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I still remember freshmen year as if it was just yesterday we walked through those unfamiliar hallways for the first time. Four years have passed and gone and now we're sitting here saying our last words, words that will be remembered, saying all our thank yous and all our goodbyes. It was in high school when we made our closest friends, hoped for places in sports teams, believed anything could come true even the impossible blissful dreams, and learned our first lessons in life. When you look back at those years you spent, memories come flooding back and that's all we'll ever have left; memories, photographs and moments of joy. I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
Dream until your dream comes true they say as they secretly take away what we ache for,
Standing here in front of what I could’ve been,
The empty words, empty stories of where I should've been haunt me because I desperately know what I’m missing.
The life I could be living
The love I could be feeling
The memories captured in photographs
The lessons learned through laughs
Dream until your dream comes true they said as they ripped it from the tip of our fingers,
Leaving us cold and alone with nothing but words left  unheard .
All the voices in my head whispering that I should run and hide,
Cause we both now this love won't survive but at least I tried.
And I saw you walking down the pavement hand in hand with someone new,
I couldn't help but feel like a dark shade of the colour blue.
All those butterflies you feel I'm sure she gets them too,
Makes me wonder if you felt it too back when it was just me and you.
                   Every time I watch her cross your mind,
                                                                ­                           I'll find the words to say **goodbye
In that moment for some vivid reason it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, like nothing and no one on earth could possibly take the pain away and in that moment I was given no other choice but to get up, **** it up, keep my head up, and grow the hell up.
For every moment you let pass you by, a memory is lost.
For every tear you shed, a second of happiness is wasted.
For every song you sing to, there is a story of that one person who was never supposed to get away.
For every heartache you have, a fighter is born.
For every smile, a person is holding back a tear at the corner of their eye.
I may be clueless at times and difficult in some moments but let me tell you something I'm not, yours. I'm not yours, that's my worst flaw.
I sat there with all the other passengers and I wondered if they had a story too.
I sat there by your side, as I held your hand the thought of never holding them again kept running through my mind, so I memorized every line, every curve just in case someday down the road I'll need them again.
As the lady in the background started announcing your flight number,
my heart stopped,
my eyes started tearing,
and my hand just couldn't let go.
This may have been the last memory we have together but I never got to say, remember don't forget what you've learned, don't forget to smile for the girl you've always known and mostly don't forget to always look back. Not every girl gets to say she watched the only person in the world she needs the most walk away, not every girl gets to say she sat in the middle of the airport with all the other passengers with a broken heart cause her passenger decided to fly away.
I just sat there looking at the gate, waiting for you to run back, I've seen this scene in movies plenty of times, the guy he always finds his way back to the girl.
So I'm here 10 years later asking, still wondering why on earth didn't you come back for me?
Couldn't you of loved me enough? **I could've been the best thing that ever happened to you.
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