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Feb 2019 · 122
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
A ****** love that should not grow
But I wish for these emotions to show
Never knowing I would feel this way
Emotion brew day by day
Im a wanderer in this world that strangers call love
I listen but I dont know the words these people speak of
Lost but not knowing
Old emotion that are still showing
My love needs to stop growing
You opened old wounds that lied under the surface
Now that you're gone I have no purpose
If I could, then I would go back to the start
Back to that when you stole my heart
Feb 2019 · 99
My mind
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Pain speaks more than words ever could
You tried once, you tried twice, you tried more than you should
You say just shut yourself in and don't let them see you hurt
Just try to hold your head up high, dont fall back down to the dirt
Why do you feel stuff they can't ever understand
They offer you a choice but Its to hard to hold their hand
The walls close in because you shut yourself out
I miss you, I need you, are the words you want to shout
Tell me it will be okay, I want to hear it from your voice
If I have once chance to take it back I would always take that choice
Feb 2019 · 113
To my hero
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
What do you do when your hero falls from grace
This person is your world, a person you cant replace
A bond so strong formed from respect
Never knew them falling would leave you with this effect
You try to be strong for their sake
Because that's a choice a hero would make
Though they were your light when you were in dark
They have fallen, you must relight their spark
Feb 2019 · 125
Love's pain
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
When I showed you love, you responded with pain
You made your problems mine, it was driving me insane
Why did you make my life hell, with no sign of hope
Ever since I met you, I've been falling down this deep *****
I couldn't take it
The stress you caused plagued me, so much I couldn't shake it
And now you're gone i'm happy, finally i'm free
Never will I take this abuse that you gave to me
Time to say goodbye to life I new
Its over now, finally away from you
Feb 2019 · 110
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
When I die, I want to go to hell
I'm a waste I'm useless, thats not hard to tell
It doesn't make sense why I mean anything to you
I could do it right now, theres nothing you could do
All my I've felt like an outcast
Hoping everyday that it would be my last
I wonder If I die will tears come to your eyes
Forgive me for my disrespect and forgive me for my lies
All I know is that the reaper is stalking
Forget this I'm sick of talking...
Feb 2019 · 124
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
All my life I never really cared
Love was just a feeling, I thought it could be spared
Entering my life,I didn't think it would be you
As life went on, my love actually grew
Love did blossom on you and me
But love did fail before we could be
Though we tried,It didn't work out
My love still lingers with out a doubt
Feb 2019 · 110
These words are a start
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
The pain that linger leaves when suppress
I shouldn't do it but it stops the stress
Make bad decisions that change how I feel
Don't want to feel emotions because the emotions are to real
We live like we know what all these feelings mean
But you can look deeper from what you've already seen
I'm in a shell of my fake self
I know its bad for my health
But being human is condition that requires a little anaesthesia
So we do it and the feelings become part of your amnesia
My mind knows what I feel and I found a way to quit
So I feel less, try less but truly I cant handle it
I'm in sate and all need to is tell someone
Clearly I cant but these words are a start.... I'm done
Feb 2019 · 72
Who are we?
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
Emotionally I'm broken, I'm hiding behind a shell
I just laugh through the pain, I'm stuck in this hell
People see me as fake me, the opposite to how I feel
I'm not who I want to be, my reality isn't real
Feb 2019 · 91
Nothing was there
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
You cry over him but the tears are not true
You never loved him, he never loved you
Wasting time thinking about the past
No matter how it went, you knew it wouldn't last
Why did you do it if you knew it would cause pain?
It wasn't love it was just insane
You thought you could just live a lie
Fake love, fake love, why did you even try?
Feb 2019 · 88
Someone but no one to you
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I'm not him and hurts me so bad
Its not your fault and I shouldn't get mad
But I know you love him, its why I feel so sad
Why cant you see me, I'm the same as him
Because you don't love me, my worlds so dim
To be the one, to feel you touch
What makes it worse is you know I love you so much
Do you care about how I feel?
You say you love him but is it real?
Hes made you different, hes made you fake
I hate to look, I don't know how much I can take
Feb 2019 · 97
Just An Side-effect
Thomas Burge Feb 2019
I see you're trapped in a state but no one understands, do they?
You're hooked on a substance but its just fun and games you say
Always asking me of money and I just smile and say its chill
I just cant see you go broke but for once can you act real
Been telling you to stop but you keep taking and taking
You know its bad for your health but with out it you're shaking
You know I loved you like a brother and that I always help you out
You always told me you're fine but inside you want to scream and shout
But now its too late, it caught up, finally consumed you
Why couldn't you stop like everyone assumed you would do
I'm not mad about what you did, I just blame myself
I stood back and watched you mess up your health
Goodbye to you brother, I really sad that you're gone
But deep within my heart your life will live on

— The End —