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B Feb 2015
Did he make you smile so much your cheeks were sore?
Did he kiss you the way the sun kisses the horizon at sunset?
Did he ever get so lost in your eyes that the only way to release him from the trance was by closing your eyes?
Did his hands shake at the thought of losing you?
Did he ever admit when he was wrong?
Did he want you and only you?
Did he tell you that you meant so much to him that if he lost you, his whole world would collapse?
Did he send chills up your spine the moment his skin touched yours?
Did he allow you to be free to make your own decisions?
Did he make you the center of his world?
Did he love you more than you loved him?
Did he allow you to free yourself from him so that you could be happy?
Did he remind you of how much he loves you everyday?

I'm sorry, but he never loved you.

B Feb 2015
I loved you more
than the moon
loves the stars,
but you treated me
worse than the
dirt beneath
your feet.

B Feb 2015
Love me like a sunset.*
Sunsets change everyday;
the colors change,
the clouds constantly create
new art in the sky,
the sun is brighter on some days,
other times it's cloudy.
Love me like a sunset.
Take my breath away
Keep me in awe
Surprise me everyday
Love me like a sunset.
Kiss me like the sun
Kisses the horizon.
Kiss me until the
stars come out
Love me like a sunset.  

B Feb 2015
I don't miss your lies.
I don't miss how you used me.
I don't miss how you never cared.
I don't miss how you hurt me constantly.
I don't miss how you'd yell at me.
I don't miss how you made me cry.
I don't miss feeling alone even though I had you.
I don't miss telling you I love you.
I don't miss contemplating whether I should leave.
I don't miss how I was afraid of you.
I don't miss how angry you were.
I don't miss your threats.
I don't miss how you treated me.
I don't miss you.

B Feb 2015
He ripped open
my chest and planted
seeds in my lungs
hoping to
grow flowers
But only weeds
emerged from
the scar he left.

  Feb 2015 B
I wish I could be there with you
and wipe away your tears
and go pummel whoever made you cry
in the first place

and I wish I could help you
make your dreams come true so you
would believe that all you ever needed
to do was believe in yourself
so you could fly

and I wish that I could tell others
of how wonderful you are
even with all the scars of the past
and remind them that they have pain too
but not to let that get in the way
of the light your bring to the table

and I wish oh how I wish you knew
that you are loved and cared for
and designed for a greater purpose
than the bleakness in front of you now..
I hope one day you realize these things.
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