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Pain clawing at my brain trying to make me insane I try to refrain the constant mind drain and try to contain the animal within trying to break free and destroy me all my anguish is in vein but I try to remain selfless not to be confused with helpless
Constantly tired emotionally drained while my pain is clawing at my brain
You're the first thought when I wake
About what a pair we make
the last thought when I close my eyes
About how we have no lies

I can't get you out of my brain
Thoughts of you pours in like rain
you've taken over my head
Every time we talk I turn red
I've known you for years
you're still here to wipe away my tears
even though we are far apart
I'm afraid you've stolen my heart even though we were intimate in the past
it was never more than just a blast
it was never meant to last
You've still been my friend
I never want it to end
I had given up on love
you flew into my life like a dove these past few months just talking to you
seems too good to be true
I can't help but miss you
I never saw before
how wonderful you are
like you fell from a star
I wish you weren't so far

I remember when we were teenagers
attacking eachother like tigers

The more I remember our old habits
it reminds me when we bred like rabbits

I dream of the old days
I think about you in many ways
I wake up in a daze
You put me in a craze

If its the last thing I do
I will find a way to be with you
Ripped from my arms
Deprived of your charms
Upon your foreheads  i cannot kiss
Your faces i will miss
Torn from my heart
My heart ripped apart
Wish to hold you all
Can't be there when you fall

Wish to see
My angels three

Mommy is there in your heart
Even though we may be far apart
Sheer agony
Not being able to be there with you three
                ­               Insane
             ­                                           in
                   ­                         doubt
    ­                I
                         ­                 fears
       ­                                   tears
     ­                                      dares

          ­                        Carry

Trying something new
Angels are everywhere
If you know where
To look
They aren't in a book
But all around you
Its true
A mother holding a newborn
Keeping them warm
Safe from harm
A child
Innocent and pure
Keeping your heart sure
A stranger on the street
That pulls you out of the street
So you don't become roadkill
A friend that takes care of you when you're ill
Angels are all around you
You just need to know where to look
Fists of rage bursting out of this cage can't restrain the animal much longer everyday it gets stronger. Every time I hear of someone living in fear that death is near I can't escape my rage this animal is strange clawing at my brain its hard to sustain and keep it tame its breaking out there is no doubt
I fear that the animal is here
Been at war with myself
Since the beginning
Who I am
Verses what others want me to be
Searched for answers in all the wrong places
With all the wrong people
When the answer has been inside all along
Am I weird and strange
yes I am
But instead of trying to hide it to make others happy
The answer is to embrace myself flaws and all
If I love myself I will not fall
I give it my all
I care too much
I give too much
I do too much
But that's who I am
I am comfortable in my own skin
If I consider you kin
Then you win
A lifetime of me caring about you
But don't tell me who I can be
I will always be me
I talk too much
But only because
I've been through too much
I will not conform
I won't wear your uniform
I am me
I am at peace with me
You are caring,
Passionate, intellectual,
You have an intense pure aura
I feel peaceful and calm around you
I feel drawn to you
When I'm near you it's like a connection that I felt from a past life
Like our souls are connected
Like we are meant to always find each other
Addicted to your touch
Long for your embrace
Wish I could tell you how I feel
Your brown skin against mine
Caressing the contours of your face
This feeling inside
Is getting harder to hide
I dread the day that I might accidentally blurt out those three words
Should I hide hide how I feel
Is what im feeling real?
Should I let my love soar?
Or should I close that door?
Im unsure
Don't have a cure
My black beauty
Could you possibly love me?
This is not a fantasy
So full of hope and innocence at four years old.
Always a good girl did as I was told.
"Come here sis lets play a secret game"
All I felt was shame.
Told "its our little secret mom and dad can't know"
Trying to hide my tears not letting them show.

Withdrawn 6 year old doesn't speak her mind prefers to be alone and read.
Sisters boyfriend "come here I know a fun game but don't tell your sister its our little secret "
Screaming NO in my head but no words come out. I comply to his wishes and pray for it to be over soon.

Sexually confused 8 year old practicing what she learned with friends. The little secret continues.
friends brother caught us and joined in but he wasn't kind.
"If either of you say anything about this I will **** you both"
Having to hide the bruises from my parents was difficult but successful.

****** abuse became the norm for the 14 year old who started letting boys play with her so they would like her but they always left her behind.

By age 16 she wondered why they only wanted *** and why noone wanted to be with her .
She started to wonder if it was something that was wrong with her. She tried harder to make people like her .
But she found out they only wanted ***. So she started using them instead .

By age 18 she was so sexually active that people called her easy and a **** and that's when she realized she didn't even enjoy ***. So she gave it up for new years resolution

At age 19 6 months without *** met someone we talked for hours.
Instantly became friends and then at the 11 month mark I broke my no *** rule.

20 and pregnant scared not knowing what to do everyone telling me to marry him cuz its the right thing to do so my child is not a *******.
So I convinced myself I loved him which I did have love for him but he hadn't earned my love yet

21 alone with a daughter with no clue where her husband is decided to go to college.
Husband shows up on daughters birthday when he hadn't been there all year and decides to ****** me unfortunately it worked and I was pregnant with child number 2.

22 on bedrest complications with pregnancy husband nowhere to be found. I had to pause school.
Got better went back to school.
Gave birth to a beautiful little boy. 6 weeks later my husband welcomes another son.
I filed for divorce.

23 graduated from college.
Got divorced .
Found hand mark on son my daughter said other mommy did it.
I filed a report and then left the state so they couldn't hurt my children.

24 started work as massage therapist. Loved every second of it.
Stopped for a hitchhiker on way home, we talked the whole way it felt like our souls connected.
He stayed and we started dating ,
Everything was going great he even got a job. But then I got pregnant and he showed his true self an alcoholic. I told him he couldn't stay if he didn't give up drinking so he left .

25 pregnant ready to pop trying to get ahold of the father. Finally his sister convinced him to be apart of the birth.
He came back waited on me hand and foot for 3 weeks till our son was born. Then when our son was born convinced me to take him back.
The rest of the year was good and bad he went to jail twice and it was cuz he was drinking behind my back

26 a decision on my door step in form of Cps making me choose him or my kids.
I chose my children.
But sadly it didn't stop there he repeatedly tried to convince me to take him back .
It wasn't easy to stand my ground but I said its either the alcohol or us he said us but chose the alcohol.

27 a friend asked me to house their friend I said I would.
He slowly weaseled his way into my pants and then said we were dating, I stayed silent.
After awhile he showed his true self angry lazy gamer that picks fights over not getting his way.
Kicked him out but both him and my sons father harassing me.

Ex husband wanted joint custody and wanted the children to live with him for the year I said "not without me there"
So me and 3 children moved in with ex.
He was acting like he was trying to be a good father but unfortunately what I didn't know was that he was abusing my children while I was at work and made my children repeat his lies.
I was taken by surprise when Cps contacted me telling me what was going on.
Before I knew what was happening they took my babies.

28 years old
Just got new job new house and doing everything they asked me to do. Listening to the caseworker.
Asked caseworker what I had to do to get my kids back she replied "you must admit you failed as a parent"
Caseworker refusing to place my children with family because foster parents want to adopt.
My children constantly telling me that they don't like the foster parents crying and throwing fits when it was time to leave also taking off saying "Please mommy don't make me go back!!!"

Foster parents wanted me to use their parenting style and use their rules.
One rule was "no touching"
Foster parents upset at me for playing with my kids. I fake wrestle with them and they use me as jungle gym.

Took my visits away because my daughter tried running away to my house.

Working long hours saving every penny.
Rarely getting to see kids.
Wrote letters to every state officials that I could find no one would help me.

Caseworker lied to me every time I talked to her.
After complaining 6 months she was finally removed but she got to keep her job and testified against me saying that I had it out for her and that I worked against her which isn't true she had it out for me and constantly lied to me and my family.

30 present
Parental rights terminated

Crying on my sons 5th birthday because I couldn't wish him happy birthday.
This is the sad story of my life I may be broken but im not dead.
There's a fire burning inside
That i try to hide
So many times I have lied
But there's no pretending
That a desire is burning
Lust yearning
To be set free
Inside of me
I yearn to be touched
Give anything to be caressed
But that's not enough
I want to be rough
I want to be thrown onto the bed
Or even the floor would work instead
I want to be kissed
I want to be licked
I want to be suckled
I want to be cuddled
Skin on skin
It may be a sin
But I want someone to put it in.
I tried not to be to ******
Inside my cage
                            Fists of rage
I may be strange
                            Its hard to change
Been poked
                      Been prodded

That's how it all started

Now I refuse
                        To let you

                            ­            Remain
           ­       Away
                                ­ My




C.     Escape.      my.     rage .         C
A.             its                                     A
N.                  breaking                   G
'T.    .  Out.         of.        this           E

Trying to hide
how I feel inside
but there is no escaping how I feel
for I know that its real
how can I show you
that my love is true
how do I say I love you
can't escape how I feel
when I know its real
I can't wait. be sane
I can't wait. end this pain
I can't wait. .....till you are free
I can't wait. ....till you're home with me
Full of life
Free of strife
They run in the sun
Till the day is done
They don't play dumb
They just want to have fun
Full of energy
Full of joy
The don't pay electricity
Outside is their toy
No responsibilities
Just possibilities
Innocently honest
Say what's on their mind
They are Ernest
can think their way out of a bind
Love with all their heart
Even when they're apart
They know no bounds
To be a child innocent and pure is a precious gift of that im sure
Came into this world blue and screaming
You stole my heart with your first breath
Heart full of gold
Pure and innocent
Caring for others is your strong suit don't ever stop
You are stronger then you know
You have a way of knowing when someone needs a hug
I love you as wide as outspace as deep as the craters in the moon and as pure as an angel
You are my Clayton Bradley you are my heart
Stay inside
Its time to hide
Wash your hands
Don't fill the stands
Avoid people at all cost
Otherwise we are lost

Read a book
Till we're off the hook
Listen to doctors
Not idiots without degrees

We hide to save lives
Forget pride

Hide stay alive
Even though they say that I can't see you three they can't keep us apart forever
Destiny will bring us back together again

My heart breaks my body aches
My mind searches for answers
My arms long to hold you three again some day I love you and I will see you again
I'm done fighting
I'm done trying
Im done with bruises
Im done with excuses
Im done with lies
Im done drying my eyes
Im done with the pain
Im done with you controlling my brain
Im done having hope
Im done with you and your dope
Im done with your drunken rage
Im done feeling like Im trapped in a cage
Im done with you playing victim
Im done being your victim
Im done being weak
Im done with you making me feel meek
Im done trying to convince you
Im done being abused by you
Im done being stepped on
Im done thinking your the one
Im done trying to get you to talk to your son
Im done giving you chances
Im done with second glances
Im done with you
Im just done noone to blame but you
Hate Is at the gate
Don't debate
Eliminate Hate
Its not to late
Don't negotiate
Don't associate
Lets clean the slate
Lets not create Hate
But appreciate

Two eyes
Two hands
Two ears
Beating heart
Worlds apart
Love is the start

Love or hate?
White or black?
Gay or straight?
Yellow or red?
Doesn't matter
We all have red blood
Green veins
Beating hearts
We're family

We're all the same
So don't be lame
Be tame
Don't hate
Love thy neighbor
Open the door
Open your heart
Don't let hate tear us apart
This is a rewrite with one people and hate is at the gate I thought they would go well together if they don't let me know what you think and be brutally honest
I want to be alone in isolation
But then I live with frustration
I don't want love
But I want to feel loved
I don't want relationships
But I want someone to share my hardships
I don't want the pain
I want to feel sane
I want to be held
I didn't like it when they yelled
I have a huge heart
That got ripped apart
I had to build a wall
Because of it all
To protect what remains
Its hard to remove these stains
Even though I tell myself no
My heart still tells me to go
I don't want to be broken and alone I want someone of my very own someone to share my life even the strife grow old cuddle when its cold


We met at work on lunch break
Our eyes and souls made a connection no one can ever break
You pulled me out of my despair
And helped with the repair
We started as friends our friendship grew into friends with benefits
From there our bond became unbreakable
My love for you is unstoppable
My love for you overflows
You only say I love you on accident but I know you meant your words
I know you wouldn't say it if you didn't feel it even on accident
I can feel your love for me burning inside of you
You deny it even though it's true
I know you're scared and so am I but I know our love is strong
I love you even if you don't say it back
Going insane
Chaos in my brain
Trying to comprehend
No need to pretend
Don't care if I offend
I want this pain to end
Dread spread through my head wish I was dead

Pain in my brain driving me insane
It seems these dreams have seeped into my head while in bed
I can't shake this feeling that life is the dream instead
I want wake from this nightmare called life as I wipe away my tear and try to over come my fear
This panic is tragic I wish I could live in my dreams like magic away from all the havic
I dream of a place with no pain no strife no longing for a knife no one to call you insane because everyone is tame
These dreams seem real I just want to feel normal but that's not possible

             ­      just
In today's world
Happiness is being replaced with
Sadness overwhelms our souls
Nothingness hardens our hearts
Depression takes over
Superstition reigns over our world
No-one is safe
That's not a way to live life
The demon inside
I try to hide
Heart aching
Body shaking
Earth quaking
Sun shining
Clouds climbing
Rain pouring
You tore my heart
I fell apart
I gathered the pieces
You went places
You left me alone
I was on my own
You were lone
Now you want your thrown?
You left me in a heap of my own sorrow now you want to come home tomorrow?
I hardened my heart
That you tore apart
Now you want a new start?
My love was pure
Now im not sure
My heart was true
I loved you
I wish it was that simple
Like popping a pimple
You want to start anew
I wish your love were true
You had my heart
You tore it apart
I gave my all
I catch you when you fall
I gave you kisses
You gave me bruises
I stood by you
I was true
I was in deep
You left when I was asleep
Didn't know how bad it was
Until a knock at the door
It was the Fuzz
I don't want no more
Leave and don't come back
I will wear black
Im in mourning
The death of our love
Has my tears pouring
thought u were sent from above
All lies
Now our love dies
Found out the truth
You lied through your tooth
I now know what is real
Being alone is ideal
I fantasize about it would be like to have you makes me wonder if you would be true I ponder what it would be like to kiss your plump lips I fantasize about your skin pressed against mine passion and heat kissing your chocolate skin moaning when you put it in
Is it just infatuation? Or just ****** frustration? Could it turn into love? Or is it just lust? I don't know but I just want you to ******
My brains on fire
Burning with my hearts desire
Body aching
Legs shaking
Yours for the taking
Pure passion is all I'm asking
Caress my skin
Kiss me all over
Nibble the nape of my neck
Plant kisses down my back
Kiss my thighs
While looking into my eyes
Make me squirm
Make me moan
Kiss inbetween until I groan
Meet my fire
With your desire
Take me to utmost heights if you must
Show more pure lust
As you ******
Lock the door
Till I can't handle any more
Help me clench my burning fire of pure desire
Everything I've always looked for in a man
You have them
Falling for you wasn't in the plan
great personality
You treat me with respect
I never know what to expect
But I know its good
I would tell you how I feel if I could
Never seems to be the right time
So ill sit here and rhyme
Your eyes are black
Your skin is brown
Your dreads are long
Your arms are strong
How could my love be wrong
When it feels so right
Started casual
This is unbelievable
I've been looking for you my entire life
I was always meant to be your wife
But I keep it inside
I must hide
How I feel
Until you realize its real
Don't want to move fast
Because of my past
This wasn't meant to be lasting
But I know it would be everlasting
I love you
I will show you
Its true
For My angels

         F.                 N
      T.    O.           I.   M
    R.        R.      R.        Y
  A.            E.  E.       ­     H
P.                 V.                  E
R         Memmorie.       A
  E          Clayton.          R
     V      Warren.        T
       E.                       W
         N.                  E
              L.         W
                  L.  I

    Sent.                            For
             From.      Above
Me.                  To.             Love
A.                                     Gift
   To.                               Lift
     My.                        Heart
      Loved                 From
          The.             Start
               My.        Soul
Forever in my heart we will never part
Can't be controlled
Can't be tamed
If locked in an cage
it will escape
and it will attack
The one that locked it up
Need to be free
To be myself
Love myself
Free myself from these chains
Each link created by others
I need to spread my wings and fly
Sore though the clouds were I belong
Be one with myself
No one can tell me how to be me but me.
I am a free spirit
We see eachother at work
I love it when you smirk
Your long dreads against your chocolate skin
Makes me grin
I want your body against mine
Our fingers intertwine
Kiss my neck
Kiss my back
I wish you could be mine
Then everything would be fine
I don't have a big screen TV
My old school screen is big enough for me

I don't have a big fancy house
I don't have a spouse
But bills are paid
Who cares that i don't get laid
My house May be small
But I have just enough to pay for it all

I don't have a high paying job
Im not a rich snob
Hours are long
With a steady paycheck I can't go wrong

My children's fathers are not around
I still stand my ground
I have been their only support
Even after going to court
My day revolves around them
I love my children
They make me grin

I don't have fancy organic food
But I fill the fridge which puts me in a good mood

I don't have a fancy new car
My van still starts and runs you can hear it roar

You say I am poor
I say I am rich forever more

Glass half empty?
Glass half full?
Let me see....
I think its all bull

The measure of a person isn't their wallet
But by the measure of their heart
Happy faces
When we go places
Bright eyes
Heavy sighs
Little hands
Holding tight like rubber bands
Hate to hear their cry's
I just dry their eyes
Holding them tight
Wish they didn't have to leave my sight
But soon my angels will be back with me
You will all see
Back where they belong
Here with their mom
Is strong
Is wrong
Doesn't belong
Is evil
Is cruel
Will just grow
Has to go
Is not my fate

If you let hate rule your life you will have nothing but strife
Do you ever notice....
There's always one person
That finds a reason
To yell
Or tell
At or on you
Sad but true

Do you ever notice...
They find one thing
To dislike about you

Have you ever noticed.....
That no matter how good you are
Doing everything right
Someone finds one mistake
That's all it takes
For them to say
You aren't good enough

Have you ever wondered....
How when you are the victim
The person that hurt you
Says they are the victim
And all the things they did to you
Never happened
All they say is what you did
To get out of the situation
Its all stipulation

Have you ever. ....
Been so vulnerable
that you opened up to the wrong person
They turn you're words around and make you wish you were invisible

Have you ever noticed. ....
That there are more bad people than good?
And all the good are misunderstood

Have you ever noticed? ??
Met by chance on a highway
Instant friends
Liked you right away
Conflicting emotions
Hard to look away
Your eyes are like magnets
Our souls connected
But you went away
Didn't know what to say
Wish I could have
convinced you to stay
What I have
Who I am
I would have shared
What's meant to be
Isn't certain
The future
Isn't written
If your travels
Bring you back
To me
Imagine how happy
I would be
If you don't
Want to come my way
Then I will
Just live another day
Met by chance on a highway
Instant friends
Liked you right away
Conflicting emotions
Hard to look away
Your eyes are like magnets
Our souls connected
But you went away
Didn't know what to say
Wish I could have
convinced you to stay
What I have
Who I am
I would have shared
What's meant to be
Isn't certain
The future
Isn't written
If your travels
Bring you back
To me
Imagine how happy
I would be
If you don't
Want to come my way
Then I will
Just live another day
People walk by
They act like They're shy
They don't want to meet your eye
They think they're being sly
As you watch them walk by

They avert they're eyes
While you're self esteem slowly dies
While an angel cries

If they could truly see you
Not at what you have to do
To survive

Sitting there with your sign
While people pretend to be blind
Grungy clothes
***** face
As they call you a waste of space
As you waste away
To nothing
All you want is to eat today
wish you could just get something

They don't know you're story
They don't care
You don't want them to feel sorry
Just to be fair

You hit hard timess
don't want to revert to crimes

You just want an ear
That will hear
When you shed a tear

You just want someone to be kind
Instead of grind
Theyre teeth at you
You just want them to see you
Not what they believe to be true
Or treat
Kids to meet
Boy your costume is neat
All you can eat
Or treat
Blue skys
Dry eyes
Fun times
Clouds appear
People fear
Rain to come
Fun is done
Sky opens
Rain pours
People cry
Fear they'll die
Chaos of the unknown
People groan
Winds gust
We don't trust
Hail cascades
Clouds fade
Rain goes away
That's all for today
Colors appear
A rainbow is here
Dry your eyes
Don't you cry
Hope is here
In the darkest of times
There's always hope for tomorrow
After every storm there's a rainbow
This is a rewrite
The world is upside down guys that just want *** act like they want a relationship until they get what they want then they are gone

But yet the guys that want relationship ask just for *** and then ask for a relationship

Its so backwards it confuses me how do you tell if someone wants to be with you or if they just want ***? ??

Can I get a guys perspective on this because I can't figure it out
Ice forming
Wind blowing
Wolfs howling
Is spring coming?
I can't wait for ice melting
Rednecks grilling
Kids yelling
There's no telling
When spring is coming
They say ignorance
Is bliss
But there is a difference
Between arrogance
And ignorance
Its a fine
Thin Line
Ignorance is not knowing
Arrogance is not caring
These two go hand in hand
Anyone that is arrogant
Is usually also ignorant
Ignorance is bliss?
If anyone has any suggestions on any additions to this poem please comment below
Going about our day
As if i didnt say
Those three words
Both acting as if they werent heard
Said in the heat of the moment
You spoke no comment
The shock on both our faces
Niether of us wanting to face this
When i said i love you
Watched you come unglued
But you werent crued
Just give it time and you will see
The one for you is me
I live my life in isolation
I feel the worlds devastation
I keep it all trapped inside
All my pain and anger I hide
You'll never see
the darkest Part of me
You'll see me but you won't see
The true me
I smile at the world
Even though my heart is wounded
My pain is hidden
behind my grin
You'll say its a sin
But I hold up my chin
Noone can hurt me again
There's a hole in my heart
Where everyone ripped me apart
I wouldn't know where to start
To repair a holy heart
So I will hide my pride
And slowly die
My eyes remain dry
Its too late to try
My isolation is my own devastation my soul is beyond recognition
So when you see me smile at you know that it isn't true and there's nothing you can do because there is no glue to fix the hole in my heart that humanity tore apart.
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