that blinds the eyes

          The magnitude of grotesque revulsion
         That unveils itself before me
        In monstrous catastrophe
       Ignites my dejected soul
      To wisps of smoke and smoldering ashes
     Set to a contour of unremitting denunciation
    Scorching pits of fire, brimstone, and sulfur
   The suffocated withering of my intentions

  The agony of ennui
And the simplicity of sin
1.3k · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
Free unrestricted journal publications
Words are bombs, dropping ink and paper
Typeface whistle blower and in your face
Chasing stories and truth, free the gonzo
The revolution in print, internet, television
Notepads, computers, and wi-fi
Liberated publication for all open eyes
A world of free thinkers and literary fact
No comment from the silent advertisers
Their payment in truth concealing lies
The United Censoring Of America
The political principles of censorship
Glory or death, guts and congratulations
No justice, no peace, no surrender
We’ve got the voice louder than power
The accuracy of enigmatic liberty
The freedom to say what you want to say,
what you need to say, is being taken away.
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