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Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
The mistake of Ordas minions in the mists will challenge even the beaten Time! As a private worm, perhaps we are all seeking redemptive refuge! Anything can be lost in everyone, because the Saints are proud and hyenas, and the Angels are killing cedars! One can only encounter one who is left alone with caring Dear gazes; the prostitution of Betrayal is already affecting everyone - this is how we are fleeing inward to the snowfall! Black cubes are guarded by the energy of the body and it is not possible to prepare enough for a stunning doctor attack whipped with envious eyes!
Fists of gorilla heads on the destroyed pillar of the intellect - now that's the trend! He got closer to the unintelligible behaviors of Neanderthal s Cro-Magnoni! Compulsive silence also settles devastatingly on more eloquent Prophets if they cannot profess according to their Culture; a series of bullet-strewn words filled with jealousy strike the night - and missed again, as so often the sincere apology that destroys the Man and the cuddly child inside! It would be good to break out of the impossibility of Life and move to another Reality! One day, all that remains is a selfish reflection! Large thick lines of prohibition collide with blood vessels overzealous in the body; they pull themselves deeper and deeper and it is not possible to question with ultrasound whether the embryo is okay? The life-giving Universe is selected from a sliding, white material!
The condensed Silence still runs like a pea-eyed dread on our backs! "Stray over your head at night while you try to sleep.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
How much easier it would have been without the memory of the humiliated gymnastics, which, with the whipping of executioner ropes, haunted new targets every day with fear of death; only a few could understand the Truth of the present out of blood-soaked eyes! All human Judgments and murders could be measured against these only then; finally, every insidious glance was already a murderous thorn in our vulnerable hearts and we sobbed doomed to lonely orphanage like alamus, pathetic worms while we looked down at our own soul wells, gathering courage!
We could hardly hear that any of us had committed suicide because they could not bear the stigma-wounding evils of their bachelors! The writing campaigns also started with Executioner jokes! In a treadmill world, magnified evil also seems bigger, scarier! *****-smiled male pillars practiced slap-dancing times until the “others” could learn how to serve and pit at the same time ?! Washed, washed clothes also had to be reused, and the torn Budmilos bag cost a lot!
There could have been no pathetic chance for the Guardian to escape the apocalypse of everyday terrorist hells to Infinity! They were forced to tolerate the pain of the usurper as a lifeless object; the sentient Spirit was as much drained as the foreign matter from the tendons of skeletal bones!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
We are already stumbling more and more crustly into the idle Infinity, and we are rooted in a wooded mood; the vulnerable Soul is damaged anyway and the Will-pulled bodies eventually give up anyway! Distorting ratios are not dwarfed - but they increase by division! The dream of everything is a silent wilderness! It’s hard to cling to the forgiving power of chance, just like a smile close to a ditch! The Vacuum still exists in sheer space, even though there is no one to capture or fill it! There is always just a kind of alarming, internally warning selfishness!
It is becoming more and more difficult to look wolfishly and flirt with sincere Truth; the usual, homely Death is staring at us! Fear s Pain beats as expelled; the murderous silence devours our loneliness and the fact excites us that we can't get any closer to solving it! It takes place in the body and in the brain and produces some strange, chemical reaction! What we have become thickens into what really hurts! Every level you start leads to the darkness of the impossible! In the depths of restless souls it is difficult to live in peace!
Our shiver scale scans us all the way to our vertebrae and back! If we are helpless with the formula for solving situations in our heart chamber, there is a risk of explosion. In the hourglass press, the tiny grains trample each other orphan; they're in a hurry somewhere! The border is watching the barrier of the Spirit and often stirring underworld dust! Shards of self-digesting blood are also falling…
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
It is becoming more and more difficult to desecrate and die; Every roast pigeon word adopted for the Word can only be left on cracked lips! A meaningful conversation is interrupted and an embarrassing silence begins with a raging one! He forces himself into evasions as if he were being ***** by Honesty! - In well-washed Pilate hands, they land like cheap glue banknotes; bribery rates! The Truth itself became a nailed, leaking wound; bleeding constantly on its own! Confession, because you are forced to betray yourself more and more often!
As a god, the conscience is shattered from within: "Why did you have to choose an easier, served path ?!" "Incomprehensible will binds you and shackles your mind so that you can act!" Silent wounds and yawning cries can remain just instead of selfless help! In tumbling bodies, the watch clings to the dull beat of drums; as a sign of attention, everyone nods, though they may not know what Promised? In the cavity of black holes, how should we listen to horns? - Rolling Mirror-How to look back from Time so that the personality can no longer be distorted!
Arrivals should be received with crowded Judas pockets; dried meat sticks to the resurrected skeleton until eventually the disintegrating viscera of the naked body can remain! - The sly shape can still only flatten out; like a fleeing seal on a melting ice floe who drowns in life-giving water in atonement; the cat is always the one who plays with the mouse and never the other way around! As a killer, the Sun also distributes its nuclear fragments to the earth - yet it warms.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Not the Celeb Striptease that bitterly enters everyday life, the fierce spiritual sin that can reach the intentional peak in deliberately sold-out ****** pleasures! The stench of revenge that does not reach the perpetrators still smells so far! All the candles are already broken! Already, the ghost roller coaster is puffing in idiot showcase heads! As a stair constriction, they cut off the path from career opportunities! For pious handrails, you know, there is hardly any laurel these days!
Buksi also cherishes childish hopes for Hope, which is the only opportunity to hold on! Man would be forbidden to crush himself; on the trampled donkey ladders of careers, only the better known can have the prerogative! He can be succeeded as Susuphos by those who have managed to book accommodation on the shores of failure! The cultural and human **** lurking in everyone can still backfire and hit hard!
Thrown out depression should be forgotten; loudspeakers should stay away with their inexplicable accusations once and for all! Overbearing bad faith gets stuck in every fence obstacle! As an iron ball thrown into a river, he dredges in a confused seaweed, the unknown groping, who could better understand the giving emotions! A ship that has been sinking for a thousand years has become a beautiful prayer of morals and compliments! Things that happen happen are always always repeated, and the human mind often wonders: how does it exist to put young chicks in well-paying jobs with a giggle giggle ?! "Every scene tolerates the Traitor, but only a few trust him.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Even a sharp-roaring cold can’t fall well; Your ***** of true pearls will stick to the veins of your flaming face like a red apple and will smash and knock when they hit the ground! He would sniff high up, gasping for mountain air a little cleaner, preservable, like an asthmatic! Your confidence erupts in your wounded petal soul; your selfish life is nailed to a chair or table; you are starting to get used to it gradually: you can't be right either. They'll knock down your worn-out taxi clock!
What a killing, lousy slap in Life! And maybe for "some" it's the leader, because that's all there is left! Holy indifference already envelops you as a restraining force! The Present is creeping and twisting with Angola! And everyone hides back into their own flesh when they humble themselves! Depth and Height are already nesting there in everyone! A mysterious intuition of prophecy is often torn out of non-existence; decisions are forced out by the Word of Traitor! In your shivering smile, you may know yourself when the snow falls!
Your introverted loneliness is also becoming more Stone Age; your soul is constantly hypersensitive Irish on a barely known chessboard! The restless, curious child inside rubs the purple petal of your heart! With an open mind, you would welcome everyone to be your sincere Friends, but you are already going to the wall from the corinates of jerks! - You expose yourself to the fact that by listening to the solid vases and the rattling of fragments of memory, which are emptied of your past deprived life, you are still listening.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
His tickling mustache drew tiny pits on his bowed face; drops of sweat clung to the roaring Frederick's comet; he loaded his truck and knocked like a rhythmic chase into Infinity repeated to boredom! Only his beard could survive; it was just all your contacts! He carefully collected the contents of filled marmon cans as he did not throw anything out! The tragedy of forgotten football is the heart pounding!
The narcotic **** of the heatwave! Does your organization - not knowing - feel anything else; The road to Gyongyos Visonta is still very far back! Fifty years are barely past! He only shaved once in the mirror, and he always fought with the feeling of lack found! She has a beard! He never gave his dignity to anyone! - The tomb has been covered for decades; the October wind blows memorable obituaries! Whoever knew him could always listen to his wise advice!
I wonder what happened to the truck and the house; already in every perishing and even the tiny strands of idyllic childhood must be gathered together as truly precious True Beads! And as we inhale the yellowish scent of memories, we are also overwhelmed by creepy restlessness! "You are now looking at this ever-bustling army of ants from above, and you are shocked by the chaos that some have been able to get here!" Many times I still listen to his laughing laughing in my harassing mind; silent silent tears start on children's faces one by one…
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