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Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Now that you're gone I don't know what to do
I pray that god is looking after you
Time fly's, but now you're gone
Life's hard, I cant move on
When I get low I think about us
All the things we cant discuss
I'd give anything you hear your breath
I know your living life after death
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You're the only poem I read and I don't want it to end
I only see you as more than a friend
You make angles questions their own existence
Your love is an infection and I have no resistance
Whenever I write it's always about you
If I send you this poem then you'll know it to be true
I see you for everything you are and more
If any man wronged you even God then I'd wage a war
If you're reading this now, these are my feelings unspoken
You fixed me up when I was feeling broken
You're the reason I'm writing, but it's hard to describe perfection
If I was to describe a woman you'd be my words reflection
I'm drinking right now so these are my thoughts raw
You're everything and more that I've been looking for
Why do I miss you when you've never been here
Tell you how I truly feel is my biggest fear
Even when I'm gone and you don't know what to do
You'll still have these poems that were made for you

— The End —