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"That's not a good hat
for a fine looking man.
That's a go to hell hat."
I said "I don't understand."
Steve piped on up
"Man, I'm trying to sell that."
To which Bob retorted
"It's a god awful hat!
When it is donned
and someone does yell
that it's ugly and fugly
you say go to hell."
So I bought two right then
and put one of them on.
Walked to the door and
before I was gone
I turned and I smiled
It was not a hard sell
"Well gentleman thank you
now go to hell!"
Duck, duck, goose!|
Now I'm on the loose
Chasing you in hot pursuit
From the spot you're tryin' ta loot
Yet I fail, there's no excuse
Now round I go, Duck, Duck, Goose!
Begging me to sit
Even for a little bit
Needing nothing more
Calmly sitting to explore
How I choose to fit
I got the call, it just came in
It's time to grab the gig again
Years I've waited, paced the floor
Now my *** is out the door
Among the darkness, we do flock
To piers, beaches, and old boat docks
We gaze in wonder at waters edge
For breath of air their lives are pledged
Eels, flounder, shrimp, and crab
Are all the things we get to grab
And place them in to buckets near
Then cook and eat them with a beer
The neck
The knees
The ribs and thighs
Are all good spots, it's true
The hips
The pits
The feet and sides
Are also good ones too
Don't go in the water
with a cut upon your skin
Don't go in the water
if you want to keep your limbs
Don't go in the water
It's been raining all this week
Don't go in the water
Not the river, bay, or creek
For if you go in the water
You will be the catch
To the very small bacteria
Entering through your scratch
Or switch the last two lines to:
To a hungry alligator
For you're definitely no match
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