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they watch but they do nothing
as i struggle to grab up your wounded body
your arm just keeps falling and falling
and mine aren't strong enough to lay you back down softly

and i don't wanna drop you
so i try to take the worst of the fall
i say it isn't fair
you say it's not my fault
i try to believe you
but you're already gone
you deserved better

you deserved it all
i never should've have promised
that it'd all be fine
i tested fate
to soften the fear in your eyes
rocking back and forth
i try to choke out a lullaby
cradling your earthly form
and you leaden before i could kiss you goodbye
whats wrong with you people
how could you just sit by
how could you be so numb to suffering
you'd just let somebody die
if i jumped off a bridge
would you jump too
that's not really what i'm asking
but it'll have to do

relatively speaking
i'm asking do you follow
or are you hanging around
till i'm too much to swallow

if i needed to leave this place
would you pack with me
or stay and pretend it's all love
and be unconvincing

or hate me for going
and **** on the metaphorical grave
or realize i never meant all that much

i can't figure out where i stand
because i don't know what you stand for
i can't make any decisions for my happiness
if it means i'm gambling yours

my intent isn't to ruin what we have
but rather to save everything i can
and i would love to do it an easy way
but there are too many holes in the plan

so do you want to go with me
or do you need to stay
do you want this
or do you you want it your way

because it's not up to me
and it can't all go with the flow
i'm not asking if i should stay
or asking if you should go

tell me what you want
even if it's hard to own the truth
you have the power of choice
but you don't like to choose
the iceberg goes deep
you see more of me
than i do of you

its be easier if i hid
but i let you find my id
what are we gonna do...?
what i thought was evergreen
rotted in the snow
frozen in time
but it's time to let go

baring my shoulders
regret doesn't cure my sorrow
i used to love this
but tomorrow i'm gonna go buy a new coat

i'll just rub my hands warmer for now
and sit by the fire alone
threads disintegrate by the flames
memories play out in the smoke

it ain't so bad
you never really know
you never really know
you never really know
still got that hole in my chest
and limp in my walk
drinking shallow breaths
as i turn into the wall
i rested my head on
as i pictured bashing it in instead
till it became pulp
and the bad thoughts oozed out red
maybe then it might all be okay
but no it's still all wrong
telephone wire nooses
cut down before they get too long
stop calling cause i'm busy
trying to find a **** to give
before i spontaneously combust
before i even truly lived
cause the list is growing
and i'm not even started
cooking cleaning making nice
******* up and having to restart it
and feeling so irredeemable because of it
and incapable and sick to my soul
would call out but i can't
because i'm also ******* broke
would call you but i slept late
cause i spent all night losing my ****
its been so hard to sleep
that i've just started making lists
that never end and don't help
quash the feelings of distraught
the world tells me i'm an okay person
but i still feel like i'm not
almost misshapen or off put
a satisfactory answer for sure
but not the best example
not what she was looking for
so just off kilter
and not quite right
hard to love and
broken of mind

i've paced a circle
in the carpet of my mind tonight
and those ballerina feet left a trail of red
against the yellowing white alright

1 step
  2 step
     3 step

whatever happens

life imitates art
am i only meant to be beautiful
did i fracture the illusion by trying
sometimes i feel it, most times i don't
waiting for your judgement feels just like dying
no good
our love was corporeal once
soft between my fingers
til it burnt into my mind
then faded to an afterimage

i try and revisit the intensity
poking where i'm sore
and either feel nothing
or begin to curl in from the sickness

of a beauty i can't unsee
names i can't say
the love i once had
branded by the experience

i was superfluous and a liability
so i was left like fingerprint
right there but invisible in all ways that mattered
evidence never taken serious

now i hear whispers
and pretend that i'm deaf
i did let it go
but that doesn't mean you're absolved

i apologized then
because i knew that's what you wanted
never took it back but i never should've
my caring doesn't make me wrong

i remember when it all first happened
i prayed to feel the way i do now
but i never accounted for
the nagging melancholy of former glory

i'm fine now and i will stay that way
but i'm also mourning you
while you still walk this earth
it's strained and a strange way to live

my consciousness feels for the lightswitch sometimes
like i might wake up and it was all a dream
it's very much over but you're woven in my being
and i might not like it but it'll always be a very fragile part of me

touch is just no longer an option
is all
i'm counting down the days to go
i'm marinating in thoughts
i'm chewing on the worst of them
as i burn a hole into the clock
with my drying eyes
and ache for this time to come to a close
i've sat here for long enough
i've entertained every sorrow i know

i can imagine them all huddled up
laughing at my misfortune
repainting the picture and denying my character
my actions warped and my words distorted
the blame falls down on me
like an anvil in a stupid cartoon
i'm unable to defend myself
but for their acceptance, why would i even want to?

i've been ready to leave for a good long while
but i held out to see if i was mistaken
but the proof found me and i protected myself
and that somehow made me satan
so yeah i walked away and i'd do it again
i deserve more than to be of use
i believed you and what did that get me
other than abandoned and misconstrued

so have your little party and vilify me
burn me at the stake if you please
my worst crime being reactive to the abuse
and finally choosing me
over phony peace i only had
when i would bend to your every whim
compromise was never an option
and you were never a friend
punched out
headed somewhere
i don't have a home

when you were here
i was so lonely
but now i'm just alone

which might sound sad
but its better and easier
i'll find somewhere to go

for a long time
i thought you were always gonna be here
so i closed my eyes to not watch you go
it really should be so simple
to do the right things
remembering to eat
and going to sleep
but i stare at the ceiling
unless i take certain measures
and my tongue turns to cotton
my appetite has surely been better
so uninterested in what's left of life's pleasure
unbothered to set myself out to dry
sitting on shower floor
using my little alone time to cry
and life's actually never been this great
in many ways i'm growing
but i only see things i haven't achieved
and pain i'm not showing
its so weird to be in between
healed and healing
for the last couple weeks
i couldn't explain what i've been feeling
but maybe it will come back
the hunger for something more
until i'll just alternate
between being uncomfortable, suffering, or bored
what's up
i feel it happening again
you say you're a friend
but what if it is just
all in my head again

i felt so sure last time
that i don't trust my own perceptions
but it does feel nice to laugh with you
i shouldn't ruin it with questions
you reached out
and held my hand
and i've been so lonely
that i never want it to end
i bend myself until i
break and no one's there to save
me from the mess i made
trying to feel just a little okay

i'm hurting but there is no
treatment for the pain i'm feeling
i do all the work but i'm still not healing
i try so ******* hard but i'm still left dealing

and its always too much or too
far when it comes to matters of the heart
shouldn't take it so hard
but i'm falling apart

i'm crashing out at a thought of
you cause i've done everything i could think to do
i've been rotting for years but its still so raw
and new and thats my excuse
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