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Nov 2023 · 88
Two lost souls
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Two lost souls floating through space
An empty love void trying to find their place
Never knowing that they need each other
Searching through the emptyness to find one another
Separate the glow dim, and long lost spark
But when combined they outshine the dark
Maybe they'll never meet but they both Kling to hope
Two lost souls connected by a rope
Nov 2023 · 68
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When I say I love you its because its true
Though we've never met I really miss you
You seem to hold my heart like you've owned it before
I think you're the angel I've been looking for
Nov 2023 · 62
Fight the river
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I swam up the river with all my might
Though the river pushed me back I didn't give up without a fight
I push and pushed until my arms gave way
The river may have won but I'll be back another day
Nov 2023 · 63
These thoughts of mine
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
A heavy weight has be placed apon my head
A dark twisted sickness, I don't want to leave my bed
Thoughts keep growing leave nothing but pain in side
I wish to escape my mind, to run away and hide
How did I got from happy in the morning to almost crying tonight
My minds at war and I'm loosing the fight
I can never tell anyone now I truly feel
Because opening up makes them all too real
I don't want the label that's given to people like me
If only I could open up for people to see
Someone to talk to but I cut my self off
Because if I'm seen as week I'm scared they will scoff
I'm the big strong man that's not afraid of dying
But in side this man is a young boy crying
Nov 2023 · 319
In an instant
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
It ***** that you cant tell someone you love them after just meeting
But sometimes you can tell it's love just from the first greeting
Maybe it's just a look or maybe how they talk
But they leave you weak in the knees and unable to walk
Love can hit you very very hard
But it can also leave you very very scared
I don't care if we just met because I know what I feel
And if you just bare with me I can prove it to be real
You said hello and I was instantly attracted
But can't tell you I love you because I know how you would have reacted
I don't wish to play the long game but I cant shake that we could work
So my feelings lay dormant and in the back of my mind they lurk
Nov 2023 · 52
Loving is Sinning
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When the devil took me he laughed and said
"The sins of your past will haunt you now you're dead
And the sins you committed hold much weight"
I said to him "If loving her was a sin then what be my fate?"
He look down apon me and said "do you really think love was your sin?"
What I utter next took away his grin
I told the devil that my sins came from love
"I would have stole, lied, murdered and all of the above.
I showed her love in a world full of hate
She was my heaven in this twisted curl fate
Any man that wronged her I would fight to the death
I would do anything for that woman till my last breath
I know I'm not prefect and I never will be
But I loved with all my heart because that's just me
So I'm guilty of loving because my morels won't budge
Doesn't matter what I say when the devil is my judge
I saw heaven without ever going
She knows she is loved and that loves still growing
And I died a happy man, you can never take that from me
So if loving is a crime then it's in hell I must be"
The devil look angry and mumbled"just go"
A bright light above my head then started to show
He shouted as I floated away
"Once you go back this will be your last chance then"
I replied with a gin "I can't wait to do this dance again
Oct 2023 · 306
Thomas Burge Oct 2023
I miss you so god dam much
It kills me that I'll never get to feel your touch
Again and again you play through my mind
I look at the clock hoping it will rewind
Almost 4 years together and I can't seem to let go
Almost 4 year ago the seeds of love did sow
In those 4 years our love did grow
I cried for 4 minutes after you broke my heart
4 seconds without you feels like a life time apart
So I'll put on a brave face and try to move on
I took just 4 minutes for you be gone
May 2023 · 70
In another life
Thomas Burge May 2023
I cannot contain these feelings for you any longer
But I'm afraid who will get hurt if they grow any stronger
In another life you would have been my soulmate
But our paths intertwined under a cruel fate
I know what I feel and I know my feelings are true
I think God intended for me to meet you
But we met at the wrong place and the wrong time
Is loving you really a crime?
I can't think like this I can't lose what I've got
Maybe in another lifetime I would have a shot
To love you, hold you maybe make you my wife
I hope I find you in another life
Apr 2023 · 66
Just a moment
Thomas Burge Apr 2023
If I hold onto a moment and keep it forever
It would be us laying like this
You ask if I'll let go and I reply "Never"
For you are my haven, my eternal bliss
I'll love you forever if you hold me like this
Thomas Burge Apr 2023
I put my heart and soul into these word that I say
Because everyday my sanity is drifting away
Can feel anymore I'm going numb from pain
Like a sickness in my brain that's driving me insane
Is it a cry for help just empty husk writing
A war in my head that I can't stop fighting
I step to light but the darkness fights back
Holding out for a hero with a plan of attack
We're all God's toughest soldier when we're trapped in the pit
But that's writing helps me out of it
These words are my weapon and I use them good
Trying to reach people I never thought that I could
So listen to these words and let's hope they empower you
Because this is my story and these work bleed true
May 2022 · 99
Joe Black
Thomas Burge May 2022
Death, Life and what come in between
How do I get from here to there without being seen?
Who do I take and who do I leave behind?
A fractured web for you to unwind
Hold on tight for this soon may end
Open the door to welcome and old friend ?
Mar 2022 · 259
Drinking because.... why?
Thomas Burge Mar 2022
Drinking to forget, god dam I need some rest
**** to get off my chest
I get so stressed
Thinking about that pain
Cause I'm never gonna feel the same
Lost in my brain, words just cant explain
Why I was so vain
Lord tell me why, I need to drink to feel sane?
Feb 2021 · 200
Thomas Burge Feb 2021
12 years since you died and the wounds still like new
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I was 6 when you was taken form us and the pain wont go
There just so many things I want you to know
Nan really misses you, the love of her life
Why would God take a man from his wife?
Why would God rip you from our family?
Your death really effected me
So many things we never got to do together
As a kid I used to think you'd live forever
All I want is to give you a hug and tell you everything
But lifes just cruel and just takes and takes and takes  
I miss you I miss you I miss you
Please come back
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
Return to writing
Thomas Burge Jan 2021
I haven't wrote in a while and my words fell silent
But the war in my head still remains violent
I've changed so much and come a long way
Pushing through day by day
I've missed these poems, they kept me sane
These poems I write take away the pain
Sep 2020 · 108
I'm done
Thomas Burge Sep 2020
Word, word, word with some deeper intent
Pointless poems that you've come to resent
I don't care anymore, I'm honestly done
No point writing anymore, its not that fun
My words mean nothing, and no one wants to know
Why did I even try, doesn't matter I'm about to go
Bye forever, no more writing, not now, not then
I'm finished with poems, I'm never writing again
Jan 2020 · 45
My head right now
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
How can I be in love with her but have feelings for you
Thoughts in my head focus on you and I dont know what to do
Thinking about what could have been
But like you said are future was unseen
Now someone else is trying with you and it makes me regret
All I want to do is drink to forget
I shouldn't have these thoughts, why have the come back?
Stuck with this inner conflict, I cant hold off the attack
Everything's being questioned I wish I couldn't think
Want to forget this all in a blink
Suffer in silence and take all the pain
You're in my head and it drives me insane
Jan 2020 · 50
Bad timing
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
With no future in sight I don't see the point in trying
When I acted like I didn't like you, I was lying
If I knew that you liked me as well, I would have asked you out
But I thought different so I wouldn't let my feeling shout
I kind of wish I never knew
Now all I think about is you
I shouldn't have these thoughts because someone will get hurt
But now its all I think about, my thoughts I cant avert
I still like you when I should not
I still like you a lot
Jan 2020 · 69
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
I found love and now I cant let go
From a seed to a flower my love did grow
Jan 2020 · 104
2019 I'm glad you're over
Thomas Burge Jan 2020
Its over 2019, gone, finished, done
2020 a new chapter of my life has just begone
Thank god its over, I hated this year
Drown my sorrows with my 12th beer
Keep drinking, maybe forget ?
Most things I did this year I could never regret
I'm glad its done and I never have to do it again
Hopefully I never have to feel like this, not now, not then
Goodbye 2019, leave me and don't come back ever
Hello 2020 please change me forever-
Dec 2019 · 120
I had a bad Christmas
Thomas Burge Dec 2019
I hate being alive, depressed, I want to die
Never thought I'd feel like this, I really don't know why
Or maybe I do and just don't want to say
But I know, its a thought I have every single day
Help me please, save me from this pain
Sometimes the right words can make my thoughts seem sane
Tell me I'm joking, or that I'm lying to myself
It cant be true, my words must be locked on the shelf
I'm worthless I know, never more than I think
Wish my life would end faster than a blink
Thomas Burge Dec 2019
Felt so lost before I found you
I think my life's complete I don't know what to do
You're all I could have asked for and more
I don't know why I was gifted happiness for
Thank you for coming into my life, you re lit my spark
You're the light that pulled me out the dark
I love you so much, more than words can say
My love grows day by day
Dec 2019 · 121
Thomas Burge Dec 2019
Found love, gained hope
Lost love, tide my rope
Dec 2019 · 202
Thomas Burge Dec 2019
I guess friendship means nothing to you anymore
You new that I'd be angry but na my feelings you'll ignore
I saw you as a brother, so much more than a friend
By each others side until the very end
You snaked me and it hurts, things will never be the same
The worst part is, you don't feel any shame
I never thought you'd ever do this to me
Some friend you turned out to be
Nov 2019 · 96
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
I'm sad all the time and I don't know why
Sometimes I just wish I could just die
Ended, gone, not here anymore
I won't spear you with the details I know its a bore
Nov 2019 · 76
Remember them
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
11th of November we stand in silence
And just for a minute we forget all the violence
We pay respect to those who fought
And carry the lessons that they taught
This poppy hold strong, pinned to my chest
Thank you to the soldiers you may all rest
Nov 2019 · 105
Words I wish to be told
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
Keep your head up and hold it way up high
Just let the negative things in life pass you by
Its an imperfect world so be your best
Never give up when the world puts you to the test
When life puts you down get back up because you're strong
Get up right now and prove them all wrong
Nov 2019 · 107
Remnants of my mind
Thomas Burge Nov 2019
Slowly drifting away from reality, guess I've died
My words are now forgotten whispers, whispers that hide
Though life is an echo of my past that I cannot return to
I pray my words gain new meaning for inspiring you
Oct 2019 · 99
Will I see her again?
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
You're Gods art, I describe you through poetry
A picture so perfect everyone should see
Oct 2019 · 94
My hearts echo
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
My feeling grow each day
So many things I wish I could say
Your beauty's incomparable, you're second to none
Stuck in my mind, I can never get anything done
A voice so angelic its all I want to hear
I can be myself around you, I have nothing to fear
I love your laugh, so innocent and sweet
Seeing you happy makes my heart skip a beat
Your eyes are so beautiful and your smile is pure
I've never felt like this for that I'm sure
You have a mysterious aura that draws me to you
I've fallen, fallen deep and I don't know what to do
I would write forever about these feelings I can never show
This is to my love, my love will never know
Oct 2019 · 84
A simple mans thought
Thomas Burge Oct 2019
I don't know if its love but I feel it true
I hope that its love because it begs fore you
Lost in my thoughts because you cloud my mind
When I look for an answer you're all I find
You're the only thing to appear in my head
I think I love you, that's enough said
Sep 2019 · 199
To my friends
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
This is to my friends that I'm glad to have known
We've laughed, we've cried and as people we've grown
Never would I have guessed that I would have met you
Even if our path ends I will never forget you
You've impacted me and changed me forever
We met for a reason, do I regret it ? Never
Sep 2019 · 74
Should I stop
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
Why am I a poet?
Why wright about an emotions if I don't know it
Never felt love, Never been depressed
Or maybe they're feeling I wish to repress
Do my words mean nothing or really hit hard
Is it deep or makes you more scared?
Sep 2019 · 80
Short but true
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
These substances make me feel stuff
Is it true or is it a bluff
I don't know
No matter what feelings do grow
Sep 2019 · 417
Why try
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
You and me wasn't meant to be we
I get that, I'm not blind I can see
Don't make me jealous don't make me sad
No matter what you do you know I'll get mad
Stop please I asked but you won't
I know I love you but clearly you don't
Sep 2019 · 80
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
How many times can I wright about something I don't feel
When will I ever find something I think is real
Do I know what love is? Or am I just dumb
Feeling that you give me seem to make me numb
I'm lying to myself, I know I don't feel this
I have my moments but its not true bliss
When will I know? I don't mind
Love is a thought I don't want to find
Sep 2019 · 121
I love you
Thomas Burge Sep 2019
I love you, one powerful phrase
An emotion that will keep growing till the end of your days
I love you, forever and ever
Till death do us part I will do whatever
I love you, more than life
That's why I asked you to be my wife
I love you, more than you could know
Even though you're gone my love will still grow
Jun 2019 · 101
Thomas Burge Jun 2019
I got some thoughts that I got to let out
So please just listen and you'll know what its about
Good, now this is what I have to say
Bullied to the point I felt like I was in the rubble
I'll take that shirt in an X, actually, na double
Words like fat used to make me feel bad
Became a self conscious kid who would always feel sad
So why not be the class clown
Even tho I'm sad no one else needs to frown
Skip a couple years and I'm still the same
But I chose this lifestyle, no one else it to blame
Yeah I say stuff that probably shouldn't say
Its not my fault that my brain thinks this way
Maybe these poems are a truth I don't want to speak
I guess I'm scared that I seem weak
I could keep going and write some more
But you don't care and you didn't care before
May 2019 · 93
God please answer
Thomas Burge May 2019
Whats the point in praying if God doesn't answer my prayer
Blanking me like that, guess you're not even there
Tell me why you keep taking the good and leave all that is bad
We're suppose to be your children, you're suppose to be our dad
So tell me father why do you make us suffer
Is it just for your amusement or are you trying to make us tougher
Because lord I cant take it, I'm getting weaker each day
Why give me family and friends if you're going to take them away
Can't we make a deal, please lord I'm getting weak
Reality's getting bleak, but you won't even speak
Forget it, no point praying
All I ask is maybe you understand what I'm saying
So you can stop this evil and maybe you can hear our cry's
I'm starting to think you're the devil in disguise
Apr 2019 · 112
Leave my head
Thomas Burge Apr 2019
I'm ****, confused and I don't know what to say
Your **** in my head every single day
I'm not good with emotion but you muddled them in my head
Now with my thoughts all I feel is dread
Forgetting about you? No I cant do that
Hit to hard by love and I wasn't wearing a hardhat
I will forget one day, hopefully that's soon
Tomorrow? Next week? Anytime in a blue moon?
Feb 2019 · 123
How did this happen ?
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I don't feel nothing anymore, this life just causes stress
When god chose to ruin a life, why did he pick my address
Whats the point in trying when all I feel is pain
I cant trust my emotions, they keep driving me insane
Is it love or is it hate? I cant tell anymore
You know I said I would love for richer or for poor
But look at everything that's happened now
People tell me to forget but I just wonder how
Forget this life, for get about me
You're better off with him, that's not hard to see
Feb 2019 · 96
This wasn't love
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
When I showed you love, you responded with pain
You made your problems mine, it was driving me insane
Why did you make my life hell, with no sign of hope
Ever since I met you, I've been falling down this deep *****
I couldn't take it
The stress you caused plagued me, so much I couldn't shake it
And now you're gone i'm happy, finally i'm free
Never will I take this abuse that you gave to me
Time to say goodbye to life I new
Its over now, finally away from you
Feb 2019 · 530
You're gone
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Now that you're gone I don't know what to do
I pray that god is looking after you
Time fly's, but now you're gone
Life's hard, I cant move on
When I get low I think about us
All the things we cant discuss
I'd give anything you hear your breath
I know your living life after death
Feb 2019 · 165
Speaking is hard
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I speak few words but my soul wont stop shouting
Never ending emotions that my mind keeps on doubting
I can imagine feelings and express them when I write
But when I come to showing them you wont see an emotion in site
Is something wrong or am I broken
This is my cry for help but don't ask me or no word will be spoken
Feb 2019 · 103
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
The legends are gone, but do they really die ?
Their names echo through time for us to be inspired by
Is there a reason to this, will we ever see the clarity?
Sadly we loose them to this deep dark reality
RIP to the legends, you deserved are love
Your name live on even though you're watching from above
Feb 2019 · 131
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Pain and anger trapped inside
I look around to see nowhere to hide
Words spoken I should no have said
Evil thoughts to leave my head
Regret lingers and plagues my mind
Its hard to move on and leave the past behind
No words can change what I've done
Now I think about it, it wasn't worth it in the long run
Feb 2019 · 140
To my lady
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Your beauty is unmatched by any other soul
The beat keeps going from my heart you stole
My love cant be trapped nor kept in any space
You're a masterpiece on gods canvas, nothing to erase
Never before had I seen such a stunning sight
From that moment I new this love to be right
To show you my love is no easy thing
Until that day you look to see a ring
Feb 2019 · 90
Moving though life
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I've been gone for awhile looking through my mind
Erasing evil thoughts I should have left behind
Changed in many ways, grown as I should
This life changes people in ways they never could-
Know and understand, but should we even try
Or let gods hand moves us till we die?
Feb 2019 · 101
Does This Help?
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I put my heart and soul into these words I write about
Bleeding with emotion, writing till my thoughts die out
Why do I keep writing? Is it effecting anyone?
Or have I wrote so much that their meanings been undone?
Will I give up? No, writing is the only way I stay sane
Not going to stop, I need these emotions out my brain
Feb 2019 · 151
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Family is a bond that can never be broken
A love so pure it remains unspoken
We live with these people who we love so dear
The thought of losing them is are one true fear
No matter what happens down the road the love stays strong
Nothings more important than family, correct me if I'm wrong
Feb 2019 · 98
11th of November
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I wear this poppy to show respect
In a moment of silence we all reflect
These brave men fought on Flanders field
Millions in a crowd with a poppy they yield
People brought together by this one event
Everybody knows what this poppy represents
Lest we forget, a time to remember
Lest we forget the 11th of November
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