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C Nov 2022
please don’t hug me for long

i don’t want to start crying ,,,
C Sep 2022
I dye my hair red so,
when i wash it out i can imagine the red water
as blood
I have to find my indulgence somehow
C Apr 2022
How does one
know they're in love
if love has yet to exist?
is it all just a scam?
is he the lion and I the lamb?
when he pulls me in by my waist,
does he only want a taste?

will i ever be his wife,
or will i get drawn in and stabbed with a knife?

what is love?
how does it sound?
what is love?
how are you bound?

how must we know?

im afraid i can't, so i must go,,,
C Apr 2022
who am i to you?
        cold wind stealing your breath?
am i someone new?
        standing face to face with death?

the tightness in your body as she stands against you covered in lace?
        the goosebumps after a fright lingers?
the way your hands begin trace?
        her eyes staring in a trance?
warm breath upon your face?
        the urge in a thunderstorm to dance?
am i just a glance?
a glance you give yourself in the mirror before leaving for class,
a glance you give after a night of lust
a glance you give to a girl walking as you pass,
a glance down as the snow begins to gust,
a glance you gave me knowing it would be our last.

who am i to you?
C Mar 2020
Why does my own house feel like a prison I can’t escape from?
I wish I could move out. I can’t deal with the mental anguish my dad puts me through. I just can’t do it anymore
C Mar 2020
Social Distancing does not mean Divorce...
My parents are getting divorced after a fight I had with my dad. This changes everything. My mom tries to reassure me I’m not the reason for this, but I know for the rest of my life this will haunt me
C Feb 2019
Do you ever wish,
that you could undo something you did...
But at the same time,
you wouldn’t?
My mind is racing, my thoughts are becoming overwhelming and I can’t take it any longer...part of me wishes it never happened, I could take it all back and forget about it, but then again, I wouldn’t want too...
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