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Joe Quaale Mar 2021
I have patience It's the time that has the problem How long must I wait how long is too long I sit quietly waiting for it to come not even knowing if it's gone now time is telling me to hurry up So I had to let go Of the patience before it let's me go I set it free from the time that keeps haunting me when I'm awake On this side of space
What time is it
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
My life looks tired like my youth Has lost it's fire .Everything slowing down resting in the sands of time making it hard to stand up when I'm down Feeling heavier than light Gravity gets Heavier the older you are That's why I Set it free Before It can see the heavy in me.
It can get Heavy
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
To feel the touch of nature Is to  let it touch you When you let it  Relax in your thoughts and give them to her Let her see inside the places That pain might be lingering Then breathe in deep feel her tears cry cleansing you from the inside of her eyes we're time sees your life In the seasons not in the clock On the wall that believes in nothing at all

— The End —