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76 · Nov 2023
When I finally see you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Giving you this in person will be scary yet exciting
So I better use my best hand writing
I'll try and keep this short and sweet
But I love you from my head to my feet
Meeting you was my favourite mistake
Life took me down a path I'd never thought I'd take
I can't thank you enough for just being you
I wish you could see yourself from my point of view
Beautiful, funny and so so kind
A soul like yours is hard to find
So read this poem whenever you feel low
I care for you so much, more than you'll ever know
76 · Nov 2023
Back in the storm
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I miss you now, more than ever
Now I'm back in my stormy weather
You've been snatched away by a controlling hand
The fairest lady's been locked away from the land
All I wonder is why him and not me
I'm not hiding behind some deep seeded insecuritie
There's nothing there if you don't have trust
Just an empty ship waiting to rust
I skipped off work tonight because I missed your voice
Now I can't talk to you because you don't have a choice
Don't think I'll stop writing you because he's in the way
You will alway get a poem every single day
76 · Nov 2019
Remember them
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
11th of November we stand in silence
And just for a minute we forget all the violence
We pay respect to those who fought
And carry the lessons that they taught
This poppy hold strong, pinned to my chest
Thank you to the soldiers you may all rest
76 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
When the lights go down, it's just you and I
We lock eyes and time doesn't go by
It waits for us to finish this loving embrace
Hand in hand, heart to heart, face to face
We become one and it feels so right
Me and you together throughout the night
75 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The kindest soul I've ever met
You outshine the most beautiful sunset
You paint pictures and you write art
Colouring in the gaps within my heart
I wish I could write everything I want to say
To call you mine every single day
So for now we'll keep making art to describe eachother
Writing poems, painting pictures for a long lost lover
75 · Jun 27
For you
Thomas Burge Jun 27
You read my poems
That makes me so happy
You enjoy my words
Even if they're sappy
I'm glad you like the poems I do
I'll keep writing these poems just for you
74 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I found a heart I want to hold every single day
A love I want ot experience in every which way
I found a soul that seems to be linked to mine
Just the looks she gives sends shivers down my spine
I get lost in her eyes when I stare too long
But she draws me in with her love thats strong
I found a beautiful song with every word she'll speak
That voice on its own can leave me weak
I found joy in her smile, it outshines the sun
I could never smile the same way as I do for this one
I found a home from the way she makes feel
Built up stronger than even wood or steel
I found a reason to wake up just to see her face
Because I know in my heart she is my happy place
I found a reason to keep dreaming, she's always on my mind
If I close my eyes she is all I find
I found everything in her and still so much more
Ive never found a girl like this before
Everyday I talk to her I find something new
Everyday I seem to fall a little more in love with you
74 · Sep 2019
Should I stop
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
Why am I a poet?
Why wright about an emotions if I don't know it
Never felt love, Never been depressed
Or maybe they're feeling I wish to repress
Do my words mean nothing or really hit hard
Is it deep or makes you more scared?
73 · Nov 2023
Why him
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
He ignores your messages, he clearly doesn't care
I always reply if I ever see one there
He doesn't even trust you, so tell me why him?
I'd be your candle when the world is getting dim
Maybe hes got money and maybe this is true
I'd work forever just to spend it all on you
Does he even care when you're dying inside
Because I can read you like a book so there's nothing to hide
Is he really what you want, will he be the one
Or is he just a bit of fun
I think falling for you was my biggest crime
If I was him for a day id make it last a life time
73 · Nov 2023
Heart attack
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You left me on open and you left me sore
Do my words mean anything to you or are they becoming a bore
Feel like we're slipping and can't go back
You're my weakness, my life ending heart attack
73 · Nov 2023
Keeping me at arms length
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You said it's always been me but keep me at arms length
I want to keep pursuing you but don't know if I have the strength
I thought to you felt the same but dont know anymore
All I know is I've never felt this way before
I'd love to know if you feel the same
Because I got some strong emotions that I can't tame
Can we please talk this out so I know how you feel
I really want to believe that is love could be real
73 · Nov 2023
That phone call
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I confessed my feelings to you on the phone
Laid out everything that I wished to be know
I cried my heart out, I couldn't take it no more
You're the person I've always been looking for
It's always been you and you said the same
I told you I loved you and felt no shame
My night look dim till I heard your voice
I couldn't ignore if I wanted to, I don't have a choice
You hold my heart with the tightest grip
A girl like you I'd never let slip
73 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I love our hellos but I hate are goodbyes
If I said I don't miss you then that would be lies
I want to tell you I love you everytime we part way
Then I'm stuck missing you for the rest of the day
Don't know why I feel like this when we say goodbye
But if I said I don't miss you then that would be a lie
72 · Feb 2019
Who are we?
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Emotionally I'm broken, I'm hiding behind a shell
I just laugh through the pain, I'm stuck in this hell
People see me as fake me, the opposite to how I feel
I'm not who I want to be, my reality isn't real
72 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I tell God I love you, more than life itself
Rich, broke or poor, I'd love you more than any wealth
I'd hold you hand no matter what
I'd kiss you here right now on the spot
Because I love you so much, you're my one and only
Please don't leave babe, I'd be so lonely
Just give me you're pinky and hold it tight
Because the love we share feels so right
72 · Nov 2023
Her small town
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Lost in her small town wishing for a way out
In hopes of her Prince charming to come about
She's destined for more and I know she'll do great
Lost in her small town but forever she will wait
70 · Nov 2023
Not a fighter
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'm not a fighter I'm a lover but for you I'd hold my ground
Take on any battle that comes our way even if you're not around
And if I came back wounded I know you'd heal my heart
Pick up all the pieces and make it restart
70 · May 2023
In another life
Thomas Burge May 2023
I cannot contain these feelings for you any longer
But I'm afraid who will get hurt if they grow any stronger
In another life you would have been my soulmate
But our paths intertwined under a cruel fate
I know what I feel and I know my feelings are true
I think God intended for me to meet you
But we met at the wrong place and the wrong time
Is loving you really a crime?
I can't think like this I can't lose what I've got
Maybe in another lifetime I would have a shot
To love you, hold you maybe make you my wife
I hope I find you in another life
70 · Jun 3
Our song
Thomas Burge Jun 3
On the radio I heard our song start to play
Suddenly taken back to that faithful day
When we danced all night to that song on repeat
Learning all the words and remembering the beat
The song brought love and joy, sadness and heartache
Maybe listening to it again was a mistake
Even though listening to it maybe be wrong
It will always be our song
69 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
It was like something from a film, when I stepped off that train
So so many thoughts rushing through my brain
Is this a mistake, will she even like me
Turn the corner and what do I see
The most beautiful girl there ever could be
She hugged me with a grip ever so tight
All those thoughts left me because this felt so so right
After that hug Im certain that I know
This is a girl I never want to let go
I don't need drugs because she is my ecstasy
Life won't be tough when I have her next to me
69 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'm not just for Christmas, I'm for life
And I can promise you that I'll make you my wife
I'll be here forever and keep hold of you heart
You already stole mine from the very start
My soulmate, my true love, my very best friend
I'll keep loving you tilly very end
Kisses, hugs all wrapped in a bow
I love you more than you'll ever know
69 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
If you ever raise you voice at a woman then you're weak
Shouting horrible things you know you shouldn't speak
You don't control her, you're supposed to be a team
You don't realise you're living another guys dream
Honestly *******, your pathetic and insecure
One day she'll realise that she deserves more
Don't take her for granted or she'll just up and leave
Sooner rather than later I'd hope to believe
Sorry I've been drinking so my anger spilled onto the page
But the way you treat her fills me with rage
Or maybe I should just keep drinking
And let you know how I'm truly thinking
Because I feel like I'm dying
You keep her crying
And if I said this is all ok then I'd be ******* lying
I care way to much about this girl to be silent
But you're not worth fighting so I won't get violent
But if you saw her how I see her then you wouldn't treat her like this
You understand she's one in a million, something you don't want to miss
I think I should drink more till I pass out
But don't you dare break the heart of the girl I care about
Guess this is what it feels like to be on the outskirts
I don't think she understands how much my heart hurts
69 · Nov 2023
Waiting for you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You tell me not to wait when you know I'll never leave
Because you and I is something I really want to believe
Leaving is easy but I don't quit
And somewhere in your mind I think you know it
Attached by a rop I don't want to cut
Staring at a door I don't want to shut
I may wear my heart on my sleeve
You tell me not to wait but you know I'll never leave
69 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We walk a dangerous line when we start to flirt
Because someones feelings are bound to be hurt
We can dance over this fine line
But in the end I just want you to be mine
69 · Jan 2020
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
I found love and now I cant let go
From a seed to a flower my love did grow
68 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I can see the stars when I'm gazing at you
You've left me starstruck and I don't know what to do
Like I'm in a trance just by your voice
Always drawn to you like I don't have a choice
I'm so in love with you and everything you are
Whenever you need me I'll jump straight in my car
An hour and a half drive doesn't seem so far
If it mean I get to gaze at my star
Drive all night to be right by your side
You unlocked feels I used to hide
Now read this clearly because what I say is true
One day I'm going to marry you
I can't see a world where you're not my wife
You're my shining star, the love of my life
Now give me that pinky and never let go
I love you so so much, more than you'll ever know
68 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'm so ******* in love with you, it's all I want to say
I know you'll get fed up because I'll tell you everyday
I've never felt this way about a girl I've met before
I can't ever just be friends with you, I'm begging for more
I don't care if I sound desperate because it's honestly so true
But I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Tell me to shut up, please before I say to much
Na **** it, I somehow fell in love with you before I've even felt your touch
I won't say it again and repeat the same line
Because you already know I want to make you mine
68 · Nov 2023
Off my chest
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
All of these feeling finally off my chest
Now I know I can lay to rest
I told you I loved you and you said it back
Hearing those world almost gave me a heart attack
Can't tell you how happy I feel
I've honestly never felt love this real
Say it again till it's tattooed on my heart
Because I've loved you since the very start
68 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When I say I love you its because its true
Though we've never met I really miss you
You seem to hold my heart like you've owned it before
I think you're the angel I've been looking for
67 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You said forever, and at the time I thought that was true
I guess I'm the fool who chose to believe you
We loved we laughed but why did that change so quick?
Our relationship was like blood, so strong and thick
But you left like water, flowed out my life
I really thought I'd make you my wife
Now I'm sat here all alone
Wondering if you'll ever pick up the phone
66 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Whenever we call I always get butterfly's
Don't know if its the same feeling for any other guys  
I cant top smiling whenever I see you face
A beautiful site I never want to replace
I wish we could share these moments in person together
Memories that I will cherish forever
66 · Nov 2023
Drunken words
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My drunken words spill for you like the liquor I drink
Everything I write for you I tend to overthink
Do my words make sense or am I a drunk man rambling
Trying to find the right words, my thoughts are scrambling
I might just give up and keep sipping this liquid death
But I have to keep writing because Ive ran out of breath
66 · Apr 2023
Just a moment
Thomas Burge Apr 2023
If I hold onto a moment and keep it forever
It would be us laying like this
You ask if I'll let go and I reply "Never"
For you are my haven, my eternal bliss
I'll love you forever if you hold me like this
66 · Nov 2023
Last poem of the day
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think it's time for me to sleep, it's been a long day
Wrote to many poems, ran out of things to say
But when I close my eyes I still see you there
Just out of reach, life's not fair
65 · Nov 2023
I'll always be here
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You're going though a lot and I understand you don't want to talk
But I'm always here if you're up for a walk
Or even just sit and enjoy eachother silence
Sometimes just company can solve all the violence
I'll wipe your tears and you can feel my touch
I'll hold your heart if it gets too much
I'll always be here, night and day
Just say the words and you'll know I'll stay
65 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Put myself down with silly thoughts in my head
Wish it was me but you chose him instead
Am I good enough to even be with you
Or am I a hopeless romantic who hasn't got a clue
Please let me know because I'm dying inside
I've made my feelings clear, I have nothing to hide
But it seems that no matter how hard I try
He has something for you that I can't supply
Push me away before I get to sad
He's getting your love that I wish I had
Don't want to stop trying but my chances look bleak
But you hold the love that leaves me weak
65 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Skin to skin, we join as one
This forever lasting love has only just begun
Felt like I've know you a lifetime the day we met
I wish I could have loved you longer but I'll take what I can get
Our souls collided and formed into eachother
I honestly think we were made for one another
No girl other girl could hold my heart like you do
I'll hold you forever and you know that to me true
64 · Nov 2023
The girl in the red dress
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The room was full of empty faces when I first saw you
I tried not to stare but I didn't know what else to do
Nothing but a red dress and a flirtatious stare
You saw me looking but didn't seem to care
I watched you dance under the moon so bright
Wishing to talk to you but not a thought in site
Time went slow as you walked towards me
My heart started racing ever so fastly
But just kept walking with not a work spoken
Do I risk talking to you or get my heart broken
Regretting not speaking now my mind is a mess
I will never forget you, the girl in the red dress
64 · Nov 2023
I miss you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Hey, I know it's late but I really miss you
Trying to focus on work and I don't know what to do
You're lurking here, trapped in my mind
Searching for answers but you're all I find
Even though youre not mine, you're still all I see
You know I miss you, do you miss me?
64 · May 19
I'm still waiting
Thomas Burge May 19
I'm still waiting for the day when you will come here
Maybe god will guide you or maybe your mind will steer
Holding out hope for something might not come true
But even after everything I'm still in love with you
Maybe I'm being foolish by waiting for your love
I just need god to help me if he's listening up above
Please come back to my arms and I'll never let go
I still love you and I need to let you know
64 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We all move on eventually in time
And maybe one day I'll write you my last rhyme
Hopefully not because youve walked out my life
But because maybe God has taken my wife
So my poems will lay dormant till I see you again
And in the next life we can do this again
63 · Apr 14
Thomas Burge Apr 14
We were toxic, yes I know
A love that we should not have let grow
But why am I finding it so hard to let go
I still hold so much love for you
I honestly do know what to do
We weren't perfect and we both had issues
Shed so many tears and used too many tissues
You know if you called I come back straight away
Because you're all I want at the end of the day
I wish we could have worked on our problems and solved them together
Because I still love you and I'll love you forever
63 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Everyday I think about coming to see you
Only an hour and a half drive is all I have to do
Because I miss you so so much
I think I'm going mad without feeling your touch
I want to wake up next to you every single day
And good morning my love is all I want to say
Goodnight beautiful I hope you sleep well
Youve got me addicted under this crazy love spell
63 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I sometimes feel like giving up but don't want to lose hope
But I'm already half way through tying my rope
I know I'm not him and probably not the one
By my feelings won't change when it's all said and done
What do I need to do, or do I need to change?
Because I'm getting mixed feeling and these feeling are strange
Guess I just have to wait and see
Maybe the answer is right Infront of me
63 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I look up and the moon and only think of you
So far away but such a beautiful view
If only I could reach it and hold on to it tight
But day is starting to break so I'll wait for the next night
I'd wait for you forever because you are my soulmate
Like the moon and the earth we are locked in this fate
63 · Nov 2023
These thoughts of mine
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
A heavy weight has be placed apon my head
A dark twisted sickness, I don't want to leave my bed
Thoughts keep growing leave nothing but pain in side
I wish to escape my mind, to run away and hide
How did I got from happy in the morning to almost crying tonight
My minds at war and I'm loosing the fight
I can never tell anyone now I truly feel
Because opening up makes them all too real
I don't want the label that's given to people like me
If only I could open up for people to see
Someone to talk to but I cut my self off
Because if I'm seen as week I'm scared they will scoff
I'm the big strong man that's not afraid of dying
But in side this man is a young boy crying
62 · Nov 2023
Let me rest
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't sleep like I used to, nights have come cold
Thoughts always clouded with the memories of old
My beds so soft but I can't seem to rest
My beds so empty without you laying on my chest
I close my eyes but never feel at ease
My body's so worn just let me rest ....... Please
62 · Nov 2023
Fight the river
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I swam up the river with all my might
Though the river pushed me back I didn't give up without a fight
I push and pushed until my arms gave way
The river may have won but I'll be back another day
62 · Nov 2023
Intrusive thoughts
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I have to sit in silence or I'll say the wrong thing
Having to just listen makes my heart sting
Don't want to get angry or say something rude
It's not my intention to ruin the mood
So I'll sit in silence wondering what to say
Or my intrusive thoughts will ruin the day
62 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
People speak lies just to ruin another's day
Ruined me and now I don't know what to say
Going to lose her because of a stupid lie
All I want to do is cry
When I said I loved you it wasn't fake
No other girl I like you, I'd never make that mistake
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