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49 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Let me ease your mind before it's too late
How did we end up in this cruel twist fate?
Let your feelings pour
We can fight this war
Sometimes talking can be the cure
49 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Hating myself because I spoke too soon
I'm now drinking again and it's not even noon
Hoping for a response and what do I see
Not a single message left for me
I got attached to quick but that's just me
Guess thats why I hide these thoughts through poetry
I now know my place and I'll stay in my lane
And hide these feeling deep within my brain
49 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Missing you like crazy, just want to hold you forever
Id travel to you everyday, anytime, any whether
Only 4 days together but it feels like a life time
All these poems are for you, every word, every rhyme
Can't wait to see you again in a week
And tell you I love you till my voice can't speak
49 · Jun 23
She broke me in two
Thomas Burge Jun 23
She broke me in two
Shattered like glass
Now what can I do?
Will this pain ever pass?
I lost myself trying to please this girl
I will never be the same
Falling deeper and deeper in a downward swirl
Maybe I did this to myself, maybe I'm to blame
48 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We're not going to be just friends, and I think you already know it
I think we share the same feeling but are to afraid to show it
Please let me know if what I'm saying is true
Because I'm praying to hear these words from you
There's so many things I wish to say
And maybe I'll get to tell you one day
But for now we'll stay "friends" and dance around these feeling we hide
But deep down we both now how we feel on the inside
48 · Nov 2023
Hands of an artist
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My words don't compare to the art you create
Paintings so beautiful but let me be straight
Your works of art reflect who you are
All your love, your energy even a long lasting scare
Hands of an artist, you're second to none
You paint stories and I wish to live one
48 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
No silly mistake would make anything change
Because love can be shown in a wide range
But I want at you purest, all your flaws and sins
You and I will never know if we never begin
I can't thank you enough for just being who you are
I've said it before but you're my shining star
It's weird how you hold me up when you're not even here
I'd risk it all for you, I have nothing to fear
Keep writing, don't stop I need to read more
You're the art and the artist, need I say more?
48 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When you wake up in the morning and you're all alone
You'll find me waiting on the other side of the phone
Sending you my love with texts or still videos I share
I just want you to know how much I care
You're the first thing on my mind every single day
Can I message you some more? Would that ok?
47 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Breathing getting heavy I cant take it no more
I think this is the moment we've both been waiting for
I grip your waist and hold you tight
You've got my lips trembling, I hope you don't bite
We give into sin as passion takes place
The look in your eyes makes me heart start to race
I feel your skin, so soft to the touch
I've been craving for this so very much
The taste of your lips make my blood rush
You can see my cheeks start to blush
United as one, it's all lead to this
A moment of passion and eternal bliss
47 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I want you more than I need air
I need you so bad I don't even care
If it makes me sound desperate or maybe even weak
Life without you makes my reality bleak
I don't understand why I need you so bad
But youre stuck in my head and driving me mad
I can't go a day without thinking of you
I think I'm addicted, you're more permanent that a tattoo
I want you to me mine and please don't fret
I'll be your Romeo if youl be my Juliet
47 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We spoke on the phone all night till the day
I looked after you till the tears went away
Explaining to me how life got you down
Keep your head up my dear, don't ever frown
Life can be tough, I understand your pain
Dark thoughts always linger but we must restrain
Call me day or night I'm always going to be here
And when them tears fall again I'll wipe them away my dear
47 · May 16
My tormented mind
Thomas Burge May 16
My tormented mind will never rest
I will all aways feel second best
Battered and bruised all throughout my life
Thoughts cut deeper than a knife
I hate myself and I dont know why
Just waiting for the day I die
A lifeless husk just surviving day by day
Praying for the pain to go away
My tormented mind is slowly dying
Every day I feel like crying
Sometime I think I might be insane
Why do I feel this pain
Can't find a way out, guess I'm blind
Trapped inside my tormented mind
47 · May 18
Get out of my head
Thomas Burge May 18
Get out of my head, I'm begging you now
Wish I could stop thinking about you but I don't know how
So I keep writing in hopes it helps me heal
But I the pain wont go and it feels so real
I want to drink to forget
Instead I cut myself and regret
You're hunting my mind, please leave my head
Because I know if you don't then I'll end up dead
47 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I wake up later to keep this dream going
Imagine the life I want without ever knowing
You're there with me in this neverending dream
In my mind we're and unstoppable team
I wake up to reality and you're not there
So far away from me, not in my arms, I guess life's not fair
Check my phone to see if you've text me
A smile on my face when I do get to see
I see a message sent from you
I guess you dreamt the same dream too
46 · Jul 16
Thomas Burge Jul 16
You're an alcoholic, please stop
Please don't drink until you drop
We need to keep going until our life ends
Keep on surviving for the family and friends
Who wants to see us live another day
I'm begging you stop drinking what else do I have to say
46 · Nov 2023
Meet me at the start
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't want to meet you half way, I'll meet you at the start
I'll just follow the string you have round my heart
It's pulling so tight that my heart start to ache
With feeling so strong I don't know how much more I can take
You'll either be my happiest ending of my worst heart break
46 · Jul 12
Im a drunk
Thomas Burge Jul 12
I'm not good for anyone
It's clear to see
You know I'm a ******* drunk
Just look at me
I just keep sipping
Till I hit the floor
Stumbling and tripping
I can't even write sober anymore
46 · Jul 22
Thomas Burge Jul 22
Its crazy how one night can make me regress
I ****** up all my progress
Hating myself for a stupid mistake
Maybe my happiness was all just fake
Maybe I wasn't making any progress at all
Or maybe I'm always doomed to fall
I just want to give up and accept my fate
And let myself be consumed by hate
It's easier to go back to hiding in my bed
Praying that soon I'll be dead
45 · May 18
Ripped apart
Thomas Burge May 18
My wrist are bleeding and yet I don't cry
I did this to myself and I don't know why
Maybe it's the pain I hold in my heart
Every since the day you ripped it apart
Punishing myself for how we ended
I hope one day my heart will be mended
And the pain I'm causing myself will finally be ended
45 · Jan 2020
My head right now
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
How can I be in love with her but have feelings for you
Thoughts in my head focus on you and I dont know what to do
Thinking about what could have been
But like you said are future was unseen
Now someone else is trying with you and it makes me regret
All I want to do is drink to forget
I shouldn't have these thoughts, why have the come back?
Stuck with this inner conflict, I cant hold off the attack
Everything's being questioned I wish I couldn't think
Want to forget this all in a blink
Suffer in silence and take all the pain
You're in my head and it drives me insane
44 · May 17
Thomas Burge May 17
Why do I keep looking a pictures of you? Maybe its because I cant let go
All I want to do is call you to tell you I still love you more than you know
I want to make things right and have you back in my life
Because deep in my heart I wanted to make you my wife
I miss you so much that its making cry
I cried even harder when I saw you with another guy
People keep telling to move on and forget about you
But you and I both know thats something I cannot do
Lifes gotten so dark since I lost my light
I hope you I think about you every night
44 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't focus at work, Im just thinking of you
Trying to load a van but I don't remember what to do
Even though we're world's apart I still feel you near
You're here in my mind I can see you so clear
44 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't stop writing, every word I bleed is you
Why do you have hold on me because I don't have clue
Just keep writing poems, more and more
This has never happened to me before
I've destroyed the alphabet and I don't feel no shame
You have a hold over me, I guess you're to blame
43 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't talk to any girls because they'll never be you
Why are you on my mind? I don't have a clue
Why are you so special you may ask
Expanding that is no easy task
I keep repeating the same old lines
I bet you're sick of reading my same old rhymes
But for some strange reason you have became my Meuse
Found you by accident, never getting any clues
You've made me realise what a woman should be
I think you are the missing part of me
43 · May 16
Thomas Burge May 16
You cause the pain, yet you're also the cure
Sometimes I'd doubt it our love was pure
Two broken souls who found love together
We were both foolish if we'd thought it'd last forever
42 · Apr 15
Thomas Burge Apr 15
I never love anyone the way I loved you
You were like a drug and that I was madly addicted to
I miss you so much, I can't believe we ended
We both had problems that we could have mended
I know you'll never read this but I mean everything I write
If you we're to call tomorrow I'd already be there last night
You said you push the people you love away
Yeah we we're toxic but something kept telling me to stay
You're stuck in my head and I don't know why
I really wish we could give us another try
Fresh start for both you and me
Maybe we'll meet again sometime, just have to wait and see
42 · Jun 23
My Mask
Thomas Burge Jun 23
I finally lost my mask, finally I can be me
The person I was scared for everyone to see
Hes finally out, look at him shine
Just kidding, I had that mask to make you think I was fine
Inside I'm dying, so I hid from my truth
Deep seeded issues that came from my youth
Buts all out now, you can see who I was scared to be
Finally the mask is off and now you can see me
42 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Saturday, Three in the morning, just cuddling and kissing
Some people would rather be out clubbing, I pity them because they don't know what they're missing
Laying here with my girl, got the music volume up high
Got my hands all over her, she so **** I can't lie
Kissing up and down her body, I got not time to waste
Looking at her gets so hungry I need a taste
The music and loud enough so she put a pillow over her face
For being to loud guess I'll have to put her in her place
Five in the morning and we still making the shake
Got her legs wrapped round me don't know how much more I can take
She's saying all the right things, think I'm about to give in
Can't blame me for this God but I'm about to commit sin
A night of passion, two lovers in a state of bliss
Can't wait to spend the rest of my life like this
So give me that pinky and seal it will a kiss
41 · Jun 15
Not the man I was
Thomas Burge Jun 15
You said that I'm different, I'm just not the same
We both know the problem, it's the drink to blame
I'm not the man you met all those years ago
Turned into a stranger, someone you don't even know
Looking in the mirror, I know this to be true
I became the man I was all because of you
But something just happend, I guess I lost my way
Maybe I'll become that man again.... One day
41 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Took less that a day to know I liked you, less than a week to know I love you
Some people would call me crazy and some people may be true
But some people need to see you for what I see you for
No words are good enough to describe you, I'm searching for more
I think my words show how much I care
When I finally see you I'll show you with my actions when Im there
A 20 minute train ride doesn't seem that long
But feels like an eternity to get to where I belong
Hands touching hands, heart touching heart
I think I've been in love since the start
I hope I'm in love till the end
Because I don't want to be just your friend
41 · May 15
Thomas Burge May 15
I hate myself, so ******* much
Because I live in a world where I can't feel your touch
I'm broken, scarred, damaged beyond repair
Trapped in this lonely pit of despair
I miss you so much, but we can't go back
Falling for you again would take me off track
Maybe one day I might hold you again
As a much better man than you knew back then
40 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've told you things I've never told anyone before
Opening an exit but you still closed the door
I can open up I'm around you
And I so so happy that I actually found you
I find honesty hard but I have to let you know
No matter what happens I'm never going to go
When talking to you I've never been so happy
I know I write poems that can seem quite sappy
But I know your worth and you deserve the best
So I have to let this off my chest
In my eyes one in a billion, I can't describe you
You're the only cure I want to be prescribed to
It's weird how we've never met but I miss you all the time
You your the only one I think of when I write any rhyme
I kills me that you don't know everything I want to say
But this is just the start till I write you the next day
40 · Apr 21
Thomas Burge Apr 21
The sky never ends and nore does my love
Hoping one day it will hit you from above
Because your not here, I'm living in fear
I wish you was near because I miss you my dear
I'll find you again, never let you go
I love you more than you will ever know
40 · Nov 2023
You're my poem
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You're the only poem I read and I don't want it to end
I only see you as more than a friend
You make angles questions their own existence
Your love is an infection and I have no resistance
Whenever I write it's always about you
If I send you this poem then you'll know it to be true
I see you for everything you are and more
If any man wronged you even God then I'd wage a war
If you're reading this now, these are my feelings unspoken
You fixed me up when I was feeling broken
You're the reason I'm writing, but it's hard to describe perfection
If I was to describe a woman you'd be my words reflection
I'm drinking right now so these are my thoughts raw
You're everything and more that I've been looking for
Why do I miss you when you've never been here
Tell you how I truly feel is my biggest fear
Even when I'm gone and you don't know what to do
You'll still have these poems that were made for you
40 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've never felt like I've ever been enough
I never understood why life could be so tough
Dark thoughts hold me down, why's my mind playing a game
I only saw one way out of this eternal pain
I only saw red walking down this path
Unstoppable torment an unbearable wrath
I always hold out hope for a much better day
But an empty void is in my way
You held out your hand when I lost all hope
You loosened the grip to my tight rope
That voice alone guided me through the storm
Then a light at the end of the tunnel started to from
Can't believe god sent you my way
You we're the answer I was looking for everytime I would pray
39 · Jun 27
Waiting for you
Thomas Burge Jun 27
I'm waiting for you
On the other end of the phone
It's weird when you don't respond
I honestly feel so alone
Just a simple text makes my day
Added to all you type and say
Lost in your words
And all you write
Waiting for you
On this lonely night
39 · Jul 16
A letter to sober me
Thomas Burge Jul 16
Ive wrote this for you to read in the morning
Now read this clear because it's your final warning
I'm begging you to stop drinking
Now I know what you're thinking
You say this to me every single night
But think about it, you know it's not right
It's slowly killing you
You know it's true
But what are you going to do?
Open another beer?
Please see it clear
I know you can escape this pit
The drink, you honestly don't need it
You've got that power inside
So please don't hide
Behind not being sober
Because in a blink of an eye I will able be over
So when you wake up with a sober mind
Read this all and you come to find
That everything I've said you know to be true
Because unfortunately I am you
37 · Apr 15
Thomas Burge Apr 15
You're the most addictive drug I've ever tried
Loving you was an addiction that I couldn't ever hide
We cried, we fought, we laughed and loved so hard
Maybe a little too hard that in the end it left us both scard
But now you're gone the effects won't disappear
I need a fix for this addiction but you're no longer here
But the ghost of you still lingers inside my head
Imagining life without you is something I dread
So I'll wait for you because you know I'll come straight away
I'll love you forever is all I want to say
37 · Jun 26
Not the same
Thomas Burge Jun 26
Life never goes the way you plan
But it's time for me to set up and be a man
Face all of my dreaded fears
Dark thoughts I've been hiding all these years
When you last saw me I was a broken mess
Hiding all of the pain and stress
Look at me now finally I've grown
Not the same man you thought you have known
37 · Jun 28
Drinking pain
Thomas Burge Jun 28
Drinking myself numb again
Night after night
God I know this path is wrong
But why does it feel so right?
Sat here alone
Slowly going insane
Drinking to just try numb the pain
37 · Jul 1
The reason I write
Thomas Burge Jul 1
I want to write for you
But you're not here
I don't know what to do
Can't see things clear
Please give me a sign
Bring back my light
I want to make you mine
You're the reason I write
37 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My heart can't describe how beautiful you are
And words can only get me so far
I would show you with actions but your not here
Maybe I'll get to show you one day this year
Day, night or even when I sleep
A day without you my heart begins to weep
Thomas Burge May 31
It's all coming back to me
How I used to be
Life before you was just a distant memory
But I'm slowly falling back into place
Hoping the pain you brought will erase
And the man in the mirror will once again be my true face
It's all coming back to me
Slowly but surely
All the scars you left are finally healing
The love I thought we had is just a distant feeling
I'm moving on and trying to grow
It's all coming back to me, the person I used to know
37 · Jun 28
I cut my wrists
Thomas Burge Jun 28
I cut my wrists again
Then blame it on the drink
I look at the scars every now and then
But I don't know what to think
See the blood keep dripping
All down my arm
Thoughts keep slipping
From happiness to harm
Just want the pain to all go away
Hope the blood will stop spilling
One day
36 · Jun 24
I cannot cry
Thomas Burge Jun 24
Tears leave my mind and heart
But not my eyes
How did this all start?
Through deceit and lies
Lying to myself about how I truly feel
You told me you loved me
Was that love even real?
Or was I blind and just couldn't see
Until I realise all my fears
Were clouded by my falling tears
36 · Jul 19
Thomas Burge Jul 19
Please forgive me while I write
Lonely thoughts wonder the night
Choking on my sins alone
Sitting on a shattered thrown
Begging for you to hear my voice
Your arrogance was the right choice
Knowing this was my final fate
I should repent these sins before it's too late
36 · Jun 25
Heart attack
Thomas Burge Jun 25
I didn't want a relationship until I met you
It's weird to say but I don't know what to do
I want to talk and text any chance I get
A soul like yours I could never forget
Even though I don't know you very well
Any second without talking to you is like a living hell
If you get this message please call me back
A day without you is like a heart attack
36 · Jul 10
Your soul
Thomas Burge Jul 10
What does your soul feel like?
Lost in a claustrophobic, neverending plain
Of love and pain
Gripping on the fake feelings you believe to be you
But will they ever be true?
What does your soul look like?
In-between the brightness of pure black
Or the hollowing emptiness of light itself
Where does your soul sit?
It looks so dim even though the flames been lit
So happy and confident living in despair
Your soul?
Is it really there?
36 · Jun 28
Why are you here?
Thomas Burge Jun 28
When I'm lost in my mind
I come back to this place
But all I can find
Is your beautiful face
Why are you here?
Can you please leave?
Thomas Burge Jun 2
How did I get like this?
Trapped in a dark abyss
My mind is clouded, heavy thoughts like rain
Numb to the point that I don't feel pain
Mum said time will heal me
But she doesn't understand the pain I see
It's hard to explain when you feel so low
I just want this dark abyss to let me go
I can feel it getting worse, day by day
As I'm writing this now, I don't know what to say
Maybe I'm broken, a lost puzzle piece
Everyone getting put together while I slowly decrease
I'm scared to ask for help because I think I'll look weak
I think it's because I'm a man that I don't want to speak
I guess I'll keep pushing and see how long I last
I never thought at 21 I'd want to die so fast
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