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Yazad Tafti Nov 2021
mid life random sins
nourishing grins passed on by wire strung tins
kindle blasphemy and spindle fibre monstrosities
for you for you
we have split divinity into
the depth, the crevice, the unexplored catacomb
for you for you
i have split divinity in two
Yazad Tafti Nov 2021
you are a beautiful butterfly
but you are kept on display in a case
stamped down, encased, preserved
only to see light when the fascinating fingered pages are opened
of your family characterizing novel

you are a butterfly
i am an arachnid
a slik dress i have woven for you
shaped for you
enlarged for you
for you to fly in to my dressed web
as i spin you round as your ballerina persona dictates
to clothe you
to bundle you
to dress you
as i prepare to eat away at your butterfly insides
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
scar my heart so i will know every wound
that i could never mend

scar my soul so i could recall life's every downfall and crevice

scar my face and you ****** up
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
what it is like to pick a flower
a nourishing azalea exotically scouted in the temperate air
allow your pollen to drip over me because
honey you drive me mad

what is it like to whisper you nonchalant name
allow my vowels to amble their way into your RSVP'd
listeners lounge
aromas fill the air
your name is my lyrical content
to sing and leave you content
your voice heard through every continent
you're always the most indulged content
avec toi, je suis contente

what is it like to pick a flower
and give you a smile
as this temperate azalea is spotlighted under you
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
you know that feeling when your insides ****,
when gastric juice is old and the bleach is just as acidic
i got a reef knot in my stomach
every thread touched just makes it choke a bit more
every lace pulled
every yarn stretched
cystic fibrosis is in my stomach
i have swallowed the pacific ocean
and the yellow you see in the water is not the sun
but the bleach which the wind tugs
bleach which erodes every emotion
sodium hypoclorite which devours and channels its way through
in my bleach filled intestines
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
when everything slips through the pores
when the crevices are not suffocated from the atmosphere
when the cast becomes a river and the river turns into a lake
when you see everything flow up and away from you
from a cardinals flight path
although your ship is not meant to sail on these waters
land a hoy! it is just a pit stop in the journey
your dreams and aspirations are liquid epoxy
and you just lost the whole batch to a unsealed
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
what is it like when a bird has wings
feathers kerneling off its delicate twig wings
what is it like when a bird can't fly
when it's silk feathers cannot grasp the air
and elevate

what a sight to see as a bird takes off
making the sky its new nest
twigs branches and pine needles
so delicately poking the air and the air pokes back
the wind beneath it's wings
now that is a friend always welcomed under my arm
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