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Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I sometimes feel like giving up but don't want to lose hope
But I'm already half way through tying my rope
I know I'm not him and probably not the one
By my feelings won't change when it's all said and done
What do I need to do, or do I need to change?
Because I'm getting mixed feeling and these feeling are strange
Guess I just have to wait and see
Maybe the answer is right Infront of me
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Have no fear babe because I'm here forever
Through thick and thin I'm here for whatever
The highs, the lows and the in-between
Till death do us part of you know what I mean
I'll be your man till the end of my days
As long as I'm with you we'll get through this crazy maze
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Let's ruin this because I think we're destined for more
Don't know if you feel the same but I've never felt like this before
Because I know in my heart I would never let this end
This has transcended a love you couldn't comprehend
I've seen heaven with out dying
Felt true love without trying
And when I told you I loved you I wasn't lying
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'm like a broken clock, constantly telling the same time
But instead I tell you I love you in every single rhyme
It  seems to be the only thing I can say
I can promise you no one has ever made me feel this way
You make me heart pounding when you look at me
In a room full of art you're the only thing I see
I've never felt love this strong
But In my heart, I know with you I belong
So I say it again, I love you
I can promise you baby this love is true
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We walk a dangerous line when we start to flirt
Because someones feelings are bound to be hurt
We can dance over this fine line
But in the end I just want you to be mine
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
How did I get so lucky? Someone please tell me
I found the most beautiful girl there ever could be
Perfect in every single way
I fall more and more in love with her every single day
She makes me so happy, like no one ever could
If I could have found her sooner then I already would
Don't want anyone else because she is my soulmate
My destiny, my lifeline, my eternal fate
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'll give you my last name and you can keep if forever
Watching you walk down the isle will make me cry but however
They will be tears of joy seeing you walk towards me
Knowing since I've met you that you're my future wife to be
Starting a life together with the love of my life
Not just a girlfriend but now my wife
Thomas Burge May 15
I hate myself, so ******* much
Because I live in a world where I can't feel your touch
I'm broken, scarred, damaged beyond repair
Trapped in this lonely pit of despair
I miss you so much, but we can't go back
Falling for you again would take me off track
Maybe one day I might hold you again
As a much better man than you knew back then
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't talk to any girls because they'll never be you
Why are you on my mind? I don't have a clue
Why are you so special you may ask
Expanding that is no easy task
I keep repeating the same old lines
I bet you're sick of reading my same old rhymes
But for some strange reason you have became my Meuse
Found you by accident, never getting any clues
You've made me realise what a woman should be
I think you are the missing part of me
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Saturday, Three in the morning, just cuddling and kissing
Some people would rather be out clubbing, I pity them because they don't know what they're missing
Laying here with my girl, got the music volume up high
Got my hands all over her, she so **** I can't lie
Kissing up and down her body, I got not time to waste
Looking at her gets so hungry I need a taste
The music and loud enough so she put a pillow over her face
For being to loud guess I'll have to put her in her place
Five in the morning and we still making the shake
Got her legs wrapped round me don't know how much more I can take
She's saying all the right things, think I'm about to give in
Can't blame me for this God but I'm about to commit sin
A night of passion, two lovers in a state of bliss
Can't wait to spend the rest of my life like this
So give me that pinky and seal it will a kiss
Thomas Burge Apr 15
I never love anyone the way I loved you
You were like a drug and that I was madly addicted to
I miss you so much, I can't believe we ended
We both had problems that we could have mended
I know you'll never read this but I mean everything I write
If you we're to call tomorrow I'd already be there last night
You said you push the people you love away
Yeah we we're toxic but something kept telling me to stay
You're stuck in my head and I don't know why
I really wish we could give us another try
Fresh start for both you and me
Maybe we'll meet again sometime, just have to wait and see
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We all move on eventually in time
And maybe one day I'll write you my last rhyme
Hopefully not because youve walked out my life
But because maybe God has taken my wife
So my poems will lay dormant till I see you again
And in the next life we can do this again
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You tell me you love me when we're on the phone
But I'm still sat here all on my own
I hope one day I could say it to you face
Powerful feelings I could never erase
Missing you when I feel all alone
You tell me you love me when we're on the phone
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Mum said you don't know her and she lives so far away
But Mum I think I love her, I cant feel any other way
Mum said you met her online, are you sure she's even  real
But Mum I'm being honest when I tell you how I feel
Mum said I will support you I just don't want to see you sad
But Mum this is the girl I want to introduce to Dad
Mum said follow you heart if you think you know best
Thank you Mum she's different from all the rest
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
If you ever feel sad you can always come to me
I'll pick you back up and cleanse any insecurities
Let your tears flow down my chest
And all these demons we can lay to rest
For you are perfect in every single way
You're the only trophy I'd put on display
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The kindest soul I've ever met
You outshine the most beautiful sunset
You paint pictures and you write art
Colouring in the gaps within my heart
I wish I could write everything I want to say
To call you mine every single day
So for now we'll keep making art to describe eachother
Writing poems, painting pictures for a long lost lover
Thomas Burge May 17
Why do I keep looking a pictures of you? Maybe its because I cant let go
All I want to do is call you to tell you I still love you more than you know
I want to make things right and have you back in my life
Because deep in my heart I wanted to make you my wife
I miss you so much that its making cry
I cried even harder when I saw you with another guy
People keep telling to move on and forget about you
But you and I both know thats something I cannot do
Lifes gotten so dark since I lost my light
I hope you I think about you every night
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
When the lights go down, it's just you and I
We lock eyes and time doesn't go by
It waits for us to finish this loving embrace
Hand in hand, heart to heart, face to face
We become one and it feels so right
Me and you together throughout the night
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I look up and the moon and only think of you
So far away but such a beautiful view
If only I could reach it and hold on to it tight
But day is starting to break so I'll wait for the next night
I'd wait for you forever because you are my soulmate
Like the moon and the earth we are locked in this fate
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Looking a your eyes I finally see clear
Everything in life was worth it because it lead me here
All the pain and damage was worth it in the end
Because I found my soulmate and my best friend
You're not know ordinary girl, I know that to be true
I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
We made plans but spent all day kissing under the cover
You found my in a dark place, I'll admit I was a broken lover
Picked me up, wiped me off, kissed all the bruises off my chest
Now when I hold I know in my heart that you're different from all the rest
I never knew love could hit me so god dam hard
I promise you baby that I won't leave you broken and scared
Just like you see it in the movies we share that same type of love
Since I met, I truly think there is a god above
Watching over me, he sent an angel to protect
You hold my heart like no other, never felt this kind of effect
And if I dropped dead tomorrow, I hope I wake up at the start
And relive the moment that you stole my heart
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Skin to skin, we join as one
This forever lasting love has only just begun
Felt like I've know you a lifetime the day we met
I wish I could have loved you longer but I'll take what I can get
Our souls collided and formed into eachother
I honestly think we were made for one another
No girl other girl could hold my heart like you do
I'll hold you forever and you know that to me true
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Stepped off the train and saw the love of my life
The second we touched I knew I'd make you my wife
Cuddled in bed kissing and talking
When I'm with you I'm on the clouds walking
You're so beautiful, even though you say you're not
But honestly babe you're so so hot
I've never felt this way about anyone before
I want you for the rest of my life and even more
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Whenever we call I always get butterfly's
Don't know if its the same feeling for any other guys  
I cant top smiling whenever I see you face
A beautiful site I never want to replace
I wish we could share these moments in person together
Memories that I will cherish forever
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I found a heart I want to hold every single day
A love I want ot experience in every which way
I found a soul that seems to be linked to mine
Just the looks she gives sends shivers down my spine
I get lost in her eyes when I stare too long
But she draws me in with her love thats strong
I found a beautiful song with every word she'll speak
That voice on its own can leave me weak
I found joy in her smile, it outshines the sun
I could never smile the same way as I do for this one
I found a home from the way she makes feel
Built up stronger than even wood or steel
I found a reason to wake up just to see her face
Because I know in my heart she is my happy place
I found a reason to keep dreaming, she's always on my mind
If I close my eyes she is all I find
I found everything in her and still so much more
Ive never found a girl like this before
Everyday I talk to her I find something new
Everyday I seem to fall a little more in love with you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I see you through the emotion you hide
You tell me your alright but I know you just lied
Tell me everything, I'll alway be here
You know I won't judge, you have nothing to fear
Lean on my shoulder if you need something to cry on
I'll be the one you can alway rely on
Or if not me then let your family know
They will alway help you when you're feeling low
I wish I was there to help you through any pain
Just say the word and I'll be on the next train
Or I'd race through the night just to wipe your tear
You can tell me anything, you have nothing to fear
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Put myself down with silly thoughts in my head
Wish it was me but you chose him instead
Am I good enough to even be with you
Or am I a hopeless romantic who hasn't got a clue
Please let me know because I'm dying inside
I've made my feelings clear, I have nothing to hide
But it seems that no matter how hard I try
He has something for you that I can't supply
Push me away before I get to sad
He's getting your love that I wish I had
Don't want to stop trying but my chances look bleak
But you hold the love that leaves me weak
Thomas Burge Jan 4
Lay in my arms and the world will fall silent
I know the war in your head can be quite violent
But trust me my dear you're safe with me
I'll show you the beauty that you cannot see
Talk to me when times are tough
And I'll still love you when times are rough
Thomas Burge May 17
I ignored my depression for many many years
Substance abuse took away all my fears
But it made me feel worse in the end
It's hard to let go when the substance is you're only friend
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think I love you to, skipped through the like stages
I want you to be my last chapter filled with all the best pages
I hope you feel the same as I do, because I've got nothing but clarity
I second without you is like an endless reality
So dark and cold when you're my warmth and light
Hold me close dear and we'll make it through the night
See I write not money, recognition or even fame
My words just keep pouring because you're my eternal flame
There's a tattoo on my heart and only spells your name
If lifes single player not co-op then I don't want to play this game
Thinking about you alone gives me a reason to write
I hope you never let go of my words and keep them held tight
Back to my original point if I can remember it clear
But I'm drinking and driving, I think I need you to steer
Oh yeah I remember now I think I'm love
Must thank the God above when he sent me down this beautiful dove
Its just a feeling I have and if you'll be my queen I'll be your king
Because I'm sick of dreaming about this, I need the real thing
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We're not going to be just friends, and I think you already know it
I think we share the same feeling but are to afraid to show it
Please let me know if what I'm saying is true
Because I'm praying to hear these words from you
There's so many things I wish to say
And maybe I'll get to tell you one day
But for now we'll stay "friends" and dance around these feeling we hide
But deep down we both now how we feel on the inside
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've told you things I've never told anyone before
Opening an exit but you still closed the door
I can open up I'm around you
And I so so happy that I actually found you
I find honesty hard but I have to let you know
No matter what happens I'm never going to go
When talking to you I've never been so happy
I know I write poems that can seem quite sappy
But I know your worth and you deserve the best
So I have to let this off my chest
In my eyes one in a billion, I can't describe you
You're the only cure I want to be prescribed to
It's weird how we've never met but I miss you all the time
You your the only one I think of when I write any rhyme
I kills me that you don't know everything I want to say
But this is just the start till I write you the next day
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
This isn't a poem anymore, I'm going to tell you straight
I think me and you should go on a date
I like you too much to hold all this in
Let's ruin this friendship and let us begin
This isn't a poem, I'm being serious I want you
You're stuck in my head and I don't know what to do
This isn't a poem, I think you can tell it shows
I really like you more than anybody knows
I'm not implying I'm asking will you be the one
This ain't a poem it's a love letter and this letter is done
Reply with with one word either yes or no
Then Ill know if I should stay or go
Thomas Burge May 15
Why are you still here in my mind
We broke up a month ago, yet you're all I find
All the arguments and fights broke me in two
But for some strange reason I can only think of you
I keep acting reckless to try and forget
But loosing you is my biggest regret
I hate the fact we left our future behind
Maybe that's why you're still in my mind
Thomas Burge May 14
You found someone knew, guess you moved on fast
Maybe you're trying to forget our past
How can you move on like I was never there?
I cant seem to move on and that's not fair
Missing you so much, I'm lost in despair
No matter what I do I see you everywhere
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I could look at you forever, the most beautiful view
No other girl is matched by you
You're eyes sparkle, Im sorry that I stare
I miss you so much, I wish I was there
Holding you in my arms, I'll never let go
When I look into your eyes time goes slow
The moment we share I want to last forever
I pray this moment doesn't end, not now not never
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Took less that a day to know I liked you, less than a week to know I love you
Some people would call me crazy and some people may be true
But some people need to see you for what I see you for
No words are good enough to describe you, I'm searching for more
I think my words show how much I care
When I finally see you I'll show you with my actions when Im there
A 20 minute train ride doesn't seem that long
But feels like an eternity to get to where I belong
Hands touching hands, heart touching heart
I think I've been in love since the start
I hope I'm in love till the end
Because I don't want to be just your friend
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
All I need is your voice to make me feel at ease
Whisper that you love me, I beg please
Kiss my wounds and I'll do the same
Claw up my back and spell your name
All I need is you, all I want is you
If I was ever with out you I wouldn't know what to do
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Laying here smoking alone in my room
Thought keep lingering of my inevitable doom
Trapped in this tomb I leave this place
Waiting for you to make my heart skip a pace
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'm not just for Christmas, I'm for life
And I can promise you that I'll make you my wife
I'll be here forever and keep hold of you heart
You already stole mine from the very start
My soulmate, my true love, my very best friend
I'll keep loving you tilly very end
Kisses, hugs all wrapped in a bow
I love you more than you'll ever know
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
You say all the right words just to get me going
You look down and you can see I'm growing
It's all yours baby so take it slow
I'm craving you so bad you don't even know
Throw you down on the bed, wrap them legs around me tight
Get ready baby because we're going all night
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
It was like something from a film, when I stepped off that train
So so many thoughts rushing through my brain
Is this a mistake, will she even like me
Turn the corner and what do I see
The most beautiful girl there ever could be
She hugged me with a grip ever so tight
All those thoughts left me because this felt so so right
After that hug Im certain that I know
This is a girl I never want to let go
I don't need drugs because she is my ecstasy
Life won't be tough when I have her next to me
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
What's holding us back? Honestly tell me
Because you know I'm all in, it's obvious to see
I don't hide how I feel because I know I want you
All I can hope is you feel the same too
I think you do but don't know what to say
All I pray is you realise it one day
Thomas Burge May 20
I feel sad but I cant even cry
So much mental pain, but all I cant ask is why
Why am I like this? Why me?
Maybe its the way life is suppose to be
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've never felt like I've ever been enough
I never understood why life could be so tough
Dark thoughts hold me down, why's my mind playing a game
I only saw one way out of this eternal pain
I only saw red walking down this path
Unstoppable torment an unbearable wrath
I always hold out hope for a much better day
But an empty void is in my way
You held out your hand when I lost all hope
You loosened the grip to my tight rope
That voice alone guided me through the storm
Then a light at the end of the tunnel started to from
Can't believe god sent you my way
You we're the answer I was looking for everytime I would pray
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Colour me in and if you fall outside the lines please don't rage
For I need you to remember there's always another page
So when you mess up one day and thinking "what's the point then"
There's always the next page for you to start again
Thomas Burge Jan 30
I love you so much, you're always on my mind
All I think about it's our future and leave the past behind
We've both sinned and made a mistake or two
We're both not prefect but our love is true
I've never felt like this about anyone ever
And no matter what happens, I'll love you forever
Thomas Burge May 18
I keep cutting myself to numb the pain
Because I cant seem to get you out of my brain
Why is my mind destroying me like this?
Maybe if I end it all I'll reach eternal bliss
Thomas Burge Mar 17
I still love you even after last night
I still love you even when we fight
You can be hurtful sometimes and yet I still love you
I can't explain why but I just do
You can be a pain in the *** but I still loved you none the less
I know we had a lot of problems we needed to address
I fell in love with you and now I'm addicted, stuck like glue
No Matter what happened in life I still love you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Keep your head up when times get thought
I know it doesn't feel like it but you are enough
Hundreds of positives comments and one gets you down
Ruining your day and leaving you with a frown
But their opinion shouldn't matter because you know you
Their lies shouldn't be the reason you fall though
I think you're amazing and I'll tell them all
And if they want to make comments then we can have a brawl
I'll always be here if every you shall fall
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