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480 · May 2018
Toni's Song
Keith May 2018
30 on the speed limit 90 on the dash
I'm driving reckless I don't even care if I crash
Told the homies I was just going for a drive to get some air
But I'm swerving thru all the lanes and no pain can compare
To what I feel inside
I think I wanna die
I just lost my best friend
I can't do nothing but cry
I'm glad I saw her on her last day I don't know why
Why'd you have to leave me here and go to the sky
Toni why
How can I do this life without you
You were in Florida but I was all about you
My favorite aunt, we was joined at the hip
My favorite person, how could I ever forget
You used to get me all those things
Those kisses that would sting
My love for was never material
Now for you I sing
Like why
You only had one vice
I never met a person that was that nice
The soul of an Angel and you had the mood too
I don't know why it was Florida you had to move to
But I wasn't around then, what could I say
I talk to you more now than I did in your days
I'm crying now, I wish you could've stayed
I guess God has to take his best angels away
But it's ok because I know you're in a better place
And whenever there's a butterfly I see your face
A kind soul no one could ever replace
Someone that was too good for this human race
I'm running outta words to put on the page
I'm sure you would've loved Luke Cage
Since you been gone I done things you'd be ashamed of
I wish I could show you all the things I'm made of
I don't want to be someone you're afraid of
I hope whatever happens, you still have the same love
I really hope you can see me
Sometimes it's really hard just to be me
I'm learning one day at a time
Not a day goes by you're not on my mind
There's always something around here to remind
Myself of something I will never find
In Toni's passing, she will always shine
Maybe I had to let go of what wasn't mine
You deserved more than what you gained
Uncle d told me about that guy that left you in the rain
He took advantage of your kindness it brings me pain
Makes me wonder how many people did the same
I really wish I could make him feel the blame
But you'd never see me the same again
Turn the other cheek is what you taught me then
Hopefully for you heaven let's me in
Losing you really made me cold
This world is hard without your hand to hold
But no matter what, Toni I gotta stay bold
I promise to be strong for you, never fold
358 · Feb 2018
Arrow's Song
Keith Feb 2018
Allow me to introduce myself
My name is Keith Edwards, but you can call me Red Arrow
I've come to tell you who I am and what I stand for
Used to live in the 100s now I live by the lakeshore
I used to think that acting was what I was made for
Until I got old…..
Got my first phone in 5th grade, found that writing was my calling, and I picked up
Wrote stories and poems until my notebooks filled up
Writing on the paper what came outta my dome
But that paper fueled the fire that burned down my home
Everything I'm about to tell you is the opposite of a lie
I woulda been dead in the flames if I didn't try
To go save my momma before we would die
We jumped out a window, you can still see the scars
From when we landed on the concrete, looking at the stars
But I'm getting ahead of myself, y'all don't wanna hear my life story
I'm here to tell you I like horror, especially when it's gory
I got a good life, but i gotta make adjustments
Nobody in this room tryna see me in INJUSTICE
Yes I play games, but I'm definitely not basic
I didn't grow up with Xbox, but it's better than PlayStation
I watch a lot of stand-up and I see myself on that stage
I see myself as a comedian at times
And I went through a phase where I used beats to write rhymes
I'm socially awkward, but a really awesome texter
If I ever get a girlfriend, I promise I'll respect her
I'm a romantic with no hope, that's too true
There's a lotta stuff about this that I'm new to
Thinking about this, there's not much more to say
I just want a girl I can call Ms. Arrow one day.
I'm nowhere near done
Who else likes the show where you keep your phasers on stun?
Thinking about my life or when it really begun
I can be serious like that but I choose to be fun
I collect a bunch of movies, in memory of my Godfather who drove the Pineapple Express
I really should give this a rest
But there's a few more things I wanna get off my chest
I'm the biggest comic book fan, and not just in size
I'm not really a daredevil, but I believe in ghosts who ride
Shazam is the magic word that lights my Lantern
But I'd rather finish this part and continue with my banter
Big head, same sized brain, and I use it
But my temper’s the one thing I can't get rid of if I lose it
I can manage my anger, but that's not the issue
Every time I watch the Fault in Our Stars or Everything Everything, ya boi need tissue
My room is a Paper Town
But I'll finish this part, because that's enough said
But no matter what hat I wear on my head
Or whatever way I lay in my bed
Until they declare me legally dead
I will always be the Arrow that is Red
268 · Feb 2018
Keith Feb 2018
Sometimes I wonder what it's like in heaven
I spent so much time wondering where my head went
I lost my mind a long time ago, I swear it's true
I wasn't crazy until I met you
Sometimes I wonder why I see things that don't exist
A version of you that loved me, that couldn't resist
The thought of me with you for the future to come
Sadly, me and you never knew what it was
Can't say it was our fault because we were too young
Too **** stupid to know about love
Or anything relating but we did what we could
And somehow I knew it would never be good
And you can't blame me girl because I did my best
But I'm not cocky enough to say I was better than the rest
Everyday I think of you, and I feel it in my chest
It's too intense
Stuck in my jail cell, Im holding the keys
In my hands, can you take off this jacket please?
It's too straight to move

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if we had a common dependence
I gave you 5 paragraphs and you couldn't even give me a sentence
182 · Feb 2018
Keith Feb 2018
I'm not depressed, I'm just tired.
Tired of the lonliness and the third wheeling
Tired of watching everyone else happy with someone else
Meanwhile I'm alone, watching from afar
I'm upset by watching strange faces
Together in their spaces
Everyone in good graces
While I'm sitting there checking my shoelaces and Facebook pages
I'm tired of the life I lead
It makes me sad but I'm not depressed
I'm just tired
Tired of my shattered heart trying to place it's pieces in other people
Only to get broken even worse
Tired of being forced into this life of pity and sadness
But I'm not depressed
I might be sad and lonely
And broken and shattered
And ripped and tattered....
Maybe I am depressed
At least it's a word for my forever state of mind

— The End —