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117 · Nov 2023
I want you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I want you, entirely and completely I want you
I want to hold you, love you and make all your dreams come true
Never let you go and hold on to you tight
For I will be here for you every day and night
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you
Entirely and completely I want you
113 · Feb 2019
To my hero
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
What do you do when your hero falls from grace
This person is your world, a person you cant replace
A bond so strong formed from respect
Never knew them falling would leave you with this effect
You try to be strong for their sake
Because that's a choice a hero would make
Though they were your light when you were in dark
They have fallen, you must relight their spark
112 · Apr 2019
Leave my head
Thomas Burge Apr 2019
I'm ****, confused and I don't know what to say
Your **** in my head every single day
I'm not good with emotion but you muddled them in my head
Now with my thoughts all I feel is dread
Forgetting about you? No I cant do that
Hit to hard by love and I wasn't wearing a hardhat
I will forget one day, hopefully that's soon
Tomorrow? Next week? Anytime in a blue moon?
110 · Feb 2019
These words are a start
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
The pain that linger leaves when suppress
I shouldn't do it but it stops the stress
Make bad decisions that change how I feel
Don't want to feel emotions because the emotions are to real
We live like we know what all these feelings mean
But you can look deeper from what you've already seen
I'm in a shell of my fake self
I know its bad for my health
But being human is condition that requires a little anaesthesia
So we do it and the feelings become part of your amnesia
My mind knows what I feel and I found a way to quit
So I feel less, try less but truly I cant handle it
I'm in sate and all need to is tell someone
Clearly I cant but these words are a start.... I'm done
110 · Feb 2019
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
When I die, I want to go to hell
I'm a waste I'm useless, thats not hard to tell
It doesn't make sense why I mean anything to you
I could do it right now, theres nothing you could do
All my I've felt like an outcast
Hoping everyday that it would be my last
I wonder If I die will tears come to your eyes
Forgive me for my disrespect and forgive me for my lies
All I know is that the reaper is stalking
Forget this I'm sick of talking...
109 · Jan 30
Thomas Burge Jan 30
I love you so much, you're always on my mind
All I think about it's our future and leave the past behind
We've both sinned and made a mistake or two
We're both not prefect but our love is true
I've never felt like this about anyone ever
And no matter what happens, I'll love you forever
108 · Sep 2020
I'm done
Thomas Burge Sep 2020
Word, word, word with some deeper intent
Pointless poems that you've come to resent
I don't care anymore, I'm honestly done
No point writing anymore, its not that fun
My words mean nothing, and no one wants to know
Why did I even try, doesn't matter I'm about to go
Bye forever, no more writing, not now, not then
I'm finished with poems, I'm never writing again
107 · Nov 2019
Remnants of my mind
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
Slowly drifting away from reality, guess I've died
My words are now forgotten whispers, whispers that hide
Though life is an echo of my past that I cannot return to
I pray my words gain new meaning for inspiring you
105 · Nov 2019
Words I wish to be told
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
Keep your head up and hold it way up high
Just let the negative things in life pass you by
Its an imperfect world so be your best
Never give up when the world puts you to the test
When life puts you down get back up because you're strong
Get up right now and prove them all wrong
104 · Jan 2020
2019 I'm glad you're over
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
Its over 2019, gone, finished, done
2020 a new chapter of my life has just begone
Thank god its over, I hated this year
Drown my sorrows with my 12th beer
Keep drinking, maybe forget ?
Most things I did this year I could never regret
I'm glad its done and I never have to do it again
Hopefully I never have to feel like this, not now, not then
Goodbye 2019, leave me and don't come back ever
Hello 2020 please change me forever-
Thomas Burge Apr 2023
I put my heart and soul into these word that I say
Because everyday my sanity is drifting away
Can feel anymore I'm going numb from pain
Like a sickness in my brain that's driving me insane
Is it a cry for help just empty husk writing
A war in my head that I can't stop fighting
I step to light but the darkness fights back
Holding out for a hero with a plan of attack
We're all God's toughest soldier when we're trapped in the pit
But that's writing helps me out of it
These words are my weapon and I use them good
Trying to reach people I never thought that I could
So listen to these words and let's hope they empower you
Because this is my story and these work bleed true
103 · Feb 2019
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
The legends are gone, but do they really die ?
Their names echo through time for us to be inspired by
Is there a reason to this, will we ever see the clarity?
Sadly we loose them to this deep dark reality
RIP to the legends, you deserved are love
Your name live on even though you're watching from above
102 · May 14
Thomas Burge May 14
You found someone knew, guess you moved on fast
Maybe you're trying to forget our past
How can you move on like I was never there?
I cant seem to move on and that's not fair
Missing you so much, I'm lost in despair
No matter what I do I see you everywhere
101 · Jun 2019
Thomas Burge Jun 2019
I got some thoughts that I got to let out
So please just listen and you'll know what its about
Good, now this is what I have to say
Bullied to the point I felt like I was in the rubble
I'll take that shirt in an X, actually, na double
Words like fat used to make me feel bad
Became a self conscious kid who would always feel sad
So why not be the class clown
Even tho I'm sad no one else needs to frown
Skip a couple years and I'm still the same
But I chose this lifestyle, no one else it to blame
Yeah I say stuff that probably shouldn't say
Its not my fault that my brain thinks this way
Maybe these poems are a truth I don't want to speak
I guess I'm scared that I seem weak
I could keep going and write some more
But you don't care and you didn't care before
101 · Feb 2019
Does This Help?
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I put my heart and soul into these words I write about
Bleeding with emotion, writing till my thoughts die out
Why do I keep writing? Is it effecting anyone?
Or have I wrote so much that their meanings been undone?
Will I give up? No, writing is the only way I stay sane
Not going to stop, I need these emotions out my brain
99 · Oct 2019
Will I see her again?
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
You're Gods art, I describe you through poetry
A picture so perfect everyone should see
99 · Feb 2019
My mind
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Pain speaks more than words ever could
You tried once, you tried twice, you tried more than you should
You say just shut yourself in and don't let them see you hurt
Just try to hold your head up high, dont fall back down to the dirt
Why do you feel stuff they can't ever understand
They offer you a choice but Its to hard to hold their hand
The walls close in because you shut yourself out
I miss you, I need you, are the words you want to shout
Tell me it will be okay, I want to hear it from your voice
If I have once chance to take it back I would always take that choice
99 · May 2022
Joe Black
Thomas Burge May 2022
Death, Life and what come in between
How do I get from here to there without being seen?
Who do I take and who do I leave behind?
A fractured web for you to unwind
Hold on tight for this soon may end
Open the door to welcome and old friend ?
98 · Feb 2019
11th of November
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I wear this poppy to show respect
In a moment of silence we all reflect
These brave men fought on Flanders field
Millions in a crowd with a poppy they yield
People brought together by this one event
Everybody knows what this poppy represents
Lest we forget, a time to remember
Lest we forget the 11th of November
97 · Feb 2019
Just An Side-effect
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I see you're trapped in a state but no one understands, do they?
You're hooked on a substance but its just fun and games you say
Always asking me of money and I just smile and say its chill
I just cant see you go broke but for once can you act real
Been telling you to stop but you keep taking and taking
You know its bad for your health but with out it you're shaking
You know I loved you like a brother and that I always help you out
You always told me you're fine but inside you want to scream and shout
But now its too late, it caught up, finally consumed you
Why couldn't you stop like everyone assumed you would do
I'm not mad about what you did, I just blame myself
I stood back and watched you mess up your health
Goodbye to you brother, I really sad that you're gone
But deep within my heart your life will live on
96 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
I'm like a broken clock, constantly telling the same time
But instead I tell you I love you in every single rhyme
It  seems to be the only thing I can say
I can promise you no one has ever made me feel this way
You make me heart pounding when you look at me
In a room full of art you're the only thing I see
I've never felt love this strong
But In my heart, I know with you I belong
So I say it again, I love you
I can promise you baby this love is true
96 · Nov 2019
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
I'm sad all the time and I don't know why
Sometimes I just wish I could just die
Ended, gone, not here anymore
I won't spear you with the details I know its a bore
96 · Feb 2019
This wasn't love
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
When I showed you love, you responded with pain
You made your problems mine, it was driving me insane
Why did you make my life hell, with no sign of hope
Ever since I met you, I've been falling down this deep *****
I couldn't take it
The stress you caused plagued me, so much I couldn't shake it
And now you're gone i'm happy, finally i'm free
Never will I take this abuse that you gave to me
Time to say goodbye to life I new
Its over now, finally away from you
94 · Oct 2019
My hearts echo
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
My feeling grow each day
So many things I wish I could say
Your beauty's incomparable, you're second to none
Stuck in my mind, I can never get anything done
A voice so angelic its all I want to hear
I can be myself around you, I have nothing to fear
I love your laugh, so innocent and sweet
Seeing you happy makes my heart skip a beat
Your eyes are so beautiful and your smile is pure
I've never felt like this for that I'm sure
You have a mysterious aura that draws me to you
I've fallen, fallen deep and I don't know what to do
I would write forever about these feelings I can never show
This is to my love, my love will never know
93 · May 2019
God please answer
Thomas Burge May 2019
Whats the point in praying if God doesn't answer my prayer
Blanking me like that, guess you're not even there
Tell me why you keep taking the good and leave all that is bad
We're suppose to be your children, you're suppose to be our dad
So tell me father why do you make us suffer
Is it just for your amusement or are you trying to make us tougher
Because lord I cant take it, I'm getting weaker each day
Why give me family and friends if you're going to take them away
Can't we make a deal, please lord I'm getting weak
Reality's getting bleak, but you won't even speak
Forget it, no point praying
All I ask is maybe you understand what I'm saying
So you can stop this evil and maybe you can hear our cry's
I'm starting to think you're the devil in disguise
93 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Numbing my pain with all these pills
This feeling I get seems to give me chills
Can't be sober to go outside
So behind theses drug I will hide
My mind hates me and I know that well
Or I wouldn't need pills to leave this hell
91 · Jun 20
Escape my past
Thomas Burge Jun 20
Laying here in my room staring at the ceiling
Feeling numb from all the drugs just trying to find a feeling
Praying for a better day when I wake up tomorrow
I can't keep spending these long ol' nights just living in my sorrow
So I take sip of another beer
Wake up in the morning and I see things clear
This old town just ain't good for me
Time to pack my bag and leave real fast
100mph just to escape my past
No idea where I'm gonna go
91 · Feb 2019
Nothing was there
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
You cry over him but the tears are not true
You never loved him, he never loved you
Wasting time thinking about the past
No matter how it went, you knew it wouldn't last
Why did you do it if you knew it would cause pain?
It wasn't love it was just insane
You thought you could just live a lie
Fake love, fake love, why did you even try?
90 · Feb 2019
Moving though life
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I've been gone for awhile looking through my mind
Erasing evil thoughts I should have left behind
Changed in many ways, grown as I should
This life changes people in ways they never could-
Know and understand, but should we even try
Or let gods hand moves us till we die?
88 · Nov 2023
Two lost souls
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Two lost souls floating through space
An empty love void trying to find their place
Never knowing that they need each other
Searching through the emptyness to find one another
Separate the glow dim, and long lost spark
But when combined they outshine the dark
Maybe they'll never meet but they both Kling to hope
Two lost souls connected by a rope
88 · Feb 2019
Someone but no one to you
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I'm not him and hurts me so bad
Its not your fault and I shouldn't get mad
But I know you love him, its why I feel so sad
Why cant you see me, I'm the same as him
Because you don't love me, my worlds so dim
To be the one, to feel you touch
What makes it worse is you know I love you so much
Do you care about how I feel?
You say you love him but is it real?
Hes made you different, hes made you fake
I hate to look, I don't know how much I can take
86 · Nov 2023
I like you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I like you, but I think you already know
Ever since we first spoke these feeling knew to grow
I like you for everything you are
I feel you so close even though you're so far
I like you for you laugh and you're honestly so funny
I like you for your looks and you're sweeter than honey
I like you for what's inside, you care so much
I only hope that one day I can feel your touch
I like you because you're not scared to say what's on your mind
I like that even when people are mean you're still so kind
I like for reasons I can't even explain
You seem to be my sunshine when I'm lost in the rain
I don't want you for you body, I want you for your soul
A lifetime with you would be the ultimate goal
I tell you I'm different like every other guy
But when I like you for all these reasons and more then why would I lie
85 · Jul 3
Waiting for me
Thomas Burge Jul 3
I know you're out there
Waiting for me
I just don't know where
But I'll find you one day
I guarantee
I've wrote so many poems for you to read
Described the art I'm waiting to see
Hoping you wont make my heart bleed
I know you're out there.............

Waiting for me
85 · Nov 2023
True beauty
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Looking at you makes me feel paralyzed
You're so god dam beautiful and youve never even realised
An angel questions it's existence when looking apon you
Everything I'm saying you know it to be true
In the universe nothing is made to perfection
But it seems to be you're the only exception
84 · Oct 2019
A simple mans thought
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
I don't know if its love but I feel it true
I hope that its love because it begs fore you
Lost in my thoughts because you cloud my mind
When I look for an answer you're all I find
You're the only thing to appear in my head
I think I love you, that's enough said
84 · Nov 2023
See me
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Stop me if I mess this up
But I've been sipping from a heavy cup
You're still looking for what you left behind
Pain and sadness is all your find
Turn around and you'll see me
Pulling you towards where you need to be
84 · Nov 2023
Searching for words
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think I've finally ran out of words to say
I've been writing about you every single day
But I'll never write a poem good enough to describe you
The rights words don't exist and I don't know what to do
But I'll keep searching till find the right word
And I'll write the most beautiful poem that you've ever heard
83 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't write anymore poems about you, it'll make me feel worse
I beg you please unlock me from this love curse
Because I can't take it anymore, I feel so strong
I know in my heart with you is where I belong
I quite drunk right now and almost crying
I can't say I don't love you because I'd be lying
You mean so so much to me
If only you could look through my eyes and see
How I see you, I think I need a re-do
Because you make all of my words suddenly bleed through
Hold onto me dear because I need you
I still love you, I hope you feel the same way too
But I'm stuck underneath your curse, I think I'm dying
I love you way to much, I'm not lying
83 · Nov 2023
Red dress
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Does my message come through with these words that I write
When I'm alone in my head, surviving the night
You make me write and write till my page is mess
I can't get over the girl in the red dress
82 · Nov 2023
Waisted tears
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You never liked these boys so why waste a tear
You never needed them but you knew already that my dear
They mess you around and leave you broken
If they didn't mean it then they wouldn't have spoken
But you knew that my dear, that they were not right
Same old thoughts keeping you up at night
Don't fall to soon because it may not last
You have much to learn but not to fast
The right ones on his way but he might be late
Or maybe he's here you just see him as a mate
So wipe your eyes keep your head up high
Save you tears my dear for the right guy
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
When I'm on my own and you're far away
I look at the pictures of us to get me through the day
Knowing you're back home waiting for me
hoping this week goes by quickly
Stay strong babe, and don't let your mind wonder
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder
You know I'm working hard to get back to you
And crawl back in this bed we made for two
81 · Nov 2023
Same old story
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I feel like Im writing the same old story
Guy meets a girl in search for glory
One forms feeling and the other doesn't know
Talking till the season change from sun to snow
He tries to tell her about his feelings that hide
Hope she might feel the same way deep down inside
Love letters and poems all about them together
The same old story that will go on forever
80 · Sep 2019
Short but true
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
These substances make me feel stuff
Is it true or is it a bluff
I don't know
No matter what feelings do grow
80 · Sep 2019
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
How many times can I wright about something I don't feel
When will I ever find something I think is real
Do I know what love is? Or am I just dumb
Feeling that you give me seem to make me numb
I'm lying to myself, I know I don't feel this
I have my moments but its not true bliss
When will I know? I don't mind
Love is a thought I don't want to find
79 · Nov 2023
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think it's obvious that your my crush
With just a smile you make me blush
Just your words make me want more
Any moment with you is never a bore
Never seen you in person but I know how I feel
Give you love give you life, give you something real
79 · Nov 2023
Talking to you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Talking to you makes my day
No one else makes me feel this kind of way
I could talk to you for hours on end
When I feel down you bring me to a mend
You make me laugh till I'm about to cry
I love talking to you, I can not lie
Thomas Burge May 19
My light is slowly fading, lying on the ground
I had to do it while no one was around
I hear sirens in the distance, I they're not for me
My light is slowly fading, this is how it's supposed to be
Looking at the wreckage, I did this to myself
This is what happens when you don't care for your mental health
But this is what I wanted, to end all my pain
Twisted dark thoughts that I had in my brain
My light is slowly fading, I guess the end is near
Tell my family I love them and that I died without fear
77 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
We made plans but spent all day kissing under the cover
You found my in a dark place, I'll admit I was a broken lover
Picked me up, wiped me off, kissed all the bruises off my chest
Now when I hold I know in my heart that you're different from all the rest
I never knew love could hit me so god dam hard
I promise you baby that I won't leave you broken and scared
Just like you see it in the movies we share that same type of love
Since I met, I truly think there is a god above
Watching over me, he sent an angel to protect
You hold my heart like no other, never felt this kind of effect
And if I dropped dead tomorrow, I hope I wake up at the start
And relive the moment that you stole my heart
77 · Nov 2023
Deadly mind
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When the tears stop falling and words don't work
Sit in silence and in our minds we lurk
We all have demons from our past
Damaging feeling that we don't want to last
We all suffer alone at the end of the day
But if we keep pushing through then I'm sure we'll find a way
77 · Dec 2023
Thomas Burge Dec 2023
Stepped off the train and saw the love of my life
The second we touched I knew I'd make you my wife
Cuddled in bed kissing and talking
When I'm with you I'm on the clouds walking
You're so beautiful, even though you say you're not
But honestly babe you're so so hot
I've never felt this way about anyone before
I want you for the rest of my life and even more
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