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I will hug you one last time
Our hearts will ache cause of saying goodbye
We will kiss and our tears will mix
The inevitable will take place
I fear that day
For after Someday
We might not breathe the same air together
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Words are words but once used verbally they turn into pain....
I never understood why you hated me so much...
Why are you so angry at me why must you treat me that way..
Do you forget you&me; are related same mom same dad
but yet i get treated like im a stranger to you
hate.. love... but once im gone you'll cry some tears
not for long maybe as they sing a goodbye song
you are suppose to be my mentor..
not make me hate you
but know we are out of time as im watching how you cry over me dying ..
why now that i am gone show love ???
when i was on this earth it was like i was invisible
feeling like a prisoner yelling show me some love
but know we are out of time because i am gone
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Jared Eli
I just called to say hello
(My original phrase was 'I love you')
I hear you're doing great
You went on a date
With a guy I know
So I think that's dandy
And I'm saying so
(We both know I don't mean it)
You're moving on
(I can barely rise in the morning)
And that's just exactly what you should do
(You should come back to me)
Maybe I'm going out too
(You are my only love)
And maybe I'm moving on
But nobody told you
Because they all got together
And decided not to
(I need you)
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Jared Eli
She walked with a skip in her step
Like a stone on the water of a lake
Her graceful gliding interrupted
Only by a joyful spring in the air
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
A flower so pretty stands so tall
It grows and grows arms up the wall

A rock so hard, no windows, no door
A perfect home for one -- no more

A tender snail, so calm, so slow
Knows much too much than a snail should know

A ***** quilt upon a bed
warms and calms who lays his head

A single tear from a cloud above
Who has not been shown enough sweet love

A tree in the woods, hidden away
Grows alone in a crowd, the wind it obeys

An old man in a chair in a big, empty house
Remembers, in silence, his long gone spouse

A flower whose arms strangle a rock,
A small knowing snail who forgets you not,
A quilt wet with tears dreams of stars and sun,
A tree with a dream to sing and run,

All of these things, I am like them all
Even the man who seems very small
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
She was a girl so young and sweet
And eyes that sparkled blue
Who whispered her wish into the wind,
Her love to find her soon

She wrote him letters
Late in the night
With questions of who?
When? and just what might?

She sealed each letter with a kiss
And was sure to put the date
She prayed to God far up above
That her love won't make her wait

She lived each day with a settle hope,
And slept each night with a yearning dream
Her muscles ached to feel his touch,
Her heart bursting at its seems

So in love with a boy
This girl has never met
She whispers to him through the wind
Her heart on him is set
For Olivia, the girl who waits
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
If friends were flowers, I'd pick you.

I would gently pluck you from
The softest of soil.

I would bring you inside and place you
in a vase of glass that best
compliments your petals.

I would place you on the windowsill
So that you could soak up the sun
And watch life as it passes.

And people who pass by and look at you
With their eyes of envy will see
And they will know that this
Beautiful flower belongs to
A very lucky me.

And how lucky I am indeed
To have a flower as a friend.
For my dearest friend, Olivia
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Johnnie Rae
I am the ocean.
I am the waves.
I am the embrace of the
salty water, in which you crave.
But I am more than this
in my entirety.
You swim in the shallows,
of my beauty.
But do not dare lurk
into the darkness beyond it.
You fear the monsters that reside
in the depths of me.
You are happy in your ignorance,
because ignorance is bliss in this instance.
You are no daredevil explorer
simply a tourist.

Remain in blissful ignorance; I do not blame you for this.
We were told to write a poem in English class. My teacher literally came in, sat down, and said, "you have 40 minutes, write a poem, go"

We had 40, but I was done in 10.

— The End —