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Joe Quaale Mar 2021
It's time to put down the pen, it's a fight I Don't always win. When I right for hours And listen to classical music. Im my owne company. With the pen I hold close to my soul, because that's where I can usually find the gold.
Sometimes it's really hard to put down the pen
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
It's okay to let the rain fall on your day. Because it's a better tomorrow than yesterday. The tears that fall from the sky, bring life That rinsis away the dirt when they cry. Storms bring sunshine, that chases away the dark skies, Wile his wind blows from Within you and I.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Remember the songs the birds would sing ,when you played inside the melody of spring .And how the notes took flight ,just as a breeze played inside the night .Flying outside the melody you heard Playing in the trees of birds.
I was having a moment
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
This day I'm gonna hold my head high. When things look down, I'm gonna show them how to look up. This day the sun will shine, and let go of the pain I no longer see inside this body  Of decay. this day the pain will have to wait, because nothing's gonna get in the way of a day like Today.
Let's have a good day
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When time slips ,it leaves a gap in between the space it fills. Stopping the time before it's complete. leaving and opening inside the time you can see, When it sleeps on the other side of things.
I watched time slipped away
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
For is not to love ,when the heartbreaks how we take the pain away is more than it makes It's never easy when the heartbreaks, As it set free from the one who trusted in love is more for learning What it wasn't before they could find out what it was.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When a smile reaches it's peak Watch it fall from underneath  and slip right into a grin finding happiness right where it is on the lips of a princess laughing out loud as the jester stills her Crown.
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