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295 · Jan 2018
God Sent // Tim
Emilee Cespedes Jan 2018
you managed to find me at my weakest time. right when i felt like love was done.
i am one to run from people like you. but you blew away the walls i built around me. and somehow you found a person in me i never met.
you see, i am set to the idea of people leaving.
so the absence of my father always brings me to tears, but in a matter of months you were able to replace 17 years of pain. i know, its insane to hold you in such a high place. but you helped me face my toughest battles.
i no longer feel alone.
ill never forget talking on the phone for hours, and the time that you bought me flowers. every song we sang and all the laughs that we exchange.
ill never forget every word you've said, it lingers through my head day and night. you saw a light in me. you broke me down and saw the real me. no one knows me like you do,
i love you
beyond 3 words can form. because of you storms make me happy.
how can a person make me smile when i hear the sound of rain.
all i do is think of you.
its a feeling i cant explain. i wish you could see what goes through my brain when the moment you are next to me, you are the perfect example of what a man is supposed to be.
because of you i know what to do if a man wont listen to me, if a man wont honor, i no longer bother a man who wont respect. i now know what is right and what is correct.
its crazy how much we connect. you have such an effect on me. you collect every word, every verb, every poetic noun that flows in me. so effortlessly my words never seem to slip away, you always listen to what i had to say.
because of you i know i have a voice because you never made me feel like a second choice.
so i can't help but rejoice in your happiness. instead of grieving on the thought of you leaving, you never stop believing in me.
i wish i could've valued time ive worked with you, and just listen each time you've asked me to put up a shoe, or fold a shirt. something i still can't do. but hey i'm still a better version of you.

thank you for taking your time with me, and raising 6 months of me.
i've become who i've wanted to be the moment you were ready to leave, so i can't help but believe that God has sent you at the perfect time.
i now shine brighter than ever before, i am so sure that you are someone i will never forget. Tim you are nothing but something God had sent.
wrote this about the most special man in my life

— The End —