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Nov 2023 · 41
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Took less that a day to know I liked you, less than a week to know I love you
Some people would call me crazy and some people may be true
But some people need to see you for what I see you for
No words are good enough to describe you, I'm searching for more
I think my words show how much I care
When I finally see you I'll show you with my actions when Im there
A 20 minute train ride doesn't seem that long
But feels like an eternity to get to where I belong
Hands touching hands, heart touching heart
I think I've been in love since the start
I hope I'm in love till the end
Because I don't want to be just your friend
Nov 2023 · 75
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The kindest soul I've ever met
You outshine the most beautiful sunset
You paint pictures and you write art
Colouring in the gaps within my heart
I wish I could write everything I want to say
To call you mine every single day
So for now we'll keep making art to describe eachother
Writing poems, painting pictures for a long lost lover
Nov 2023 · 56
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Now I'm not a fisherman but I found the best catch
A girl I just want to pick up and ******
Plenty of fish in the sea but I found the best one
I can retire my fishing rod now it's all said and done
So I'll sail my boat back to shore
Knowing I don't need to fish anymore
Nov 2023 · 50
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Real eyes, realise, real lies
Stuck with a man whom you really despise
I know how you feel by the tone in your voice
Maybe picking him was the wrong choice
Or maybe I'm wrong and just being confused
I just don't want to see you hurt or used
Nov 2023 · 43
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't focus at work, Im just thinking of you
Trying to load a van but I don't remember what to do
Even though we're world's apart I still feel you near
You're here in my mind I can see you so clear
Nov 2023 · 60
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Colour me in and if you fall outside the lines please don't rage
For I need you to remember there's always another page
So when you mess up one day and thinking "what's the point then"
There's always the next page for you to start again
Nov 2023 · 48
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We're not going to be just friends, and I think you already know it
I think we share the same feeling but are to afraid to show it
Please let me know if what I'm saying is true
Because I'm praying to hear these words from you
There's so many things I wish to say
And maybe I'll get to tell you one day
But for now we'll stay "friends" and dance around these feeling we hide
But deep down we both now how we feel on the inside
Nov 2023 · 49
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You said you've never been given flowers but I'd steal you a whole flower bed
Any type any colour, blue green or red
You've never been on a date well let's change that now
I'd take you to the moon if I only knew how
We'd walk among the stars and dance next to the sun
Don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone
I would write your name in the sky above
Just to show you the extent of my love
Let me be clear I'd do all this and more
Just to show you love like you've never been shown before
Nov 2023 · 46
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We spoke on the phone all night till the day
I looked after you till the tears went away
Explaining to me how life got you down
Keep your head up my dear, don't ever frown
Life can be tough, I understand your pain
Dark thoughts always linger but we must restrain
Call me day or night I'm always going to be here
And when them tears fall again I'll wipe them away my dear
Nov 2023 · 758
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Laying here smoking alone in my room
Thought keep lingering of my inevitable doom
Trapped in this tomb I leave this place
Waiting for you to make my heart skip a pace
Nov 2023 · 60
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
It seems to be same old conversation
Hes said or done something and you give the retaliation
If it's the same old story then why doesn't it end
You know it's true so let's not pretend
Help me understand because you seem down
You keep letting him be the reason that you always frown
I care about you more than you'll ever know
He's left bruises and scares that you don't let show
Answer me now and answer me clear
What's stopping you from leaving him, why are you still here?
Nov 2023 · 58
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The more you make me jealous, the more I want you
The bruises from these games are starting to show through
He's a lucky man, I wish we could swap shoes
But when I came down to love he was the person you wanted to choose
Maybe another time I will be in his place
In this game I love I have lost the race
Nov 2023 · 64
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We all move on eventually in time
And maybe one day I'll write you my last rhyme
Hopefully not because youve walked out my life
But because maybe God has taken my wife
So my poems will lay dormant till I see you again
And in the next life we can do this again
Nov 2023 · 63
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I sometimes feel like giving up but don't want to lose hope
But I'm already half way through tying my rope
I know I'm not him and probably not the one
By my feelings won't change when it's all said and done
What do I need to do, or do I need to change?
Because I'm getting mixed feeling and these feeling are strange
Guess I just have to wait and see
Maybe the answer is right Infront of me
Nov 2023 · 60
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think I love you to, skipped through the like stages
I want you to be my last chapter filled with all the best pages
I hope you feel the same as I do, because I've got nothing but clarity
I second without you is like an endless reality
So dark and cold when you're my warmth and light
Hold me close dear and we'll make it through the night
See I write not money, recognition or even fame
My words just keep pouring because you're my eternal flame
There's a tattoo on my heart and only spells your name
If lifes single player not co-op then I don't want to play this game
Thinking about you alone gives me a reason to write
I hope you never let go of my words and keep them held tight
Back to my original point if I can remember it clear
But I'm drinking and driving, I think I need you to steer
Oh yeah I remember now I think I'm love
Must thank the God above when he sent me down this beautiful dove
Its just a feeling I have and if you'll be my queen I'll be your king
Because I'm sick of dreaming about this, I need the real thing
Nov 2023 · 47
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I wake up later to keep this dream going
Imagine the life I want without ever knowing
You're there with me in this neverending dream
In my mind we're and unstoppable team
I wake up to reality and you're not there
So far away from me, not in my arms, I guess life's not fair
Check my phone to see if you've text me
A smile on my face when I do get to see
I see a message sent from you
I guess you dreamt the same dream too
Nov 2023 · 48
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
No silly mistake would make anything change
Because love can be shown in a wide range
But I want at you purest, all your flaws and sins
You and I will never know if we never begin
I can't thank you enough for just being who you are
I've said it before but you're my shining star
It's weird how you hold me up when you're not even here
I'd risk it all for you, I have nothing to fear
Keep writing, don't stop I need to read more
You're the art and the artist, need I say more?
Nov 2023 · 43
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't talk to any girls because they'll never be you
Why are you on my mind? I don't have a clue
Why are you so special you may ask
Expanding that is no easy task
I keep repeating the same old lines
I bet you're sick of reading my same old rhymes
But for some strange reason you have became my Meuse
Found you by accident, never getting any clues
You've made me realise what a woman should be
I think you are the missing part of me
Nov 2023 · 54
On my mind
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Let me be clear, you're all that's on my mind
Looking for an answer and you're all that I find
You live through my poems, because I can't tell you to your face
Or maybe I'm scared you'll put me in my place
I want to know how you feel but I'm scared of your answer
It takes two to tango but I think I'm the only dancer
Just be honest and let me know
Or is this a place that you cannot go
Maybe one day we can lay things out
And I'll get to know what you're thinking about
Nov 2023 · 82
Waisted tears
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You never liked these boys so why waste a tear
You never needed them but you knew already that my dear
They mess you around and leave you broken
If they didn't mean it then they wouldn't have spoken
But you knew that my dear, that they were not right
Same old thoughts keeping you up at night
Don't fall to soon because it may not last
You have much to learn but not to fast
The right ones on his way but he might be late
Or maybe he's here you just see him as a mate
So wipe your eyes keep your head up high
Save you tears my dear for the right guy
Nov 2023 · 84
See me
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Stop me if I mess this up
But I've been sipping from a heavy cup
You're still looking for what you left behind
Pain and sadness is all your find
Turn around and you'll see me
Pulling you towards where you need to be
Nov 2023 · 61
Hateful boys
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Ignore what they say not men just boys
Keep doing you and just down out the noise
They try to act big to put you down
Don't ever let that pretty smile turn into a frown
Their words may hurt and there words may bruise
But hold your head up high and you will never lose
Nov 2023 · 56
Wicked games
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I guess these words mean nothing in the end
Turns out you only ever saw me as a friend
I knew I got attached to soon to fast
I knew these feeling were too good to last
Got trapped in your wicked game
Turned out you never felt the same
Nov 2023 · 67
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You said forever, and at the time I thought that was true
I guess I'm the fool who chose to believe you
We loved we laughed but why did that change so quick?
Our relationship was like blood, so strong and thick
But you left like water, flowed out my life
I really thought I'd make you my wife
Now I'm sat here all alone
Wondering if you'll ever pick up the phone
Nov 2023 · 55
Dancing with the flame
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I danced with the flame knowing I'll get burned
The same old lesson I never learned
Playing with fire is fun till start to feel pain
Trying to hold onto something you can never obtain
Once the ash settles you'll never forget
Dancing with the fire is something you'll regret
Nov 2023 · 72
Her small town
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Lost in her small town wishing for a way out
In hopes of her Prince charming to come about
She's destined for more and I know she'll do great
Lost in her small town but forever she will wait
Nov 2023 · 48
Hands of an artist
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My words don't compare to the art you create
Paintings so beautiful but let me be straight
Your works of art reflect who you are
All your love, your energy even a long lasting scare
Hands of an artist, you're second to none
You paint stories and I wish to live one
Nov 2023 · 52
Drunken truth
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'd rather tell drunken truths than sober lies
Endless poems you've come to despise
Words without meaning, words without rhyme
Words thoughts, words lost in time
Hold my hand and never let go
My sober feelings you will never truly know
Nov 2023 · 57
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Maybe I'm not the one, maybe you don't like me
Maybe you're scared I'll treat you how you should be
Maybe the feelings are one sided
Maybe we're two souls that should never have collided
Maybe I'm not thinking straight
Maybe it's all too late
Maybe it's wrong for me to feel this way
Maybe this is a game I don't want to play
Maybe I'll never be him
Maybe the chances of us ever happening are very very slim
Nov 2023 · 66
Drunken words
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My drunken words spill for you like the liquor I drink
Everything I write for you I tend to overthink
Do my words make sense or am I a drunk man rambling
Trying to find the right words, my thoughts are scrambling
I might just give up and keep sipping this liquid death
But I have to keep writing because Ive ran out of breath
Nov 2023 · 46
Meet me at the start
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't want to meet you half way, I'll meet you at the start
I'll just follow the string you have round my heart
It's pulling so tight that my heart start to ache
With feeling so strong I don't know how much more I can take
You'll either be my happiest ending of my worst heart break
Nov 2023 · 40
You're my poem
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You're the only poem I read and I don't want it to end
I only see you as more than a friend
You make angles questions their own existence
Your love is an infection and I have no resistance
Whenever I write it's always about you
If I send you this poem then you'll know it to be true
I see you for everything you are and more
If any man wronged you even God then I'd wage a war
If you're reading this now, these are my feelings unspoken
You fixed me up when I was feeling broken
You're the reason I'm writing, but it's hard to describe perfection
If I was to describe a woman you'd be my words reflection
I'm drinking right now so these are my thoughts raw
You're everything and more that I've been looking for
Why do I miss you when you've never been here
Tell you how I truly feel is my biggest fear
Even when I'm gone and you don't know what to do
You'll still have these poems that were made for you
Nov 2023 · 201
I'll pick you up
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'm here to pick you up if ever you shall fall
Carry you up the mountain so you can stand tall
When the world get to heavy I'll give you a hand
Whatever you need your wish is my command
The weights on you shoulders will eventually disappear
You'll never have to worry because I am always here
Nov 2023 · 58
Rely on me
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I see you're feeling down, it's hard I know
But you can open up to me, and let's these feeling show
Tell how you feel, just let it l all out
Don't keep it in, you can cry even shout
I'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on
Day or night, I'll be your person to rely on
Keep that head up with that pretty little smile
The pain will end but it might take a while
When you feel low, I'm just a message away
I'll be your person to rely on, night or day
Nov 2023 · 79
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think it's obvious that your my crush
With just a smile you make me blush
Just your words make me want more
Any moment with you is never a bore
Never seen you in person but I know how I feel
Give you love give you life, give you something real
Nov 2023 · 62
Let me rest
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't sleep like I used to, nights have come cold
Thoughts always clouded with the memories of old
My beds so soft but I can't seem to rest
My beds so empty without you laying on my chest
I close my eyes but never feel at ease
My body's so worn just let me rest ....... Please
Nov 2023 · 49
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Let me ease your mind before it's too late
How did we end up in this cruel twist fate?
Let your feelings pour
We can fight this war
Sometimes talking can be the cure
Nov 2023 · 65
I'll always be here
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You're going though a lot and I understand you don't want to talk
But I'm always here if you're up for a walk
Or even just sit and enjoy eachother silence
Sometimes just company can solve all the violence
I'll wipe your tears and you can feel my touch
I'll hold your heart if it gets too much
I'll always be here, night and day
Just say the words and you'll know I'll stay
Nov 2023 · 73
Heart attack
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You left me on open and you left me sore
Do my words mean anything to you or are they becoming a bore
Feel like we're slipping and can't go back
You're my weakness, my life ending heart attack
Nov 2023 · 54
Neverending love
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We danced I the rain like we didn't care who saw
We had everything and everything but still wanted more
We'd watch the stars that would shine so bright
When darkness would fall you'd be my light
When held eachother we felt more than love
I really should have thanked the god above
He brought me my peace in a world of violence
Hearing your voice brought me inner silence
Thick and thin we held on tight
When I first saw you it was love at first sight
I always hoped we would be together
Neverending this love, not now, not ever
Nov 2023 · 81
Same old story
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I feel like Im writing the same old story
Guy meets a girl in search for glory
One forms feeling and the other doesn't know
Talking till the season change from sun to snow
He tries to tell her about his feelings that hide
Hope she might feel the same way deep down inside
Love letters and poems all about them together
The same old story that will go on forever
Nov 2023 · 83
Red dress
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Does my message come through with these words that I write
When I'm alone in my head, surviving the night
You make me write and write till my page is mess
I can't get over the girl in the red dress
Nov 2023 · 320
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I could write for you till my words bleed dry
When at my worst and I don't want to try
Just your voice will keep me going till the day I die
You empty a room with just your smile
Would it be wrong if I stayed with you for a while
No word is good enough to describe you and all you are
When the sky feels empty you're my shining star
I'll tell you this now and I mean it to be true
In a room full of art I'd only stare at you
I breath you in and breath you out
Trust me when I say you're all I think about
Nov 2023 · 77
Deadly mind
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
When the tears stop falling and words don't work
Sit in silence and in our minds we lurk
We all have demons from our past
Damaging feeling that we don't want to last
We all suffer alone at the end of the day
But if we keep pushing through then I'm sure we'll find a way
Nov 2023 · 53
What are we waiting for
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
What are we waiting for ?
I like you, you like me, do I need to say more?
We tiptoe around these feelings that we hide
I wish I could tell you all these feeling I hold inside
I think you feel the same but are to scared to show
But if we don't take this risk then I guess we'll never know
If you're worried you'll get hurt then just know this
Good or bad, with you there's not a moment I want to miss
Nov 2023 · 61
Feeling you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Stay in my arms and hold me like this
I'm drunk off your love, an eternal bliss
The world falls silent when you lay with me
An out of body experience is what it's ment to be
You hold my soul so **** tight
You show me love with all your might
A bond so strong even god can't separate us
You show me nothing but love and trust
Like atoms we attract and hold strong
If loving you is a crime then I don't see nothing wrong
Nov 2023 · 288
The end
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Hold me close for this soon may end
But I know you will only ever see me as a friend
Put me down gently and try soothe the pain
Because I know you last words will haunt my brain
Nov 2023 · 86
I like you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I like you, but I think you already know
Ever since we first spoke these feeling knew to grow
I like you for everything you are
I feel you so close even though you're so far
I like you for you laugh and you're honestly so funny
I like you for your looks and you're sweeter than honey
I like you for what's inside, you care so much
I only hope that one day I can feel your touch
I like you because you're not scared to say what's on your mind
I like that even when people are mean you're still so kind
I like for reasons I can't even explain
You seem to be my sunshine when I'm lost in the rain
I don't want you for you body, I want you for your soul
A lifetime with you would be the ultimate goal
I tell you I'm different like every other guy
But when I like you for all these reasons and more then why would I lie
Nov 2023 · 251
Happy crying
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Your heart stops the war inside my head
Your love makes me bleed and I feel like I'm dead
Drained from the pain and soft to the touch
All I ask are for your words but is that too much
When I said I loved you I wasn't lying
You turn painful tears into happy crying
Nov 2023 · 64
The girl in the red dress
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
The room was full of empty faces when I first saw you
I tried not to stare but I didn't know what else to do
Nothing but a red dress and a flirtatious stare
You saw me looking but didn't seem to care
I watched you dance under the moon so bright
Wishing to talk to you but not a thought in site
Time went slow as you walked towards me
My heart started racing ever so fastly
But just kept walking with not a work spoken
Do I risk talking to you or get my heart broken
Regretting not speaking now my mind is a mess
I will never forget you, the girl in the red dress
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