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104 · Dec 2019
Dario Dec 2019
It's crazy to me
Someone who came to be
So beautiful
Her eyes alone are a scenery
Causing unwanted imagery
I'm not talking about ******
Just visions of you and me
Hanging out
A smile so gorgeous, have an atheist say "*******, that's the first angel I've ever seen"
A personality so out of this world, have a priest speaking blasphemy
This alien girl living in secrecy
And just from seeing I'm loving your energy
Stories of just you and me
Dreaming of making memories
Never wanting to be enemies
98 · Nov 2019
Get away
Dario Nov 2019
We can get away
Palm trees, beach views
Just another day
Showing that I love you
Listening to the rain
Aslong as I'm next to you
When you are around
Is when I feel at home
Look Ma who I crowned
A new Queen for the throne
Laying on the ground
Aslong as I'm next to you
Look at just how far
The way I feel about you
We can go to Mars
Or back down to the moon
Looking at the stars
Aslong as I'm next to you
85 · Oct 2019
Dario Oct 2019
To me she is both,
The raging fire that keeps me going,
And the gentle waters that keeps me calm,
She is always more and never less
To have meet her, I am blessed
To have been with her, her heart I possessed
To hear or feel her, went away the stress
In my head this is the woman I want to marry
To think this, 22 I must be crazy
I'm young, I got my whole life ahead of me
And she does too
Here's my heart, a gift to you
I'd give my life for her
But would she too? Does she think the same?
To hear those words from her, I broke into pieces and I couldnt pick up the mess
People tell me to give it time but I long for her and no one else
Is this what it feels like to be depressed
Let out all my feelings, till theres nothing left.

— The End —