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Sometimes he let his eyes rest on hers, it needn't have been painful,
but it strangely was.
He broke a lifetime of avoiding eye contact to show her.
She was worth overcoming obstacles for.
 Mar 2014 Steven Muir
You say-
be gentle with me
and when I am
you move my hips and make my hands a bit rougher

until i am scratching at the skin on your chest
like I am trying to force my way inside you
but instead you’re just inside me

you told me not to pull up your shirt
or touch anywhere below your ribcage
because you have secrets you are not ready to share
and I will be patient of that

because you have more to offer than just
the holes in your stomach or
the bags under your eyes or
the disease in your veins and DNA

you are more than the hour and a half effort it takes you to shower
and not being able to eat if you want to see me

you are much more than the
skin that sticks to your bones

and I don’t know how to tell you that
My life for your life
I'd rather die for you
Than live without you
 Mar 2014 Steven Muir
12:53 am
full bottle of pills
I'm about to take
please don't try to wake me
there's no point in trying anymore
I'm pathetic and nobody gives a ****
tired and sick of living this way
I gave up
six pills down
fifty three left to go
came across my old journal and found this
 Mar 2014 Steven Muir
Tana Young
Sleep is my greatest misfortune,
sleep...? Is my aberrant torture
Never been consumed by something like this before
My body is at war, overwhelming gore
My eyelids are folding over my body
As I roll into my flesh bed
I'm forced into a slumber,
my eyes are obliged to unnaturally stay vexed  
I dream... or am I graveled?
My intellect is gulled, it affronts,
it soars into my heart
This is infernal, am I dreaming, or am I awake?
A vulture took my brain and put it on a stake
I took the "dream" and buried it all around
As I come back from my excursion
I am hampered, not manumitted  
I'm underground
 Mar 2014 Steven Muir
alexis hill
just pop
another Xanax

right behind
his back

he doesn't
like the

they make
me act,

he doesn't understand
the anxiety

lack of
the feeling
of security

it seems to
me theres
no safety

doesn't matter
how you
hold it
turn it sideways
or mold it

there's no way
to control

I finally
saved up
enough trust

but told
me they
were completely
sold out of it

and every time
I try to build
and believe

somehow the
foundation just
rots like wood
and crumbles like

I'm so alone
I need relief

reflect on
just help...

underneath my
I hide
my scars

- I wear them
and some have

some remain
like I'll never be
able to erase them

a daily
of the loathing
and perpetual self hatred

and they say
I'll make it.
but I see how
it's wearing them down
so I'm just going to fake it

till my smile breaks it
just wishing they would
understand all of this...
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