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Sukanya Basu May 2019
Epicurean boisterous lad,
Had an animal farm in the late 90's
Had windy hair and dusty gloves

Used to shoot in daddy's farm,
Sheryl's ***** bottle she had shared with men
And a couple of animals

He had a parallax view
And the patriarchal buzz
And, a moustache with whipped cream from the dairy farm

He missed his shot,
When she walked past him without a clue
90 · Jan 2019
Trick or Trojan
Sukanya Basu Jan 2019
Merciless to attempts of bearing your heart,
He dressed up in flowery carnations
Truest of the fidelity, winter grabbed your hand
A mock of self esteem, history taught Athenian women
To be bold and ruthless

He thought Sunday would be a bloodbath,
By Monday you'd sleep in your bed
Athenian women wear bricks on their genitalia
It is hard to summon love

A little dance and **!

If it had to be a Monday morning
where children aren't slaughtered with rendezvous of competitive parents fighting fugitive,
And Sunday would be left behind
No Emily! Monday is for love making

Might I dance the trojan horse
And sneak into your heart,

Manners hath not maketh man.
90 · Dec 2019
Sukanya Basu Dec 2019
I'm sorry, but I am terribly ****** up.

I'll try to mend things and smell your hair occasionally
I'll try to wipe medicines and love letters off your turquoise stained coffee shirt;

I'll even apologize and mend what's mine
I'll bare my heart to you,
I'll bare my heart to you
My dear Valentine.
90 · Dec 2021
Sukanya Basu Dec 2021
In the light of the war,
I am woman of all;

Woman, mahila, mujer;
This is more than your nephew
Who came out of your aunt,
There are artistic chemistry
More epiphany under the sun;

My hip bones are strong
But so is my mind,
You have unleashed a beast
I won't be shunned, I won't be kind;

You have released the Kraken
She comes with claws
Yet she always saves her newborns
From other Kraken Jaws
89 · Jan 2019
No man's land
Sukanya Basu Jan 2019
lies between cyanide and methane,
Geographically non-traceable

Has no life
Neither tropical favourites

Soil is like an angry ****
Bears no hills

Rumours run true,
men have killed themselves

It serves as an empty pain,
It bears my name.

Welcome unto,
No Man's land.
87 · Sep 2019
Sukanya Basu Sep 2019
There are puddles near my house,
Puddles near my heart

You have got to be an artist
You have filled my life with art

I will sunshine you with love,
Don't leave me alone my lovely,

I will rest in peace
When I'll share an umbrella with you.

Can I share an umbrella with you?

Tell me my lovely,
I have hid my pain with failed attempts and perfumes.
87 · Sep 2019
Sukanya Basu Sep 2019
I'd like to pack my suitcase
For the night
And drift away
In the high sky.

I'd like to ask who are we or
Who am I
When the northern wind blows over the sea

I'd like to ask what we are going to be
Whether fifty or free,
I'd like to lie on the softest grass
Under the skies
For an eternity.
87 · Oct 2019
To Melpomene
Sukanya Basu Oct 2019
To Melpomene,
I owe you stars
I'm sorry that I fell in love
I'm sorry that I miscounted my ways
And adhered to the blissful days;

I parted ways with grief and shame
And fell in love yesterday
I fell in love and stepped in vain
I am now a man in chains

Rousseau forgive me for this muse,
I fell in love and that's no excuse
I am ashamed of my silly pride
I locked my yesterday during search and hide

In an attempt to ease my grief
I stepped into an era of sleep
And now I wake and look at light
Love is faux pass, no more mine to keep.
87 · Sep 2021
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
"What is 'Revolution' mum?
And why are there men with hats?"

"They fight for the country baby,
They are the good lads"

"Then what is my sister doing?
Holding placards and such?"

"Oh, that is nothing,
They are doing just for fun"

"She cries at home mum,
I don't want her to be sad,
When I asked her why you don't support her
She replied that you thought it was bad
Mum, she fights for the right things
And not for lies that are sold,
She says maybe you are deluded
And your thoughts are frail and old."
Sukanya Basu Oct 2018
I wonder if it is normal for people to pass through a stage where the obvious is the content by which we spill tears every day or that our lives and eyes come to a total zero. There is no hope for recovery and you know that this is the most horrible phase to be stuck in. There is no movement for the future or any optimistic approaches to be happy or be better in the nearing future. Life is tough and i have to accept it at this point. I know that there are various kinds of depression which we face everyday. There is the economical one, and also people are healthwise improper due to which they lead a very uneasy life. But there is the thing about mental trauma. Mental trauma kills everything on the inside. It's like a ******* acid truck burning everything inside you. There is no lead forward, there is no happiness beyond and lastly even if you cry for help, no one will be beside you. You stand alone. You are alone and you have to face all of this by yourself. If you want to **** yourself, you have to cut your veins, there won't be anybody beside you.
I hope i go to a pretty world next life.
I really hope so.
85 · Dec 2018
Sukanya Basu Dec 2018
Snow has gathered and it's time to go
I wonder whom I'll chase
I have packed my bags for the holidays
But home is a person, not a place.
84 · Nov 2018
Sukanya Basu Nov 2018
I'll be waiting with dead roses
In a little horse and prim
White roses are sinful
And I ain't your kin
I'll be calling out to you
When it's dark and grey
I hope you come back home
And make love to your prey
I hope you come back home
And love me everyday.
84 · Sep 2021
Maybe I will
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
And now it's raining,
What a perfect day to ****!
I have washed the blood
With my blackened eye
An wrote you off the will;

I hope that you find amusement
When I fight your battles
I'll keep shut, bow my head
And I promise I won't tattle

It's a shame on a rainy day
To **** men and joy
I hope I can replace him
With another boy toy.
83 · Dec 2018
Sukanya Basu Dec 2018
papers are one dollar each!
Sentiments are beyond reach!
My pet dog seems to be busy scraping of dead meat off the ground
Smoke and gold, a melancholy!
The honorary debate between mistrust and a dead fetus!
The wait for a pension which serves blood and redemption
Who would have thought that drama was scarred on my *******!
As to who stabs whom,
Tell me more of your fables
full of
83 · Aug 2019
Sukanya Basu Aug 2019
I left an umbrella at the bus stop
The umbrella was yellow and grey
It had broad stripes on either sides
It was used during rain and a sunny day

The umbrella was left alone,
Along came a dog with a bone
And in the ardent summers of may
Beside the umbrella it lay;

A day later, A man came with his wife
She looked at the umbrella and thought it was pretty nice
They waited for the bus to arrive,
But the umbrella lay still at the side

It was one day when I came back again
And saw the umbrella held it's place,
It's handle was broke and filled with grease
It was filled with holes, yet stood with ease
It fell on the ground
When it was pushed by my little niece
My umbrella was abandoned again,
It had gone weary and with rusty chains.
Sukanya Basu Apr 2019
soft fur

methyl scented grass

little black eyes scampered

bit off the ends

chewed and then

was shot dead

soft fur

now red.
82 · Dec 2018
Sukanya Basu Dec 2018
Mom, help me
Help me please
There is a monster
In the bed beneath

I cannot understand the world
They think I'm lying
Help me please!

Tell them that the sky is purple
Tell them, that the world is dark
It scares me!

I tell them I see ghosts!
I see them crawling in my headspace
They whisper death in my ears
They show me new ways!

I'm not an addict, i have seen people leave
They made me cry mom
They lied to me, please believe!

Mom, hold me at night
I want to see the stars
I want to see pretty pictures in your eyes

I try to clean my eyes
I clean them everyday

I try to breathe but they stare at me in the night

Mom, please love me
Please love me

I want to put an end to this fight.
81 · Sep 2023
Sukanya Basu Sep 2023
And gasping for air,
It is a polluted wasteland.
The way you unbutton that ghastly shirt
and sigh along your neck tie

Good sir, Do you want to step out for some air?
Cats and Dogs are dead everywhere

I push and pull
You pull and push
You had me inside a 5x5 cage,
I wanted to die of old age;

I tied the tie in a loop
and forced fed you a month-old soup

You choked, I gasped
I developed a rash
Your face became blue
I love you too

And yet, when I cut your tie
There were tears in your eyes,
A story about Wanton boys and flies;

You broke my cage and let me free
But kept in you
A part of me.
78 · Dec 2018
Sukanya Basu Dec 2018
Who are we,
Are we who we say we are
Are we the friends we pretend to be
Are we the lovers we fake at night
Are we the people we promise and then lie

Who am I,
But an illusion,
Lost in time
Blind, and in love.
77 · Apr 2019
Orange skies
Sukanya Basu Apr 2019
In this vast sky and land of green,

I look for orange skies it seems

In midst of pain and sudden grey

I am an unwelcome home to stay;

In death of you and your ghost it seems

I still search for orange dreams

In dusk I find the lies and truth
I find orange skies when I think of you
76 · Jul 2019
Sukanya Basu Jul 2019
How hurt are you,
Brother how hurt are you.

Are you tired of your fruitless attempt of falling love
And chasing sunsets,
How hurt are you.

Who hurt you brother?
Who hurt you?

Was it a pile of rubble
Or the midnight train,
Who hurt you?

Are you dead brother,
Are you dead?

You have died a thousand times in your heart
And shot a bullet through your head.
75 · Oct 2018
Sukanya Basu Oct 2018
what is your religion i asked Jesus
He said command of life
I asked Ram, the prophet and chronicles of brave
They said they died under a knife
I asked the beggar whom he worships
Money and a certain flower
Religion is a questionable thought
which changes by every hour
What is a relic i ask
what is God
what is power
whom to worship
whom to kneel to
what is religion
what is a blind man's idol
I asked the
73 · Jun 2020
Sukanya Basu Jun 2020
By the time I was 30,
I was delusional about warmth,
July, May and April
Or the closure of human arms;

It was pointless to argue
Caesar met his end,
I turned my back, everybody was gone
I needn't count to ten.
73 · Nov 2019
Sukanya Basu Nov 2019
I want to sit in a bathtub and cry
And sniff the steam and the pain
And the meanders and harrowing clean snip snap of my veins

I'd submerge myself into a land of pirates and ships where limits are endless and I sniff the steam from the engine's gate

Only to see that there is water beneath

My feet is dry and I submerge to endless breath and void
My Skin defeats the straight of sin and I am left with no choice.

My bathtub is the ocean floor and fishes gleam and glow
My childhood is crying next door
And I, am no more.
71 · Jun 2020
Sukanya Basu Jun 2020
I wish I could have run away a little different.
My lego and the birds in the skies have shuffled themselves into arrows pointing towards a disaster, and I wanted mom to clean up my toys and the mistakes I had made on the way.

When I read about Natural disasters, they never spoke about you.

Or what I could lead myself to believe.

Will writing postcards solve my problems or prevent the world from breaking apart into races and shallow pretence where we don't run after dead birds falling from the sky or mirrors that speak about why you drank yourself to death at four in the morning when your mom killed herself.

Do they talk about you?

I wonder why they never teach us in our eight grade to never fall in love or that your dog might die someday and you'd be too young to understand why everybody leaves.

I hope by the time I am 35, I'd have someone to interrupt my black and white movies and say silly things that would make me so annoyed that I'd kiss him and never let go.
71 · Nov 2019
Sukanya Basu Nov 2019
Into a lunatic's drive,
I disheveled my car
It was made of melons, pineapple and figs
And an apple fish head ****
It has dead flies
Into the fiery lake, my Lucifer lives in a monastery
I rotate my cross
I hood my disguise,

My lucifer is made out of lies.
71 · May 2019
Sukanya Basu May 2019
One day I'll stop sending songs to you
And we'll retreat on to open fields
We'll dance with wrinkled socks
In the Artic between bears and seals

We'll find a way and paint pretty skies
I'll finally get to see you laugh with the sunset in your eyes

One day, I'll stop pretending to hate you
And hold you tight

I hope that one day will come someday,

And it shall last from morning to the night.
Sukanya Basu May 2020
My mother told me that Gold fishes were priceless
I doubted her like her previous lovers,
I wondered why she never replied to my letters
Was she a fraud under-cover?

I wondered what happened to my childhood friend
She had killed herself, I never could see the end

I wondered why she hadn't written back?
Was it because of the love she never had?

I wondered why gold fishes were necessary,
She is prettier, they aren't extraordinary
They swim and they ease into the background
They aren't relevant,
They don't make a sound
They die when their owners don't take care of them
They float they don't feel pain

I think I am a gold fish, I swim to the brim
I get hurt and suffer and yet,
nobody notices a thing.
70 · Apr 2020
Sukanya Basu Apr 2020
You keep eating melons like you're kissing me,
You curl you lips on it like you are missing me

And I stare as the light falls on your eyes,
Everyday it's like a lullaby;

I may have God on my side to feel your skin,
You are an art of Van Gogh to begin with

I know I lie when I say that you are mine,

Into your eyes
It's a disguise, in the sea and the stars
With every thunderstorm I rush into your arms
Then I wake up next to you and you were never mine,

It's a lie, you're by his side.
70 · Nov 2019
Sukanya Basu Nov 2019
I keep bowing down to you,
You are mine to keep.

It's time I'd forget that
And wipe my tears and go to sleep;
I'd find somebody else

I blink and I deceive.
69 · May 2020
The summer song
Sukanya Basu May 2020
I remember when I met you back in winter
It was snowing outside and really cool,
I meant to send postcards through the summer,
I wanted to hand you the moon;

I remember every book that you were reading,
You face glowed like crystal through the noon,
I'll love you forever, my lovely,

I'll hang myself really soon.
68 · Sep 2020
It's alright.
Sukanya Basu Sep 2020
The truth is,
everybody is sad;
Someone lost their mama,
Someone killed theirs,
It might have been a long marriage
Or he might have been insincere
Your friends might have left you
Or your pet collapsed,

You need a death pill,
She won't love you back.
68 · Sep 2020
Sukanya Basu Sep 2020
Sometimes you reach out to grab the moon;
Only to realise, it is a false satellite screen.
68 · Jan 2019
Sukanya Basu Jan 2019
I'm an anorexic womb of hate and guts
But the dawn of May, i must **** myself.

May taught me that he may come back.
Or that he may not.

Psychologically you may lick the blood of your neighbour
But then again, you may **** her unborn child
Or you may not

Have you seen May? the girl who lives down the lane
She slept with many men, but not with their souls.

She may be my new friend.
I may sleep with her too

He may love me someday and
I may return my love for him.

But then again,

I may not.
68 · Dec 2019
Sukanya Basu Dec 2019
My grey hair and seventy,
I have falsely grown my teeth,
I stand naked under city lights
I have cancer in my knees;

My wrinkled torso and mid-day job
Put me in my grave with bore
I remember the days I had little money,
Grades in my 10th grade I had scored;

I feel alive today under city lights
Once again I have been born
Before I die, my eyes should see the city lights
Instead of grass in the lawn.
67 · Apr 2020
Sukanya Basu Apr 2020
She walked into a room to find
butterflies that their owners had left behind

They were dead and scattered around;

She fell on the floor and shut her eyes

he ripped her head and stabbed her twice,

She was left to die
In a room full of butterflies.
67 · Jun 2020
Sukanya Basu Jun 2020

February roses and dreams of being an author;

It's absolutely drastic and dark
To think that things work out in the end.

Do not send me poems or sunset pictures;

I hate Romance,

I hate that I can't un-love you.
66 · Nov 2019
Sukanya Basu Nov 2019
They are strangers;
They talk about the sun, the leaves and how they made love when they were seventeen,

They are strangers;
If I may, I observe the spring as it succumbs to a hurricane,

They are strangers;
They evolve from chimps
They drink from their failures and dive into their sins

They are strangers;
They are like metal bars with rust

I am a stranger,
And I'll soon evolve
Into dust.
65 · Dec 2020
Sukanya Basu Dec 2020
It is made of wood
You bend and pinch
your eyes, your head
Your notes are in the sink.

A sharp pencil, an inkblot
a page, few books maybe
You lie down and draw a face
And rub it off "it's crazy"

And you will grow 60
with your desk
bend your head down
like the rest

So before you do
You need to ask

"Can you fly?"
"I want to fly."
Sukanya Basu Feb 2020
I ensambled five Mediterranean men in a vase,
I cut their limbs and the aura it spilled;

Limbless and lifeless they looked pretty in my vase,
I gathered them from the valleys in the south,
And chopped their heads off.
65 · Dec 2020
Sukanya Basu Dec 2020
I wish I met you again.
Where the sunlight scorched and my eyes met yours,
It was unknown and new
But my heart had never beaten faster,
A horse pumping his pumping *******,
A stallion!
And the sweat that trickled down my neck
Longing to only make you mine,
All that adrenaline, all that sweat
I wish I met you again,
We could be foolish and dance in the rain,
Or make silly choices and hop on a train;

How I wish,
I met you again.
64 · Jul 2020
Sukanya Basu Jul 2020
I could be a shaman, and imagine my wife making pancakes
And little children playing around with hand-made kites;

Truest behind dreams that interpret our living,
I have been scrammed inside a 7/9 metal jar
Where the only living creature swimming around
Is imaginary and I call her hope;

People do not advertise money;

And I hoped they did!
Life would be a whole lot easier.
Sukanya Basu Aug 2020
After hours, when I'm home
With less than a man, a dog, maybe a gnome;
I'd like to think that memories kept me alive
But alas! it was the lies,
If I smoke any of those e-cigars,
I might as well choke when I look at the sky
Or she who had no friends,
Or she who met her end;
She who lied about poetry to win his love,
Now pushing e-cigarettes through her spine;

I was alone, Alone as I grew up
I poured my own whisky, I shared my own cup,
I'm Fine, I'm sorry,
I'm alive, and the lies
And the lies piled up like old report cards
Whom did I marry for life?
I'm a pathological liar in disguise;

You said I looked like a painting, I gleamed!
Edward Munch drew me, I screamed.
Sukanya Basu Apr 2020
I'm dying on a sunday, mother
My Church is closed, and in a heinous sin,
I miss her blue eyes mother

And her lips to begin with.

I'm a poor man's Vincent, mother
I drew parallel lines on a tree
I skipped the sermons, mother

I skipped to play hide and seek

I'm living in a blue shack, mommy,
There's a bad man with yellow eyes

He's taking me away, mother
It's a place called Paradise.
63 · Dec 2018
Sukanya Basu Dec 2018
The hills are calling out to me
It's time i gathered my belongings'
I'm a young traveller,
A kindred spirit
It's to you I call out no more,
I travel alone
I travel the seas,
I travel the noise,
I travel the desert
I travel without a choice
And once I travel, there's no turning back
I am my own wolf pack,
I'll get lost in the woods and leave no clue

One find day, you'll lose my track.
62 · Oct 2020
The fire marshal
Sukanya Basu Oct 2020
There is a town sir,
It has grown feeble and old,
It has lanes and dreams
That had liquor in them when it sold;
And a red house
That beats like a hurricane
And a woman with pearl locks
Has the door engraved with her name;

She had left sir,
The house had caught fire
I am in search of a fire marshal,

I am no liar.
61 · Jul 2020
Sukanya Basu Jul 2020
Today I smoked *** and looked at the sky,
My mind slowly went to Neverland
Somewhere between never it's gonna be,
Neverland, never who,
I would never find people who are true,
I went to the pit of the universe and thought
About a mermaid who swam like me
She got dumped in the sand
And was forced to turn into a man under the tree,
To wake up with a warm cup of tea
Who are you
And am I me,
Whoever thought that memories weren't easy
It isn't dear man,
I will cry and tell you
Who can be
And who can't
You aren't part of my memory
Why are you in black and white
You seem sad and important
But I have no place for you in my life
I could cry and mop and compare my trigger
With a sad friend
But who has got time for friends
Or for people who use you like  a bag of ****
Whom are you living for
Grow up, men aren't born with wings
I am about to tell you to be a man and go get drunk,
You aren't a christmas holiday, your life isn't fun
I am gonna trigger a bullet young man,
I am sorry that I couldn't make it through
If I feed my brain a bullet
And make it through the end,
Maybe in the next life,
We could be friends.
61 · Apr 2020
Sukanya Basu Apr 2020
Can you water my lilies,
And let them grow through summer?

I'm a Nymph of the sordid taste,
My ***** is meek from your gnarly breath;

I must run, I must really

Your tongue decollates my vindictive ears,
You selfish, beautiful boy!

Let me grow my Lillies

Let me grow them near your wagon,

I have lost my naive lips
To a grotesque man.
60 · Jan 2019
Sukanya Basu Jan 2019
I sleep walk through stars
A galaxy of madness,
And to think i would forget fetishes of the heart

Mother, I'm sorry

I shall sleep walk through the ruin of my rose
Plucked by none,
This is what i chose

I shall sleep walk, father
I bow down to none,
I'm growing young but growing sad

It's empty by the crack of dawn
I beg feelings to arise
And i shall sleep walk
through the night

In the midnight lurking, my deepest fears.
59 · Apr 2019
Sukanya Basu Apr 2019
My love is unconventional,
I cannot love thee to the depth, breadth and height;
I would complain about trivial things such as patterns of socks
Or the moral conventions of Czechoslovakia;

As If I'd love thee
Whereas my mind travels to certain clouds of pink

In imagination, I lose myself,
I'd not compare thee to a rose, or Victorian strategies of pleasing
the opposite ***;

I'd hurt you,
I'd make you a slave of my pain and pride

For it is how,
I love thyself.
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