Our eyes wide open.
Observing the threads between us, holding, binding us up
In warm sheets together.
Arm in arm,
Taking your face near mine,
Our breath,
The same in my lungs
As out yours.
Dusk peeking through the blinds,
Tucking in behind the hills
Rolling past the window.
We let time
Because we knew,
Knew that there was more than breath
Being shared between the pillows.
Though we didn't say it then,
We felt the jolt,
The surge of energy through our organs,
Like the vibrations left wafting in the air after
An orchestra,
We lived briefly in that moment,
And we fell and crashed and burned,
And flung our charred bodies into each other.
In that moment,
Before we finished blinking,
Before your eyelashes parted,
allowing the luminous glow
of what you had felt reflect back
in my eyes,
I knew.
I knew.