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Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Looking a your eyes I finally see clear
Everything in life was worth it because it lead me here
All the pain and damage was worth it in the end
Because I found my soulmate and my best friend
You're not know ordinary girl, I know that to be true
I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
We made plans but spent all day kissing under the cover
You found my in a dark place, I'll admit I was a broken lover
Picked me up, wiped me off, kissed all the bruises off my chest
Now when I hold I know in my heart that you're different from all the rest
I never knew love could hit me so god dam hard
I promise you baby that I won't leave you broken and scared
Just like you see it in the movies we share that same type of love
Since I met, I truly think there is a god above
Watching over me, he sent an angel to protect
You hold my heart like no other, never felt this kind of effect
And if I dropped dead tomorrow, I hope I wake up at the start
And relive the moment that you stole my heart
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Skin to skin, we join as one
This forever lasting love has only just begun
Felt like I've know you a lifetime the day we met
I wish I could have loved you longer but I'll take what I can get
Our souls collided and formed into eachother
I honestly think we were made for one another
No girl other girl could hold my heart like you do
I'll hold you forever and you know that to me true
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Stepped off the train and saw the love of my life
The second we touched I knew I'd make you my wife
Cuddled in bed kissing and talking
When I'm with you I'm on the clouds walking
You're so beautiful, even though you say you're not
But honestly babe you're so so hot
I've never felt this way about anyone before
I want you for the rest of my life and even more
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Whenever we call I always get butterfly's
Don't know if its the same feeling for any other guys  
I cant top smiling whenever I see you face
A beautiful site I never want to replace
I wish we could share these moments in person together
Memories that I will cherish forever
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I found a heart I want to hold every single day
A love I want ot experience in every which way
I found a soul that seems to be linked to mine
Just the looks she gives sends shivers down my spine
I get lost in her eyes when I stare too long
But she draws me in with her love thats strong
I found a beautiful song with every word she'll speak
That voice on its own can leave me weak
I found joy in her smile, it outshines the sun
I could never smile the same way as I do for this one
I found a home from the way she makes feel
Built up stronger than even wood or steel
I found a reason to wake up just to see her face
Because I know in my heart she is my happy place
I found a reason to keep dreaming, she's always on my mind
If I close my eyes she is all I find
I found everything in her and still so much more
Ive never found a girl like this before
Everyday I talk to her I find something new
Everyday I seem to fall a little more in love with you
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'm like a broken clock, constantly telling the same time
But instead I tell you I love you in every single rhyme
It  seems to be the only thing I can say
I can promise you no one has ever made me feel this way
You make me heart pounding when you look at me
In a room full of art you're the only thing I see
I've never felt love this strong
But In my heart, I know with you I belong
So I say it again, I love you
I can promise you baby this love is true
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
What's holding us back? Honestly tell me
Because you know I'm all in, it's obvious to see
I don't hide how I feel because I know I want you
All I can hope is you feel the same too
I think you do but don't know what to say
All I pray is you realise it one day
Thomas Burge Apr 15
I never love anyone the way I loved you
You were like a drug and that I was madly addicted to
I miss you so much, I can't believe we ended
We both had problems that we could have mended
I know you'll never read this but I mean everything I write
If you we're to call tomorrow I'd already be there last night
You said you push the people you love away
Yeah we we're toxic but something kept telling me to stay
You're stuck in my head and I don't know why
I really wish we could give us another try
Fresh start for both you and me
Maybe we'll meet again sometime, just have to wait and see
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Everyday I think about coming to see you
Only an hour and a half drive is all I have to do
Because I miss you so so much
I think I'm going mad without feeling your touch
I want to wake up next to you every single day
And good morning my love is all I want to say
Goodnight beautiful I hope you sleep well
Youve got me addicted under this crazy love spell
Thomas Burge Apr 21
The sky never ends and nore does my love
Hoping one day it will hit you from above
Because your not here, I'm living in fear
I wish you was near because I miss you my dear
I'll find you again, never let you go
I love you more than you will ever know
Thomas Burge Apr 15
We said forever, forever came fast
The love we had I really wanted to last
I keep wanting to call you and sort everything out
Apologies for getting angry, I didn't mean to shout
I wish I didn't drive off, and instead tried talking to you
Because I'd do anything to try make forever come true
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
No museum in the world has better art than you
You're Gods finest creation through and through
I could look at you all day and still fall more in love
You're like an angel sent from up above
Give me a kiss because you taste so good
And I'll show you love better than anyone else ever could
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The more you make me jealous, the more I want you
The bruises from these games are starting to show through
He's a lucky man, I wish we could swap shoes
But when I came down to love he was the person you wanted to choose
Maybe another time I will be in his place
In this game I love I have lost the race
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Love me forever, I beg you please
The way you look at me brings me to my knees
The way you talk sends shivers down my spine
In every lifetime I wish to call you mine
There's isn't a world where you don't make my heart race
You are my home, my happy place
Thomas Burge Apr 15
You're the most addictive drug I've ever tried
Loving you was an addiction that I couldn't ever hide
We cried, we fought, we laughed and loved so hard
Maybe a little too hard that in the end it left us both scard
But now you're gone the effects won't disappear
I need a fix for this addiction but you're no longer here
But the ghost of you still lingers inside my head
Imagining life without you is something I dread
So I'll wait for you because you know I'll come straight away
I'll love you forever is all I want to say
Thomas Burge Mar 16
Born into a world of torment and sin
Born into a world where you will never win
Lost in the dark with not way out
Speak proud with a voice that will never shout
Hold strong because the path is very clear
Keep on fighting and never give into fear
Chin up high and fight till the end
Chin up high through the dark times my friend
Thomas Burge Jan 30
I love you so much, you're always on my mind
All I think about it's our future and leave the past behind
We've both sinned and made a mistake or two
We're both not prefect but our love is true
I've never felt like this about anyone ever
And no matter what happens, I'll love you forever
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
I found love and now I cant let go
From a seed to a flower my love did grow
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't just want you at your best, I want you at your worst
You may think when I write about you it sounds all rehearsed
But it's not, I only describe you as I see you
A girl so perfect, no one is ever going to be you
An angel could talk and my eyes wouldn't budge
No matter what you do, I would never judge
Everytime I write a poem you already know who it's about
And I would always write for you, don't you ever have a doubt
Do me on favour, never change who you are
I fell in love with this girl from afar
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My heart can't describe how beautiful you are
And words can only get me so far
I would show you with actions but your not here
Maybe I'll get to show you one day this year
Day, night or even when I sleep
A day without you my heart begins to weep
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Now I'm not a fisherman but I found the best catch
A girl I just want to pick up and ******
Plenty of fish in the sea but I found the best one
I can retire my fishing rod now it's all said and done
So I'll sail my boat back to shore
Knowing I don't need to fish anymore
Thomas Burge Jan 4
Lay in my arms and the world will fall silent
I know the war in your head can be quite violent
But trust me my dear you're safe with me
I'll show you the beauty that you cannot see
Talk to me when times are tough
And I'll still love you when times are rough
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I tell God I love you, more than life itself
Rich, broke or poor, I'd love you more than any wealth
I'd hold you hand no matter what
I'd kiss you here right now on the spot
Because I love you so much, you're my one and only
Please don't leave babe, I'd be so lonely
Just give me you're pinky and hold it tight
Because the love we share feels so right
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Real eyes, realise, real lies
Stuck with a man whom you really despise
I know how you feel by the tone in your voice
Maybe picking him was the wrong choice
Or maybe I'm wrong and just being confused
I just don't want to see you hurt or used
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'll give you my last name and you can keep if forever
Watching you walk down the isle will make me cry but however
They will be tears of joy seeing you walk towards me
Knowing since I've met you that you're my future wife to be
Starting a life together with the love of my life
Not just a girlfriend but now my wife
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Breathing getting heavy I cant take it no more
I think this is the moment we've both been waiting for
I grip your waist and hold you tight
You've got my lips trembling, I hope you don't bite
We give into sin as passion takes place
The look in your eyes makes me heart start to race
I feel your skin, so soft to the touch
I've been craving for this so very much
The taste of your lips make my blood rush
You can see my cheeks start to blush
United as one, it's all lead to this
A moment of passion and eternal bliss
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I wake up later to keep this dream going
Imagine the life I want without ever knowing
You're there with me in this neverending dream
In my mind we're and unstoppable team
I wake up to reality and you're not there
So far away from me, not in my arms, I guess life's not fair
Check my phone to see if you've text me
A smile on my face when I do get to see
I see a message sent from you
I guess you dreamt the same dream too
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
No silly mistake would make anything change
Because love can be shown in a wide range
But I want at you purest, all your flaws and sins
You and I will never know if we never begin
I can't thank you enough for just being who you are
I've said it before but you're my shining star
It's weird how you hold me up when you're not even here
I'd risk it all for you, I have nothing to fear
Keep writing, don't stop I need to read more
You're the art and the artist, need I say more?
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
How did I get so lucky? Someone please tell me
I found the most beautiful girl there ever could be
Perfect in every single way
I fall more and more in love with her every single day
She makes me so happy, like no one ever could
If I could have found her sooner then I already would
Don't want anyone else because she is my soulmate
My destiny, my lifeline, my eternal fate
Thomas Burge May 15
I hate myself, so ******* much
Because I live in a world where I can't feel your touch
I'm broken, scarred, damaged beyond repair
Trapped in this lonely pit of despair
I miss you so much, but we can't go back
Falling for you again would take me off track
Maybe one day I might hold you again
As a much better man than you knew back then
Thomas Burge May 16
You cause the pain, yet you're also the cure
Sometimes I'd doubt it our love was pure
Two broken souls who found love together
We were both foolish if we'd thought it'd last forever
Thomas Burge May 17
I ignored my depression for many many years
Substance abuse took away all my fears
But it made me feel worse in the end
It's hard to let go when the substance is you're only friend
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You never liked these boys so why waste a tear
You never needed them but you knew already that my dear
They mess you around and leave you broken
If they didn't mean it then they wouldn't have spoken
But you knew that my dear, that they were not right
Same old thoughts keeping you up at night
Don't fall to soon because it may not last
You have much to learn but not to fast
The right ones on his way but he might be late
Or maybe he's here you just see him as a mate
So wipe your eyes keep your head up high
Save you tears my dear for the right guy
I know you're out there
Waiting for me
I just don't know where
But I'll find you one day
I guarantee
I've wrote so many poems for you to read
Described the art I'm waiting to see
Hoping you wont make my heart bleed
I know you're out there.............

Waiting for me
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You tell me not to wait when you know I'll never leave
Because you and I is something I really want to believe
Leaving is easy but I don't quit
And somewhere in your mind I think you know it
Attached by a rop I don't want to cut
Staring at a door I don't want to shut
I may wear my heart on my sleeve
You tell me not to wait but you know I'll never leave
I'm waiting for you
On the other end of the phone
It's weird when you don't respond
I honestly feel so alone
Just a simple text makes my day
Added to all you type and say
Lost in your words
And all you write
Waiting for you
On this lonely night
We were just talking
But it didn't take long for you to start walking
Gone, just left, blanked what I said
But now youre gone I wish I was dead
I know this is crap and short, I will write a much better one ( I'm a bit drunk right now)
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
What are we waiting for ?
I like you, you like me, do I need to say more?
We tiptoe around these feelings that we hide
I wish I could tell you all these feeling I hold inside
I think you feel the same but are to scared to show
But if we don't take this risk then I guess we'll never know
If you're worried you'll get hurt then just know this
Good or bad, with you there's not a moment I want to miss
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Giving you this in person will be scary yet exciting
So I better use my best hand writing
I'll try and keep this short and sweet
But I love you from my head to my feet
Meeting you was my favourite mistake
Life took me down a path I'd never thought I'd take
I can't thank you enough for just being you
I wish you could see yourself from my point of view
Beautiful, funny and so so kind
A soul like yours is hard to find
So read this poem whenever you feel low
I care for you so much, more than you'll ever know
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Emotionally I'm broken, I'm hiding behind a shell
I just laugh through the pain, I'm stuck in this hell
People see me as fake me, the opposite to how I feel
I'm not who I want to be, my reality isn't real
When I'm lost in my mind
I come back to this place
But all I can find
Is your beautiful face
Why are you here?
Can you please leave?
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
He ignores your messages, he clearly doesn't care
I always reply if I ever see one there
He doesn't even trust you, so tell me why him?
I'd be your candle when the world is getting dim
Maybe hes got money and maybe this is true
I'd work forever just to spend it all on you
Does he even care when you're dying inside
Because I can read you like a book so there's nothing to hide
Is he really what you want, will he be the one
Or is he just a bit of fun
I think falling for you was my biggest crime
If I was him for a day id make it last a life time
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
You and me wasn't meant to be we
I get that, I'm not blind I can see
Don't make me jealous don't make me sad
No matter what you do you know I'll get mad
Stop please I asked but you won't
I know I love you but clearly you don't
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I guess these words mean nothing in the end
Turns out you only ever saw me as a friend
I knew I got attached to soon to fast
I knew these feeling were too good to last
Got trapped in your wicked game
Turned out you never felt the same
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
You're Gods art, I describe you through poetry
A picture so perfect everyone should see
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
Keep your head up and hold it way up high
Just let the negative things in life pass you by
Its an imperfect world so be your best
Never give up when the world puts you to the test
When life puts you down get back up because you're strong
Get up right now and prove them all wrong
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Write me back and let me know how you feel
Does he really make you happy or is this not real
I may sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve
But I follow my heart with everything I believe
Tell me the truth because I'm begging to find out
Tell me everything you're thinking about
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You give me life when I feel low
You give a reason to get up and go
Seeing you face brings me nothing but joy
All my dark thoughts you seem to destroy
I'd do anything in my power to see you smile
In the court of love I must stand trial
You make me laugh with out even trying
When we say goodbye it leaves me dying
I somehow miss you though I've never seen you face to face
Everything you do makes my heart skip a pace
Search you feelings, you know them to be true
You like me and I like you
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Now that you're gone I don't know what to do
I pray that god is looking after you
Time fly's, but now you're gone
Life's hard, I cant move on
When I get low I think about us
All the things we cant discuss
I'd give anything you hear your breath
I know your living life after death
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