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Sylindrythrae Sep 13
Former teal eyed creature infused in smoke and tequila, you were not yet dictated by the foam of Cerberus's mania, not a nailed muse to my hip, or punctured within my organs, bleeding on you my veneration; merely a buck for which a ****** goddess revered remotely the veins which would slither themselves on her countenance, should the stag perpetuate it as a bush to succumb on.
To Jassem: you were not as Mon said someone I used for inspiration, not in a perverted, impure way, but a muse to my expanding feelings and making sense of them through writing; I sincerely, deeply felt for you; neither knew how to communicate.
Sylindrythrae Sep 13
Edible, malleable texture extended on my derma, a foliage of peeled organs, burnt insides in dried sebum, a sorceress wilted by her nocturnal, pelvic hair, dense to the seamstressing of the Earthly immortal, a claimed follower, or patriarchy itself, a fervent javelin of oak, on which crawls in wet approvals the tangled naturalness plucked not consensually.
Waltzing with a figure who wore her heart on a sleeve, her fingertips touching the materials of ex partners drenched in mud: patriarchy, *** stereotypes; freeing herself through creativity and openness to inwards.
Sylindrythrae Sep 12
Undersold circular vow, encrypted against ingrown shards - the seedless mother Neith from which gore split her superiority to low frequencies devouring their black spinel printed offspring, denied not her abnegation in self-preserving - thy wing span crowded inside my *****, a cross bathed in salt and dried seaweed, siren to my purity.
Returning to self, to my creations, my creativity, rather than further harbouring a shared misery, sunbathing underneath our mutual insecurities, unresolved trauma, pent-up feelings. I set you free, as you wished; I let go a few years ago, bit by bit.
Sylindrythrae Sep 12
Energetic waste of eroded threads on which a third party - an acrobat weighed by its light, translucent derma, the inward unpeeled organs, self-control to not cling to its ascension - blinded her nucleus, the core concept of having should be an abortion, irreversible eerie and stream of numbness, emptiness, withdrawal discoloured my roots, staining the texture in co-dependency - tungsten immortality of my soul pledged to merge with hers, a melange of decayed Achilles.
Point of reference: a former ex lover and best friend who dealt (possibly still does) with severe depression, drowning in its effects, self-hatred, to which a plot twist further fuels her state: the awareness and knowledge that she was supposed to be aborted; our bond being briefly described as co-dependency; with me putting her above my needs; and the third person being the authentic me, cutting through the illusions.
Sylindrythrae Sep 11
The softness malleable chord of your voice, lyra's entrapment of a disfigured nymph, whose skin loosens on mental charades.
Another dedication to the very same Taurus person; rather finding his voice soothing, and using self-expression and creative freedom to waltz with it.
Sylindrythrae Sep 11
Your venusian string, marble powder dry to its feather-sculpted end, frail to stain my skin with its purity - delusional craving of merged entities; muse infused with surface adoration, delayed monthly my sweltering escapism.
Dedication: to a minor crush who happens to be a Taurus (hence reference to venusian); and hope to have been mutual interest or at least curiosity; using him as a muse.
Sylindrythrae Sep 10
Strawberry jam leaking its achenes on tastebuds swollen by the scarcity of interdependence; natural redness oscillating with the intention to bite my tongue.

A special note to a former homeboy (happy birthday)

Your hoodie's borrowed my skin, texture diffused in fragrance of my fleeting tendencies, wingspan of my overwhelm drew extrinsic lines, a vermillion signature of insecurity.
Looking back at a bond I had with a former best friend; struggling to fit in, washed by guilt, past wounds, and the innocent desire of wishing him would've seen my reconciliation intentions as pure; alas, we both were barely afloat.
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