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Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Oh My angels You look so tired I haven't let you rest Since I started this test! Please lay beside me And rest. I promise I'll be at my best, I swear I won't go there. I'm here to pass the test.  I'm so sorry about the mess I made of things I know it's hard Keeping up with me But please lay beside me Just for A couple Of winks! Please rest It's only a test. But I Know what you mean, Something always happens to me, Because we're in the world of Uncertainty!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Faces covered in mystery, Eyes full of feer , Lost in a trance, Waiting for the news to get better, When the world's getting worse! I think we're cursed At the very least, They're hiding the truth From me and you. But sun the truth Will escape There lies, And show us Everything they've been doing Why they've been playing with our lives!
Big brother
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
A Whisper in The night spoken With the Silence of Words Hides Behind The light Of the moon, Slowly Fall off the lips of a smile of sweet delight.
Love, hope,fantasy, seek out dreams!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When I Wake up in the morning I have a pocket full of stars. To get me through the day It's like a pocket full of dreams, That I'm to give away To someone having that bad day.if i Could have fit the moon In my pocket, I would have put it's lite inside lockets. And give them to the children who live In the *******. Waiting for someone to show them the light To guide them Out of the dark places, We're time forgot The ones on the streets That never get to see The better side of reality!
Holds on to your light.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Oh my wandering eyes Hello there attracted to the beauty, Sometimes they put up a fight when a pretty lady walks by. Telling me it's okay to look 1 more time. They even go as far as reminding me That beauty likes to be stranded In someone's eyes, In the spotlight Cause thats where there beauty shines!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Give me someone to hold So they can hold me. Someone that loves me In the right way, Looking deeper Than the skin on my face. Outside the mistakes I've made. Give me this, As I kiss your lips Inside the morning We'll find Bliss!
Love and together miss
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When I look out the window my eyes reach into the sky We're my dreams look back at me waiting for my life to embrace what they see So they can fulfill Their destiny within me!
My dreams Watch over me When I sleep!
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