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Suresh Gupta Mar 2019
Drum Beat

it's another land
Someone else's war
Rumblings carried on the wind
Too faint

Not my land
Still someone else's war
Now I can hear the explosions
Interspersing the beat

It's distinct
Still not my war
Amongst a thousand
The sound of a single bullet

Deafening explosions
Cracking, snapping, buzzing
By the millions leaving the muzzles
Whaling, screaming and even the whimpering
But the beat is constant

The beat is constant
The whimpering, the screaming,
The buzzing and the snapping
Those explosions they are
All in my head, and now
It's my inescapable war
And the drum beats
Suresh Gupta Mar 2019
Dome of Solitude

To add to it, will only diminish it
Suresh Gupta Mar 2019

Vortex of birth and rebirth
Understand we must
What is a life worth
Is the price extracted - just
Suresh Gupta Mar 2019
An Ode To...

Wrinkles hide
Youth lived
Loves lost

Age couldn't hide her elegance
Posture accentuated her gracefulness
Softly Spoken, never to repeat her words
Touch so gentle, sensations deeply felt

Whether in simple garment or a gown
Decked in jewels or a strand of pearls
Proficient in many languages for sure
Exuding serenity thru and thru

Indifferent to status and standard
Company sought by both hi and low
Many a friend, and none if any foe
Reminisced by young and old

Moments together, all we needed
Like bashful children to the end
The sly smiles that lit our faces
None of these can ever be lost

We were not meant to be
Her eyes reflected, me to see
She is still holding my hand
As I hold her, in my heart
Not everything in life has to be sad or serious
Suresh Gupta Mar 2019
Apocalypse - World War I

Wasn't this promoted as the "War to end all Wars"

Eager to join, those ignorant souls
Rallied behind the sound of noises, sold
None wanted to miss a chance at fame
Or be called out by their brothers and put to shame
None had experienced the battle cries
Or could conceivably imagine the horrors invented
It became a field for new weapons tried
Their fate, of mass death, was already cemented
Most went to the front line, grossly ill equipped
Believing they'll return soon, as they got shipped
Neither bunker nor trenches were safe harbor to troops amass
Choking, convulsing, fighting to breathe
As they succumbed to the poisonous gases
Lungs crying out, as you hear life's last wheeze
Clambering to climb out of death trap trenches
Only to be ensnared by razor infused barbed wire fences
Then mowed down by bullets thousands per second
From machine guns, another unknown weapon
And what new monster is this item called "tank"
Crushing everything beneath its metal tracks
As all hope of survival drained and sank
Leaving the officers and generals dumb founded in their barracks
And if these were not enough to demoralize the most patriotic spirit
There was that deadly shower that rained down from the flying bird
The only glory lost souls got was a shiny badge of merit
There is no end to this gory tale you must have heard
In trenches, on land and from the sky came the death calling
Over twenty million lost their lives as those innocent bodies kept falling
Those scenes from "Apocalypse World War I, imprinted on my mind
Why intelligence keeps failing, the reason, I cannot find.
Suresh Gupta Mar 2019
If I Could Reach Out and Touch

You drag yourself out of bed
Mostly, looking half dead
I watch and mimic
Every move you make
You are stumbling to find words
Your tongue twisting in dry
Acrid juices
You look pathetic
Dragging me down with you
Your promises are hollow
You make them everyday
Making yourself presentable
You leave me, as I dread
Trapped in two dimensional
While you indulge
In your addictions
Till I see your haggard self
Face me the next morn
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
Reflection in the Mirror

Nothing matters
If you like
The Reflection in the Mirror
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