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Jun 2023 · 271
I Too
Talking Back Jun 2023
Oh how unexpected
And unprepared I turned out to be
Never did I imagine me,
My mothers “wild child”
The life of every party
To be graced with your tiny presence
But then so happened

I called you string-bean
In one week I was ready to change
My life
My financial choices
My habits
To make space for you

Though I may never hear your voice
Your tiny heart beat was enough
To stop my own
And as time may pass
I’ll forever look at your pictures and remember
I too had once been someone’s mother
May 2023 · 203
Lost Time
Talking Back May 2023
How I cried
When I believed that time
Had stopped
For you
These tears that graze
My face
Is for time
Apr 2023 · 141
A Letter To My Father
Talking Back Apr 2023
Warm nights like this
Remind me of when I would watch you
Sit on the porch
And look at the sky  
As she beckoned for your worries
To join her

I can see your sunken shoulders
As you sat there,
Setting your alarm to wake up
And cook us breakfast
Before we went to school
And you to work
6:00 am set
If you went to bed now
you would probably get 5 hours

You scratch your head
That started to pepper out years ago,
Yeah, its time for a cut
But little Charlie needs shoes and
Terry graduates this year
And don’t forget
soon it will be Mary’s quince
Maybe next month you mumble

I can smell you light your Newport
While you look back at the sky
And you know
To this day I could never tell
If it was the stars reflecting in your eyes
Or Tears
That reflected in your eyes.
Dec 2021 · 606
Circle of Life
Talking Back Dec 2021
It's so hard
To Forget
When you have
Yet to Forgive

And it's so hard
To Forgive
When you have
Yet to Forget.
Talking Back Aug 2021
And as I looked into his eyes
I no longer could see my reflection
For his gaze held the silhouette
of Another
Dec 2020 · 200
Talking Back Dec 2020
I think
That there is a child
Within me
Every time
I lay to rest
I hear her screams
Not to be forgotten
Not to be left behind
No one hears her
But me
I guess no one listened hard enough
Nov 2020 · 142
I Long to Say
Talking Back Nov 2020
I have a love
Of whom I cannot call out too
How many times
Has my heart whispered
I love you
As you embraced me
I have said it in every language possible
Beyond English
So i can fight this urge of uttering
The words
You do not wish to hear
Despite your cold demeanor
And pushing me away
I love you
And yet
I cannot say it
For it is you whom I love
Oct 2020 · 111
Talking Back Oct 2020
You got me right where you want
The palm of your hand
But I’m ready to leave
You’re a boy
Not a man
And waiting for you to change
Is like counting grains of sand
You never fought for me
Because you’re a boy
Not a man
You never realize what you had
Until I let go of your hand
Your actions I begged for
To late for I realize
You’re a boy
Not a man
Oct 2020 · 79
4:30’Saturday thoughts
Talking Back Oct 2020
I can remember
Your smile
And yet worn eyes
As you burried yourself
In religion
And work
No mother nor rest
In sight
And as i continue
To live in this life
And wake up in the middle of
The night
I think I understand
How you went astray
I really miss you
Oct 2020 · 78
My Heart Be with You
Talking Back Oct 2020
I’m processing
The time
And Calculating
The distance
That separates us
Oh the seconds
Until i see you
Once more
To God Above
I pray
You don't forget me
Oct 2020 · 75
Cleaning my act
Talking Back Oct 2020
I never
Meant to lie
To you
You see it was at
Another's request
And I was left
To decide what I thought best
My lying isnt the best
And remembering turns my head into a mess
So instead of the stress i turned
To keep from hurting you.
Sep 2020 · 68
Talking Back Sep 2020
I really miss the hood
Cause unlike regular society
They won’t smile in ya face
And act like everything is all good
Sep 2020 · 62
Talking Back Sep 2020
You called me
As if I asked to be
The recipient
of your self hate
Sep 2020 · 67
Talking Back Sep 2020
You tried to make up
For your lack of being there
With little gifts
And words filled with sweet nothings
Yet when we argue
You bring up your spent Washington's
And forgotten Lincoln's
As if I asked for Presents
When all I wanted was your Presence.
Aug 2020 · 68
Talking Back Aug 2020
I hate
Being in my head
Left to my own thoughts
It's feels like my head
Is then a prison cell,
No visitation rights....
Aug 2020 · 52
Tell Me How You Feel
Talking Back Aug 2020
The day you said
You liked me
As a person
A friend
I cannot deny
The sky opened up
And together
We cried
Aug 2020 · 54
My real feelings
Talking Back Aug 2020
I waited
To finally say
I love you.
Aug 2020 · 57
Talking Back Aug 2020
I thought
I found shelter
Within you
But now
I'm homeless
Aug 2020 · 85
Let go
Talking Back Aug 2020
I let go
Of our title
But I am still chained
By the pain
Release me
Aug 2020 · 90
Spell Responsibility
Talking Back Aug 2020
Is a responsibility
One takes on
To protect another's heart
While entrusting the other
To do the same
You will understand
when you meet the right oerson
Jul 2020 · 78
Talking Back Jul 2020
I never thought
The day would come
Where you would no longer
Need to hold my hand
But in reality
For me to let go
Of my hurt and past
I had to leave your hand hind as well
Forgive me......
I'm sorry
Jun 2020 · 85
Talking Back Jun 2020
I'm lost
No longer wanting
To be found.
Just waiting and wanting
To be lost
Some more.
May 2020 · 68
Talking Back May 2020
I want to scream and shout at the world
Holler at the tolerance
Tell people just how lonely I am
Explain how important you are to me
But when I open my mouth
No words are formed
May 2020 · 74
Ink heal me
Talking Back May 2020
Dear Words on the paper
Please heal my mind
I know what they say
And what I need is time

But time is of an essence
that I do not have
May 2020 · 82
If I am a Tree
Talking Back May 2020
My pictures
My words are the visual
The tree trunk
But lack of confidence
My stuttering and shyness
The roots
But still, everyone picks
at my leaves
May 2020 · 58
The confusion continue
Talking Back May 2020
Another chapter
Same story
A continuation
Of a saga
A torn page
Torn heart
May 2020 · 58
Talking Back May 2020
Dear friend
If I could shelter you
From the world's problems
As an umbrella
Covers us from rain
I would
May 2020 · 63
Talking Back May 2020
We were never
On the same page
The same chapter
We crossed paragraphs
And sentences
And yet
I wanted you
To still be in my book
Apr 2020 · 63
Talking Back Apr 2020
You were,
A rib
A Backbone
Multi-Dimensional and goal-oriented

You were
A human
A woman
Loving and nurturing in every aspect
In honesty? Perhaps to good

Now you are
Fragments of what once existed
Alas, you were enough...
Just not for the right person.
Mar 2020 · 66
Talking Back Mar 2020
How I once reveled
Being the object of your affection
You are the object of my misconception
Under the guise that you could stand
With me
Now I'm left standing alone
Indeed it's a bit breezy
Mar 2020 · 53
Talking Back Mar 2020
How beautiful
is the sight
of fireflies flickering
eyes filled with never-ending love
in the warm summer night
Oh how life gives such beauty and quickly takes it away
For short-lived,
is the life of a firefly
as was my affection for you
Mar 2020 · 87
Judge not my shell
Talking Back Mar 2020
What is my worth?
A nickel?
Ten dimes?
Three dollars
Five dollars?
Free-Nintey Nine?
Why must my worth
Be determined by labels such as
"Beautiful, angel, and fine"
Instead judge not my shell
For it is by my perseverance and willingness to try
That really shines.
My character,
is what you should truly define.
Feb 2020 · 74
Question #3
Talking Back Feb 2020
How am I supposed to go along
If in this place I don't belong
Feb 2020 · 60
Talking Back Feb 2020
No matter how much
I believe
to be over you
My eyes glaze over
Thinking of you.
Jan 2020 · 68
Talking Back Jan 2020
I give up
On the idea
Of there being
An 'us'
Jan 2020 · 56
Talking Back Jan 2020
As last year's burdens are laid to rest
The clock strikes 12 and in the distance
New Hopes and Dreams are born
Finally, I can gaze upon last years serene face
Happy New Year
Dec 2019 · 196
Bad Service
Talking Back Dec 2019
He was 'hungry'
So I fed him
My time
My emotions
My fears and dreams
My heart.
Now my plate is empty
And he leaves
Check paid
No tip.
Dec 2019 · 82
Talking Back Dec 2019
With each tear in my heart
Another poem is written
A **** less is given
And one less life to live in
I guess I should be grateful
But I'm to upset
Over the aftermath
Nov 2019 · 88
The voices comfort me
Talking Back Nov 2019
There are times and situations
Where I know I should smile
When I should be happy and elated
Instead in tired and life seems vile

So I retreat to the voices in my head
And we just talk for a while
Nov 2019 · 83
I and you
Talking Back Nov 2019
You were
With your
And now all I yearn for
Is to emotionally
Be free.
Nov 2019 · 140
Talking Back Nov 2019
You are the Universe
Disguised as a human
Transcendent upon land
For a better tomorrow
You are a new day
Make the best of it
Nov 2019 · 135
No importante
Talking Back Nov 2019
It hurts
To know
To fathom
To understand
That I will never be your number one
Or even anything to you
Nov 2019 · 92
He called me Clingy
Talking Back Nov 2019
How I wish
That I could come out
And say the things
I yearn to say
Love you with my all
But I wallow in fear
Because you say I'm too clingy

I think I heard my heart break just a little
Oct 2019 · 117
Daisy pt.2
Talking Back Oct 2019
Oh Daisy
Loved by everyone
Flowed with the wind
Kissed by the sun

Petals filled with starlight
And dancing to the Sunday's praises
Advice and love always at heed
And right now grandmother
You're what I need

Oh Daisy
How I miss you
Oct 2019 · 91
Happy Birthday
Talking Back Oct 2019
No matter the age
Or how grown up I may be
There still hides a crying child in me
Oct 2019 · 136
My turn
Talking Back Oct 2019
But when will it be my  turn
To cry on someone's shoulder
Be listened to
And told that it's alright?
Oct 2019 · 168
Talking Back Oct 2019
My mind cannot decipher
Wether my heart wants to be free
From stress
Or from you
Oct 2019 · 193
Talking Back Oct 2019
I asked for
For this broken heart
You gave me
Oct 2019 · 99
Talking Back Oct 2019
I don't talk black
However I talk back
To the uneccesary judges
That have appointed themselves such
In life
Sep 2019 · 639
What's Wrong they Asked
Talking Back Sep 2019
Do I even need
A reason to be upset
When life itself
Is so.....
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