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Dear Future,
I see you sitting there. Plying at my mind all the time. Undecided. You want something concrete. Security. Only you you don't understand my heart is not on the same page. It's not on the page at all. It is soaring. Riding the wind. The currents. I must be in motion. Always in between arriving and leaving. This is where I thrive. In this breath. The one I'm currently breathing. It is truly all I have and that is everything. I know you don't understand. how could you? You are the future. Ever ahead. Always the horizon. All I can say is one day I will inevitably meet you, upon my death, and o the stories I will have to tell.
It's ignorant
to pray for someone else
to be delivered
from their ignorance
so that they can conform
to your ignorance
When awake in the morning without you next to me
disappointment settles like a thick fog.
You are the first thing I want to see when I open my eyes
and the last thing I want to see when I close them.
When t hose do not occur it throws me in to a wobble.
It reminds me of the lyrics you like so much... "To love is to hate"
I hate when the space next to me is not filled with you.
You turned ME
upside down
          into a WE
A beautiful reflection of the both of us
So close
Skin of your teeth
By a nose
A hair's breadth
A stone's throw
Not quite
Don't I know
The duality of too much and not enough. I have heard both often. I'm too kind. I don't stand up for myself enough. I'm too sassy. Too friendly. Talk too much or not enough. Too smart. Too dumb. It goes on and on.
Everyone is individually a work of art and as any artist knows if you show a work you created there will always be a critique of what can be changed. It is a never ending cycle and it will never be perfect enough to suit everyone. So be unapologetically you. Be brave. Confidence in yourself is one of the most attractive things.
It's not an argument if your opinion doesn't matter.
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L iving
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H appiness
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