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Joe Quaale Mar 2021
I will Carry your pain If you Carry mine. Just so one of us can  feel alive. Every tear will share, That way there won't be too much To bear. If my pains too much To bear Give it back I can handel a more than that .pains okay when you have someone to share it With. When you're alone the pain tonts You making you pole Anger out of the box! When it's not the feeling you want!
Share your pain!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Hold the music inside your heart. let the beat find the sound it needs to carry it through the emotions that can see the colors hold the notes as there found slowly moving You closer to the place that takes you away From what's happening in the world That can only spread pain And fill in a life  that's full of mistakes!
I love classical music!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When the train went through the tunnel I seen time pass us by .It was holding on to the light at the other end of the tunnel. As we came out the other side It was waiting tapping it's foot because'Patience Takes longer than it should. Now that time's back on track We'll have more than we need To make it to our destiny Free of the world that's behind you and me!
I Wood Love to travel Someday
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
I wish Upon all the stars So not one has to fall. I sympathize with the widow that's alone with no one to hold. My tears bleed For little girls That are found Lost on the brown And the **** Because no one cares enough To let them in! Free yourself from the pride and greed, That put them on the streets. Help them back on to Their feet. Help them see That They're addictions Are full of disguises
That leads them away from their gifts That starts a fire In their souls Give  them The tools To find the life They were looking for Before they open the wrong door!
More people need to care It's dark out there!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Everything looks sideways when you look straight into the eyes of fate. I must be early Maybe I'll wait Inside the gate just in case. Maybe I'm late. I could have sworn that today was the day. Maybe tomorrow will come with more to say, If I can hold The patience Long  enough To wait!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
My quiet times are full of life. They know what I like when I sit by there side. they listen to my thoughts as They  quietly think about life. It's a lot to have when things get too loud.  a sound smashes To the ground Echoing Through the streets That can be mean When you're Looking For  something to keep Safe from a world that takes.
The streets can be mean
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Our souls are like snowflakes there's not 1 alike And they're all so pretty how they fly to the sky and then melt when they touch his Light Then become 1 with everything Free In a
moment in time we're space and life collide!
What if we were all ***** Of light. Flying with the stars During the day, Not just at night!
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