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35 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We can be friends but it will **** me inside
I think a tiny piece of my heart just died
For all the love I hold is directed at you
I bleed with emotion through and through
No one is good enough for you not even me
But I will spend the rest of my life trying to be
Give me a second chance at life and I'd find you again
So I could fall in love right there and then
Thomas Burge Jul 3
Part of me died trying to love you
And now I'm sat here feeling blue
Lost to time I wasted holding onto that feeling
Praying for my self to come back
Please cut me some slack
I keep feeling the same heart attack
Guess its just my way of healing
Blood running out my veins
A shell of my body remains
You left me tied to these chains
This love for you I keep concealing
Hoping how I feel is just a lie
Soundless screams that I cannot cry
Feeling like I'm about to die
Why was your pain so appealing?
34 · Jul 3
I hope you know
Thomas Burge Jul 3
I'm about to go to bed
Maybe I'll dream of you
Writing about you is new
Now thats all said
Please message me back
Please cut me some slack
I want to know you more
Your messages I cant ignore
33 · Jul 18
I think I miss you
Thomas Burge Jul 18
I think I miss you
But you were never mine
I hate that's it's true
But I'm honestly not fine
Because even though you're not here
Im missing you everyday
Wishing you were near
Why do I miss you in this way ?
31 · Jun 30
Thomas Burge Jun 30
Drunk again so I start writing
All these dark thoughts I keep fighting
She starts smoking to cure the pain
Guess we have different prescriptions for pain
30 · Jul 2
Devil in disguise
Thomas Burge Jul 2
As I look at your grave, I start to cry
All I can ask is why
Why were you taken?
Did it have to be you?
And if I'm not mistaken
You were only 52
Taken to young, why God why?
Why did you let my grandfather die?
You took a good man away from our family
Is this the way it has to be?
Can I not see him for even just a day?
I don't think you're listening every time I pray
Maybe I'm foolish maybe it's all just lies
I'm starting to think you're the devil in disguise
30 · Jul 19
Turn 22
Thomas Burge Jul 19
And just like that I turn 22
Yet a month ago I didn't think I was going to see this year through
Coming to terms with my own mortality
I never thought this would be my reality
But here I am now, still alive
Years of pain I'd never thought I'd survive
Though the pain may never truly fade away
I'm glad I get to live to see another day
This was tough for me to write, I had a slight panic attack last week because about 2 months ago I wanted to take my own life and now I'm 22 years old, Im literally crying writing this, all I can say is I'm so happy I'm still here
30 · Mar 16
Thomas Burge Mar 16
Born into a world of torment and sin
Born into a world where you will never win
Lost in the dark with not way out
Speak proud with a voice that will never shout
Hold strong because the path is very clear
Keep on fighting and never give into fear
Chin up high and fight till the end
Chin up high through the dark times my friend
29 · Jun 28
Can't wait
Thomas Burge Jun 28
I said I'd leave you alone
And not message you no more
But your notification is the only one I want to be shone
With you not texting me now
The wounds still sore
I'm waiting by the phone
I cant wait much more
28 · Jul 1
Alcoholic poet
Thomas Burge Jul 1
I keep drinking every night
I need a drink just to write
The words of a drunk man
To the same bottle he ran
Sip after sip he would write some more
Sip after sip the words did pore
Reading these words the truth I know it
I am the alcoholic poet
17 · Sep 3
Thomas Burge Sep 3
To write about this girl is no easy task
How do you describe perfection?
I could tell you about how she makes me feel
How she calms my head when it gets to loud
How shes my guiding light when I'm lost in the crowd
How I can't go a day without craving her touch
If you couldnt tell I miss her so much
I could tell you how she brightens my day
Or some other basic cliche
More true is that she is my very world
In this neverending universe
The reason the sun rises to end the dark nights
The reason rain falls so we can dance in the puddles
The reason I strive to be a better man
There is nothing I want more than to see her succeed
She's not the girl I want but the only girl I need
I keep falling in love with her every single day
Shes the definition of perfection in every single way

— The End —