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Nov 2023 · 60
Alcoholic pain
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'll take one more sip, keep drinking to feel good
I say like I'll stop when I know I never could
Poison In my veins making me feel this way
Keep drinking and drinking is all my head can say
Trying to numb the pain of daily life
Drinks getting stronger and stronger, stabbing me like a knife
I start to stumble and stutter
Regretting words that I mutter
Spilling thoughts that I keep buried inside
Wake up and realise what I've said, wishing I could just hide
Thinking the liquor was my friend, well I'm guessing it lied
Back in reality and now I want to just cry
So I'll return to the bottle and drink till I die
Nov 2023 · 74
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I found a heart I want to hold every single day
A love I want ot experience in every which way
I found a soul that seems to be linked to mine
Just the looks she gives sends shivers down my spine
I get lost in her eyes when I stare too long
But she draws me in with her love thats strong
I found a beautiful song with every word she'll speak
That voice on its own can leave me weak
I found joy in her smile, it outshines the sun
I could never smile the same way as I do for this one
I found a home from the way she makes feel
Built up stronger than even wood or steel
I found a reason to wake up just to see her face
Because I know in my heart she is my happy place
I found a reason to keep dreaming, she's always on my mind
If I close my eyes she is all I find
I found everything in her and still so much more
Ive never found a girl like this before
Everyday I talk to her I find something new
Everyday I seem to fall a little more in love with you
Nov 2023 · 66
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Whenever we call I always get butterfly's
Don't know if its the same feeling for any other guys  
I cant top smiling whenever I see you face
A beautiful site I never want to replace
I wish we could share these moments in person together
Memories that I will cherish forever
Nov 2023 · 64
I miss you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Hey, I know it's late but I really miss you
Trying to focus on work and I don't know what to do
You're lurking here, trapped in my mind
Searching for answers but you're all I find
Even though youre not mine, you're still all I see
You know I miss you, do you miss me?
Nov 2023 · 450
Sober truth
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Your drunken heart told the sober truth
Revealing dark sins from your youth
Even darker sins that currently fill your head
After these truths you speak you wake up feeling nothing but dread
Nothing but sadness clouds your mind
Looking for excuses but there's not answers to find
I'll always be here to make you feel alright
I'll talk you through these lonely nights
Nov 2023 · 79
Talking to you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Talking to you makes my day
No one else makes me feel this kind of way
I could talk to you for hours on end
When I feel down you bring me to a mend
You make me laugh till I'm about to cry
I love talking to you, I can not lie
Nov 2023 · 69
Waiting for you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You tell me not to wait when you know I'll never leave
Because you and I is something I really want to believe
Leaving is easy but I don't quit
And somewhere in your mind I think you know it
Attached by a rop I don't want to cut
Staring at a door I don't want to shut
I may wear my heart on my sleeve
You tell me not to wait but you know I'll never leave
Nov 2023 · 62
Too attached
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Perhaps I got attached too quick
But when I first met you I felt a click
Something in my head made me want you more
The most beautiful girl I've ever seen before
The way you make me laugh is second to none
Who knew falling in love could be this fun
I'd give you the world and more if I just knew how
When I look at you I can only think wow
Hearing your voice makes my heart skip a pace
You're the girl I never want to replace
Nov 2023 · 61
Modern day love
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
This is a modern day love story told through rhyme
A story I hope to tell for a very long time
I met a girl and she was sweet
Talking to her made my heart skip a beat
I caught feelings but was too scared to show
But I couldn't hold it in and had to let her know
I wrote her hundreds of poems telling her how I feel
Showing her a love she would know to be real
She didn't want to ruin what we already had
I tried to play cool but deep down I was sad
But I think in my heart she does feel the same
If this ruins our friendship then I'll take the blame
I promise I'll be here till the end of our days
I want you forever, you're not just a phase
Nov 2023 · 61
Drunk off your love
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't want to be just friends, I'll admit it
I'm drunk off your love, can't quit it
Can I speak from my heart for a minute
For a minute, think you need you need to hear it
Youve got me lost in my dam mind
Looking for answers but you're all I find
Tell me where we will draw the line
Because I want it to make you mine
Three in morning thinking I'm going crazy
Tell me what you're thinking about baby
When it comes to you I could never be lazy
You tell me to shut up well baby come make me
Think I'm lost again in a daydream, in a daydream
Hoping you can save me
Nov 2023 · 66
Last poem of the day
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think it's time for me to sleep, it's been a long day
Wrote to many poems, ran out of things to say
But when I close my eyes I still see you there
Just out of reach, life's not fair
Nov 2023 · 117
I want you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I want you, entirely and completely I want you
I want to hold you, love you and make all your dreams come true
Never let you go and hold on to you tight
For I will be here for you every day and night
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you
Entirely and completely I want you
Nov 2023 · 68
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'm so ******* in love with you, it's all I want to say
I know you'll get fed up because I'll tell you everyday
I've never felt this way about a girl I've met before
I can't ever just be friends with you, I'm begging for more
I don't care if I sound desperate because it's honestly so true
But I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Tell me to shut up, please before I say to much
Na **** it, I somehow fell in love with you before I've even felt your touch
I won't say it again and repeat the same line
Because you already know I want to make you mine
Nov 2023 · 485
Write me back
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Write me back and let me know how you feel
Does he really make you happy or is this not real
I may sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve
But I follow my heart with everything I believe
Tell me the truth because I'm begging to find out
Tell me everything you're thinking about
Nov 2023 · 73
That phone call
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I confessed my feelings to you on the phone
Laid out everything that I wished to be know
I cried my heart out, I couldn't take it no more
You're the person I've always been looking for
It's always been you and you said the same
I told you I loved you and felt no shame
My night look dim till I heard your voice
I couldn't ignore if I wanted to, I don't have a choice
You hold my heart with the tightest grip
A girl like you I'd never let slip
Nov 2023 · 61
Perfect for you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'll never be a perfect man but you make me want to try
I can't promise I won't fail, get knocked back or maybe even lie
Till my back lay broken and I'm falling apart
I will keep trying with all my heart
Fueled by love that you provide me
For you I'll be best version of myself that I can possibly be
Nov 2023 · 62
Intrusive thoughts
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I have to sit in silence or I'll say the wrong thing
Having to just listen makes my heart sting
Don't want to get angry or say something rude
It's not my intention to ruin the mood
So I'll sit in silence wondering what to say
Or my intrusive thoughts will ruin the day
Nov 2023 · 85
True beauty
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Looking at you makes me feel paralyzed
You're so god dam beautiful and youve never even realised
An angel questions it's existence when looking apon you
Everything I'm saying you know it to be true
In the universe nothing is made to perfection
But it seems to be you're the only exception
Nov 2023 · 76
When I finally see you
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Giving you this in person will be scary yet exciting
So I better use my best hand writing
I'll try and keep this short and sweet
But I love you from my head to my feet
Meeting you was my favourite mistake
Life took me down a path I'd never thought I'd take
I can't thank you enough for just being you
I wish you could see yourself from my point of view
Beautiful, funny and so so kind
A soul like yours is hard to find
So read this poem whenever you feel low
I care for you so much, more than you'll ever know
Nov 2023 · 70
Not a fighter
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I'm not a fighter I'm a lover but for you I'd hold my ground
Take on any battle that comes our way even if you're not around
And if I came back wounded I know you'd heal my heart
Pick up all the pieces and make it restart
Nov 2023 · 84
Searching for words
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I think I've finally ran out of words to say
I've been writing about you every single day
But I'll never write a poem good enough to describe you
The rights words don't exist and I don't know what to do
But I'll keep searching till find the right word
And I'll write the most beautiful poem that you've ever heard
Nov 2023 · 68
Off my chest
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
All of these feeling finally off my chest
Now I know I can lay to rest
I told you I loved you and you said it back
Hearing those world almost gave me a heart attack
Can't tell you how happy I feel
I've honestly never felt love this real
Say it again till it's tattooed on my heart
Because I've loved you since the very start
Nov 2023 · 83
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't write anymore poems about you, it'll make me feel worse
I beg you please unlock me from this love curse
Because I can't take it anymore, I feel so strong
I know in my heart with you is where I belong
I quite drunk right now and almost crying
I can't say I don't love you because I'd be lying
You mean so so much to me
If only you could look through my eyes and see
How I see you, I think I need a re-do
Because you make all of my words suddenly bleed through
Hold onto me dear because I need you
I still love you, I hope you feel the same way too
But I'm stuck underneath your curse, I think I'm dying
I love you way to much, I'm not lying
Nov 2023 · 59
[Her name goes here]
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't know why I fell so hard over you
But you unlocked feelings I never thought I knew
You may not be my first love but I hope you're my last
I want only you in my future and not in my past
Nov 2023 · 69
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
If you ever raise you voice at a woman then you're weak
Shouting horrible things you know you shouldn't speak
You don't control her, you're supposed to be a team
You don't realise you're living another guys dream
Honestly *******, your pathetic and insecure
One day she'll realise that she deserves more
Don't take her for granted or she'll just up and leave
Sooner rather than later I'd hope to believe
Sorry I've been drinking so my anger spilled onto the page
But the way you treat her fills me with rage
Or maybe I should just keep drinking
And let you know how I'm truly thinking
Because I feel like I'm dying
You keep her crying
And if I said this is all ok then I'd be ******* lying
I care way to much about this girl to be silent
But you're not worth fighting so I won't get violent
But if you saw her how I see her then you wouldn't treat her like this
You understand she's one in a million, something you don't want to miss
I think I should drink more till I pass out
But don't you dare break the heart of the girl I care about
Guess this is what it feels like to be on the outskirts
I don't think she understands how much my heart hurts
Nov 2023 · 76
Back in the storm
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I miss you now, more than ever
Now I'm back in my stormy weather
You've been snatched away by a controlling hand
The fairest lady's been locked away from the land
All I wonder is why him and not me
I'm not hiding behind some deep seeded insecuritie
There's nothing there if you don't have trust
Just an empty ship waiting to rust
I skipped off work tonight because I missed your voice
Now I can't talk to you because you don't have a choice
Don't think I'll stop writing you because he's in the way
You will alway get a poem every single day
Nov 2023 · 73
Why him
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
He ignores your messages, he clearly doesn't care
I always reply if I ever see one there
He doesn't even trust you, so tell me why him?
I'd be your candle when the world is getting dim
Maybe hes got money and maybe this is true
I'd work forever just to spend it all on you
Does he even care when you're dying inside
Because I can read you like a book so there's nothing to hide
Is he really what you want, will he be the one
Or is he just a bit of fun
I think falling for you was my biggest crime
If I was him for a day id make it last a life time
Nov 2023 · 748
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've fallen hard, please don't scar me
All I can ask is what are we
You say we're friends but it feels like more
I've never felt this kind of way before
Youre the madness, I'm the badness, together we combine
All I wish is to call you mine
Nov 2023 · 54
You give me life
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You give me life when I feel low
You give a reason to get up and go
Seeing you face brings me nothing but joy
All my dark thoughts you seem to destroy
I'd do anything in my power to see you smile
In the court of love I must stand trial
You make me laugh with out even trying
When we say goodbye it leaves me dying
I somehow miss you though I've never seen you face to face
Everything you do makes my heart skip a pace
Search you feelings, you know them to be true
You like me and I like you
Nov 2023 · 40
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've never felt like I've ever been enough
I never understood why life could be so tough
Dark thoughts hold me down, why's my mind playing a game
I only saw one way out of this eternal pain
I only saw red walking down this path
Unstoppable torment an unbearable wrath
I always hold out hope for a much better day
But an empty void is in my way
You held out your hand when I lost all hope
You loosened the grip to my tight rope
That voice alone guided me through the storm
Then a light at the end of the tunnel started to from
Can't believe god sent you my way
You we're the answer I was looking for everytime I would pray
Nov 2023 · 50
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
You tell me you love me when we're on the phone
But I'm still sat here all on my own
I hope one day I could say it to you face
Powerful feelings I could never erase
Missing you when I feel all alone
You tell me you love me when we're on the phone
Nov 2023 · 60
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
What's holding us back? Honestly tell me
Because you know I'm all in, it's obvious to see
I don't hide how I feel because I know I want you
All I can hope is you feel the same too
I think you do but don't know what to say
All I pray is you realise it one day
Nov 2023 · 51
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I don't just want you at your best, I want you at your worst
You may think when I write about you it sounds all rehearsed
But it's not, I only describe you as I see you
A girl so perfect, no one is ever going to be you
An angel could talk and my eyes wouldn't budge
No matter what you do, I would never judge
Everytime I write a poem you already know who it's about
And I would always write for you, don't you ever have a doubt
Do me on favour, never change who you are
I fell in love with this girl from afar
Nov 2023 · 51
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I work all night while you lie asleep
Knowing you're alone makes my heart weep
I hope you sleep well and your dreams will be kind
Wake up in the morning and I'll be the one you find
I worked all night and now I'm back here
Laying next to you I have nothing to fear
Nov 2023 · 47
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I want you more than I need air
I need you so bad I don't even care
If it makes me sound desperate or maybe even weak
Life without you makes my reality bleak
I don't understand why I need you so bad
But youre stuck in my head and driving me mad
I can't go a day without thinking of you
I think I'm addicted, you're more permanent that a tattoo
I want you to me mine and please don't fret
I'll be your Romeo if youl be my Juliet
Nov 2023 · 73
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I love our hellos but I hate are goodbyes
If I said I don't miss you then that would be lies
I want to tell you I love you everytime we part way
Then I'm stuck missing you for the rest of the day
Don't know why I feel like this when we say goodbye
But if I said I don't miss you then that would be a lie
Nov 2023 · 69
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We walk a dangerous line when we start to flirt
Because someones feelings are bound to be hurt
We can dance over this fine line
But in the end I just want you to be mine
Nov 2023 · 33
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
We can be friends but it will **** me inside
I think a tiny piece of my heart just died
For all the love I hold is directed at you
I bleed with emotion through and through
No one is good enough for you not even me
But I will spend the rest of my life trying to be
Give me a second chance at life and I'd find you again
So I could fall in love right there and then
Nov 2023 · 40
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I've told you things I've never told anyone before
Opening an exit but you still closed the door
I can open up I'm around you
And I so so happy that I actually found you
I find honesty hard but I have to let you know
No matter what happens I'm never going to go
When talking to you I've never been so happy
I know I write poems that can seem quite sappy
But I know your worth and you deserve the best
So I have to let this off my chest
In my eyes one in a billion, I can't describe you
You're the only cure I want to be prescribed to
It's weird how we've never met but I miss you all the time
You your the only one I think of when I write any rhyme
I kills me that you don't know everything I want to say
But this is just the start till I write you the next day
Nov 2023 · 43
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I can't stop writing, every word I bleed is you
Why do you have hold on me because I don't have clue
Just keep writing poems, more and more
This has never happened to me before
I've destroyed the alphabet and I don't feel no shame
You have a hold over me, I guess you're to blame
Nov 2023 · 48
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Hating myself because I spoke too soon
I'm now drinking again and it's not even noon
Hoping for a response and what do I see
Not a single message left for me
I got attached to quick but that's just me
Guess thats why I hide these thoughts through poetry
I now know my place and I'll stay in my lane
And hide these feeling deep within my brain
Nov 2023 · 59
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
God put me here to mend your broken heart
One of the kindest soul I've seen torn apart
Life can be cruel, I know this for a fact
But hold strong of me darling for this is only the first act
You will have bad days for that I'm sure
There will be days where you eyes start to pour
There will also be days when you fall to the floor
But I'm here to pick you up when your down on the ground
I'm here to wipe your tears when theres no tissue around
I don't judge or care for you past life of sin
People will be mean but you just have to take it on the chin
You have so much to offer that no one else could replace
Grab my hand, I'll lead you out this place
Nov 2023 · 55
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
I see you through the emotion you hide
You tell me your alright but I know you just lied
Tell me everything, I'll alway be here
You know I won't judge, you have nothing to fear
Lean on my shoulder if you need something to cry on
I'll be the one you can alway rely on
Or if not me then let your family know
They will alway help you when you're feeling low
I wish I was there to help you through any pain
Just say the word and I'll be on the next train
Or I'd race through the night just to wipe your tear
You can tell me anything, you have nothing to fear
Nov 2023 · 54
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
This isn't a poem anymore, I'm going to tell you straight
I think me and you should go on a date
I like you too much to hold all this in
Let's ruin this friendship and let us begin
This isn't a poem, I'm being serious I want you
You're stuck in my head and I don't know what to do
This isn't a poem, I think you can tell it shows
I really like you more than anybody knows
I'm not implying I'm asking will you be the one
This ain't a poem it's a love letter and this letter is done
Reply with with one word either yes or no
Then Ill know if I should stay or go
Nov 2023 · 65
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Put myself down with silly thoughts in my head
Wish it was me but you chose him instead
Am I good enough to even be with you
Or am I a hopeless romantic who hasn't got a clue
Please let me know because I'm dying inside
I've made my feelings clear, I have nothing to hide
But it seems that no matter how hard I try
He has something for you that I can't supply
Push me away before I get to sad
He's getting your love that I wish I had
Don't want to stop trying but my chances look bleak
But you hold the love that leaves me weak
Nov 2023 · 57
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Mum said you don't know her and she lives so far away
But Mum I think I love her, I cant feel any other way
Mum said you met her online, are you sure she's even  real
But Mum I'm being honest when I tell you how I feel
Mum said I will support you I just don't want to see you sad
But Mum this is the girl I want to introduce to Dad
Mum said follow you heart if you think you know best
Thank you Mum she's different from all the rest
Nov 2023 · 47
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Breathing getting heavy I cant take it no more
I think this is the moment we've both been waiting for
I grip your waist and hold you tight
You've got my lips trembling, I hope you don't bite
We give into sin as passion takes place
The look in your eyes makes me heart start to race
I feel your skin, so soft to the touch
I've been craving for this so very much
The taste of your lips make my blood rush
You can see my cheeks start to blush
United as one, it's all lead to this
A moment of passion and eternal bliss
Nov 2023 · 37
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
My heart can't describe how beautiful you are
And words can only get me so far
I would show you with actions but your not here
Maybe I'll get to show you one day this year
Day, night or even when I sleep
A day without you my heart begins to weep
Nov 2023 · 58
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
If you ever feel sad you can always come to me
I'll pick you back up and cleanse any insecurities
Let your tears flow down my chest
And all these demons we can lay to rest
For you are perfect in every single way
You're the only trophy I'd put on display
Nov 2023 · 288
Thomas Burge Nov 2023
Let's ruin this because I think we're destined for more
Don't know if you feel the same but I've never felt like this before
Because I know in my heart I would never let this end
This has transcended a love you couldn't comprehend
I've seen heaven with out dying
Felt true love without trying
And when I told you I loved you I wasn't lying
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